

6921 Uppsatser om Lower primary school - Sida 31 av 462

Attityd till högre utbildning och studieengagemang bland gymnasieelever på landsbygd : Attitude to higher education and study engagement among high school students in a rural community

The present study examined high school students? attitudes to higher education at university/college and their study engagement in an industrial town in klarälvdalen in the county of Värmland. The main research question was whether there are any differences between students in vocational and theoretically oriented programs regarding their attitude to higher education and study engagement. The results was also compared with a study with the same research question conducted in Countryside town in fryksdalen, Värmland county to see whether attitude and student engagement differ between high school students in different parts of Värmland. The method used was quantitative with data collected by using questionnaires.

Norrberga Skolmodell- En ny modell av skola : Vad några elever i sjätte klass tycker om sin skola

This study titled School Model of Norrberga- a New Model of School. Some opinions that six pupils in the sixth grade have of their school is an explorative study. The purpose of this study is to some extent explain the ideas behind this quite spectacular model of school and the intentions of the City Council of Norrberga as they decided that all the schools that were to be renovated or built in the town of Norrberga had to follow a specific script.   As I first visited The Moonlight School I was puzzled. How do the teachers work it out? But, above all: Do the pupils work it out? What do they think about their school? When I was to write my final essay I wanted to try to sort this school out in more scientific terms. There is a nice, warm atmosphere at the school and the pupils make good results.

Är alla föräldrar lika välkomna i förskolan? : En studie i hur samkönade föräldrapar upplevde deras barns start i förskolan

The purpose of this study is to see a display on how family, gender and sexuality are produced in four same-sex parents? stories about their children?s pre-school start. The question formulations that have been used were aimed to find out what expectations and concerns parents may have on the pre-school organization, if the parents have any saying regarding the organization, if the pre-school have worked with equality and how they have been treated as a family. The method used is a qualitative study based on interviews. Four lesbian women have been interviewed on their experiences of their children?s pre-school start and after finishing the interviews the content has been analyzed from different viewpoints found in the material.

Spindeln i nätet : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers möjligheter och hinder i arbetet kring elever som har föräldrar med alkohol- eller annat drogmissbruk.

The aim of this essay was to describe how school social workers can help and support students with parents who abuse alcohol or other drugs. We wanted to see how school social workers room for action is presented and how it affects their work with students living with parents who are abusing. We used a qualitative method to elucidate how school social workers handle this issue in a more profound way. By conducting semistructured interviews with six school social workers in one province in southern Sweden we gained exhaustive and detailed answers. In the analysis we used street level bureaucracy and theory of recognition.

Immunokastrering av hangrisar :

Active immunization against gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is an alternative to surgical castration of male pigs to avoid boar taint. The aim of this study, including 128 pigs, was to evaluate the effect of a GnRH-vaccine Improvac® on performance and on social and sexual behaviour. Male pigs were assigned to three treatments; surgical castration at four days of age, immunization against GnRH and no castration. Vaccination was performed eight and four weeks before slaughter. Surgically castrated male pigs had significantly lower daily weight gain during the suckling period than entire male pigs (235 vs.

?Vissa kan man lita på mer än andra? . En studie i gymnasieelevers källkritiska bedömningar

The main purpose of this master thesis is to examine how high school students think when they independently are evaluating information for a school assignment. We examine what types of sources they use, and what their reasons are. Besides that we also examine what sorts of criteria they use when evaluating if a source is usable, and if there are any other factors that can have an influence for their choice of material. We have done a qualitative study with 23 students, where the students wrote down their answers in a questionnaire containing wide open questions. We have created our own tool for analysing the material by extracting the most general things in our chapter of earlier research, concerning the three questions which our study is based on.

Svårighet blir möjlighet : Skolbiblioteket som pedagogisk resurs för elever med läshinder

Since reading difficulties is a growing problem in Society and a problem that hinders Children to take an active part in every day life, I wanted to investigate how the School Library can be an educational resource for students with reading difficulties. Using qualitative interviews, I have gained insight into how three school librarians and two teachers work with Students with reading difficulties at two different Schools.The Respondents feel that they have the Knowledge necessary to work with students with reading difficulties, but Wish they had more Resources in terms of Time and Staff to help Students achieve School Goals even better. There are always new assistive technology for Students with Reading Difficulties, and an important part of the Educational work of the School Library, is to be informed of the Facilities available and how they work. I show, in my Research the importance of cooperation between school libraries and teachers to provide the students with reading difficulties the love of reading and work to promote reading. It is important that the School Librarian is an integral part of the School's Team to take full advantage of every opportunity to help the Reading Impaired Students with Information and finding the right Reading Level.

?Dom som mår dåligt måste få må bra? : En studie av skolintroduktionen för nyanlända flykting ? och invandrarbarn på två skolor

Subject: The Teacher Training Programme, Degree Project in Educational SciencesSödertörn University CollegeAutumn Term, 2006This study titled, Those who feel worst, need help to feel better, is a Degree Project in Educational Sciences for the Teacher Training Programme at Södertörn University College. The purpose of this study is to find out how school introduction for newly arrived refugee children is organized in two schools, considering the fact that many refugee children can suffer from PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The study is qualitative, based on interviews with principals, teachers and students in one junior high school and one high school. The study also reviews literature and research on how to work with children who suffer from PTSD. The results show that lack of national policy for the school introduction and education of refugee children, leads to the fact that school introduction can vary from school to school.

Nyanlända elever i fritidshem : En kvalitativ intervju om fritidspedagogers arbete med inkludering

The purpose of this study was to examine how pre-school teachers in Montessori inspired and traditional preschools can work with build and construction with the older children, and what views the pre-school teachers might have on the subject.  The study was implemented through qualitative semi-structured interviews with pre-school teachers. The investigational method was chosen due to the fact that I wanted to gain knowledge about the pre-school teachers? views and perspectives on build and construction activities, and how they might work with it. Another reason was to examine how the view on, and the work with build and construction can resemble and differ between Montessori inspired pre-schools and traditional pre-schools.The result shows that there is both similarities and diverseness between the Montessori influenced pre-schools and the traditional pre-schools, when it comes to how the pre-school teachers reason and work with build and construction.

Uppfattningar om utevistelse i förskolan : En fenomenografisk analys

In this examination paper I?m using the qualitative method: phenomenographic analysis to present twenty educated and working pre-school teachers opinions about being outdoors in Swedish pre-school. The purpose is to describe the variation between different pre-school teachers? opinions, not to focus on wrong or right.    The paper starts with a review over the opinions presented by the literature on the subject.

Fysisk aktivitet på Fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av fritidspedagogers uppfattning om fysisk aktivitet

The aim of this work is to investigate what after-school teachers from various schools and after-schools feel about the importance of physical activity. But also how they work to stimulate and support children/pupils physical activity development in the after-school center.The work also highlights health from a physical perspective. The study provides a historic look of the conditions for the after-schools. Through qualitative interviews I want to find out how the after-school pedagogue thinks of physical activities importance for the health and development of the children. How they work with their new assignment Lgr11 to be a supplement to school.

Kurs i projektarbete : Elevsyn på kursen och mina egna tankar om ett alternativ

This study has been performed at a smaller high school and with its industry students, the high school is located in a small industrial community. The purpose of my study has been to find out what students think about their work with the project work, what they think has been positive and negative, how their motivation is influenced by the work on the project and if the work has been affected by factors outside the school world.The interviews have been carried out like normal conversation with open questions. The students who participated in the study comes from the school where I did my internship. The selection was done by asking all students from a specific course, those who were positive to participate are also the ones I have chosen to interview. My main study results, in summary, described as the students, once they were inside their work were positive to the project work and felt motivated in their work. Negative experiences, for the students which attend a practical program, has mainly been economic, as the school does not provide any financial support.

Informationsasymmetri och redovisning till verkligt värde - en studie av nordiska fastighetsföretag

This thesis aims to investigate the information effects of fair value accounting in Nordic real estate companies. As a consequence of the mandatory IFRS adoption in the European Union in 2005, listed Nordic companies are allowed to recognize investment property at fair value in accordance with IAS 40. Theory suggests that fair value accounting should lower information asymmetry. Therefore, this study aims to examine correlation between fair value accounting of investment property and information asymmetry on the stock market. To investigate this, we use bid-ask spread as a proxy for information asymmetry and examine Nordic real estate companies before and after the implementation of IFRS.

Kunskap, ordning och krav : Liberalism och konservatism i Folkpartiets skolpolitik

This paper examines the ideological content of the compulsory school policy of the Swedish Liberal Party. The aim of the study is to investigate whether the Liberal Party does really represent a liberal policy for the compulsory school, or if it is more accurately described as conservative. The analysis is carried through by two separate critical examinations of the Liberal Party motion on school politics to the parliament and the Conservative Party motion on school politics to the parliament respectively. A comparison is then made between the ideological contents of the two documents. The specific party policies are linked to universal definitions of liberalism and conservatism with the help of an analytical tool consistent of a series of educational philosophies.

Veingeskolan F - Undersökning av inomhusmiljön samt en konstruktionsmässig utvärdering

Title: Veingeskolan F - Investigation of the indoor environment and a structural analysisMethod: Complete analysis of structural drawings to determine if the school have been constructed correctly. In my teorethical studies of the drawings I must seek out points that may have been damaged from moisture, this contains a full survey of the foundation, walls and ceiling. To strenghten the data collected from the drawings I must visit the school and do field investigations to find out if the school has any problems with the indoor environment.Analysis: I determined that we had some damages on specific places, these damages was caused by leaking roofs, a carpet that was tarnished by strong sunlight in connection with some type of glue and also the ventilation that may have been drawing malodorous air from a shaft in the foundation.Conclusion: I was able to see that the decision to demolish the school was quite drastic, if the county would have done continuous fixups on the construcion when the employes had complained maybe the action to the tear the school down would have been unnecessary. The lack of communication between the two parts lead up to the decision to demolish and build a complete new school..

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