

6921 Uppsatser om Lower primary school - Sida 17 av 462

Små mängder primärprodukter : vad innebär det?

In article 1.2 c) EC regulation 852/2004 it says that the regulation is not applicable to producers who directly supply small quantities of primary products to the final consumer or to the local retailers who in their turn directly supply the final consumer. An almost identical regulation can be found in article 1.3 c) EC regulation 853/2004. The supply by a primary producer of small quantities of primary products, of animal origin or not, are consequently excepted from these two hygiene regulations. In article 1.3 EC regulation 852/2004 and article 1.4 EC regulation 853/2004 it says that the member states are to establish national rules in their national legislation as to the regulation of exception for small quantities. The aim of this study was to investigate the handling of small quantities of primary products distributed locally in Sweden but also the handling of these products in other countries.

Den globala uppvärmningen i skolans läromedel : En jämförande studie av sponsrade och förlagsutgivna läromedel

Today the talk about global warming and climate change are on top of the public agenda. There for schools and schoolbooks also debate the issue of global warming. A newcomer on the school stage is the sponsored school materials that studies show to be a growing phenomenon. In a debate like that of global warming which is filled with uncertainties and so much political and economic interest, I find it interesting to study how these schoolbooks talk about the issue.In my study I have tried to analyze and compare how school materials for primary school discuss the phenomenon of global warming. I have compared two different types of schoolbooks.

Skolor i förändringsarbete - en enkätstudie genomförd på två skolor med fokus på känslan av sammanhang hos de anställda

Background: Daily news reports of school violence, bullying and harassment are common. The school has developed into an arena which has been exposed into a growing unhealthyness. Paradoxically, financial resources decreases while demands on school staff increases. How does school staff and personal cope with these demands? Aim: We sought to study sense of coherence among school employees in two schools; a comparison between one health promotional school and one school in the process of working with health promotion.

Därför flyttar vi till Nyköping : En studie av Nyköpings kommuns positiva flyttnetto

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the primary school, from the teacher?s perspective. There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and about the purposes of assessment for a long time. But there is a paucity of research on what teachers believe about. This study examined primary teachers? beliefs on major purposes of assessment.Assessment is the process of gathering and interpreting information about students? learning.

Nyanlända föräldrar och den svenska skolan : om relationen mellan lärarna och nyanlända föräldrar

This study rises up an untouched area of ??research where the relationship between newly arrived parents and teachers is examined from a structural perspective. Previous research has looked only at the interaction between parents and teacher; this study is thus a theoretical contribution to the research. The aim of the study is met by examining the perceptions newly arrived parents have of their meeting with the Swedish school, the relationship with their children?s teacher, cooperation, collaboration between home and school, as well as their own influence in their children's learning.

Skolmognad utifrån förskollärares perspektiv

Preschool belongs to Lpo-94. School readiness can interprets in different kind of aspects, then you can not found any goals to reach in Lpo- 94 for the pre-school, which preschool teachers can relay to. There are comprehensive goals for the nine-year school in Lpo- 94, about which knowledge the student should have for the fifth grade. Purpose of the studie is to examine preschool teachers understanding of the phenomenon school readiness. Qualitative interviews by preschool teachers in south and middle of Sweden has been carried out and a hermeneutic analyse has been used for a deeper understanding of pre-school teachers interprets of school readiness.

Lekstuga eller arbetsplats?: En studie om betydelsen av skolbibliotek för ungdomar i år 9.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the importance of a school library for youths, age 14-16, from their perspective. We intend to study how they use and experience the school library both for educational- and leisure related purposes. We also intend to inquire their possibility to influence their school library. The literature that has been used consists of material from research concerning youth culture and school library.

Bibliotek + skola = sant? : Föreställningar och föreskrifter om samarbete mellan folkbibliotek, skolbibliotek och skola samt om barns läsning

AbstractIn this master´s thesis I primarily investigate librarians´ and teachers´ conceptions of collaboration between libraries and schools and their conceptions of childrens´reading. Secondary I investigate the contents of laws concerning libraries and schools and also the school curriculums concerning the subject field of the Swedish language. My theoretical point of departure is that of social constructionism. I use two models in my analysis. One is a model of collaboration created by Patricia Montiel-Overall, called TLC (Teacher Librarian Collaboration), which grades collaboration from the lowest level (A) to the highest (D).

Blivande folkskollärare : En social rekryteringsstudie av inskrivna män vid Karlstads folkskollärarseminarium

The main purpose of this essay is to interpret possible pattern in social extraction, among future male elementary school teachers, at Karlstads elementary school teachers seminar over time. The questions that intend to concrete the purpose, and describe the possible pattern of social backgrounds are following; Where do the future male elementary school teachers come from? How the social recrutiment is divided in professional categorys, and is there any distinction in the pattern of social recrutiment over time? Which social groups were represented at Karlstads elementary school teachers seminar between the year of 1860-1940, and how they were divided.At the categorization of occupation, class- and social belongings I´ve used Sten Carlssons theory of professional categories (the social transformation in Sweden after 1866) which also was used by Kerstin Skog-Östlin in her dissertation Pedagogical control and authortity.The changes in the pattern of social recruitment of male future elementary school teachers were following; the proportion of students with agricultural backgrounds has decreased between the year of 1860 and the turn of the century. Further there was a substantial reduction of students with agricultural backgrounds between the turn of the century and the year of 1940. Students with agricultural backgrounds had the lowest represented frequency according to the investigation.

Ekonomistyrning i primärvården - En jämförelse mellan privata och offentliga utförare

The aim of this thesis is to analyze and explain the similarities and differences in management control between a private and a public primary care company. A comparative case study was developed based on one public and one private primary care company in Stockholm County Council. The framework of Otley (1999) was used to define and limit the area of management control systems, according to his five factors. For the analysis of the empirical results Hood's (1995) seven doctrines of New Public Management was applied, and customized to fit the purpose of the study. The results indicate that the differences between the two organizations are very limited.

En kvantitativ studie om lärares inställning till och arbete med Nationella Prov : En enkätstudie i syfte att beskriva lärares uppfattning av huruvida NP bidrar till likvärdig bedömning och ökad måluppfyllelse i mellan ? och högstadiet.

The level of increased central government that we have experienced during the last decades in school, for the purpose of increasing equality and to adapt the Swedish school to a certain international standard, clearly shows that increased control scarcely leads to improvement.The aim of this paper is to examine whether teachers believe that national tests contribute to equivalent assessment and increased goal attainment. Furthermore the teachers? attitude towards and work with national tests is described. The paper is written from a school improvement perspective, where good examples from current research on what creates increased quality in school meaning increased goal attainment and equivalent assessment are related to research on school effectiveness and increased testing in schools. The study builds upon a quantitative survey among teachers in upper primary - and secondary school in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden.The result shows that the teachers have a somewhat more positive than negative attitude towards national tests, as a whole.

Skolbioprojektet i Kungsbacka - en etablerad verksamhet?

This thesis is an attempt to study if the school cinema project in Kungsbacka is an establishedactivity. Qualitative interviews have been performed with the cinema owner, the projectleader and a politician of the municipality, about their views on the project. Teachers andpupils have also been interviewed. In the case of an established activity, the thesis also attemptsto answer what causes have contributed to such an establishment.The study shows that the school cinema project is an established activity in Kungsbacka andthat all parties involved are satisfied with it. The project has guaranteed the cinema's existence.According to the thesis, the reasons for the establishment are that govemment funds enabiedthe project to initiate.

Idrottslärares syn på kunskap och status inom idrott och hälsa : en intervjustudie med idrottslärare

The purpose of this essay is to examine how some individual PE teachers view knowledge and what they think about the status of physical education whitin the school. The method used in this examination was both sudies of literature and a qualitative investigation. Six PE teachers, from three diffrent schools in Sweden, were interviwed from a phenomentographic research approach. I made the analysis from a sociocultural approach. The result indicates that th teachers had difficulties to describethe conception of knowledge, but that the pupils/students achieve knowledge in physical education.

Avstånd och användning : en jämförande studie av lärares använding av skolbibliotek i undervisningen

The purpose of this Master thesis is to examine whether there is a connection between distance to the schoollibrary and the extent to which teachers are using it as an integral part of their teaching. The study aims to answerif the physical distance to the school library is affecting teachers' ways of working with the library, if it affects thecollaboration between teachers and librarians and finally if teachers that are using a school library outside theschool premises are doing so less as an integral part of their teaching compared to teachers that have access to aschool library within the schools premises.The study is based on qualitative interviews with six teachers in the intermediate stage of the nine-yearcompulsory school, of which three have access to a school library within the school premises and three haveaccess to a school library outside the school premises. The two groups of teachers are compared in order to findout if there is a connection between distance to the school library and the usage of it. Loertscher's school librarymedia program and teacher taxonomy have been used as a theoretical framework.The study shows that the teachers who use a school library within the school premises have a bettercollaboration with the librarians than the ones who use a school library outside the school premises. The studyalso show that theese libraries are an integral part of the teaching to a higher degree.

Avtalsrättens godtrosrekvisit : Särskilt om kunskapskriteriet

The purpose of this study is to investigate, and if possible explain, how background, childhood, and education in a municipal or regional context can affect young peoples? life trajectories.The living conditions for the population in the coastal region Roslagen with its geographical and historical specificities has during centuries largely been characterized by practical crafts-manship. With a growing share of non-permanent residents in the region with demand for help and services, this culture has during the later years been able to prosper. The social reproduc-tion in the municipality also seems to be extensive. In addition to original background, appar-ently the municipality?s service-dominated trade and industry culture has also affected the choice of education and profession of the youth in Norrtälje.

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