

6921 Uppsatser om Lower primary school - Sida 14 av 462

Traditioners roll i grundskoleundervisningen : En studie om hur religiösa traditioner framställs i grundskolans klassrum

This study is about which opinion active teachers are having when it comes to integrate religious traditions and ceremonies in their teaching. The aim is to study the religious traditional ceremonies part and how they are being defined in the Swedish classrooms in primary school. Together with literature, research and the discussion in this study, I came up to a few conclusions of how religious ceremonies will be integrated and how it looks like in Swedish classrooms. In this study of literature and research overview, the literatures are intended to provide an insight about how the Swedish school system went from a Christian education to a school that was separate from the church. In the chapter called Literature and research overview the literatures are written by scientists and therefore this chapter is based on research.

Teachers Perspectives on Difficulties surrounding the Teaching of Global Climate Change in Primary School

To be educated in global climate issues can be challenging for pupils. This may contribute to anxiety and feelings of helplessness. Global climate change may also be a challenge for educators to convey to young learners, f-3. Educators can experience various problems when it comes to teaching about climate issues. The subject of climate change is a broad and complex area, according to the studied material in our thesis.

Gymnasieskolans projektarbete och dess effekt på skolkande elever : En studie kring skolkande gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om kursen ?Projektarbete 100 p?

In this study I have brought up what pupils within vocational training, with focus on upper-secondary school have apprehended about the course ?Projektarbete 100 p? (Project job 100 point). In my analysis I interviewed twelve pupils from upper-secondary school who had 20 % or more truancy during their three years of studying in upper-secondary school and achieved a result to these pupils had problems with absenteeism then primary school. The pupils agreed about the school?s existence but they need schools of practical type.

Primärvårdschefers uppfattning om arbetet med patienter med risk- och missbruksproblem

The Purpose of the study was to highlight the primary care managers' perception of the barriers and opportunities in the implementation of the national guidelines for harmful drinking and alcohol abuse in KalmarCounty. The data was collected by questionnaires which were directed to all primary care managers in the county. The response rate was low, 40%. The data collection was complemented at a later stage with a non-response analysis. To analyze the results implementation theory with following terms were used: wants to, understand and know.

Hur lärare arbetar med tystlåtna elever i muntliga moment : Ett arbete om hur lärare främjar och bedömer den kommunikativa förmågan i klassrummet

The purpose of this study is to examine how primary school teachers work with the oral communicative ability of students who are quiet or unwilling to communicate freely in the classroom. This study aims to answer the question: which methods and strategies are most beneficial for the quiet students and how do teachers discover and assess these students?A qualitative method using semi-structured interviews will be used as the primary means of answering this question. The purpose of these interviews is to document the teachers? experiences working with quiet students.It appears that the teachers interviewed have or have had quiet students in their classes.

Krishantering : Granskning av krisarbete i grundskolan

My purpose in this paper is to study teachers' work in reading and writing in primary school and special school. I want to find out if they use the same methods, strategies and materials to help students learn to read and write. I will find out the answer to my purpose by performing two qualitative observation and two qualitative interviews. Lundberg (2010) is the researcher I relate to during my study. Through observation, I see how teachers work with students in the classroom during a lesson in the Swedish language. During the interviews, I received answers to how teachers work with language, the materials, methods and strategies they use. I found out that teachers use specific strategies when they help their students. They use a work material that is tailored to curriculum in Swedish language and it is based on the phonics method. .

Förbättring av dockning mellan lastvagn och autoklav

At present Getinge can offer a new generation of trolleys that they produced in 2011. The trolley used to Getinge various autoclaves and has the primary task to help the user/sterilization personnel to transport shelves or baskets, with or without cargo, from a packing table to the autoclave. The purpose of this thesis has been to develop a primary solution how the docking process between Getinge trolleys and autoclaves can be improved. The work has in most part followed Fredy Olsson principle and primary construction method. The work has included product research, study visit and development of a requirements specification, to satisfy Getinge, their clients and circumvention products requirements.

Skolan, en arbetsplats att trivas på! : en studie om framgångsrika skolledares syn på lärares psykiska hälsa

Aim and questionsThe aim of our study was to increase knowledge about successful school managers' views on teachers' mental health and their own work regarding this subject.In what ways do the school manager work preventive with measures on teachers' mental health? How does leadership affects teachers' mental health? What factors create mental health among teachers? MethodIn order to answer the questions, we have chosen to use semi-structured interviews. To get in touch with schools that have been successful with their work with the teacher's mental health, we have made a targeted step wise sample where we contacted the primary managers of six randomly selected municipalities in Stockholms län. In total six school managers have been interviewed. The empiric data were thematized and analyzed based on the demand-control-support model. ResultsAll the interviewed school managers agreed to that the concept of mental health is about feeling good, about balance in life and to feel safe.

Lärares syn på arbetet med partikelbegrepp i no-undervisningen

In this study we have interviewed eight teachers about when and how particle concepts should be taught. All of the surveyed teachers argue for an early introduction. This view is also consistent with the scientists on when the particle concepts should be introduced. By an early introduction teachers and scientists consider the age between 6-12 years old. A majority of the scientists and the surveyed teachers use concept of change as a entery point to talk about particle ideas.

En studie av samarbete i arbetslag under omorganisation

AbstractThis paper will examine the co-operation culture in teacher work teams in a primary school currently undergoing reorganization in the Stockholm region. This inquiry is based on qualita-tive interviews with teachers and work team leaders, and is aiming to answer how teachers co-operate during the reorganization process, to find the factors that affect co-operation. Our results show that the two teams practice communication, leadership and participation very differently. Currently there are clear differences in the work team?s tendency to develop and to work with the reorganization process, pedagogic methods, social and emotional awareness and ideological beliefs.

Skolledare och digitala teknologier : En kvalitativ studie i skolledares användning av och tankar kring digitala teknologier, i arbete och för skolan

Today, digital technologies (DT) can be said to play an important role in the Swedish school system. The goal of this essay was to describe DT use by school leaders, in relation to their views on schools? goals and visions, and teachers? and students? use of DTs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five school leaders of secondary schools in Umeå municipality, Sweden. The results show that school leaders? use of DTs center on three key tasks: communication, information and administration.

Utvärdering av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder på Bokelundskolan i Växjö

The purpose with this report is to examine how the implemented energy efficiency measures on Bokelundskolan in Växjö have had impact on the energy use. The measures which have been implemented are, new ventilation system, new heating system, optimized adjustment of the heating system, new windows with U-value 1.2 and lower window height, insulation under windows and in the crawl space. The school's energy use before and after rebuilding has been calculated with the calculation program, Vip-Energy 1.5.5.Calculations of energy use for the school with windows on U-value, 0.9 and 0.7 have also been done. The replacement of windows has been studied from a cost perspective. The conclusion is that the exchange of heat and ventilation system was the biggest contributor to reduced energy use on Bokelundskolan.

Evaluation of animal welfare education in primary schools in Lilongwe, Malawi

Animal welfare issues are not considered as high priority in Malawi, a developing country in south east Africa, due to problems affecting the human population. In Lilongwe, the capital city, education programs are used to increase the awareness of animal welfare issues among primary school children. A study was undertaken to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice of animal welfare in primary school children as well as two different teaching methods for animal welfare, namely humane lessons (HL) and Animal Kindness Clubs (AKC). The gender perspective, in terms of differences in attitude towards and knowledge in animal welfare, was also evaluated as well as the link between domestic and animal violence. The study was performed in collaboration with Lilongwe Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (LSPCA). A questionnaire of multiple choice character was handed out to 249 children aged between 9 and 15 from six different schools.

Gymnasieelevers syn på vuxna i skolan i allmänhet och skolkuratorer i synnerhet

The purpose of this study was to examine how Swedish high school students view school staff members, in general, but in particular school counselors. The research questions focused on getting the students descriptions of the staff members roles and functions within the school. The study was conducted using focus group interviews. The answers were divided into themes and then analyzed using role theory and previous research. The results showed that the students relationships with family, friends and previous knowledge about the staff members in school, affects their willingness to seek the support of school staff members.

Makten att göra sin röst hörd - synsätt i mötet mellan teater och skola

Abstract In the following text we analyse different perspectives in a meeting between a theatre and a visiting school class from grade six in the Swedish Primary School, in order to investigate the conditions for children?s participation and for making children?s own voices heard in professional theatres. Though it is common for Swedish theatre artists to try to understand and interpret children?s perspectives, it is rare for children to be given the opportunity to show their own perspectives in professional theatres in Sweden (Davet 2011 p. 18).

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