

1628 Uppsatser om Low energy - Sida 65 av 109

Ergonomisk och användarvänlig släplift anpassad för skidanläggningarnas och fjällturismens utveckling. : Rapport, examensarbete 2012

Surface lift adapted for today?s user Today?s T-bar lift looks almost the same as when it was launched in 1938, even though a lot has happened in the ski and mountain industries. New equipment has developed without any major adjustment to the lift. Snowboard, sit ski and downhill biking are just some examples of the evolution that demands new seating positions. It?s also very common for families to spend their holidays in the mountains nowadays.

Anställningsbarhet bland unga vuxna - en kvalitativ studie om upplevd anställning

The objective of this thesis was to investigate how young adults view their own employabilityand to see if there was a connection between their view and their social background. Themethod used in the thesis is qualitative with a hermeneutic approach. The interviews includedwere of semi-structured kind. The main result is that respondents in the thesis expressed similarviews on their perceived employability regarding commitment and energy at work, networkingand contacts and job discrimination but there were some distinctions noted regardingtheir view on education and working life experience. The respondents from working classbackgrounds tended to focus more on education than the respondents from middle class/uppermiddle class backgrounds.

Sammanställning och fördjupning av begreppet Smarta elnät: En litteraturstudie

I dagsläget har världen en stadigt växande befolkning och där igenom en stadigt växande energiförbrukning. Med en växande energiförbrukning har det under de senaste åren uppenbarats diskussioner rörande samhällets hållbarhet och miljöpåverkan.  Samtidigt sker det en kontinuerlig teknikutveckling och människan är mer beroende av konstant elförsörjning än någonsin tidigare. Teknologiska framsteg, tillsammans med önskan att sträva mot ett mer hållbart samhälle med hög elleveranssäkerhet, har mynnat ett begrepp kallat smarta elnät.Till följd av att elnätet involverar en stor bransch råder det delad mening över vad som utgör ett smart elnät. Detta har lett till uppkomsten av olika definitioner och modeller av konceptet. I syfte att skapa en övergripande uppfattning har en litteraturstudie utförts för att sammanställa de huvudsakliga områden som utgör det smarta elnätet.

Latent värmelagring i vattenburet uppvärmningssystem med elpanna för byggnadsapplikationer

Latent heat storage is a way to store thermal energy when a phase change material undergoes a phase change. The advantage of latent heat storage is the capability to store more energy per mass unit than other heat storage methods. The most commonly used phase change in latent heat storage is the transition between solid and liquid. Phase change materials can be divided into organics, inorganics and eutectics.In the Nordic electricity market the price of electricity is set every hour by Nordpool spot, which leads to price fluctuations because of changes in demand. The main goal of this report is to create a latent heat storage system in a single-family home and investigate the possibility to save money by charging the latent heat storage system when the price of electricity is low, and discharge when the price is high.The thermodynamic model consisted of a ?tube-in-tube? heat exchanger with phase change material in the outer tube and water as the heat transfer fluid in the inner tube.

Optimism och stress : En enkätundersökning om förhållandet mellan självupplevd optimism och stress

The idea with this study is to examine if there are a connection between how optimistic people are in relation to how stressed they feel. The result from the survey is based on materials from a questionnaire has been sent to fifty persons of varying age and sexes. The questionnaire has also been sent to students from Karlstad University but also to friends and acquaintances. The data is measured with SE- and LOT-tests. The issues concerned in which scope respondents experiences themselves stressed and optimistic and how the connection is between experienced stress and optimism in relation to results on the figure tests.

Jag nöjer mig med godkänt : En studie om elevers mål mot betyget A eller E

Studien grundar sig i att undersöka varför vissa elever ?nöjer sig med godkänt?. Varför väljer vissa elever att sträva mot betyget E och andra mot A i samband med teoretiska prov? Fyra elever på ett yrkesförberedande gymnasieprogram har intervjuats i denna kvalitativa studie för att förstå vilka motivationsaspekter som kan påverka elever i sina studier. Resultatet visar bland annat att elever värderar betyg olika, någon elev tvivlar på sin förmåga att kunna prestera ett A, samt att eleverna påverkas av sina klasskamraters studiemotivation.

Minskande andelar kraftfoder i foderstaten under betesperioden : effekt på mjölkavkastning och betesbeteende hos mjölkkor

Feed costs constitute a large part of the expenses of dairy farmers. Pasture is a high quality feed with a low cost. However, feeding with concentrates has been shown to enhance milk yield (Leaver, 1985; Bargo et al., 2003; Stockdale, 2004). The purpose with this study was to investigate how milk yield and milk composition were affected as the concentrate proportion in the diet decreased. Pasture behaviour was examined to see if the different concentrate levels affected the time cows spent grazing and ruminating.

Gradering av vindkraftslägen i Lerums kommun med hänsyn till infrastruktur och läge

The aim of this master thesis was to find and grade suitable sites for wind turbines in the rural district of Lerum at the reguest of Göteborg Energi. The rural district of Lerum consists of very complicated terrain which was the reason why we picked Lerum.The assignment was achieved by using the software program ArcGIS and its attendant tools. In step 1 an overall analysis was made in order to sort out the least suitable sites. Step 2 consisted of a 3D analysis in ArcScene together with a more precise analysis in ArcMap. As result we found two interesting sites, which met our demands and specific constraints.

Mellan två världar : Möjligheter och hinder med att integrera ensamkommande barn

The purpose of this study is to see what obstacles and opportunities the staff on a residence for unaccompanied children experience when trying to integrate these children into the Swedish society. I was also interested in how the integration of these children worked. I have interviewed the staff with a qualitative method. The result was analyzed with the help of Diaz integration theory and Bauman´s theory "us and them", and also with the previous research in the subject. My conclusion is that integration is a complicated concept that is experienced and interpreted individually. There are both obstacles and opportunities in the work with the integration of unaccompanied children. The result shows me that the schools? role and the legal guardians function should have been better planned and framed from the start.

Gotlands solelpotential

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the electric solar potential on the Swedish island Gotland. The Gotlandic habitations have been divided into four house categories. For each category energy demand, roof area, geographic orientation androof tilt have been decided. Solar radiation data have been collected from the Swedish solar radiation model STRÅNG (STRÅNG, 2012).The buildings characteristics and the solar radiation have been used as input values in common solar formulas, the solar potential for each building category have been summed up to a total electric solar potential for the region.The electric solar potential on Gotland was calculated to 242 GWh/year with solar data from 2010. Gotlands largest city, Visby, is marked as cultural heritage by UNESCO (UNESCO, 2012).

Jämförelse av energiberäkningsprogram för byggnader

Syftet med detta arbete var att studera skillnader mellan de tre energi- och klimatsimuleringsprogrammen IDA Indoor Climate and Energy (IDA ICE), VIP-Energy (VIP) och IES Virtual Environment (IES) med avseende på funktioner, användarupplevelse och simuleringsresultat.Av dessa tre olika alternativ för jämförelse lades störst vikt vid simuleringsresultat. En byggnad ritades upp i programmen med samma indata så långt det var möjligt där resultaten för byggnadens specifika energianvändning (BSE), enligt definition av Boverkets Byggregler (BBR), och årlig energianvändning kartlades. Utöver denna simulering gjordes en känslighetsanalys av indata där flera parametrar ändrades stegvis och resultat för BSE jämfördes med grundsimuleringen.  De parametrar som testades var bl.a. U-värden för klimatskalets samtliga delar, rumstemperatur, ventilationsflöden samt även programspecifika inställningar.Resultat från simulering av årlig energianvändning visade att IDA ICE och VIP båda räknade med en total energianvändning på ca 129 MWh per år med jämlik fördelning både för tillförd och avgiven energi. IDA ICE beräknade BSE till 101,4 [kWh/(m2 år) Atemp] medan VIP räknade med 102,9 [kWh/(m2 år) Atemp].

Några elevers tankar kring ett klassiskt matematiskt problem. : Om problemlösningsförmåga och argumentationsförmåga ? två matematiska kompetenser.

In this thesis we study four groups of students in grade 8, 9 and 10 when they try to solve a classical mathematical problem: Which rectangle with given circumference has the largest area? The aim of the study was too see how the students did to solve a mathematichal problem?The survey shows that students have rather poor strategies to solve mathematical problems. The most common mistake is that students don?t put much energy to understand the problem before trying to solve it. They have no strategies.

Fossilfria godstransporter : En undersökning av alternativ till diesel som drivmedel för lastbilar

Our modern society is in many ways built with and dependent on fossil fuels, which are used for energy production as well as for transporting humans and goods. Without the oil, many of the things we take for granted would not be possible. During the last century, the use of oil has increased steadily and will probably keep increasing as the world population and the economic well-being for many people increase. Since the oil is a finite resource, we will have to find other fuels that can replace it if we want to keep the same rate of development in the future as the availability of petrol fuels will decrease with rising prices as a result. Furthermore, fossil fuels have the disadvantage that they produce harmful emissions when combusted and thus affect the climate and air quality locally and globally.

Allergifritt hus

This report consists of two parts, out of which the first deals with the planning and designing ofa small house in the Swedish city of Huddinge, using the weather conditions of the Swedish cityof Malmö. The house has to be in accordance with the Swedish building- and constructionregulations, as well as with the limitations in energy consumption given.The house itself has to consist of at least two bedrooms, and blueprints of the house, variousconstructional elements, ventilation, sanitation and electricity have to be drawn. Calculations ofthese aspects also have to be made, to ascertain that the different parts function as they should,and that the dimensions are sufficient.The second part is called ?Allergy free home?, and investigates how indoor climate affects us,and whether it has changed during the last few decades. It also makes an effort to see whetherthe increase of allergies and asthma is correlated with possible changes in indoor climate, andwhether technical solutions might help to handle or even decrease the issues arisen.

Systemidentifiering och reglering av en luftningsbassäng på ett reningsverk

A wastewater treatment plant has the task to refine the wastewater from substances that should not be released into the environment. The decomposition process can, in a simple way, be described as follows: micro-organisms breathe oxygen and eat unwanted substances. The environment in which the micro-organism lives is known as sludge and the correct amount of oxygen available in the sludge is important for the decomposition to be effective. The oxygenation of the sludge alone stands for about 30% of the plant?s energy consumption.

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