1628 Uppsatser om Low energy - Sida 40 av 109
Energieffektiv högtalare med trådlös kommunikation
Music today is a big part of a person's everyday life and can influence emotions as wellas initiative and motivation. This effect together with development in technology hasled to that music today is accessible and can be played from a large amount of differentkinds of products. This in turn has meant that the demand for smaller audio playbackdevices is greater than ever.The goal of this project is to develop a concept for energy-efficient speakers withwireless communication that has the ability to obtain and play high quality music. Thespeakers will use the latest available technology and at the same time, using digitalsignal processing, have a low environmental impact through high energy efficiencyand low power consumption. Parallel to this work a pilot study will be conducted tosee trends in listener preference of sound.The result achieves the goals pledged while power consumption in sleep mode is solow that they meet the demands of tomorrow.
Kväveförluster och energianvändning på mjölkgårdar i västra Sverige :
Protecting the environment has with time grown to take a more central role in the society.
Agriculture plays an important role in the society since this sector produces our food. More
thorough research on how agriculture affects the environment is therefore motivated. This
research can be used to improve the agricultural practice from an environmental point of view.
This is something that both the farmers and the consumers can profit from.
This study aims to form the basis for creating environmental indicators for use of nitrogen and
energy on dairy farms. Twenty-three farmers in western Sweden have been interviewed about
their farms, both organic and conventional. They produce milk with different intensity, defined
as the amount of milk delivered (sold) per hectare of arable land.
Utfackningsväggar ur lufttäthets- och fuktsäkerhetsperspektiv : En jämförelse mellan platsbyggda och prefabriceradeutfackningsväggar
The swedish national board of housing, Building and Planning,recommends that all stakeholders in the construction industryperform a moisture control design to make sure that the buildingachieves good moisture resistance. Since June 1, 2006 there are nospecific requirements or quantitative values for air leakage.Although the swedish national board of housing does presentrequirement that the building envelope must be sealed so that theclient?s requirements for specific energy consumption and installedelectric power for heating purposes are met. Despite this, studiesfrom SP shows that few buildings meet the client?s requirements inspecific energy, which increases the risk of occurrence ofcondensation-related moisture damage.This study aims to evaluate curtain walls connections from airsecurity and moisture safety.
Testmetodik för vintertestning av el- och hybridfordon
With gas prices persistently rising, electric and hybrid vehicles are getting more and more common and in recent years several new electric cars have evolved on the market. Although the energy consumption and low emissions are a huge benefit of the electric cars, they inevitably suffer from high prices, short range and time consuming recharging periods. To be able to withstand the competition it is important that electric vehicles not only can withstand general were and tare, but also the harsh conditions that ordinary cars is exposed to in daily usage. The purpose of this project is to develop a test methodology which replicate situations that could appear in daily usage of electric or hybrid cars and to understand the problems related to usage of electric cars in winter conditions. This paper also discusses the major differences between hybrid cars and electric cars.
Det står ?jävlig mamma? skrivet i pannan på mig" : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrar till barn med diagnos inom autismspektrumet och deras vardag
The purpose of the study isto,based on network theory, systems theory and development ecological systems theory,understand parent?sexperiences of having children with autismspectrum, as well as understand the importance of social networksfor the parents. All of the intervieweeswere mothers. The results showed that it is important to parentsto have contact with other parents who are in the same situation as them. Many of the interviewees had a small social network.
Optimering av B-stolpe
Two elementary schools are now being built in Gråbo (in the municipality of Lerum),Röselidsskolan and Ljungviksskolan, which are both designed with solar thermalcollectors for the schools domestic water heating. During the summer while thelargest amount of solar heat can be generated, the activity hence the domestic wateruse in the schools are heavily reduced. Both schools are connected to the local districtheating system which makes it possible to use the solar collectors to deliver heat tothe district heating.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the two systems mentioned above and todetermine which system is more suitable to apply on a school. The building whichconditions were used for this evaluation is Röselidsskolan.A solar heating plant of each system type was dimensioned from the expected andknown conditions of the building. The purpose with the dimensioning was to makethe solar plants replace the ordinary energy source as much as possible.
Fjärrstyrd undervattensfarkost
Two elementary schools are now being built in Gråbo (in the municipality of Lerum),Röselidsskolan and Ljungviksskolan, which are both designed with solar thermalcollectors for the schools domestic water heating. During the summer while thelargest amount of solar heat can be generated, the activity hence the domestic wateruse in the schools are heavily reduced. Both schools are connected to the local districtheating system which makes it possible to use the solar collectors to deliver heat tothe district heating.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the two systems mentioned above and todetermine which system is more suitable to apply on a school. The building whichconditions were used for this evaluation is Röselidsskolan.A solar heating plant of each system type was dimensioned from the expected andknown conditions of the building. The purpose with the dimensioning was to makethe solar plants replace the ordinary energy source as much as possible.
Hållbara energilösningar för Sala silvergruva : En studie av energisystemet och effektiviseringsmöjligheter
Sala Silvergruva AB är ett av många företag som just nu kämpar med höga energi-kostnader. Denna rapport undersöker vilka möjligheter det finns att skapa ett hållbart energisystem i Sala Silvergruva med avseende på ekonomi, miljö samt sociala aspekter. Rapporten undersöker nio tekniker; vindkraft, vattenkraft, solfångare, solceller, pelletspannor, värmepumpar, effektivisering samt lagring av värme från växthus respektive fjärrvärme. Dessa analyseras var för sig med utgångspunkt i tio krav som speglar hållbarhetsaspekterna. I samband med analysen ges rekommendationer angående investering i respektive energilösning. Rapporten mynnar ut i en resultatskarta där det tydligt framgår vilka krav de olika teknikerna uppfyller. Den följande diskussionen leder fram till en slutsats som presenterar vilka åtgärder som bör vidtas i syfte att skapa ett uthålligt energisystem för Sala Silvergruva AB. Pelletspannor och värmepumpar visar sig i nuläget vara de mest uthålliga tekniklösningarna.
Kan detektorer förebygga tågurspårning?
Two elementary schools are now being built in Gråbo (in the municipality of Lerum),Röselidsskolan and Ljungviksskolan, which are both designed with solar thermalcollectors for the schools domestic water heating. During the summer while thelargest amount of solar heat can be generated, the activity hence the domestic wateruse in the schools are heavily reduced. Both schools are connected to the local districtheating system which makes it possible to use the solar collectors to deliver heat tothe district heating.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the two systems mentioned above and todetermine which system is more suitable to apply on a school. The building whichconditions were used for this evaluation is Röselidsskolan.A solar heating plant of each system type was dimensioned from the expected andknown conditions of the building. The purpose with the dimensioning was to makethe solar plants replace the ordinary energy source as much as possible.
Byggnadens andra skepnad : En anpassning för att möta samhällets behov och krav
Population growth leads to an increased need for new buildings, both residential and commercial. The regulations of structural design also changes with time. From a sustainable community perspective it may be profitable if existing buildings, that no longer performs their original function, are reconditioned. Knowledge and understanding of the surroundings of the residence must be available. Regulations regarding accessibility to all has increased.
Stommaterial för villor - trä eller betong?
We have the tradition in Sweden to build villas and houses with a wooden framework. It has become natural for us because we have so much forest in our country. Building with wood has advantages, it is easy to process, but also disadvantages, as it is sensitive to moisture.Finland has long made use of the thermal blocks to build villas. It is a type of bricks that are a bit like a sandwich element, with a core of EPS and concrete on both sides of the core material. The concrete is hollow, so that after the walls has been bricked up you pour concrete into the hollow bricks.The issue of this report is to find out if concrete can be an alternative to wood as framework material in villas.
Hunnebergs Gård ? en förstudie av möjliga verksamheter
Two elementary schools are now being built in Gråbo (in the municipality of Lerum),Röselidsskolan and Ljungviksskolan, which are both designed with solar thermalcollectors for the schools domestic water heating. During the summer while thelargest amount of solar heat can be generated, the activity hence the domestic wateruse in the schools are heavily reduced. Both schools are connected to the local districtheating system which makes it possible to use the solar collectors to deliver heat tothe district heating.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the two systems mentioned above and todetermine which system is more suitable to apply on a school. The building whichconditions were used for this evaluation is Röselidsskolan.A solar heating plant of each system type was dimensioned from the expected andknown conditions of the building. The purpose with the dimensioning was to makethe solar plants replace the ordinary energy source as much as possible.
Modellering och verifikation av hjulupphängning för ett ultralätt elfordon
Two elementary schools are now being built in Gråbo (in the municipality of Lerum),Röselidsskolan and Ljungviksskolan, which are both designed with solar thermalcollectors for the schools domestic water heating. During the summer while thelargest amount of solar heat can be generated, the activity hence the domestic wateruse in the schools are heavily reduced. Both schools are connected to the local districtheating system which makes it possible to use the solar collectors to deliver heat tothe district heating.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the two systems mentioned above and todetermine which system is more suitable to apply on a school. The building whichconditions were used for this evaluation is Röselidsskolan.A solar heating plant of each system type was dimensioned from the expected andknown conditions of the building. The purpose with the dimensioning was to makethe solar plants replace the ordinary energy source as much as possible.
Effektivisering av Byggprocess för PEAB AB Skövde ? Med Fokus pa Fönsterprocessen.
Two elementary schools are now being built in Gråbo (in the municipality of Lerum),Röselidsskolan and Ljungviksskolan, which are both designed with solar thermalcollectors for the schools domestic water heating. During the summer while thelargest amount of solar heat can be generated, the activity hence the domestic wateruse in the schools are heavily reduced. Both schools are connected to the local districtheating system which makes it possible to use the solar collectors to deliver heat tothe district heating.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the two systems mentioned above and todetermine which system is more suitable to apply on a school. The building whichconditions were used for this evaluation is Röselidsskolan.A solar heating plant of each system type was dimensioned from the expected andknown conditions of the building. The purpose with the dimensioning was to makethe solar plants replace the ordinary energy source as much as possible.
Prestandabaserad design genomkonceptuell energianalys : Performance-based design through conceptual energy analysis
This degree project aims to investigate the potential and possibilities for conceptual energyanalyses in the early stages of the design process. Many key decisions are made in theearly stages of a project regarding the shape and orientation of the building. Conceptualenergy analyses can provide the architects with insight regarding different design option?srelative energy performance.As the demands for more sustainable buildings increases, so does the need for earlyenergy analyses. Performing analyses in the early stage requires many assumptions andguesswork which could lead to a large margin of error.The offering from Autodesk is a module in Revit Architecture/MEP and the stand aloneprogram Project Vasari (under development).