703 Uppsatser om Loss aversion - Sida 46 av 47
Lokalbedövning : ett förbättringsprojekt på Hallands sjukhus Varberg
Operationsavdelningen på Hallands sjukhus Varberg har genomfört ett förbättringsprojekt för att se hur flödet med att ge lokalbedövning (blockad) inför operation kan optimeras. Projektets mål var att spara tid på operationssalen genom snabbare byten, förbättra miljön för patienter och personal och samtidigt säkerställa fortsatt god patientsäkerhet och gott bemötande.Jag har valt att göra en fallstudie av projektet för att se hur förbättringsarbetet fungerat och hur gruppens förståelse utvecklats. Jag har gjort en deskriptiv undersökning och utgått från ett kvalitativt angreppssätt. Informationen har samlats in genom deltagande observationer av gruppens arbete och utvärdering av dokumentation.Som lösningsmetod har jag utgått från PDSA-hjulet, (Plan, Do, Study, Act) och tillämpat ett antal olika förbättringsverktyg för att analysera och beskriva verksamheten.I projektplaneringen har jag använt Tonnquists projektmodell. Resultatet har utvärderats genom tidmätningar, en loggbok som förts under testperioden och en enkät för att samla in medarbetarnas synpunkter.
Ha?llbar sockerro?rsodling fo?r etanolframsta?llning i Brasilien : Hur slagkraftig a?r dagens ha?llbarhetscertifiering och kan den fo?ra?ndra mark- och vattenpa?verkan fra?n odlingarna?
Climate changes today are mainly caused by anthropogenic activities and the increased emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere and this has raised questions on how to reduce the usage of fossil fuels. Ethanol is a good alternative to conventional gas and has been used in Brazil since the 1970 ?s. In Sweden several newspapers has written about the poor working conditions on many farms thus making the Swedish company SEKAB design a certification for their ethanol to ensure that it can be considered to be a sustainable alternative.Furthermore WWF has developed a certification tool called Bonsucro in cooperation with Coca Cola, Ferrero group, BP and Shell. This is due to the fact that no global certification tool has been available up until now.
Tame animals in the wilderness : livestock grazing around summer farms in Jämtland, boreal Sweden 1800-2011
The forest and mire landscape surrounding the north Swedish villages have been of fundamental importance through time for the farmers. In the Scandinavian summer farm system the forest and mire pasture was used to its full potential. The system consisted of smaller summer farms some kilometres from the main farm in the village, and were the livestock grazed in the forest around the summer farm. The livestock affect their environment, and grazed forests generally contain a higher biodiversity than an ungrazed forest. The overall aim of this thesis is to understand the impact of livestock grazing on a northern forest ecosystem over a long time period.
Primärenergianvändning av passivhus i Sverige : Med fokus på Kvarteret Trettondagen
The building sector accounted for around a fourth of the total energy usage in Sweden in year 2010 (Energimyndigheten, 2012). Therefore it has become very interesting to achieve a lower energy usage in residential buildings. One way to achieve that is to build so called passive houses. By being very well insulated and have low leakage through the walls, they can reduce the energy usage for heating with a substantial amount. The first passive house was built during the 90?s in Germany; and in Sweden the first passive house was built in Gothenburg 2001.
The pig as an animal model for type 1 Diabetes Mellitus ? with focus on carbohydrate and fat metabolism
Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disorder affecting a range of different mammals, including dogs, cats, horses and humans. Worldwide, 347 million people have diabetes, and the disease is an increasing burden on the world?s poorest countries. The disease is characterised by chronic hyperglycaemia and afflicted individuals experience increased thirst, polyuria and weight loss, sometimes despite increased appetite. Diabetes mellitus is either insulin dependent or non-insulin dependent.
Företrädaransvar enligt SFL
This thesis, in the field of healthcare logistics, has been carried out at Hjärt- och Medicincentrum (HMC) at the University Hospital in Linköping during the fall and spring of 2012/2013. The thesis is done by two students at Linköping University at master?s level within the framework of Industrial Engineering and Management.As Sweden's county councils should not make a profit or loss, it is important that the councils are aware of how much care processes cost. Kardiologiska kliniken at HMC in Östergötland?s county council is one of the clinics that are profitable.
Man nog för jämställdhet? : en studie av Järva Mansmottagning och omvandlingar av hegemonisk maskulinitet i jämställdhetsdiskursernas tidevarv
Equality between men and women has as an ideal won an increasing impact on the contemporary Swedish society and has established as a factor influencing all areas of society from politics to business and private life. The focus of this essay is to explore the impact of equality on hegemonic masculinity and relations of masculinities. The aim of the essay has moreover been to investigate the consequences of an increased focus on men and critique of masculinity due to a growing influence of feminism and women?s movement in Sweden. The study is based on interviews with four members of staff working in a men?s clinic for sexual and reproductive health in Stockholm, Järva Mansmottagning.
Tillåtligheten av drogtester i arbetslivet
This thesis, in the field of healthcare logistics, has been carried out at Hjärt- och Medicincentrum (HMC) at the University Hospital in Linköping during the fall and spring of 2012/2013. The thesis is done by two students at Linköping University at master?s level within the framework of Industrial Engineering and Management.As Sweden's county councils should not make a profit or loss, it is important that the councils are aware of how much care processes cost. Kardiologiska kliniken at HMC in Östergötland?s county council is one of the clinics that are profitable.
Skam - ett sår på insidan.
Vi har valt att belysa skam i den somatiska vården, då vi upplever att det sällan talas om skam som är förknippad med somatisk sjukdom. För att skapa balans i tillvaron och stärka välbefinnandet, den fysiska och psykiska hälsan bör patienten mötas med respekt och värdighet. Sjuksköterskan skall enligt ICN lindra lidande, återställa och främja hälsa, förebygga sjukdom vara öppen inför andra människors värderingar och upprätthålla en miljö där det värnas om mänskliga rättigheter. Vård skall enligt HSL ges med respekt och på lika villkor och den enskilda människans värdighet skall beaktas. Syftet med studien var att belysa patienters beskrivningar av företeelser som leder till skam.
Självförvållad sinnesförvirring : Konsekvenser av att fingera tillräknelighet istället för uppsåt vid gärningar som begåtts under självförvållad sinnesförvirring
This thesis, in the field of healthcare logistics, has been carried out at Hjärt- och Medicincentrum (HMC) at the University Hospital in Linköping during the fall and spring of 2012/2013. The thesis is done by two students at Linköping University at master?s level within the framework of Industrial Engineering and Management.As Sweden's county councils should not make a profit or loss, it is important that the councils are aware of how much care processes cost. Kardiologiska kliniken at HMC in Östergötland?s county council is one of the clinics that are profitable.
Restriktioner av växthusgasemissioner : hur påverkas lantbruksföretagens ekonomi och produktionsinriktning?
The agricultural sector accounts for about 13 percent of the total load of greenhouse gas emissions from Sweden (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, 2007). The Swedish objective to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions with 40 percentage units to the year of 2020, based upon the year of 1990, might imply stricter regulations for Swedish farmers. A regulation or other forms of economic incentives is probably necessary to reduce the emissions originating from the agricultural sector.
This study aims to investigate the economic and managerial impact on two agricultural firms with differing production system given that a constraint on green house gas emissions is introduced. Gases included in this study are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.
Renal dysplasi hos hund :
Renal dysplasia is a developmental anomaly of the kidneys which is considered to be the primary lesion in juvenile progressive nephropathy, a condition leading to chronic renal failure in young dogs. It is defined as disorganised development of the renal parenchyma due to abnormal differentiation, and pathological lesions include persistent foetal structures, dysplastic tubules and cartilaginous and osseus metaplasia. The aetiology of renal dysplasia in dogs is still unknown, but possible causes are infection with canine herpesvirus, teratogenic substances or intrauterine ureteral obstruction. In some breeds renal dysplasia is a familial or inherited disease. Clinical signs of chronic renal failure, such as polyuria, polydipsia, vomiting, weight loss, anorexia, lethargy and anemia, usually appear before the age of 2 years.
Hur skall den totala vårdkostnaden för en hjärtprodukt beräknas? : En fallstudie av tre hjärtprodukter vid Hjärt- och Medicincentrum på Universitetssjukhuset i Linköping
This thesis, in the field of healthcare logistics, has been carried out at Hjärt- och Medicincentrum (HMC) at the University Hospital in Linköping during the fall and spring of 2012/2013. The thesis is done by two students at Linköping University at master?s level within the framework of Industrial Engineering and Management.As Sweden's county councils should not make a profit or loss, it is important that the councils are aware of how much care processes cost. Kardiologiska kliniken at HMC in Östergötland?s county council is one of the clinics that are profitable.
Leopardens underarter och konflikten med människan
Leopard (Panthera pardus) räknas som ett av de fem stora kattdjuren inom släktet Panthera, och är den art av de vilda kattdjuren som har störst geografisk spridning i världen. Med avstånd som sträcker sig från Afrika i väst och delar av Ryssland i öst, är det inte så konstigt att flera skilda underarter uppstått. Som helhet är arten leopard klassad som nära hotad av IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, men flera av dess nio underarter är starkt eller akut hotade. Genom litteraturstudier och statusrapporter från IUCN ges i denna undersökning en kort sammanfattning av hur distributionen av leopardens underarter ser ut i världen, samt vad som utgör deras största hot mot en fortsatt överlevnad. Generellt sett har leoparden många egenskaper som talar för en positiv framtid.
The vertical farm : varför har idén uppkommit och hur är den tänkt att fungera?
By immersion in the situation of the food production today and a historical study of how past development has led us to this point, one goal of this essay is to discuss whether the current way of farming can be applied in a sustainable future. Another objective of the essay is to study the vision Vertical farming as an alternative approach, and to focus on different aspects of this phenomenon in order to provide as comprehensive a picture as possible.The paper, thus, seeks to broaden the views for alternative approaches regarding a well-established method which we often take for granted. The aim is also to initiate a discussion around the need to also take radical ideas in regard if we want to face the future in a sustainable manner. The method is a qualitative literary study where scientific articles and papers have been used to discuss the issues: why has the idea of Vertical farming arisen, what is Vertical farming and how is the Vertical Farm meant to operate? Does Vertical farming have a place in the sustainable city of the future? For a long time us humans lived as one with nature, in a symbiotic relationship in which we gave and took as a functioning part of an ecosystem.