

703 Uppsatser om Loss aversion - Sida 39 av 47

Tätning eller ventilering mot fukt på kalla vindsutrymmen

This study was done regarding whether sealing or ventilation is the best solution to prevent moisture on cold attics. The authors of this report addressed the problem with moisture in attics when they started their cooperation with Peab.The methods included interviews with people, database research, and calculations of a project in Akersberga north of Stockholm. The conclusion is based on interviews and other information as they are analyzed in relation to the house of reference. The focus of this report is on problems with moisture in the attics known as cold attics.The background of the problem with moisture is that today?s slabs are usually insulated to save energy and that the attics nearly gives the climate as the outdoor climate.

Aktieindexobligationer : Småspararens Livbåt på Vägen mot Djupt Vatten?

The main purpose of the essay was to evaluate whether investments in index-linked bonds were suitable investments for smaller investors on the international finance market. To determine whether the index-linked bonds are good investments, the variables yield, cost and risk were used to measure the index-linked bonds against investments in stocks and funds. The reason for the interest in this subject is that investments in index-linked bonds have grown furiously the last few years. With the growth of the investments the criticism of index-linked bonds has also grown stronger. The critics? main point is the cost of the product, and they imply that investors can create their own index-linked bond and thereby avoid the bank fees.This study used a quantitative approach, because all the data of yield, cost and risk consist of numbers.

Bärförmågetillväxt i pålad friktionsjord

Piled friction soil show a set-up which is increasing with the time after installation. The cost could be reduced if the set-up had been taken into account when designing but in Sweden it is very unusual to do that. Previous studies showed that set-up can vary between 25 % and 75 % during the first 90 days after pile installation. This showed that the effect of the phenomenon is difficult to predict. A study involving five projects have been carried out by specifying certain parameters like pile type, method for pile installation and test method for measure the bearing capacity in friction soils located in Sweden.

Kvalitet och ekonomi i utförandet av förstagallring baserat på olika gallrings- och underväxtröjningsprogram :

Stora Enso Skog has a long term contract regarding felling rights and silvicultural activities on forest owned by Bergvik Skog. In the autumn 2006, Bergvik Skog proposed a new thinning program, ?Bergvikgallring?. The new program implied an increased focus on extraction of smaller trees compared to the present thinning program, Stora Enso Skog?s ?Kvalitetsgallring?.

Contortatallens roll för virkesförsörjningen på Holmen Skog, Region Iggesund : konsekvensanalys av fyra hushållningsstrategier för contortatall

Large areas of Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) were planted in the 1970s - and '80s. The purpose of the fast-growing species was to increase growth and with short rotation periods allow a rapidly increased harvest level. Today a large proportion of the young forests owned by Holmen Skog, Iggesund are covered by Lodgepole pine and an active forest management is required to spread the harvested volume over time which is desirable by a market perspective. The purpose of this essay is to investigate the possibility of spreading the harvested volume of Lodgepole pine over time.

Fetmaparadoxen, myt eller sanning hos vuxna med kardiovaskulär sjukdom

Sahlgrenska AcademyAt University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: The obesity paradox, myth or truth in adults with cardiovascular disease.Author: Louise Svensson och Amanda NilssonSupervisor: Fredrik BertzExaminer: Ingrid LarssonProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 30, 2013Background: It has long been generally accepted that obesity is a risk factor for many diseases. Despite this, new research indicates that a higher BMI could be a protective factor for those with a chronic cardiovascular disease. This discovery is called the obesity paradox and could change the perception of patients' BMI in both public health and clinical work.Objective: The objective of this systematic review article is to examine the scientific evidence for the existence of the obesity paradox in chronic cardiovascular disease, i.e. if a BMI >25 kg/m2 is associated with lower mortality among adults with chronic cardiovascular disease.Search strategy: The databases used in the literature study were PubMed, Summon, Scopus and Cochrane. The keywords were: obesity paradox, cardiovascular, heart, male, BMI, intentional weight loss, cardiovascular mortality and mortality heart failure.Selection criteria: Studies, which had an adult population classified after BMI that suffered from chronic cardiovascular disease and had all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality as endpoints, were included.Data collection and analysis: Ten studies were included.

Häxa,offer, moder, revolutionär eller fjortis? : En analys av hur kvinnor framställs pånutida svensk film baserade på originalmanus

Uppsatsens titel: Häxa, offer, moder, revolutionär eller fjortis? ? En analys av hur kvinnor framställs på nutida svensk film baserade på originalmanus Seminariedatum: 2011-05-31 Ämne/Kurs: Filmproduktion 7, examensarbete filmproduktion Författare: Marie Lindberg & Linda Nilsson Handledare: Maj Asplund Carlsson Nyckelord: Filmanalys, genus, kvinnliga stereotyper, originalmanus, svensk film. Syfte: Syftet med vårt arbete är att analysera hur kvinnor framställs i fem svenska filmer med originalmanus och som utspelas i nutiden. Vi vill undersöka vilka tydliga stereotyper vi kan hitta och om det finns ett genomgående tema mellan filmerna. Vi kommer avslutningsvis att se det ur ett producentperspektiv och se vad det kan finnas för konsekvenser av filmerna och hur man som producent i framtiden kan hantera dessa. Metod: Vi har med hjälp av den kvalitativa forskningsmetoden rörlig bildanalys studerat våra fem filmer utifrån ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv. Teoretiska perspektiv: Vår huvudsakliga teori består av teorier kring genusvetenskap, populärkultur samt även stereotyper på film. Empiri: För att besvara frågeställningen har vi analyserat filmerna De ofrivilliga, Du & jag, När mörkret faller, Så som i himmelen och Vingar av glas. Resultat: Det vi har kommit fram till efter arbetes slut är att kvinnor till viss del framställs stereotypt och då ofta på ett negativt sätt. Däremot finns det undantag, då vissa kvinnor startar med att vara svaga under filmens början och utvecklas och växer sig så pass starka att de orkar bryta sig loss i slutet av historien.

V?RMEAKTIVERADE TISSUES P? TRANSPARENT PAPPER En j?mf?rande studie vid revlagning

Works on transparent paper, also commonly known as tracing paper, have been described as ephemeral or temporary working documents and they usually number large quantities in archival and museum collections. They have therefore previously been considered of lower priority and can be found in poor condition due to a lack of treatment or suitable storage prospects. In addition, transparent paper can be very sensitive to moisture and reacts by deformation or loss of transparency. Due to the volume of these works and the necessity of treatment, there is a call for simple and efficient conservation methods. A common solution in archives for the treatment of water-sensitive works on paper has been the use of heat-activated tissues as they can be applied without the introduction of solvents. There is little published about the use of heat-activated tissues on transparent paper and is mentioned only briefly in existing literature.

Förändring av grönområden i Västerås tätort det senaste seklet : Konsekvenser av att grönområden förändras

This thesis was done after a request from the county?s administrative board of Västmanland to provide the board with a better understanding of how green areas have changed within Västerås municipality over time.The purpose and goal of this study was thus to measure and analyze how much of the green areas within Västerås municipality that have disappeared during the past one hundred years as well as to provide a review of previous studies regarding the importance of green areas for humans as well as the biological diversity.In order to answer these questions I have in this study used a combination of a literature study, cartographic analysis as well as a time series analysis. The computer software used to do the measurements of the green areas was ArcGIS which is a geographical information system.In the cartographic and times series anlaysis measurements and analysis was made of the district map of 1911, the economic map of 1950 and the property map of 2011. The measurements show that the municipality has grown with 46,3 km2 over the last one hundred years. New neighborhoods? have emerged and the municipality has expanded.

?Och då måste han iväg, bort, ut liksom!?. En kvalitativ studie om uppbrottsprocesser. Fyra kvinnors berättelser om kampen för att ta sig ur sina relationer med våldsamma män.

Våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer är en allvarlig och omfattande problematik som förekommer i alla länder världen runt, oavsett samhällsklass, etnicitet och religion. Mäns våld mot kvinnor utövas oftast på både fysisk, psykisk samt sexuell nivå. Konsekvenserna är förkrossande för kvinnan och det kan då vara nästan omöjligt för henne att bryta sig loss från förhållandet. Syftet med denna studie är att belysa vad som gör att en kvinna slutligen bryter upp ur våldets mönster och lämnar sin våldsamma man för gott. Vi vill särskilt granska vilka verktyg som gör att en kvinna får rätt förutsättningar till att återskapa maktutövningen över sitt liv.

Eskalerande projekt i offentlig sektor - En fallstudie av polisens utredningsstöd

A large number of system development projects are allowed to proceed for too long, and leads to undesirable project outcomes. Research shows that more than half of the authorities involved reported that at least one of their projects have exceeded their budget, and that a third of all the projects had exceeded the budget. This problem led to the following research question: ?Which factors can explain projects continued escalation within public authorities?? To answer the question, a qualitative case study of the Swedish police?s implementation of PUST, a sort of case management system was conducted. The project received considerable media attention and a large amount of criticism was directed towards the project, partly because the project exceeded the timeframe and budget set at the start.

Soil carbon, pH and yield development in a long-term humus balance trial

Agriculture has to be performed in a sustainable way in order to sustain high yields and to support a globally growing population. Functional soil properties are fundamental for high yields and in order to achieve good soil conditions sustainable management is a key. Loss of soil organic material and increased soil acidity are problems associated with degradation of soils and hence less sustainable agriculture. In this thesis, the effect of different agricultural systems on soil organic matter, pH and yield was examined. The systems examined are a cereal system with straw removal or returning and a ley system, all with different nitrogen levels.

Artrikedom av kärlväxter i övergivna och restaurerade hagmarker : betydelsen av igenväxningsgrad och tid sedan igenväxning började

Continuously grazed grasslands have remarkably high plant species diversity. In Sweden this type of habitat has declined for the last two centuries. Changed land use has caused habitat fragmentation and loss of habitat quality. This has caused a great number of plant species to end up on the verge of extinction. To try to save this unique habitat and the species that are tied to it, lots of resources are laid on restoration of abandoned grasslands. In this study, plant species richness of continuously grazed, abandoned and restored grasslands were related to degree of overgrowth, time since overgrowth started and rate of overgrowth.

Skadestånd vid otillbörlig inkassoåtgärd : en rättsdogmatisk respektive rättsekonomisk analys

Towards the end of the 1960s, the credit financed purchase was well established in Sweden. The Swedish households were able to purchase goods, which had been considered unnecessary, or even luxurious, in the past. On the other hand, effective means to handle the increasing amount of debt and potential debtors were introduced; credit rating was registered, trade with insecure claims increased and if debtors could not fulfil their obligations, the creditors often used harsh or undue methods. By introducing Inkassolagen (1974:182), the legislator hoped to regulate the debt recovery process and ensure the fair treatment of debtors. The legislator also introduced liability for damages caused by a creditor in the collection process.

Inställningar till kostråd hos de med ett viktrelaterat träningssyfte

Bakgrund Övervikt och fetma är ett komplext världsproblem framförallt relaterat till en stillasittande livsstil i kombination med ett högt energiintag. En kostomläggning i samband med träning har betydelse för både viktminskningsresultatet samt risken att drabbas av överviktsrelaterade följdsjukdomar. Det har setts en svårighet i att avgöra vilken kostinformation på internet som ger ett långsiktigt viktminskningsresultat.Syfte Syftet med studien var att studera inställningar till kostråd hos personer som tränar i viktminsknings- eller viktstabilitetssyfte.Metod Till studien valdes en kvantitativ metod där en länk till en webbaserad enkät på 20 frågor delades via Facebook. Datamaterialet bearbetades och analyserades i SPSS version 22. Deltagarna grupperades in i grupperna viktnedgång och viktstabilitet, och undersöktes utifrån frågeställningarna.

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