703 Uppsatser om Loss aversion - Sida 26 av 47
De närståendes resa mot att släppa taget : En litteraturstudie om närståendes upplevelser inom den palliativa vården
Background: People who is close to patients suffering from incurable diseases experiences both suffering and grief. It is hard to be there for someone and at the same time handle your own grief. This can create feeling of anxiety, stress and guilt. Problem: Near related persons might not accept the further loss of someone near, the hope remains until it is final. They may not know the whole width of the situation, not acknowledge to the patient or himself how it is going to end.
HÅLLBART BYGGANDEMED HJÄLP AV BIM : Effektiva energianalyser och LCC
The society strives for sustainable development, in the construction industry it is expressed through sustainable building. Energy and LCC analyzes increases the ability to make conscious decisions in the process. A problem in the construction industry is that energy and LCC analysis is not used to the desired extent, as they are perceived as complicated and time consuming. The report aims to achieve a more sustainable building through increased use of energy and LCC analyzes.The goal is to show how BIM can be used to improve the efficiency of the energy and LCC analyzes.The study was conducted with a literature review and a case study to answer which information that is required in a BIM model to perform energy and LCC analyzes. The study also shows which software can be used in BIM based energy and LCC analyzes and how the analyzes can be carried out efficiently.The result shows that effective analyzes may be performed if the BIM-model contains the relevant information for making analyzes.
Experimentell konstruktion av pickupsystem anpassat för trummor med hjälp av MATLAB
For several years Uppsala University together with several companies has been involved in a WISENET project aimed at improving railway transport security. By placing a sensor system near the wheels of each wagon, the temperature of the bearings can be measured and transmitted to a collector placed centrally on the wagon. This in turn transmits the collected data to RFID receivers placed intermittently along the railway.As the signals are transmitted wirelessly, problems may occur as the antennas get dirty or coated with ice and snow. To determine the effects of these coatings, several tests were performed examining the reflection coefficient S11, the impedance Z11 and the efficiency eta of an antenna, and how they varied when various coatings were placed over the antenna. Examined coatings were ice, snow and water to determine the effects of weather, and various metal-based coatings: powdered iron both pure and partially oxidized, and iron ore granules.
Konservativt behandlad smärta i ländryggen : Individers bedömning av att klara av aktiviteter i det dagliga livet efter utskrivning från vårdavdelning
Background:Alzheimer's disease is a disease that primarily affects the elderly but also younger people. Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia which means that you get changes in the cerebral cortex and cells gradually die. The disease causes memory loss and things that were obvious before will be difficult for the sufferer. Alzheimer's disease also affects next of kin to a large degree; they will have to take a great responsibility. The next of kin are entitled to support from healthcare.Aim:The aim was to highlight next of kin' experiences of healthcare to their family members with Alzheimer's disease.Method: The study was based on narratives, which in this case means analysis of autobiographies.
PReklam? : En kvantitativ studie som undersöker vad gymnasieelever i årskurs 3 förknippar med begreppet PR
Background and aim: Media development and digitalization has expanded the PR industry's working area. More participants are on the media market and it is becoming more and more difficult to define what PR really is and what the PR agencies/departments really do. Is PR marketing, information, event marketing or maybe propaganda? We believe that the complexity to define the term PR can lead to a loss of critical approach to the business, especially among young people. Has the PR industry managed to eliminate their negative image among students in upper secondary school and what do they associate with PR today? The aim of this essay is to examine what a selection of students associate with the term PR and if they are critical to the PR industry or not.Method/Material: The method is a quantitative survey.
Automatisk sparning : - funktionen du aldrig visste fanns
Automatisk sparning i datorprogram underso?ks fra?n perspektivet hur anva?ndare upplever tryggheten till att deras arbete ska finnas kvar na?r de arbetar med en dator, och hur de reagerar pa? en ny typ av design. Det finns ett problem som ligger i hur datorer rent tekniskt a?r uppbyggda, ja?mfo?rt med hur datoranva?ndare a?r vana att objekt fungerar i verkligheten. Nuvarande och gamla dator- program har tittats pa? fo?r att se hur de har lo?st funktionerna kring sparning.
Yngre kvinnors upplevelser av att få en bröstcancerdiagnos och livet därefter
Background: Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the world and it usually affects elderly women. However, there are between 600-700 cases per year in Sweden where women under the age of 45 are diagnosed. Removal of the breast or part of the breast, hair loss, fatigue and nausea as a result of the breast cancer treatment has an emotional and physical impact on the women?s lifeworld. The nurse should build a relationship with the women to identify and meet their needs. Aim: To describe younger women?s experiences of getting a breast cancer diagnosis and life afterwards.Method: Four biographical books were analyzed to match the aim of the study.Result: The findings were that the women experience similar thoughts and feelings when it comes to living with a cancer diagnosis.
Patienters och anhörigas upplevelser och åsikter vid omvårdnaden av Anorexia Nervosa samt olika behandlingsformer
The object with the study of this literature was to describe differente programs of care and patients and relatives experience and opinion about the caring for patients with Anorexia Nervosa. The method the author used was a descriptive literature study based on imperial studies. The studies were based on 15 scientific articles within the chosen field. The results shows that these patients hade special needs to be seen and heard as individuals, involved in their own treatment, and have good contact with the caring staff. The study also shows which methods were mostly appreciated involving nurses, patients and relatives.
Inre och yttre faktorers betydelse för upplevelsen av arbetslivsrelaterade omställningsprocesser
Personalnedskärningar är ett resultat av det pågående oroliga arbetsmarknadsläget. Flera aktörer jobbar idag med servicetjänsten omställning vilket är en hjälp för arbetsgivare att hantera nedskärningar och övertalighet genom att få uppsagda medarbetare att komma vidare i ny sysselsättning. Trots en lågkonjunktur har omställningsarbetet visat på uppnådda lyckade resultat. Studien undersöker och sammanställer individers upplevelse av att genomgå ett omställningsprogram samt undersöker vilka faktorer som har betydelse för individers hantering av stressen i denna påfrestande arbetslivsrelaterad förändring. Tillämpningen av problemfokuserad coping undersöktes bland 71 deltagare som genomgått omställning i antingen kommunal eller privat sektor. Resultatet visade att deltagarna tillämpade problemfokuserad coping i relativt lika stor utsträckning oavsett yrkessektor.
Subjektiva och objektiva jämförelser mellan två benledningshållare, Softband och Adjoin
Background: Bone anchored hearing system is a surgically implantable system for treatment ofindividuals with hearing loss. The Softband is intended for patients who can benefit from a boneanchored hearing system but who are not yet suitable for implant surgery.Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether an adhesive bone conductor, Adjoin, canbe used as an alternative to Softband.Material and Method: Twenty adult subjects with normal hearing participated in the study.Measurement of functional gain and speech intelligibility was performed with Softband and Adjoinwhich then were compared. A questionnaire was answered by the participants after the measurementsthat treated their subjective experiences with each option.Results: The objective measurements yielded no overall difference between Softband and Adjoin forthe group studied. The subjective results showed differences in the perceived comfort as well as whichof the two bone conductors that would be preferred to use in everyday life, with Adjoin being thepreferred option. No difference was detected on participants perceived gain, sound quality and speechintelligibility.Conclusion: Based on the measured results, Adjoin seems to be a suitable alternative to Softband.However, there are questions about how Adjoin works with long-term use..
Dubbskador på Alvestakubb
Mechanical harvesting may result in timber damages leading to reduced saw log quality. The initiator of this study was VIDA ? a privately owned concern operating in the value-adding process industry of forest raw materials. The aim of this study was to examine the type and amount of damages on Alvestakubb caused by the harvester head during the cutting process. The aim was also to compare the damages caused by different types of feed rollers and to evaluate the effects of temperature on damage occurrence.
Integrerad stubbskörd och trädfällning
Denna rapport är ett resultat av ett examensarbete på civilingenjörsprogrammet Teknisk design, vid Luleå tekniska universitet (Ltu). Uppdraget i examensarbetet var att utveckla ett virtuellt koncept för integrerad stubbskörd och trädfällning åt Iggesund Forest AB/Olofsfors AB. I dagsläget sker trädfällningen och stubbskörden genom två separata operationer. Intresset för stubbskörd och skogens totala biomassauttag har idag ökat för att klara av de nya uppsatta EU målen med krav om att minst 20 procent av dagens energianvändning skall komma från förnyelsebara energikällor till år 2020, där skogen utgör en av de största förnyelsebara källorna. De stubblyftningsmetoder som används idag är inte helt optimala och effektiva för att det ska vara kostnadseffektivt att ta hand om stubbarna.En förstudie med en grundlig benchmarking gjordes över de olika stubblyftningsmetoder som används idag för att ta reda på och undersöka vad som fungerar bra respektive mindre bra med dem.
Konstruktion av formkropp pa JAS 39 E/F Gripen
The aim of this work is to develop new conceptual designs for the fairings that are situated between the fin and the rear fuselage on the new version of the JAS 39 Gripen aircraft, called the Gripen E/F. The designs presented should show a profit in the form of lower weight. To achieve weight loss, the possibilities of using other construction materials other than those which are available at Saab today were studied. Therefore, a material survey was carried out in which the market for modern construction materials was studied to get an idea of today?s level of technology.
Man har ju i alla fall tak över huvudet : En kvalitativ studie om natthärbärgets effekter på hemlösas självupplevda psykosociala hälsa
This is a qualitative study, whose purpose is to examine if night shelters effects homeless peoples self-perceived psychosocial health. In Sweden alone there are almost 18000 homeless people, and 12% of them uses a night shelter. The homeless can?t be seen as a heterogeneous group but instead homelessness counts as a state of being in. The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare have done mapping over the homelessness since 1993 and the problem is an important part of what the welfare system has to fight against.
Avspänning som metod ? En intervjustudie om uppfattningar hos olika yrkeskategorier
Different forms of relaxing methods can be used in rehabilitation for individuals with tinnitus and Ménièré?s disease. Research continues to find convincing proof of effects from the different methods. This study presents methods of relaxing, massage and Mindfulness, as possible complementary rehabilitation tools.The purpose of this study was to investigate opinions about relaxing from professionals working with hearing care. A qualitative approach with phenomenological influence was chosen for the study.