

2007 Uppsatser om Local schoolboard - Sida 14 av 134

Vilket ursprung har nyheten som du läser i din lokaltidning? : - En fallstudie i lokaltidningsjournalistikens informationskällor och informationskanaler

AbstractTitle: Where does the news that you read in your localpaper come from? (Vilket ursprung har nyheten som du läser i din lokaltidning?)Number of pages: 45 (57 including enclosures)Author: Elin RantakokkoTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies 30 hpPeriod: Fall of 2007 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: This paper has the aim to make a systematic survey of the information source and channels that local newspapers use. How much space they get in the paper and how the newspaper works with these sources and channels. The front pages of the newspaper are going to be compared with the insides of the newspaper. The reports roles in the making of news are also examined.Material/method: To be able to answer my questions I?m going to use three different methods.

Kampen mot ?machismo?! -en studie av Forum Syds lokala samarbetsorganisationers jämställdhetsarbete med män i Nicaragua

Equality is a central aspect within development work. All development work is expected to be influenced by a gender equalty thinking, and these directions are distributed by the Department of Foreign Affairs, through Sida to Forum Syd and down to the very grasroot level, through Forum Syds local cooperation organisations. The essays question of research is a reflection over empowerment, with other words how international organisations influence other societies understanding of the society dynamics. This aspect triggered my interest for the subject, aswell as the link between aid, equality and men, and how these factors are in need of eachother. My study is mainly build on theoretical starting points, and not on earlier studies.

Politiskt deltagande hos Kanistammen i Kerala: en fallstudie

This study is case study of political participation among the Kani tribe from Kuttichal grama panchayat in the Thiruvananthapuram district in Kerala, India. The study is based on the collected data of 117 people of the Kani tribe living in four different settlements: Pankavu, Mangode-Valippara, Chonampara and Kaithode. The aim of the study is to examine the impact on political participation by different factors, which is done by the use of the quantitative method of cross tables. The study confirms previous studies in its conclusion that high status individuals, defined in terms of education and economic standard, are the group of the highest political participation, when this is defined as being involved in political work and holding a party membership. On the local political scene however, where political participation consists of participation in local assemblies and voluntary work, the impact of the examined variables are very limited.

Nationell naturvård i en lokal kontext : En analys av ett nationalparksförslag i Södra Jämtlandsfjällen

Local participation in nature conservation has gained more attention over the last decades due to international conventions as well as local and national initiatives. This development can be seen as a reaction to a more expert oriented nature conservation characterized by centralized control and strict preservation of so called "original" nature. The overall objective of this thesis is to contribute to research on new forms of conservation where democracy and local participation is included. The case study focuses on the process of producing a pre-study for a suggested national park in southern Jämtland in the Swedish mountain region, and aims to investigate to what extent local participation was included. The pre-study was led by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) and the County Administrative Board (CAB) in Jämtland.

 Vilka mål står till grund för planeringen av NO-undervisning för de tidiga åldrarna?  : En undersökning med lärares uppfattningar i fokus.

 This study aims to deepen the understanding of which opinions and perceptions the teachers in the study have about the national goals, as well as local, when they plan their lessons in science studies for the younger ages. We wish to illustrate which goals these teachers find most important, their opinions on how they use these and how the different goals affect their design of teaching. The study also aims to examine which syllabuses, national or local, the teachers believe have an effect on their planning. Data were collected by interviews with four teachers, combined with questionnaires sent to 25 teachers teaching in science studies in forms 1-6. To analyse the data, key terms from Vygotsky and a sociocultural theory was used, such as situated learning, artifacts, the zone of proximal development, thinking in group and mediation. The data was also interpreted and examined by recent studies regarding this subject. The results show that the teachers find their own knowledge, the national syllabus and their colleagues as most important for their planning.

Hålla rågången : En kvalitativ studie av relationen mellan lokalpolitiker i Kalmar och journalister

This study focused on how local politicians in Kalmar perceive journalists and their intertwined relationship. We based our study on the theoretical understanding of today?s media-centric democratic society. The ?adversary model? offered an understanding of the intricate relations between politicians and journalists.

Centralisering och decentralisering: En fallstudie på Apoteket och Swedbank

Multi-branch companies are facing many challenges in order to become successful. Competitive advantages can be gained through a unified strong brand, standardised products and economies of scale. This normally calls for centralisation. On the contrary is decentralisation, which is said to improve work motivation and local market orientation, which are also competitive advantages. The focus of this thesis is to study how local branch managers want their companies to be structured in accordance with this dilemma.

Lärcentrum i biblioteket, möjligheter och utmaningar. Tre aktörsgruppers syn på lärcentrum och dess samverkan med biblioteket

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the points of view of three groups of actors about their local learning center and its collaboration with the library. By interviewing groups of actors from the municipal sector, the library staff and students, I aim to investigate their associations of the learning centre, what kind of services it should offer, and how they understand the role of the library staff in specific collaboration between the public library and the adult education administration. The study design is based on Gunnar Grepperud?s and Terje Thomsen?s three missions for a local learning centre; the mission of a broker, a meeting place and a motivator. I also use Carol Kuhlthau?s levels of mediation as an approach to investigate how the actors want the library staff to work in relation to the centre.

Personalens följsamhet till riktlinjer avseende glukoskontroll postoperativt efter Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)

 The aim of the study was auditing medical records examine postoperative blood glucose levels after undergoing CABG surgery. Furthermore the aim was to determine if the ward staff abides the local guidelines frame of reference concerning each ward, regarding blood glucose measurements and blood glucose levels. The study included 70 patients undergoing CABG surgery at the cardiothoracic surgery, Uppsala University Hospital. The study was conducted by retrospective medical record auditing. Studied factors were postoperative blood glucose levels, number of registered blood glucose measurements, a current diagnosis of DM and preoperative HbA1c.

Särskild uppmärksamhet åt invandrare och andra minoriteter? : En fallstudie av relationen mellan styrdokument och bibliotekspraktik i en lokal kontext

Policy documents in the public library field, such as the library legislation, local political goals and intra-library plan documents, often include ambitious but ambiguous formulations. This two years master?s thesis examines the relationship between four policy documents and library practice in a local context. The theoretical framework is inspired by a sociocultural theory developed by the Swedish professor of pedagogical psychology Roger Säljö. The theory emphasizes the importance of context to learning and development.The thesis? method is a case study.

Det Kommunala LOK-stödet : En kvalitativ analys av kommuners värderingar kring det kommunala lokala aktivitetstödet och dess utformning i Västerbottens län

This bachelor thesis aim to highlight the values that form the basis for the formulation of the municipal local activity support to sports clubs. Key questions was, what are the criteria for the distribution of support, what are the conditions for the support in the municipalities, and what thoughts on development of the local sports club are behind these criteria. The study is based on one policy document from each municipality and 15 interviews that revealed a large spread in mindset and resources between the municipalities, but also similarities in the supports criteria and evaluation work. 14 out of 15 municipalities distribute the support, but the conditions are different. One interesting result the study shows is how little some municipalities really know about the money that goes out to the clubs.

När underhållning blir reklam : En semiotisk studie om produktplaceringar i "Solsidan"

This qualitative study examines news values in local journalism. The study is based on the results of five personal interviews with journalists and editors at the newspaper Nerikes Allehanda. The purpose of this paper is to examine how news values is made in the editorial process. The essay also intends to compare possible differences and similarities between news for web and printed news, the focus will consistently be locally.This will be explored through qualitative interviews with local journalists and editors. All working for the newspaper Nerikes Allehanda in Örebro..

Heja Hemmalaget!! : En studie av objektivitet inom lokal sportjournalistik

Within the journalistic profession lays a commonly accepted normative view stating that objectivity is an ideal to seek. The aim of this bachelor is to study Swedish sportswriters on local newspaper and their views of journalistic objectivity, and themselves in comparison to the traditional ideals. We want to study how local sportswriter work against their ideal and if factors like age and education affect their view of themselves and ther ideal.We have done eight semistructured deepinterviews that all build on theories and studies of the traditional ideal of journalists. The interviewed are all sportreporters, at four different newspapers. We have done active selection of participants based on age and education.

Kulturjournalistiken idag : och hur rapporteringsfokuset ändras på dagstidningarnas kultursidor.

As our society moves into a more technical era, journalism and the reporting of culture have had to follow. But where has that left the cultural critique, and journalist/reviewers, in our local newspapers? This bachelor thesis will try to map and explain the change of the cultural presentation in the local newspapers from the day it was firstly introduced as a genre in the modern journalistic world until today ? 1840 and onwards. Whether it has turned into complete tabloid journalism or if it's methods are used to expand the knowledge about the cultural object, it shall be discovered with the help of an analysis of the cultural sections in some newspapers ? both from the last quarter of 2012 (October - December) and one date from two years prior to that.

Fritid - en väg till integration : en studie av praktiskt, lokalt integrationsarbete

According to our apprehension, work of integration is commonly considered managed in the main best through the labour market. Since this path is not available to everybody we wanted to find out how work of integration also can be practised in other areas. The purpose of this paper is to, with focus on children and youth, find out and analyze in what way the people working locally in residential areas and in associations, reflects around integration in general and within their own business, plus in what way they pursue local work of integration practically. The method we have used is qualitative, with unstructured, individual interviews. Our seven respondents within local authority, church and sport clubs, have told us about their work from a perspective of integration.

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