

2033 Uppsatser om Local mobilization - Sida 2 av 136

Lokalhistoria i undervisningen : En analys av 6 gymnasielärarnas historiebruk och 4 gymnasieelevers historiemedvetande på några svenska gymnasieskolor.

The purpose of this study is to examine if, how and why history teachers work with local history projects in education. The results will be analyzed based on a theory of the uses of history. I also investigate, through group interwiews with students, if and how students? historical consciousness may develop through teaching about local history. The result is a variation map of teachers? different uses of history and how students historical consciousness can manifest itself.The results of the study shows that all the teachers interviewed uses local history projects in education.

Vätterns djup & konflikten mellan polkagrisar och gruvor : En fallstudie av Aktion Rädda Vättern och medlemmars förväntade framgång

This essay is about the mobilization that have arisen due to the mining activities being planned in Norra Kärr, just outside of Gränna in the northern part of the county of Jönköping, Sweden. This study is based on the association Aktion Rädda Vättern and members of the associatons? individual thoughts and experiences of their possibility to success. Interviews were carried out with members of the association. The theoretical basis lies within the theory of political opportunity structure and the defintion of the same by Sidney Tarrow.

Hallandspostens skildring av fotbollshuliganismen : En redogörelse mellan årtiondena 1970 till 2010

The purpose of this study is to examine if, how and why history teachers work with local history projects in education. The results will be analyzed based on a theory of the uses of history. I also investigate, through group interwiews with students, if and how students? historical consciousness may develop through teaching about local history. The result is a variation map of teachers? different uses of history and how students historical consciousness can manifest itself.The results of the study shows that all the teachers interviewed uses local history projects in education.

"LIA eller morfin spinalt vid primär total höftplastik". : en långtidsuppföljning av effekter för postoperativ smärta och mobilisering.

Vid operation av primär total höftplastik finns det olika metoder för postoperativ smärtlindring. En tidigare genomförd studie på ett mellansvenskt sjukhus (nedan kallad ?höftprojektet?) visade att ?Local infiltration analgesia? (LIA) initialt minskade postoperativ smärta, underlättade mobilisering samt förkortade vårdtiden, jämfört med spinalt morfin. I denna studie genomfördes en långtidsuppföljning av höftprojektet med mätningar efter 6 respektive 12 veckor. Studiegruppen hade fått LIA vid operationsslutet och kontrollgruppen spinalt morfin.

Intraprenader i kommunal verksamhet : En explorativ fallstudie

AbstractOur study deals with intrapreneurship in local activity. The main purpose of this study is to understand, explain and develop the concept of intrapreneurship in local activity with the help of existing information, our discussion, and reasoning and with the help of theoretical concepts. One reason for the choice of this topic was our pure curiosity towards this quite unique and unexplored phenomenon. We know that the term intrapreneurship in local activity has not existed longer than about ten years and the amount of existing thesis of intrapreneurship in local activity is very few. The information about intrapreneurship in local activity is mainly collected by studying Örebro´s intrapreneurship policies but also by studying other local authorities in Eksjö, Umeå and Västra-Götaland.

Detaljplanera Trygghet : En studie om hur trygghet kommer till uttryck i tre detaljplaner i Umeå

This essay aims to examine how safety is reflected in local plans. This was done by describing the physical environments, which are addressed in the local plans and its impact on safety. It has also been undertaken to see if certain physical environments with respect to safety have been addressed differently.The paper is made with the qualitative method Thematic analysis. The method is used to analyze the three local plans that have been available during the essay. The analysis was done with my created themes Traffic separation, Accessibility, High vision, Light and bright and Human presence.The results have shown that the local plans takes up physical environments that are good for safety.

  Opioid-inducerad obstipation i samband med postoperativ smärtbehandling : Förekomst och förebyggande åtgärder

Objective: The objective was to examine the incidence of constipation, and the preventive measures taken in relation with postoperative pain treatment with opioids at two orthopaedic surgery wards.Methods: The participants were patients that had undergone surgery in the back, hip or thigh. They were selected through systematic selection and a total of 46 electronic health records were examined. The factors investigated and tested for correlation with constipation were the usage of laxatives, daily fluid-intake and early mobilisation.Results: Totally, 26.1 % of the patients became constipated, and laxatives were prescribed to 65.2 % of the patients. Doctors prescribed 53.3 % of the laxatives, nurses 33.3 % and for the remaining 13.3 % it was uncertain who had written the prescription. Usage of laxatives seemed to cause constipation (p=0,025), whereas there was no correlation between constipation and early mobilization.

Mänskliga rättigheter i lokal praktik -En undersökning av kommunal verksamhet

The Swedish political organization is subject for the investigation of this thesis, with regard to the realization of universal human rights. There is a discrepancy between the Swedish state's international undertakings in legally binding treaties and theactualization of human rights by local authorities. The local authorities are ruled by a complex function of both national and local government. Of interest here, is the effect that these, and other organizational aspects, between the national and the local, have for the realization of human rights in local authorities. Also, the discrepancy between the national and the local is attempted to be understood.

Kundtillfredsställelse bland småföretagare: en fallstudie på Handelsbanken och Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken i Skellefteå

The purpose of this thesis was to study local bank offices work with customer satisfaction. A case study concerning two local bank offices was made, the cases were based on interviews with the managers at the bank offices. The research questions that we wanted this thesis to answer was how local bank offices create customer satisfaction among small business customers, and how local bank offices assess customer satisfaction among small business customers. The study showed that local bank offices find customer satisfaction among small business customers important and use complaints as the primary source in the process of creating customer satisfaction..

Europaparlamentsval och valdeltagande : En kvantitativ analys av förutsättningar för valdeltagandet

This study examines whether the policy breadth and the alternatives in European politics affect variations in voter turnout between member states in elections to the European Union Parliament.The theoretical approach assumes that; a larger political polarization, an increase in EU-skeptical parties and a greater voting mobilization among groups with less means results in higher voter turnout figures. The study also consider four other variables; whether the election is held on weekends or weekdays, whether elections coincide with other national elections, whether a country has held the presidential of the EU during or the immediate term prior to the election and finally the turnout figures from national elections.The research design is based upon a quantitative analysis using data from EP elections, national elections and databases from the European Elections Studies (EES). Study unit is twelve member-state countries and their four latest EP elections (1994, 1999, 2004 and 2009). The selected member-states origin from the EU-15 excluding Belgium, Greece and Luxembourg due to their compulsory voting laws.The study found relationships between higher turnout figures in EP-elections and increase in EU-skeptical parties, greater mobilization among groups with less means, elections held on weekends, elections coinciding with other, national elections and an increase in voter figures in national elections..

Vem får höras? : En undersökning av lokalpress kring makt och kön i fyra Landsortstidningar

2 (45)AbstractAuthors: Gunnel Forssell Ehrlich & Alexandra WinbergTitle: Gender in local press ? a quantitative study of four local newspapers Level: BA Thesis in Media and Communication StudiesLocation: Linnaeus UniversityLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 50The report shows a quantitative study of balance in gender and position of power in the local press. The study aimed to shed light on the distribution of space in the newspaper between men and women, those within power and those without in Swedish local press. The study was conducted with four newspapers, during a month of time with local editorial news material. In our study, we have assumed Lippmann?s and Strömbäck?s theories of pseudo-reality and distribution of gender and position of power in Sahlstrand and Jarlbro.

En undersökning av politisk marknadsföring i Sverige: Samordning av budskap mellan kommunal och nationell nivå i svenska politiska partier

Political marketing has changed the way political parties internationally behave in relation to the voters. The purpose of this study was to investigate how political marketing is conducted on a local level in Swedish political parties, and how the local and national level of the political parties coordinate the message they send out to the voters. An explorative study was performed by interviewing experts in the field in the form of politicians on both a local and a national level. Initially the local parties' methods were investigated, followed by a second stage where we researched the link between parties on the local and the national level. Marketing of parties on a local level turned out to a large extent to follow traditional methods.

"Det han gjorde sedan har ingen någonsin upplevt" : En studie av framing inom lokal sportjournalistik

This study aims to gain greater knowledge about the use of framing in local sports journalism. We did this by doing a qualitative content analysis of the local Swedish newspaper Barometern/OT and it?s coverage of the largest local football team, Kalmar FF. We randomly selected six of the team?s games during 2014 and analysed all the texts that had to do with the games, except for shorter texts and texts that are supposed to be based on personal opinions, such as chronicles.

Vilken betydelse har ett filialbibliotek? exempel Högsby

The purpose of the present thesis is to investigate the interaction between the branches in the different villages and its users and the importance of the branches for democracy. To illustrate these points, I have focused on Högsby municipality, a local council in Kalmar county. Högsby municipality is of particular interest in this connection, since all seven of the branches have been closed recently; only the main library remains. Moreover, three of the closed branches were, in 2005, taken over by citizen organizations local to the part of Högsby municipality where the libraries were located. The specific issues that were addressed were:- What needs were satisfied by the local libraries in Högsby council and is it possible to satisfy these needs in other ways and then, how?- Does the absence of a local library affect democracy?Interviews were performed.

En studie av fyra kommuners måldokument gällande den offentliga kulturverksamheten med fokus på biblioteksverksamheten

The aim of this study has been to explore local cultural policy documents in some municipalities in the geographical region of Västra Götaland. Do the municipalities have these kinds of documents for their local cultural activities, and how are they designed? These are questions which the study has focused on. The study has been concentrated on the library activity in the local cultural policy documents. The research has been a comparative one.

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