

2305 Uppsatser om Local heritage - Sida 5 av 154

Håll ut! Det ordnar sig när du är död : En studie om sagor som fostrandemedel ur ett värdegrundsperspektiv

According to the Swedish curriculum, teachers have an assignment to educate children to become democratic citizens. Students will develop values given in the curriculum's section, dealing with aspirational values. Teachers also have an assignment to transmit a cultural heritage. The curriculum states that education, in a deeper sense, is about to transmit a cultural heritage. This claims that the two assignments would be one and the same.

Intraprenader i kommunal verksamhet : En explorativ fallstudie

AbstractOur study deals with intrapreneurship in local activity. The main purpose of this study is to understand, explain and develop the concept of intrapreneurship in local activity with the help of existing information, our discussion, and reasoning and with the help of theoretical concepts. One reason for the choice of this topic was our pure curiosity towards this quite unique and unexplored phenomenon. We know that the term intrapreneurship in local activity has not existed longer than about ten years and the amount of existing thesis of intrapreneurship in local activity is very few. The information about intrapreneurship in local activity is mainly collected by studying Örebro´s intrapreneurship policies but also by studying other local authorities in Eksjö, Umeå and Västra-Götaland.

Detaljplanera Trygghet : En studie om hur trygghet kommer till uttryck i tre detaljplaner i Umeå

This essay aims to examine how safety is reflected in local plans. This was done by describing the physical environments, which are addressed in the local plans and its impact on safety. It has also been undertaken to see if certain physical environments with respect to safety have been addressed differently.The paper is made with the qualitative method Thematic analysis. The method is used to analyze the three local plans that have been available during the essay. The analysis was done with my created themes Traffic separation, Accessibility, High vision, Light and bright and Human presence.The results have shown that the local plans takes up physical environments that are good for safety.

Mänskliga rättigheter i lokal praktik -En undersökning av kommunal verksamhet

The Swedish political organization is subject for the investigation of this thesis, with regard to the realization of universal human rights. There is a discrepancy between the Swedish state's international undertakings in legally binding treaties and theactualization of human rights by local authorities. The local authorities are ruled by a complex function of both national and local government. Of interest here, is the effect that these, and other organizational aspects, between the national and the local, have for the realization of human rights in local authorities. Also, the discrepancy between the national and the local is attempted to be understood.

Att skapa oral history : En undersökning av samtidsdokumentation i tre statliga kulturarvsarkiv

This study aims to examine how heritage archives in Sweden create oral history by the conduction of interviews. Though previous research have shown that this is a task suitable for archives, there have been a lack of knowledge of how this is actually beeing done. Also, oral history have not earlier been studied in relation to the archives larger objectives. The heritage institutions that have been examined are Sjöhistoriska museet, Visarkivet and Dialekt- och folkminnesarkivet I Uppsala. They are all part of public authoritys and use oral history to create more pluralistic and diverse archive collections.

Den europeiska identiteten Vem är europé enligt EU?

The main purpose of this thesis is to examine how the European Union through the Directorate- General (DG) of Education and Culture, are calling forth a constructed sense of European identity amongst the citizens of the Union.It is a discourse analysis, which can be described in twofold. Firstly, it is a mapping of the European discourse; i.e. how the European Union defines the identity it seeks to mobilise. Secondly, it examines whether or not there are similarities in the European discourse of identity and the traditional nation-building discourse of national identity.According to this thesis a European identity is articulated in cultural terms, whereby its members are said to share the same values and a common cultural heritage.To bring the people of Europe closer together and to deepen awareness of their "common" history, the European Union encourages all manner of meetings and exchange schemes between Europeans. Although its goal is to develop a feeling of belonging to a shared culture, the EU is also keen to preserve the specific aspects of Europe's many cultures.

Den syd?stg?tska d?rromfattningen: en unders?kning av Kisa tingshus d?rromfattning

Kisa Courthouse in the south of ?sterg?tland is a house built in the early 19th century with a typical neoclassical style. With clearly regular symmetrical wooden facade scheme with a central main entrance. The main entrance is a wooden double door with richly decorated portico. the crown moulding above the door consists of a band of dentils with a cornice moulding at the top.

Rum och rörelse - analys av alléns betydelse för människa och landskap

Within literature, politics and science, there is a claim that ?tree avenues are important?. But the question and the goal for this essay are to explore the pretext to how and why. Planting tree avenues is a 4000 year old tradition and they are a common element in the Swedish and Scanian landscape since the 18th century. They were first mainly planted by aristocratic land-owners or on their initiative, but since the 19th century also by farmers.

Smålands Musikarkiv: att samla och förmedla

This study examines the cultural factors which necessitated the establishment of The Music Archives of Småland in 1991 in the city of Växjö. I wanted to know the importance of the local music tradition and the role of those people who worked to create an institution such as this. In order to do this I interviewed the chief collector of early folk music, Magnus Gustafsson, and made use of literary sources to devise questions and evaluate the results of the exercise. In this study I have made use of a model of a musical culture in a society, created by Lundberg and Ternhag, based on the theory of cultural fields by Pierre Bourdieu. According to this model, the stature of a musical culture gives different forms of musical expression certain roles, but these roles can be remodelled, reflecting perhaps political or ideological influence.

Kulturmiljövärden utan synintryck, en studie med synskadade

This graduate thesis takes its hold in an idea that many values, in cultural heritage environments, other than the onesthat can be seen with the eyes are as important for the experience of the environment as the visual ones; however theenvironments are usually defined by values that can be experienced visually!Interviews were held with four visually impaired persons. This to get a better understanding for how big part othersense modalities play in the experience of the cultural heritage environments. Questions were asked about what thevisually impaired especially value in cultural heritage environments and what is of value for preservation. Also whatcan be done to make the environments more impressive for them, how they experience the material part of theheritage, architecture, shape and color and with what senses they primarily remember. Furthermore the thesis aims todraw attention to how value definitions made by the conservation field affects the experience of the environmentsand therefore the accessibility for visually impaired.

Kundtillfredsställelse bland småföretagare: en fallstudie på Handelsbanken och Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken i Skellefteå

The purpose of this thesis was to study local bank offices work with customer satisfaction. A case study concerning two local bank offices was made, the cases were based on interviews with the managers at the bank offices. The research questions that we wanted this thesis to answer was how local bank offices create customer satisfaction among small business customers, and how local bank offices assess customer satisfaction among small business customers. The study showed that local bank offices find customer satisfaction among small business customers important and use complaints as the primary source in the process of creating customer satisfaction..

Miljömålsindikatorer för kommunala planbestämmelser En studie av indikatorsystem för uppföljning av delmål 2 inom miljömålet God bebyggd miljö

The purpose of this study is to propose and formulate quantitative indicators to help measure an aspect of the Environmental Objectives in Swedish legislation: ?A Good Built Environment, Interim Target 2.? The governmental bill 2004/05:150 suggests changes to Interim Target 2: By 2010 built environments of cultural heritage value will be identified and placed under long-term sustainable management. Following the revised formulation regarding sustainable management, indicators should be formulated to measure the fulfilment of sustainable management of built environments of cultural heritage value. An important part of management takes place at the municipal level of planning, where detailed development plans include regulations to protect built environments of substantial cultural heritage value. As a result, this study is focusing upon the regulatory function of the Swedish Planning and Building Act in respect to the built environments of cultural heritage value.

Vem får höras? : En undersökning av lokalpress kring makt och kön i fyra Landsortstidningar

2 (45)AbstractAuthors: Gunnel Forssell Ehrlich & Alexandra WinbergTitle: Gender in local press ? a quantitative study of four local newspapers Level: BA Thesis in Media and Communication StudiesLocation: Linnaeus UniversityLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 50The report shows a quantitative study of balance in gender and position of power in the local press. The study aimed to shed light on the distribution of space in the newspaper between men and women, those within power and those without in Swedish local press. The study was conducted with four newspapers, during a month of time with local editorial news material. In our study, we have assumed Lippmann?s and Strömbäck?s theories of pseudo-reality and distribution of gender and position of power in Sahlstrand and Jarlbro.

Föräldrars attityder till övervikt hos barn

Background: Overweight in children has been an increasing problem in recent years and research show that early intervention is important. The parents? diet- and exercise habits are important to lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle for their children. Aim: To investigate parents? attitudes towards overweight in children.

Vem har makten över kulturarvet? En fallstudie av urvalskriterier vid digitalisering på Kungl. Biblioteket.

This thesis is performed as a case study, and has had the aim to study who has the power over cultural heritage, by studying the digitization selection criteria at KB and what influences there can be on the digitization selection process. The theory of the arm?s length principle, (Mangset, Kunst og makt, 2013) the professional model, (Rothstein, 2010), that digitization re-shape and re-contextualize cultural heritage material, (Dahlström et al. 2013), and different concepts will influence the digitization selection process has been used in this study. A qualitative research with document study and informant interview and e-mail interview has been conducted.

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