

6 Uppsatser om Lobbyism - Sida 1 av 1

Den lokala lobbyn : En studie om informella kontakters betydelse för kommunala beslut

Forskningen om Lobbyism i Sverige har hittills i huvudsak fokuserat på riksdagen. I den här uppsatsen undersöks Lobbyism på kommunal nivå utifrån ett mottagarperspektiv med fokus på beslutsfattare och deras erfarenheter av Lobbyism. Syftet är att belysa hur beslutsfattare i svenska kommunfullmäktige uppfattar att Lobbyism går till i sina egna kommuner. Studiens utgångspunkt utgörs av Lobbyismens relation till demokrati och i den kvalitativt genomförda undersökningen används en analysram baserad på tre värden för demokratisk Lobbyism, benämnda transparens, jämlikhet och etik. Empirin har samlats in genom intervjuer med åtta kommunala fullmäktigeledamöter.

Demokratiutredningens arv : En idealtypsanalys av riksdagsmotioner gällande lobbyism

For the last decades, Sweden has transformed from a state with strong elements of corporatism, to a governance of pluralistic character. This development has opened up to a new form of participation ? Lobbyism ? which since has spread and commercialized. Because of this, a report on the state of Swedish democracy ? Demokratiutredningen ? was issued to examine the phenomenon of Lobbyism as it was feared to challenge the functioning of a representative democracy.

Non-state actors? role in the EU forest policy making : a study of Swedish actors and the Timber Regulation negotiations

The purpose of this research is to identify how E-NGO and forest stakeholders, in the study referred to as non-state actors, have influenced the EU timber regulation; through participation and Lobbyism towards the decision- makers (policy makers) at EU and national level, to achieve adjustments in the legislative text. The study also examines the relationships between the forest stakeholders, the E-NGOs and the EU-institutions, regarding communication, cooperation, informal and formal consultation where interviews were accomplished with decision-makers from the EU-institutions, forest stakeholders, E-NGOS and representatives from Swedish authorities that participated under the development of the EUTR during the period of 2008-2013. The participation and lobbying from non-state actors have most likely affected the outcome of the regulation, through alterations in the legislative text and through influencing the EU-institutions. Several factors that have affected the efficiency and timing of the influence have been identified through interviews as well as various approaches to influence the decision makers. The findings of the study may be useful for forest related interest groups that are involved in decision-making procedures at EU-level and as substance and material for further research in the subject of forest policy making at supranational level..

Public affairs i kommunal planering

Kommunikationen har en central roll i samhällsplaneringen och används för att skapa visioner och mål, kommunicera till invånare och påverka beslut. I samband med Stockholmsförhandlingen hade kommunikationen stor betydelse för att lyckas förmedla behovet av tunnelbana. De konsulter som arbetar professionellt med kommunikation och anlitas för att formulera argumentationen förknippas ofta med Lobbyism. När jag först började studera ämnet uppfattade jag att det finns olika definitioner av Lobbyism och begreppet används slarvigt för att uttrycka aktioner som egentligen bör skiljas åt. Ett närbesläktat begrepp är public affairs, en tjänst som erbjuder kommunikativ rådgivning i påverkansarbete.Det här arbetet handlar om politisk konsultverksamhet och fokuserar på tjänsten public affairs, och kommunen som uppdragsgivare.

Mediebilder av homosexualitet. Åke Green-debatten

The purpose of this thesis is to study how homosexuals and homosexuality were represented in the press during the trials against the Pentecostal pastor Åke Green, and to what kind of social representations and narratives these representations can be related.Using critical discourse analysis and theories about the differentiation between in- and outgroups I try to unveil implicit meanings and attitudes towards gay people mainly at the local text level. The material consists of articles in Ölandsbladet and Dagens Nyheter that were produced before, during and after the trials.The analysis suggests that homosexuals are construed as a deviant outgroup and that the majority, the ingroup, is presented as an essentially heterosexual, tolerant community. Homosexuality is wrong and heterosexuality is the right way of living. Homosexuals, in terms of group Lobbyism, are construed as an enemy, a threat, against Western ideals such as family values and freedom of speech. They indirectly become a threat to Swedish democracy.

Trångt om saligheten - En studie av intresseorganisationers arbete med politisk påverkan i det post-korporativa Sverige

The relationship between the government and organised interest in Sweden has changed. Formally considered as a good example of a corporatist state the country during the last 15 years or so experienced a more pluralistic system. This thesis is a qualitative study which discusses how interest groups seek to influence decision makers and policy thru lobbying and public opinion. It also examines how interest groups work with advertising and public relations in a changed climate of mass media. The main method of gathering material has been done thru interviews of representatives of different interest groups.The results of the study paint a picture where the interviewed organizations experience a vast competition in communication and information.