

504 Uppsatser om Load balancing - Sida 17 av 34

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att underlätta förbättringsarbete i vården

Background: It is required that health care professionals continuously work with patient safety and quality improvements, and the skills of registered nurses are significant in this work. However, quality improvement also requires commitment and knowledge about how to improve health care and ensure patient safety. There is a lack of studies that highlights the importance of supportive functions for this work. Nurses in clinical settings can be utilized as facilitators that make things easier for other health care professionals who are engaged in quality improvement and patient safety. In order to gain understanding about the significance and needs of nurses with a role of facilitator, it is urgent to learn from their experiences of facilitating quality improvement in health care.Aim: The aim was to study nurses? experiences of facilitating quality improvement of nursing care, patient safety and multi-professional collaboration in health care.Method: Semi-structured qualitative interviews were performed with ten registered nurses who had experience of being in the role of facilitators.


Informationsteknologin (IT) fortsätter att utvecklas snabbt. Det ger möjlighet för företag och organisationer att kostnadseffektivisera sina processer och hitta alternativa lösningar som ökar konkurrenskraften. Den höga utvecklingstakten och de stora kostnader som är inbegripna skapar samtidigt en genuin beslutsosäkerhet vid investering i IT. Företagare ställs inför en rad dilemman: var, när och hur ska investeringar göras? I de situationer där utfallen av ett beslut är oklara eller motstridiga befinner sig beslutsfattaren i ett dilemma.

Människovana grävlingar som testdjur för grythundar. En studie om hur grävlingars beteende och fysiologi påverkas av hundars aggressivitet

In Sweden live badgers are used in tests in order to train and prepare earth dogs for hunting underneath ground. This has for several years causeddebate concerning the welfare of the badgers. It is questioned whether the purpose of the dog training, i.e. to reduce injuries in both dogs and prey, is worth the suffering that is reflected on the badgers. The aim of this investigation was to study 1) stress levels in badgers when used in earth dog training, 2) if the stress load differs when the badgers are exposed to dogs with varying aggression levels (low, moderate, high).

Utmattning av vägbroar i armerad betong enligt eurokoder

Since 1 January 2010 it is a requirement to use the European standards, Eurocodes, in Sweden when constructing bridges. One chapter that has caused an extra amount of problems for the engineers is the one about fatigue analysis, which resulted in us doing this thesis.To do this we had to read all of the Eurocodes that direct, or indirect deals with fatigue and calculating of such. We have read the background documents for the Eurocodes and master?s thesis in the subject. We also studied the calculations of bridges constructed by different construction firms.We have chosen to limit the thesis to discuss only road bridges made of concrete due to the lack of method for verification of concrete in the national appendix.

Upplevelser i samband med en obotlig cancersjukdom : En litteraturstudie baserad på vetenskapliga artiklar samt självbiografier

BACKGROUND: One of the nurse?s areas of responsibility is to relieve suffering. Research has shown that nurses give an indication of an emotional load in the interaction with dying patients. This means that patients need of relieved suffering gets disregarded because of nurse?s fear of the unknown.

?Du kan göra skillnad i människors liv utan att ha en aning om det? : En kvalitativ studie om några socialsekreterares syn på suicidalitet

During 2010, 1446 people committed suicide in Sweden. Research shows that groups that are less favored in society have an increased risk of suicide. Social services often encounter groups of people that have a high risk of suicide, for instance welfare recipients or substance abusers. The purpose of this study was to shed light on how social workers talk about suicide and how this might affect interactions with suicidal clients. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five social workers in Stockholm.

Motiv och attityd till kompetensutveckling på två små företag

The aim of this study was to gain insight into how two enterprises work with competence development and thereby study how the relationship between competence development and workers, employees, look like. The focus was on the workers motives and motivation towards a participation in a competence development course, their attitude to education, and how the transfer of skills gained from the course, into the workplace looks like. Further on, the work situations influence on the workers competence development has been taken into account.In the study, six people were interviewed in the role of either manager, coach or course participant who are employed in two different enterprises in the south of Sweden.The results showed that the participants were motivated by a strive for personal development or that the participants viewed education implementation as a part of the professionalcareer, which has resulted in a positive attitude towards the competence development course. The managers? motive for decisions about education was to change the prevailing attitude among the staff for the better and thereby strengthen the company?s brand. The work situation has encouraged the desire to participate in developmental education as the feeling of control has encouraged the workers to further development.

"Lasta och åk" : Akutbilens anestesisjuksköterskors uppfattningar om intubation vid traumatiska skallskador

Att bli förälder är en stor händelse i livet. Graviditeten är en tid där både fysiskaoch psykiska förändringar påverkar livet för båda parter och också en tid attförbereda sig inför föräldraskapet. Syftet var att belysa vilka faktorer som harbetydelse för de svårigheter som fäder upplever i samband tidigt föräldraskap. Enprospektiv longitudinell studie genomfördes vid samtliga kvinnokliniker iVästernorrland. Deltagande var 827 partners till kvinnor som varit gravida och föttbarn under perioden juni 2007-juni 2008.

Deduplicerings påverkan på effektförbrukningen : en studie av deduplicering i ZFS

Uppsatsen beskriver arbetet och undersökning för hur deduplicering i filsystemet ZFS påverkar effektförbrukningen. En större mängd redundant data förekommer i centraliserade lagringssystem som förser virtualiserade servrar med lagringsutrymme. Deduplicering kan för den typen av lagringsmiljö eliminera redundant data och ger en stor besparing av lagringsutrymme. Frågan som undersökningen avsåg att besvara var hur ett lagringssystem påverkas av det extra arbete som det innebär att deduplicera data i realtid.Metoden för att undersöka problemet var att utföra fem experiment med olika typer av scenarion. Varje scenario innebar att filer kopierades till ett lagringssystem med eller utan deduplicering för att senare kunna analysera skillnaden.

Omkonstruktion av lastväxlare Livab

The degree project was made forZetterbergs Industri AB. The company is market leading in Europe in the heavyvehicle industry, designing and building body systems for trucks.In their line of products is the hook lift called Livab, a flexible and uniqueproduct. The hook lift is often demanded by customers because its special ability tobe able to operate in situations with low roof clearance. The main operation principleof the hook lift can be described as a truck stand, laid down.There are two main versions of the hook lift Livab, AL 26 and AL 32. These are ofdifferent load capacity, 17 and 25 metric tons of gross weight respectively.

PSQS ? Power Supply Quality Simulator

Kitron had wishes to be able to test and measure how disturbance affects their vehicle electronic units before they have been verified by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden in Borås. This work started with the writing of a demand specification together with Kitron for a product PSQS, Power Supply Quality Simulator, which can generate some test pulses according to a standard for electronic units to Volvos vehicles. A design proposal was developed with the help the demand specification and was verified with the help of simulations. All electric schematics was designed with the guide of the design proposal. The pulses realized in the works of this thesis are those which Kitron experienced that they have a need to test in their own premises and which are possible to generate with the means available.

Ergonomiska förhållanden för mjölkare i olika mjölkstallar :

Earlier studies of musculoskeletal problems with milkers working in milking parlour operators have shown that it is a physically demanding occupation. The extremities that are most exposed are neck, shoulders, hands and wrists. Those systems that have been studied in present cases are fishbone and some tandem barns. There have been changes in the working environment during the past ten years. The mechanisation has been developed for the better with automatically removers of the milking units and vertically adjustable floors in almost every daily milking barn. In other hand the milk production are more industrialised and more related to stress today.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelse och hantering av stress på en akutmottagning

SUMMARY The purpose of this study was to explore how nurses in the emergency department experience and cope with stress in their workplace. The study had a qualitative, descriptive approach and was based on nine individual, semi-structured interviews. They were then processed using content analysis. The content analysis of interviews resulted in two categories, "the nurse's experience of stress," "the nurses coping with stress." Together, the categories highlighted how nurses experienced stress during and after their shifts. The study showed clearly that all nurses experienced and coped with stress in their daily work activities..The authors noticed that stressful time for the nurses were repeated at each session and were similar in character.

?men kan vi inte hjälpas åt då? : en intervju med fem socialsekreterare om samarbete inom socialtjänsten

The aim of this study is to illustrate, and analyze how social workers are able to more effectively pursue operative possibilities within their own particular organizations. The main question concerning this issue is: How are social workers, working within the same district organization able to realise any potential for co-operation with other social workers, in different locales and units, yet working within the same organization? Following on from this question, further issues arise such as: 1. How do the varying demands of the clients affect the workload of the social worker? 2.

Identifiering och reducering av köer i samband med återbesök

Purpose ? The purpose of this thesis is to develop a total cost model for container transports and create a tool that calculates a suitable transport quantity from an economic view, which fulfills the demands on delivery service. To achieve this purpose the following questions will be answered:Which costs are affected by the decision between the two transport alternatives LCL and FCL?   How does the decision of sending product LCL or FCL influence the delivery service?  How can a tool be constructed to simplify the decision-making process regarding the choice of sending products LCL or FCL?  Method ? A total cost model was developed. This model is supported from existing literature.

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