

115 Uppsatser om Livestock Guardian - Sida 6 av 8

Småskaligt vattenkraftverk i Nyköpingsån

Interest in alternative energies is high in Sweden today, particularly in the agricultural sector. According to the Swedish lantbruksbarometern (2009), almost all respondents consider the use of some form of alternative energy from the farm. While interest in alternative energies is large, attention to the alternative energy straw has fallen and is almost nowhere mentioned in the literature today. Three years ago, in the Lantbruksbarometern nearly 44% of the farmers would be willing to invest in straw as heating system on the farm. How do the farmers decide to invest in alternative energies? With this information a problem is presented for this paper.

Beslut om investering i alternativ energi : en studie om hur lantbrukare fattar beslut vid investering i halmpanna

Interest in alternative energies is high in Sweden today, particularly in the agricultural sector. According to the Swedish lantbruksbarometern (2009), almost all respondents consider the use of some form of alternative energy from the farm. While interest in alternative energies is large, attention to the alternative energy straw has fallen and is almost nowhere mentioned in the literature today. Three years ago, in the Lantbruksbarometern nearly 44% of the farmers would be willing to invest in straw as heating system on the farm. How do the farmers decide to invest in alternative energies? With this information a problem is presented for this paper.

Epidemiology of viruses in the livestock in Tanzania : a minor field study with focus on Peste des Petits Ruminants virus

Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) is a disease of major socioeconomic impact. It is an acute and highly contagious viral disease of small ruminants caused by the agent Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus (PPRV), a Morbillivirus closely related to Rinderpest virus (RPV) which was declared eradicated from the world in 2011. PPR has a high morbidity and mortality rate and is characterised by high fever, nasal and ocular discharge, pneumonia, necrosis and ulceration of the mucous membranes and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract causing severe diarrhoea. The role of wildlife in the epidemiology of the disease is still unclear. The disease is currently affecting sheep and goat in 70 countries worldwide and this year (2014) FAO has announced a program to eradicate the virus by 2030. In Tanzania, the disease was first reported in 2008 and has since then spread to different parts of the country.

Fosforförluster från lantbruket och dess bidrag till övergödning av sjöar och vattendrag i Växjö kommun

The possibility for plants to utilize phosphorus in soil is a prerequisite for conducting agricultural production, both small scale and professional. Spreading of phosphorus fertilizers and manure is therefore seen as a necessity in today's agriculture in order to achieve high yield. Manure management, livestock farming and manure storage could contribute to the eutrophication of lakes and rivers. For instance, when the ground becomes saturated, phosphorus leakage could be seen in surface runoff or in point sources resulting from inadequate manure storage management.In the municipality of Växjö there is still many bodies of water that do not reach the Swedish environmental water quality standard of "good ecological status". This thesis has therefore analyzed the manure management and storage on agricultural farms which may have contributed to eutrophication in the municipality.The method for this thesis was a literature study, a questionnaire survey with 820 receivers and a summary of issued inspection reports from 2013.The results highlight the ways in which agriculture may have contributed to the eutrophication of lakes and streams in the municipality of Växjö.

Bräkanden från förr : att skilja får från getter utifrån kv. Apoteket 4-5 i Visby

To differentiate between bones from sheep (Ovis aries) and bones from of goats (Capra hircus) is a long lasting challenge for zoologists, archaeozoologists and osteologists. Especially considering archaeological remains which are often found fractured and poorly preserved due to taphonomic processes. Zeder & Pilaar?s (2010) and Zeder & Lapham?s (2010) methods of species differentiation has shown promising results when used on bones from modern sheeps and goats. This paper aims to evaluate these methods by exerting them on excavated bones from kv.

Gröna generationsskiften : Särskilt om samäganderätt och mjuka frågor

Within the near future Sweden will be facing a large number of successions of ownership  within the agriculture and forestry sector, which is why it is important to acknowledge the question of alternatives for transfer of ownership. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to analyze the existing law as well as the various options for how to transfer the ownership concerning succession of ownership within family-owned agriculture and forestry businesses. This thesis pays particular attention to the complexity of problems that refer to joint ownerships and the great importance of the emotional questions that arise when a succession of ownership is being implemented.A succession of ownership can be planned as well as unplanned. When implemented through inheritance the transfer to the younger generation is unplanned. There are several effects of an unplanned succession of ownership and these effects can be harmful for the company as well as the family.

Slottsholmen på Svaneholm : en fallstudie om en historisk park- och gårdsmiljö och hur den kan ha tett sig under 16-1700-tal

The park at Svaneholm is a place, the history of which is very little known today and the needfor better knowledge has been the cause of this investigation. The essay is primarily limited tothe time from late 17th century up to the end of the 18th century and takes stand on profoundinvestigations in accessible map-and archive material. The results presented show a manorhill, which during the course of a hundred years was subject to several changes and in bigparts consisted in other than park/garden.Burman related to the manor hill containing a cowshed, a large dam and a parterre garden isix quarters and it is plausible to think, that this establishment generally was built as producedon the plate.In the 18th century the construction is being changed, they go on building at the cowshed andin 1707 there are totally 268 livestock on the farm. In 1723 the garden is represented in amuch bigger scale than on the plate from the 1680:s, but it is not possible to tell, whether it isnew or not.Parts of the parterre garden is remaining during the whole of the 18th century, for the leastuntil it is being squared, but on two of the squares there was built a riding-groundMoreover the cowshed burnt down and was only partially reconstructed.The image given by the archive material is at the same time variegated. The inventory list ongarden tools from 1726 gives an image of gardening more directed to growing and pathshuffling, while the possibilities of keeping the parterres were fewer (e.g.

Varbergs goda jord : en fallstudie om värdering och förvaltning av åkermark i Varbergs kommun

This is a bachelor thesis about arable land in Varberg, from sustainability and it?s relation to local government and management. Arable land has become more important as a natural resource from a global point of view and in concerns of higher demands of food supply, as a result of population growth, higher consumption worldwide and climate change. But the arable land in Sweden is being exploited an increasingly rapid pace and the arable land in Varberg is not an exception of this development. The issue is most topical and the discussion holds questions about a declining agricultural sector, the formal and administrative protection of arable land and because other interests of land use often is given higher priority in community development and planning.

Improvement in agricultural production in a rural area of Cambodia between 2004 and 2011 - with an emphasis on small scale cattle production

Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia with a tropical monsoon climate and distinctive wet and dry seasons. Poverty is a widespread problem in Cambodia and 30 percent of the population were classified as poor in 2009. About 80 percent of the populations live in rural areas where poverty is an even greater problem. In agriculture, rice cultivation is dominating and the crop is cultivated on 85 percent of the arable land. Livestock keeping is also a traditional part of Cambodian agriculture.

Diurnal behaviour of cattle, sheep and goats on semi-arid pastures in Kenya

Studien genomfördes i Shompole i södra Kenya. I det här området är invånarna herdar som förlitar sig på kor, får och getter som sin enda inkomstkälla. De föder upp boskap under extensiva förhållanden, med naturligt bete som huvudsaklig födokälla för sina djur. Sex besättningar av den typen ingick i studien som genomfördes från mitten av december 2009 till mitten av februari 2010, vilket gav totalt 65 observations-dagar. Syftet med studien var att samla in födo- och förflyttningsbeteende hos nötkreatur, får och getter på bete.

Methane emission from nitrate-treated tannin rich feed for cattle in Vietnam

In developing countries such as Vietnam the population consumes more animal products for example milk and meat than before which requires greater livestock production. Ruminants contributes to more methane emission which creates a dilemma between food production and its environmental impact. By feeding ruminants with nutritive crops which humans can not assimilate the animal performance will increase in terms of better growth and milk production without inpinging on food that can be consumed directly by humans. Increasing animal performance reduces methane emission in terms of amount of methane in kg-1 milk and meat which today is much greater in developing countries than developed countries. The aim of the study was to investigate tropical tannin-rich legumes for their potential as a feed supplement for ruminants made in vitro.

Comparison of stable environment in prior approved and non-prior approved horse stables

To establish good horse welfare there are several factors that need to be considered. One important factor is the environment in which the horses are kept. In Sweden horses are stabled during long periods of time in the cold season and consequently the stable environment is even more important. The most essential environmental factors in a horse stable are ambient temperature, relative humidity (RH) and concentrations of contaminants in the stable air. The air in a horse stable contains dust, noxious gases, moulds and microorganisms which all can contribute to developing respiratory diseases in horses.

Planering av robotstall på Gästgivaregården Blacksta

This work has been done to develop a plan for a future dairy barn at theGästgivaregården and to show the space needed for cows and replacement heifers. Itwould also show the storage that will be needed. The design was largely based on resultsfrom studies on six different farms, but also the facts that are taken from research papersand articles in order to compare theory with practice. Because some farms only whereinterviewed by phone I have used a query form to obtain comparable resultes.The aim is to build a new barn with Automatic milking. I've drawn a milking stable for120 milking cow and replacement heifers with the capability to house up to 140 milkingcows if the farm would expand in the future.Calculations of feed amounts and space requirements have been made to see how manyhectares are needed to supply the cows and replacement heifers with feed and to knowabout what size of storage space is required.The investigations made in this writing are to answer questions about the AMS-unit`sposition and how to best maintain a good health status in the herd.

En liten Midsommarnattsdröm : - en föryngrindsdramatisering

What psychologial processes are activated in experiencing mourning after a loss of a belovedperson? How is death described in other authors? novels and short stories compared to mine?This essay aims at analysing my two short stories The follower and The price for love fromdifferent aspects. I discuss the psychological realism and the spirituality using the method ofclose reading, interpreting and applying ideas of texts from other authors in my short stories.Death is a central phenomenon in both of my texts. Therefore I discuss death frompsychological and philosophical aspects in this essay. To get a philosophical frame of death Iturn to Jacques Derrida, Emmanuel Levinas and Martin Heidegger.

Attitudes towards hedging by diversified and non-diversified farmers : a comparative qualitative study

Deregulation on the market for agricultural products leads to a more globalised market with increasing price fluctuations. This, in turn, places the farmer in positions influenced by new risks but also improved opportunities. The farmers are faced by uncertainty in terms of financial outcome. To be able to utilise these new market conditions it becomes increasingly important for farmers to continuously follow the price trend, and to develop strategies how to manage the risks exposed by a volatile market. Farmers with different conditions perceive risk in different ways. Hence, their risk management behaviour will vary.

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