

5076 Uppsatser om Live action role playing - Sida 37 av 339

Föroreningskällor till sjön Anten. En kartläggning och kvantifiering av kväve- och fosfortillförsel

The climate changes that are occuring in the world have resulted in that the EU callingfor a 20 % reduction in energy consumption to the year 2020, to reach that goal theEU want the public sector to go forth as a good example. Västfastigheter owns andmanage the hospital buildings in the Västra Götaland region. To be able to reducetheir energy usage Västfastigheter has hired several consulting firms to chart out theenergy consumption on each hospital building. The biggest energy savings potentialhave been calculated and what the cost will be to perform each action. The energyaudit have been completed and stand as the decision basis for Västfastigheter?s choiceon which action packages that should be implemented.

Tre pedagogers och elevers attityd om utomhuspedagogik : En kvalitativ studie om utomhuspedagogikens plats i skolans tidiga år

The study is of qualitative research method, where the interviews are the main material for the study. This study aims to analyze teachers and pupils perspectives on outdoor education in the early years of the elementary school. The main reason for this study is that all the literature in the area tends to lift up the positive aspects of the field. While the practice of education tends to go the other way, where the majority of our children?s classes takes place inside the classrooms.

Butikskoncept : Småföretagens överlevnad!

In the previous curriculum for the preschool Lpfö 98, the educational responsibility was documented belonging to all the team members. On the 1st of July 2011 a new curriculum was introduced to the preschool, Lpfö 98/10, where it is documented that the educational responsibility now belongs to the preschool teachers. According to curriculum experts at the Swedish school board this educational responsibility is not new, just a clarification of the preschool teacher?s educational responsibility.This study is a qualitative study and the purpose was to interview the preschool teachers about their thoughts concerning their educational responsibility. The purpose was also to examine if their educational responsibility has affected their role in the team at the preschool and if they believe that this has any significance for their profession.My result of the study shows that the educational responsibility of the preschool teachers now has been clarified and that they should take a leading role in the team towards the goals that are set for the preschool.

Den ärliga tolkningen

In this thesis I try to find ways to be more independent and conscious in my interpretation of the music which I am playing. To be able to be more sure of myself and my own decisions I try to find methods on how to achieve this. The methods includes reading articles about interpretation, interviewing musicians and interpret and perform music. The pieces I have chosen are a solosuite by Max Reger, a concerto by Georg Philipp Telemann and a clarinet sonata by Johannes Brahms. I made some concerts where I try to achieve my goals.

Puritanismens dygdetik : En jämförande studie mellan Max Webers dygdteori och dygderna i John Bunyans bok Pilgrim´s Progress

The purpose of this study is to find the virtue ethics John Bunyan presents in Pilgrim´s Progress part 1, compared with the virtues Max Weber presents, and then try Weber´s theory on the empirical data, Pilgrim´s Progress. When I compare the virtues in Weber´s theory with the virtues in Pilgrim´s Progress, I interpret Weber´s theory as limited. From Weber´s theory emerges the puritan virtues: fulfillment of duty, struggle, self-control and live simply. He also mentions gratitude to God and helpfulness to other people, but this is shown through work in the society. These virtues can also be found in Pilgrim´s Progress.

?Dubbelt uppdrag blev trippelt?: måluppfyllelse, värdegrund och? marknadsföring! : - En kvalitativ studie av musiklärarens utåtriktade verksamhet

My research interest in the upcoming paper is the increased need for promotion of schools. I. e. the individual school´s needs to be able to show its existence, in the huge flow and availability of information; schools and universities, study circles, streamed lectures on the Internet, public schools and private schools, different educational directions, et cetera. The schools? needs to market itself, make good PR and sell their pedagogical idea, and that has become increasingly important. My purpose is to clarify how music teachers, in the Swedish primary and secondary school, skills and competences are used in outreach activities within but also outside, the school premises.

Den sociala sidan av kammarmusik

Playing chamber music is not only about music - there are social and practical things to deal with too. For example things like how to decide practising times and how to share the responsibility of the practical things like finding score for the music and booking rooms for the rehearsals. And also how to choose a way to interpret a piece when members of the ensemble are having several different opinions about it, what kind of roles people in the ensemble take and how these roles work with each other. This is an essay about what I have learned about these things on the different lessons and lectures, from all conversations with my fellow students and teachers and from my own experience as a member of different ensembles during my studies in the University of Gothenburg..

Femåringar berättar på svenska och engelska : Referensdata och jämförelse med 6- och 7-åringar

År 2009 startades det europeiska forskningsprojektet COST Action IS0804 med syfte att få mer kunskap om flerspråkiga barns språkutveckling och utveckla bedömningsmaterial anpassade för flerspråkiga barn. Inom COST Action fokuserar arbetsgruppen Narrative and discourse på berättelser (narrativer) som ett sätt att bedöma språk hos barn. Berättande liknar naturlig språkanvändning och anses ge en mer rättvisande bild av flerspråkiga barns förmåga än andra logopediska test. Av narrativgruppen utvecklades bedömningsmaterialet MAIN (Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives). Med MAIN kan barns produktion och förståelse av berättelser undersökas på makrostrukturell nivå.

Talet om trafficking -­? en hegemonisk strävan med kamp om betydelser: En analys av europeiska handlingsplaner mot trafficking med människor

This essay focuses on how trafficking is defined and dealt with in recent European policies,and particularly how prostitution take part of these discursive developments. Treaties andagreements on trafficking in human beings and for sexual exploitation have been made bythe European Union and United Nations amongst others, which have been signed andratified by the EU countries in Action Plans. In this essay, five national Actions Plans, fromAustria, Great Britain, Poland, Spain and Sweden between 2007 and 2009, have beencompared in order to see similarities and differences in how the phenomenon of traffickingis done through language. Based on Discourse theory and focus on discursive struggles, theresult show a hegemony around trafficking as a social issue in the Action Plans studied,exploiting humans, mainly children and women, sexually, but also how trafficking is framedas a problem of the nation state and the domestic labour market. It is also illustrated howdifferent meanings of prostitution make the trafficking discourse antagonistic and contested.Finally, the essay discusses the trafficking discourse in relation to EU strivings towardsharmonisation and power imbalances of migration and economy in Europe..

Konstmusik i stereo : Hur väl återger olika stereotekniker den verkliga upplevelsen i konsertlokalen?

Examensarbetet undersöker vilken stereoteknik som uppfattas ge den mest verklighetstrogna återgivningen av konstmusik samt om valet av stereoteknik påverkas av ljudteknisk eller konstmusikalisk bakgrund. Undersökningen gjordes i form av ett lyssningstest där deltagare i tre grupper fick, efter att ha lyssnat till en konstmusikalisk ensemble live i en konsertlokal, lyssna till tio olika inspelningar av samma stycke vars enda skillnad var vilken stereoteknik som använts vid inspelningen. Deltagarna ombads att gradera hur väl inspelningarna speglade verkligheten samt rangordna dem efter vilka de ansåg låta bäst oavsett hur trogna verkligheten de var.Studiens resultat visar på att konstmusikalisk och ljudteknisk bakgrund påverkar valet av vilken stereoteknik man föredrar och vilken man tycker låter mest likt den verkliga upplevelsen av musiken live. Av resultatet kan man också utläsa att personer inte konsekvent anser att de inspelningar som låter mest verklighetstroget är den man anser låter bäst..

Pedagogistans pedagogiska ledarskap

The pedagogista is a new professional role in Swedish preschools. Some people question the role, which originates from Italy, since it is believed to carry out a pedagogical leadership that belongs to the head of the preschool according to the curriculum and the Education Act. Consequently, there is cause for examining what pedagogical leadership means in an organization with a pedagogista. However, re- search has shown the success of distributed leadership within schools. Hence, it ?s interesting to find out whether the pedagogical leadership of the pedagogista could be understood as distributed leadership and what that would implicate.The purpose of this thesis is to explain and understand the pedagogical leadership of the pedagogista.

Nyckeltal för ekologiska fotavtryck för stommar i flerbostadshus

The climate changes that are occuring in the world have resulted in that the EU callingfor a 20 % reduction in energy consumption to the year 2020, to reach that goal theEU want the public sector to go forth as a good example. Västfastigheter owns andmanage the hospital buildings in the Västra Götaland region. To be able to reducetheir energy usage Västfastigheter has hired several consulting firms to chart out theenergy consumption on each hospital building. The biggest energy savings potentialhave been calculated and what the cost will be to perform each action. The energyaudit have been completed and stand as the decision basis for Västfastigheter?s choiceon which action packages that should be implemented.

Att må bra i vardagen: en kvalitativ studie av upplevelser hos kvinnor med osteoporos

Every second woman in Sweden suffers in their lifetime of fracture that is related to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis and fractures affect the person´s everyday life. The aim of the study was to describe experiences of feeling well among women with osteoporosis. Six women were interviewed with semi- structured interviews. The interviews were transcribed and the text was analyzed with thematic content analysis.

Design av komplex "Software as a Service" som self-service - En fallstudie i användarbehov och designprinciper

Utvecklingen inom informationsteknologi (IT)-området har gjort det möjligt för företag att distribuera tjänster och mjukvara via webben, enligt affärsmodellen Software as a Servie (SaaS). Det har dessutom visat sig att det finns ytterligare vinst att göra för såväl konsumenter som leverantörer av dessa verktyg om de kan distribueras utan omfattande implementeringsaktiviteter och utbildning. Därför vill man uppnå en hög grad av self-service i applikationerna.Affärsprocessföretaget Barium AB har uppmärksammat denna potential hos SaaS-produkterna och hyser en önskan att implementera self-servicetänket i deras produkt ?Barium Live!?. Då den forskning som finns rörande design av self-serviceprodukter i huvudsak handlar om enkla system av kiosk- och automattyp har de tagit initiativ till detta arbete för att reda ut vilka designimplikationer self-serviceaspekten har för mer komplexa applikationer.

Den kontrollerade tekniken : En studie om de exklusiva Plymouthbrödernas förhållande till samtida teknik

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the Swedish Plymouth brethren?s relation to contemporary technology. What types of technology are considered acceptable and where do they draw the line? Due to the brethren?s separation from the parts of the world they believe leads people away from God, such as the entertainment industry, immoralities etc., they reject use of television and radio. These two are viewed as uncontrolled types of technology since the user does not have control of its contents.

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