

5076 Uppsatser om Live action role playing - Sida 29 av 339

?Här hämtar man kraft? : en kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelser av deltagande i Qvinnoqulan, ett projekt för kvinnor på väg ur missbruk

The purpose of this study was to increase the knowledge and understanding of what impact support-groups, such as represented by Qvinnoqulan, can have on women with drug-addiction. The questions at issue for the essay was: How does a selection of women who participate in Qvinnoqulan describe their thoughts, experiences and reflections of the group? What sense has Qvinnoqulan made for the women on a personal level and for contributing to live a life without drugs? To answer the questions a qualitative method was used and five interviews were made with women who participated in the activities of Qvinnoqulan. To analyze the data a social constructionist perspective and an empowerment perspective was used. The result of the study showed that the women were in the process of rebuilding a new life without drugs and reconstructing a new identity.

Honung och biodling : honungens ursprung, egenskaper och effekter på människans hälsa

This report describes honey, its origin, properties and effects on human health. Honey has been used for a long time in most civilizations and apiculture is an important activity sector in many parts of the world. The trend is an increase in honey production but a decrease in the number of beekeepers in Sweden. Honeybees live in a highly developed society with a strong hierarchy and a well organized distribution of the tasks. They visit a broad spectrum of plants and collect nectar to store it as honey.

Åtgärdsprogram - överensstämmelse mellan provresultat och åtgärder?

Syftet med studien är att se hur upprättade åtgärder överensstämmer med resultatet på det nationella provet i svenska i skolår 5, samt att studera vilken typ av åtgärder som nedtecknats. Syftet är också att granska specialpedagogens roll vid arbetet med de elever som inte nådde målen. De teoretiska ramar vi valt för denna studie baserar sig på författares och forskares böcker och forskningsresultat vilka behandlar ovanstående ämne. För att utföra denna studie har vi intervjuat två lärare och två specialpedagoger på två olika skolor och i två olika klasser. I de två klasserna finns tio elever i behov av särskilt stöd.

Väljer man rätt? : en uppföljning av Svensk baskets regionsuttagningar

AimThe purpose with this study is to evaluate the selectationprocess and what happened with Swedish basketball players born 1986-89, that were selected to participate in Miki Herkel Cup (MHC), which is a camp for the 60 most talented players in Sweden.Metod  Together with the Swedish basketball federation, we decided to survey those who attended MHC as well as the players playing in the senior national team 2009.  The data collection has been made through a survey, with multiple choice questions in order to get as good as possible view of what factors that had influenced their development as basketball players. The survey was sent out to all players born 1986-89 that attended MHC and the senior national team of 2009. We used an electronic survey tool called questback which is an internetsurvey and sent out the survey to 320 players. To collect information we´ve searched within literature and databases.Result  18 % of the players answered the survey, which decreases the research validity.

Gränsland : var går gränsen mellan mig och en fysisk plats?

I have investigated the interaction between man and environment, between my inner reality and a physical place, using a camera as my primary tool. What conceptions do I have and how do they affect how I relate to the outer world? I am not a passive receiver of the surrounding world. Instead I actively (but usually unconsciously) choose what to take in and how I experience it. If we as landscape architects do not reflect upon our conceptions, they will unconsciously affect our decisions. Only when we accept our experiences as subjective, can honest communication take place. By means of literature studies I have connected my own conceptions with different definitions of place: place as enclosure (location, space), place as inner meaning (genius loci) and place as action (the place-creating process).

"Jag vet att det inte är någon semester att vara föräldraledig" : en studie kring hemarbete och föräldraskap utifrån ett jämställdhetsperspektiv

The following study was undertaken in the spring of 2005 in Helsingborg, Sweden.It presents a study of the experience and values six young couples have related to parenting and gender equality. Twelwe people, six women and six men, were interviewed about the above mentioned topics related to their new found role as parents. How did these women and men choose to assign or elaborate their role as parents in terms of household chores and parental leave? Did they consider their parenthood to be equal or did they feel that their role as parents had already been assigned based on their gender? What were the decisive factors, if any, that determined their parenting roles?Although this study is relatively limited, the results are compatible with other published studies and indicate that young parents of today, without consideration to their gender, have a traditional view on parenting. The study also indicates that the attitudes seem to be established by traditional values, norms as well as sexualgender.

Är det någon skillnad? : En kvalitativ undersökning om bibliotekariers uppfattningar om den användarstyrda förvärvsmodellen Patron Driven Acquisition.

This thesis is about new technology in academic libraries in the form of Patron Driven Acquisition. As libraries take part in the digital era, a new model of patron driven acquisition has emerged. This model gives users more influence over the libraries electronic book collection. The collection development model changes libraries traditional role in the collection development process, from collecting for the future to the present.The purpose of this thesis is to gain knowledge of what acquisition librarians think about the effects of PDA on the collection, the acquisitions role and the cost structure. The theoretical framework relies on Christensen?s theory about disruptive technology and was used to interpret outcomes of new technology in libraries and its staff.Five librarians from four different Swedish university libraries were interviewed using a qualitative semi-structured method to carry out the investigative part of this thesis.

Projektioner - subjektivitet och ansvar i gestaltandet :

With this paper my aim has been to investigate my subjectivity and responsibility as a landscape architect and to find ways to relate to it and handle it in my work. When I advocate a certain concept for a project, I influence the outcome, and in doing so I take on a personal responsibility. Even though my judgement is built upon facts and cooperation with colleagues and other consultants, I am always responsible for the part I play and how I affect the course of action. To what extent can I advocate my view and is it actually my responsibility to do it? How is my subjectivity part of my knowledge and influence as a landscape architect? I have interviewed three well known Swedish landscape architects to have their view on the matter. Since they are all strong individuals with huge experience and influence, the personal responsibility they bring upon themselves for their design action is as important. I have also used one of my own projects as a case study, analysing my design and standpoint and my relationship to the client to illustrate how these questions emerge even in the smallest projects. In the last section of the investigation I have searched for clues in diverse literature. This section is divided into three view points; the society, the profession and the individual..

IT Konsulter : Den Framträdande Strategiska Konsulten

The changed role of IT continuously influences organisational development, the individual and his role in the organization, different kinds of structures, management processes and strategies. One of the big concerns for IT firms is the need for IT consultants with enough experience to effectively and rapidly understand the business procedures of the firm in or-der to become a resource. In the classic IT-consultant role in the early days of IT, quite dif-ferent features were expected from them in their work procedures. The structure of how and which tasks they were expected to handle has undergone an indisputable transforma-tion. Today?s IT consultants are expected to know how to think in business strategic man-ners as well as the IT strategic manners.

Rörelsens generativa kraft : Den kroppsliga rörelsen som varseblivningens möjlighetsbetingelse

The standard model concerning the relationship between perception and motility is linear and one-way. It depicts the flow between the two as moving from sensation to perception to representation to computation, and finally, to motility and action. According to this model, animal being is basically a bundle of reflexes. But what can correctly be considered a bundle of reflexes from a natural science point of view, doesn't necessarily have to be true. This conception does not take into consideration the more complex interactions between motility and perception that constitutes, or generates, animal and human beings.

Instuderandet av notläsning på gitarr - en analys av olika gitarrskolor på marknaden med kompletterande egna exempel.

Title: Learning to read music notation on the guitar ? an analysis of various guitar schools on the market with added own examples. Purpose: To analyse currently available teaching materials on the subject of guitar notation on the market. A comparative analysis is made of five chosen books on the topic. Four criteria for the analysis of these five books are stated: 1) Structure and progression of the study of reading music on the guitar.

Att komma hem : Coming home

In this essay I analyze the meaning of the concepts home and at home and the feeling of coming home. What is a home and what different interpretations are there regarding the concepts of home and being at home? What kinds of feelings are aroused by coming home? The world we live in offers great opportunities to travel, which in itself creates a perspective on the meanings of the concepts. The world we live in also forces people to move from their homes, families and countries due to various reasons, which creates various problems and a certain urgency concerning the concepts. I describe basic terms concerning the concepts, both regarding concrete definitions and more abstract notions, and then compare them with my own reflections.         Based on my writing project Coming home I discuss these questions in various ways.

EU som global aktör : En fallstudie av klimatförhandlingarna i Köpenhamn

This essay examines the European Union?s (EU) ability to play a leading role as a global actor on the world stage in international relations. Specifically, this essay studies the EU?s role of negotiator in the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009.  This essay also analyzes explanations for this role. Research is based on case studies, with conclusions drawn using an inductive approach.

Vad är kvalitet i ledarskap? : Teorier, modeller och verkligheten

In this qualitative study the authors explores, by studying several quality-development models what quality in leadership is. The models are: Total Quality Management; SIQ?s model for customer-oriented organizational development; the EFQM excellence model; the ISO 9000:2000 standard; and Six Sigma. These models will be compared from Deming?s list for upper management; the Situational Leadership Theory; and the Contingency Theory.

Sociala medier  : När kunden själv får välja

In recent years, more and more people have started to live double lives. Blogs, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have created conditions so that we increasingly live virtual lives on the Internet. The gathering of people in this way entails both risks and opportunities for businesses. This study aims to explain how the phenomenon of social media has affected trade and service companies in a marketing and communication perspective. The idea for the essay came to us after we had observed how different behaviors in companies? concerning social media could vary a lot, and how we felt that this affected our personal view of the brands.

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