

5076 Uppsatser om Live action role playing - Sida 18 av 339

Editing, Streaming and Playing of MPEG-4 Facial Animations

Computer animated faces have found their way into a wide variety of areas. Starting from entertainment like computer games, through television and films to user interfaces using ?talking heads?. Animated faces are also becoming popular in web applications in form of human-like assistants or newsreaders. This thesis presents a few aspects of dealing with human face animations, namely: editing, playing and transmitting such animations.

Nya medier - nya användare

This essay shows how administrators in two different organizations are experiencing freedom of action in their work situation. The essay is made based on a qualitative method and interviews were used to implement the study. People chosen for this study are four administrators at a governmentagency - the Social Insurance agency, and four municipal officers from different Social service offices in southern Sweden. The theoretical framework consists of Weber's theory of bureaucracy, and his discussion of the legal authority. The analysis is designed as adiscussion of the parts that were especially prominent during the interviews.

God man är som en spindel i nätet : En kvalitativ studie om gode mäns roll och deras relation till ensamkommande barn, ur gode mäns perspektiv

This study is about a guardian ad litem mission, role and relation to unaccompanied children. On the basis of qualitative interviews the study aims to understand the trustees? role and relation to unaccompanied children. We chose to interview nine trustees to achieve a better insight of the trustees roll. We analyzed the interviews and tried to gain a better knowledge about a guardian ad litem mission, role and relationship to unaccompanied children with role theory and concepts off pastoral power and trust.

Snowboard - En idrott för alla? : En studie av Svenska skidförbundets satsning på ungdomar med invandrarbakgrund

AbstractAimThe aim of this study has been to survey the background of the youths in the selection group which participated in the Dream action day, to evaluate if the project succeeded and support the Swedish Ski Association with their recruiting process. The questions of issue have been: Which ethnical, demographical and economical backgrounds do the youths of the selection group have that participated in the Dream action day? Is there any common denominator among those who was drawn to continue? Do the youths want to contribute to expand the sport? Is Dream action Day a good way to reach out to the target group?MethodThrough a strategic selection made by the Swedish Ski Association 44 youths participated in a day during which they tried snowboard. They have been a part of our quantitative data collection and we have chosen six to interview. The interviews have been executed in form of semi structured interviews.ResultsThe results clearly show that few of the participants had any connection to the sport, neither from home nor from friends.

Decemberkompromiss eller Januariförlovning? : - en komparativ studie av svensk och finsk avtals- och arbetsmarknadsstruktur, reglering kring kollektivavtal samt reglering kring stridsåtgärder och sympatiåtgärder.

Declining union memberships are a fact in both Sweden and Finland. At the same time, the autonomous labour market parties and the high membership rates are the most significant factors for the two countries compared to Europe and the rest of the world. These two factors have in turn been developed and strengthened since the beginning of the twentieth century. By autonomous labour market parties I refer to the fact that the labour market parties themselves through collective bargaining are agreeing on the labour market conditions, without interference from the government.This paper is therefore taking it's stance in the question of what happens with the autonomous labour market parties when the membership rates are in decline. With this in mind, this paper describes the judicial development, the collective agreement and labour market structures, the legal consequences of collective agreements and the opportunities of industrial and sympathy action in both Sweden and Finland. The two countries' systems of labour law have caught some negative attention, hence two of the most discussed cases of recent years are given some attention as well. The collective judicial conditions are very similar in both Sweden and Finland regarding the labour market main actors' collaboration, the collective agreement structures and legal consequences and the opportunities of industrial and sympathy action.

"Jag blev intresserad av matte" : Ett aktionsforskningsprojekt med formativ bedömning i matematik

This thesis examines the implications of a shorter  intensive action research  project on  the formative assessments  key  strategies  four  and  five  that  are  activating  learners  as  learning  resources  for  one another and activating learners as owners of their own learning.  The research questions were ?How do the pupils experience the formative approach?? ?What didactic consequences does the formative approach  mean  for  the  role  of  the  teacher??  and  ?How  does  the  formative  approach  affects  the pupils?  results  on a  short term??. The results were that the  majority of the pupils liked the approach and that they felt like their efficiency increased. The didactic consequences were that the teacher had to spend more time on evaluation but had more time during the lesson to listen to and discuss with the pupils. The pupils? results were not changed in comparison with the control group..


This bachelor thesis is intended to point out differences within the supervisors? role and contribute in making the role more attractive. At present the information about how the supervisors? perspective varies on the supervisors? role and the introduction to it depending on work experience and education is unknown. Further it was investigated why the supervisors? role is seen as an entrance to the building industry and how to develop the role to encourage the supervisors to stay longer within it.In the collection of data we have been interviewing supervisors and studying literature.

Men problemet är att man aldrig har facit i handen : Några socialsekreterares uppfattningar om deras arbete med barn och ungdomar

The opinion of social workers towards their work with children and young persons wasstudied in this essay. Even their point of view with reference to the term the child?s bestinterest has being considered and special focus was laid on the social workers attitudestowards media coverage and its criticism towards their work. A qualitative approach was usedconsisted of six interviews. The theoretical frameworks were based on the theory aboutfreedom of action and the theory of social representations.

Action Naming Test (ANT) : Översättning och normering för vuxna i en svensk population

Benämningsförmågan av verb och substantiv kan påverkas på skilda sätt vid neurologisk skada eller sjukdom och idag finns inget normerat verbbenämningstest på svenska. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att översätta och ta fram normvärden för friska vuxna personer på Action Naming Test (ANT), samt att undersöka huruvida ålder, kön, utbildnings- och kognitionsnivå påverkar resultaten.Målorden i ANT översattes från engelska till svenska genom omvänd översättning och 120 personer i åldrarna 20-83 år testades med detta. För möjlighet att undersöka inverkande faktorer på resultaten samlades information om utbildningsnivå in och deltagarna testades även med Irregularly Spelled Words (ISW) och Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III (WISC-III) Blockmönster.Resultaten visade att ålder, utbildning och kognition hade en inverkan på hur friska vuxna personer presterade på ANT. Yngre deltagare presterade signifikant bättre, liksom deltagare med hög utbildnings- och kognitionsnivå. Hänsyn bör tas till att anpassningar till svenska språket inte är fullständigt utförda, men då resultaten har ett stort underlag kan de ändå användas som normvärden vid testning av verbbenämningsförmåga hos personer med neurologisk skada eller sjukdom..

Den kommunikativa medarbetaren : För att uppnå en ömsesidig kommunikationsprocess

This thesis addresses the subject of internal communication between the leadership and the employees. Communication is a common process and according to Tufvesson (2008), the primary focus has been on the role and responsibility of the leadership. This can mean that, from the employee's point of view, it is not clear what the organization expects, and this lack of clarity dimishes the ability of the employees to live up to those expectations (ibid). Tufvesson (2008) believes that today's organizations need common interpretations, which requires a well thought out communication strategy between leadership and employees. Because communication represents an organization's functionality, the report?s authors were interested in studying the employees? representatives.

Våra sociala medvetanden: En diskussion om ett socialt perpektiv angående medvetandet

In this essay a social perspective on the mind is explored and argued for. The essay moves from a discussion of a social collective foundation for the individual mind to a discussion ofthe main alternative ways of describing the shared social world, namely an action-centred perspective and a power-centred perspective. It is shown that these two perspectives are combinable. A combination of the two perspectives is therefore recommended for a more balanced way of describing the shared social world. In this essay it is argued for that the individuals? mind and her identity is dependent on the surrounding community.

Ingenting är sant, allt är tillåtet : En kvalitativ studie om historiska datorspel som Assassin?s Creeds påverkan för det oavsiktliga lärandet och dess pedagogiska möjligheter

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the unintentional learning that happens during the use of computer games. With the use of interviews with students in the ages 13-15 who all have played the game series Assassin?s Creed, and then compared them with students who does not play the game, we have been able to identify that some learning is taking place, but that the student?s attitude towards the subject, and their maturity, also is vital for the learning. Even tough, the students who didn?t really enjoy history as a subject showed better knowledge after playing the game, than the students who hadn?t played at all, which indicates that computer games can be a good source for learning.

Snowboard - en idrott för alla : En studie av Svenska skidförbundets satsning på ungdomar med invandrarbakgrund

SammanfattningSyfte och frågeställningarSyftet med denna uppsats har varit att kartlägga bakgrunden hos den urvalsgrupp som deltagit under Dream action day samt att undersöka vilka som lockades av sporten och vill vara med att bredda den. Vår avsikt är även att undersöka om Dream action day var ett bra sätt att nå ut till en ny målgrupp. Vår ambition är även att stödja Svenska skidförbundets i sin rekryteringsprocess samt utvärdera om satsningen varit lyckad. Frågeställningen har varit följande: Vilken etnisk, demografisk och ekonomiska bakgrund har de som deltar under Dream action day? Finns det någon gemensam nämnare hos de som lockats fortsätta åka? Vill ungdomarna vara med och bredda sporten? Är Dream action day ett bra sätt att nå ut till målgruppen?MetodGenom ett strategiskt urval gjort av Svenska skidförbundet har man lyckats locka 44 ungdomar till en dag där de har fått prova på snowboard.

Västerås stadsbiblioteks roller ? ett nedslag i Västerås stads styrnings- och planeringsdokument år 2010 med diskursanalytisk ansats

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to identify and describe thedifferent roles that are expressed in a public library by researchingthem in the four policy documents concerning Västerås public libraryin 2010 and by interviews with three specially chosen key persons.Further studied are the discourses that can be perceived in thematerial and whether or not the roles could come in conflict witheach other. Laclau and Mouffes discursive theory constitutes themethodical frame for this thesis and by using terms from discursivetheory the analysis was made in four steps.Seven roles were identified from the policy documents concerningVästerås public library and the interviews with the key persons. Thefirst role of the public library was the intermediary of knowledge andinformation, the second was viewed as a democratic role, the third asa marketing role, the fourth as a role that handled the collaboration,the fifth role was to improve literacy, and the sixth and seventh roleswere as a culture centre and a meeting place. With the help fromkeywords five major discourses were found within the material.

Världens äldsta yrke : Men vad innebär det att vara sexarbetare i Sverige idag?

This is a qualitative study inquiring ?What does it entail to be a sex worker in Sweden today?? Four female sex workers were interviewed in semi-structured interviews. Using methods for reflexive analysis, interpreting the interviews and their context theoretically through notions of Competence and Stigma, the results of this study shows that sex workers may be both competent agents and stigmatized. This informs the understanding of sex work, stigma and how learning, subjective room for action and social agency can be aggravated or hindered by stigma. The results are viewed in the context of Swedish legislation against sex purchase in relation to previous research which shows that said legislation is problematic.

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