

5056 Uppsatser om Live action role playing - Sida 1 av 338

Hejoppa hejopp! : En musiketnologisk studie av musikrepertoar och dess tradering inom lajvkulturen

The aim of this essay is to study and show the contents of the music repertoire that is used in live action role plays in Sweden and study how this repertoire is spread between participants in the culture of Live action role playing.Four informants have been chosen and interviewed, three men and one woman of different ages from different places in Sweden. They have all been practicing Live action role playing for some years.Some of the conclusions that can be drawn from this study is that the participants of this hobby culture value music that feels old and contribute to the illusion of another world and time. The music repertoire of the Live action role playing culture is filled with this music that gives the participants associations in line with the illusion. That is more important than the real age of the music. Another interesting conclusion is that the participants learn and spread the melodies verbally to each other and only the texts spread on the internet..

Spela roll?

The purpose with this research was to find out what advantages and/ or disadvantages there might be as playing the role as a lecture. In everyday life we give eachother different roles. During the last years the lecture has become a current and outstanding role. This has made me more curious about the lectures´ thoughts about there role. In this work I have tried to explore about the lecture playing the role.

?Tärningen är kastad?: Rollspelslitteratur i samhället och på bibliotek

The role-playing game attracts a growing number of practisers. The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine role-playing literature as phenomenon in libraries through librarians´ attitudes. The paper is based on qualitative interviews with eight librarians: one personal interview with two librarians and six e-mail interviews with six librarians at different libraries. The paper starts with a definition of the term ?role-playing game?, its different categories and genres and a description of its background.

Karaktärsskapandets potential och begränsningar

This project report describes a supplement for character creation in a tabletop role-playing game ?Dragons and Demons." The purpose of this project is to improve the character creation for the players? trough the narrative elements such as character?s background story. The applied qualitative methods such as a test panel and a questionnaire were conducted for the evaluation of theories used during character creation and to get feedback on the supplement?s creative value for the players. The aim of the questionnaire was to see how the method for the character creation differs from the regular way of making a character for a tabletop role-playing game and if this idea improves user experience during the tabletop role-playing game.The results of the evaluation are based on answers from novice and experienced players, and conclude that the additional background story creates an insight into the character's past, which makes it easier for novice players to get quick started with character creation.

Barnens fria lek

This thesis is based on research and observations of children on a preschool when playing in the free-play. What do the children choose to play with, when they get to choose for themselves? And how do they play? Do boys and girls together or do they divide themselves up? How important is the free-playing for the development of the child? Genus is also an important element which is interesting to observe and to see different patterns in. The abidance?s have been made while the children have been playing, and from discrete observations notes have been taken.I have been working with material, and literature from distinguished researchers within the subject.

Skolans information om alkohol och trafik : En utvärdering av rollspelet Leka med Döden för påverkan av skolungdomars attityder till alkohol och trafik

In this study I have investigated how role playing may change young students´ attitudes and behavior. According to the Swedish National Agency for Education´s governing document, Läroplanen för de frivilliga skolformerna, 1994, the principals at Swedish schools are required to inform students about the risks connected with alcohol and traffic. Scientists bring to our attention the need for emotional information to change attitudes and behaviors. The Historical Wine- and Sprits Museum in Stockholm has arranged a role play that gives emotional information to school students in order to affect their attitudes towards drunk driving. My study is a qualitative examination of this role play.

Orden bland drakar och demoner : En språkstudie av svenska rollspelsböcker

The purpose of this essay was to do a research about if the language in Swedish role-playing books is used correctly and if the composition along with the possible language errors makes the books hard to understand.This research was also about to find out why these problems occurs and if the authors are aware of them.I choose books from two Swedish role-playing games, Eon and Drakar och Demoner. I read them trough, noted the mistakes made and put them together in a scoring table. I also did a LIX-test on the books and interviewed one of the authors.The results shows that the books to Eon is harder to read than the books to Drakar och Demoner and this agrees with the vision the authors of the books claims to have.The results also shows that it is not only the language mistakes and the composition that makes the books hard to read, but also the choice of difficult words and badly formulated rules..

"Att leva som andra" - om normalisering och den personliga assistentens roll i den funktionshindrades sexliv

The purpose of this essay was to investigate the view of what kind of role the personal assistant has in disabled people´s life and sexlife and how conceptions of a "normal" life and "to live like others" can be identified related to this. My research questions was: What does the expression "to live like others" mean to the organisations? What is the view in the organisations of the personal assistant´s role in the client´s life? What is the view in the organisations of the personal assistant´s role in the client´s sexlife? What is the view in the organisations of disabled people´s rights to get assisted help with sex? I chose to do semistructured interviews with different organisations related to disability and assistance and I analysed the interviews with theoretical aspects of social constructivism, the principle of normalization and the theory of SRV (Social Role Valorization), autonomy, individualism and models of action. My main conclusion were that the views of disabled people´s sexuality and the personal assistant´s role in disabled people´s sexlife were widely separate. However, almost all of the organisations were pointing out the autonomy of the individual and the importance of setting the limits.

Lek och lärande : en studie om fyra pedagogers syn på den fria leken och dess påverkan på lärandet

The purpose of this study is to find out how four preschool teachers view children?s free playing and its impact on their learning. My main questions are:How do the teachers view the children?s free playing?In what ways does the children?s free playing affect their learning, according to the teachers?This essay is based on a qualitative study in which I have interviewed four female preschool teachers of different ages. I highlight various theories of children?s playing and learning in preschool, by theorists such as Vygotsky, Lillemyr, Knutsdotter Olofsson, Lindqvist, among others.

Fånga leken : en studie om lekens betydelse för barn med olika funktionsnedsättningar - iakttagelser genom deltagande i barns lek

?Games children play? is a study about the importance of playing with a focus on a group of disabled children. I have made some observations by participating in these children?s play at an accommodation. My interest arouse when I worked as holiday substitute at an accommodation for disabled children.The purpose with the study is to carry out participation observations and look for signs and events that show the importance of children?s play.

Joharifönster och spel : att identifiera en målgrupp

This is the report on a study made to find a correlation between the Johari window and the games that the possessor of given Johari window enjoys to play. A Johari window is a graph that shows an individual?s ability to receive and give feedback. One obvious correlation was found between individuals enjoying role playing games and their possessing Johari windows showing a good ability to give feedback. The reasoning behind this is that the ability to give feedback is based on the capability to express oneself to the external environment, and that one would need to be comfortable with expressing oneself to an external environment in order to enjoy interacting with the narrative that takes place within the role playing genre..

Bonusföräldraskapets många ansikten : en kvalitativ studie av roller och rollskapandet bland bonusföräldrar

The aim of our study is to examine stepparents´experiences of their role in the new family, we also want to examine if the role as stepparent is affected to the role as a biological parent. Our study is based on six semi-structured interviews, with three stepmothers and three stepfathers.By using role theory and symbolic interactionism our results indicate the requirement of constant negotiation as well as acknowledging the need to consider the other familymembers, those you may not have chosen to live with.We can see that the division of responsibility is governed by what is best for the family - to make life as easy as possible. It is clear that many stepparent lack guidance in what is expected of them in their new role; howeverr, they have been able to grow into it.  .

Leken : En studie om pedagogernas syn på lekens betydelse inom förskolan

The aim of this study was to investigate whether teachers are involved in children´s play, what their perspectives are on the importance of play and what conditions teachers have to stimulate children in their playing. In this study, I?ve been able to verify that play has a great value for children?s learning development. My method have been interviewing four teachers at a kindergarten in order to examine educators? perspective on the importance of play.The results of my investigation showed that teachers believe that play and role- play have a major impact on children's learning.

Synkroniserad videouppspelning över Internet

The goal with this project was to achieve real-time synchronized video playback over the Internet, or in other words, that multiple clients play the same part of a video at the same time.The result shows how it is possible to build such a protocol, that gives a user experience that the video is synchronized between computers when playing a locally stored file, stream or video delivered using progressive download. This was achieved by designing, then role playing to find weaknesses, and at last implementing the protocols to see how they work in practice. By using such a protocol, it is possible to navigate and discuss around a video in for example a telephone conference, and be sure that everybody is looking on the same picture..

Bostadsgården : att se till de boende vid utformningen av bostadsgårdar - en litteraturstudie kring bostadsgårdens betydelse

This candidate essay is built on literature studies and discusses the meaning of the residential yard along with what you, as a landscape architect, should think about when you are designing functional residential yards. To do this I found it necessary to figure out what it is that makes people step outside their own apartment and out into the city?s public places. The reasons for this are numerous and many times individually affected. Something that plays a role in people?s outdoor life and prevents them from spending time outside is the lack of time, the technique of today and the feeling off insecurity.

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