

26360 Uppsatser om Litterär metod - Sida 5 av 1758

Characteristics of Swedish gilts at service and producers? opinions about gilt production

In Sweden, selection for leanness in pigs has been going on for almost a century. This sometimes results in gilts and sows being too lean and consequently in a risk for reduced reproduction and health status. The Swedish recommendation includes that gilts should be mated after seven months of age, after one documented oestrus, at 120-140kg live weight and with a backfat thickness of 16-20mm. Five gilt producing herds were visited and records of age, heart girth (for weight estimation), body condition (visual estimation), backfat thickness and exterior were made. The same records were also taken in four gilt buying herds on newly purchased gilts.

Investigation of the reward cycle associated with play behaviour in lambs

The aim of this study was to investigate if behaviour, ear positions and cortisol in lamb which were given access to play followed the different phases of the reward cycle of anticipation, consumption and relaxation. The study was done on 8 Dorset and 12 Dorset x Fine Wool uncastrated male lambs with an average age of 10 weeks. The lambs were housed pairwise in litter pens (2 x 3 m). Pairs of lambs were taken to a play arena (5.9 x 5.5 m) three times a week during five weeks (first week for learning). They were then first kept in a holding pen where they could look into the play arena for 5 minutes and thereafter released for 20 minutes in the play arena which had a ball, two chains and a tunnel.

Synchronizing migration with birth: an exploration of migratory tactics in female moose

Migration and giving birth are crucial decisions for animals during their life cycle, which may have lasting consequences on their population demography and fitness. Migration can entail a variety of possible effects for an individual, such as access to high quality food and reduced risk for predation. The moose (Alces alces) in northern Sweden is partially migratory and moose females are known to give birth to one or two calves. The synchrony between time of calving and timing of migration has not been compared before, especially in terms of energy maximizing and time minimizing perspectives, which may provide vital cues for fitness benefits of migration. I investigated effect of timing of birth and individual life history on distance, timing, stopovers and duration of 190 individually marked female moose that have been tracked for multiple years in ten different areas in northern Sweden.

Tidsstudier i kalvuppfödning :

Swedish agriculture stands in front of big changes the whole time. As a milking producer you have to adapt and develop the company to these changes and find the best solution. This potential is easy to find if you compare your company with other similar companies. Labour cost is the biggest cost in milking production after the cost for food. Today it is rather easy to measure how many hours per cow different system of cow houses needs, but we do not know so much about how many hours it takes to breed a calf. To learn more about the labour time with the calves during the first time after the calf was born, I made time studies on five different farms with calf hutches, automatic milk system, large calf boxes, and smaller calf boxes with teat buckets.

Inverkan av SPC pÄ induktion av protein AF och produktionsresultat hos slaktkyckling

This study was a degree in Master of Science in agriculture with specialization in animal science for the Department of animal nutrition and management at SLU. The subject was created by AS-Faktor, a small company for science and development within the company LantmÀnnen AB. It was a test of the effect of SPC (Special Processed Cereals) on induction of the endogenous protein AF (an antisecretory factor) in plasma and intestinal lumen in broilers. Previous results have shown positive effects on different intestinal diseases in pigs, horses, dogs as well as in humans. Beside the induction we also studied the effects on results in a conventional slaughter chicken production, including the ability of SPC to compete with or be affected by the coccidiostat, Salinomax.When diarrhoea occurs, it's because there is an imbalance between the secretion and the absorption and it can be caused by for example toxins.

Död ved i gallrad skog och nyckelbiotoper : en jÀmförelse av habitatkvaliteter för vedlevande lavar och mossor

A high amount of dead wood is one of the most important prerequisites for high biodiversity on forest land in Sweden. Dead wood is most abundant in young forests, thinned forests, woodland key habitats and protected forest land. In old-growth forests most of the dead wood consists of logs and snags, whilst in managed forests a huge proportion of dead wood is made up of logging residues like stumps and FWD, fine woody debris (< 10 cm diameter). All these different types of dead wood may serve as substrates for epixylic bryophytes and lichens. However, few studies have been conducted on the relative importance of these different fractions of dead wood for the occurrence of bryophytes and lichens, especially when considering dead wood on thinned forest land.

Ekologisk och smÄskalig uppfödning av slaktkyckling och kalkon i Sverige :

In Sweden in January 2005, there is only one producer of organic broilers and none of organic turkeys. But there are, on the other hand, a few small-scale producers whose housing systems to some extent are similar to what is stipulated in the organic standards. The aims of this work are to investigate what housing systems are used by the Swedish small-scale producers of broilers and turkeys, what main challenges they are confronted with and if there is an interest and a possibility for a change-over to organic production. For the first part of this work a literature study was performed with the purpose of detecting the main health problems in conventional as well as smallscale production. A special focus was on coccidiosis and leg weakness as those were considered to be of particular importance. A study was made of Swedish small-scale poultry production units. In two groups of broilers from the same producer and in three flocks of turkeys the level of Eimeria oocysts in faeces and litter was investigated.

Effect of insoluble fibre enrichment on egg quality in laying hens

Studien var en del i ett större projekt som syftade till att undersöka hur vÀrphöns pÄverkas beteendemÀssigt och nutritionellt av ökad konsumtion av olöslig fiber. I det nu aktuella projektet undersöktes hur ökat intag av olöslig fiber pÄverkar Àggkvalitén. FiberkÀllan utgjordes av halmpellets som antingen blandades i fodret med 3 % inblandning, alternativt utgjorde strömaterial för att undersöka strömaterialets betydelse som fiberkÀlla. TvÄ olika hybrider ingick i försöket, 720 Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL) och 720 Lohmann Brown (LB), varav halva antalet av varje hybrid hölls i frigÄende system och andra hÀlften i inredda burar. Totalt insamlades och undersöktes 180 Àgg frÄn varje inhysningssystem dÄ hönorna var 31-32 veckor gamla.

Evaluation of an ectomycorrhizal macrofungi as an indicator species of high conservation value pine-heath forests in northern Sweden

Since the 1950s, the development of modern rotation forestry in boreal Fennoscandia has resulted in a severe reduction of older forests, and a high degree of fragmentation among the small patches that remains of old forest. In Sweden, when performing conservation value assessments in order to identify and preserve the remaining forest habitats, the government authorities use to a significant extent a set of indicator species that indicate habitats of high biological conservation value. One species considered to indicate high conservation values in pine-heath forests is the red-listed ectomycorrhizal (EM) macrofungi Sarcodon scabrosus (Fr.) P. Karst. In the present study, the validity of using S.

PrimÀr ciliÀr dyskinesi som orsak till kronisk lungsjukdom hos hund : en litteraturstudie och fallpresentation

Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an important but unusual cause of chronic respiratory disease of young dogs. The purpuse of this paper is to study and present internationally publicated papers on PCD in dogs and present three dogs, in which PCD was suspected. PCD has been reported in many dog breeds as well as in people. In dogs an humans, PCD is caused by inborn genetical defects which causes structural and functional abnormalities of cilia in the respiratory organs and other cilia in the body. Situs inversus occurs in about half the cases in people and probably in dogs as well. Respiratory signs usually predominate.

Inhysningssystem för kalvar och ungdjur i större besÀttningar :

In Sweden, there has been a continuous increase in the volume of housing construction for dairy cattle. Since 2004, the number of new, rebuilt and extended dairy cow houses undergoing preliminary inspection by the authorities has grown. The livestock farms have mostly focused on cow units instead of calf and heifer sheds; which has led to a need for information in this area. The purpose of the study was to improve advisors? knowledge about bovine building construction and function; to enable them to provide more qualified advice to conventional and organic milk producers who sustain larger herds.

Hantering och lastning av nöt pÄ gÄrden : praktiska studier vid hÀmtning av slaktdjur - rÄd för att minska stress och skador pÄ djur och mÀnniskor

ABSTRACT There is present a lot of focus on animal welfare issues during transport and the related loading and unloading of animals. This thesis is a field study investigating the present situation of beef and dairy farms in Sweden. The predominant reasons stressing cattle when transported to abattoirs are when they are loaded and unloaded on the trucks. The aim of this thesis is to improve the handling and the loading facilities to facilitate the handling and reduce the stress for the animals as well as the personnel. The field study was done by travelling together with the transports from the farm to the abattoir in Uppsala. Three trucks where used and about 60 farms were visited January to March 2003.

Manöverkrigföringens indirekta och direkta metod : en studie i fördelningen av dessa vid flyginsatser under Operation Desert Storm

En av huvuddelarna i manöverkrigföringen, som Försvarsmakten nyttjar, Àr indirekt och direkt metod. Men dÄ Sverige inte har varit i krig pÄ vÀldigt lÀnge sÄ beslöt jag att skriva denna uppsats i syfte att skapa ett underlag för en ökad förstÄelse för nyttjandet av indirekt och direkt metod vid manöverkrigföring. För att göra detta sÄ försökte jag svara pÄ följande frÄga:Hur ser fördelningen mellan indirekt och direkt metod ut vid flyginsatser i krig under 1990-talet?För att fÄ ett svar pÄ frÄgan sÄ gjorde jag en fallstudie pÄ Operation Desert Storm dÀr jag först analyserade vilken metod de allierade styrkorna anvÀnde mot de olika anfallsmÄlen. Efter detta gjorde jag en undersökning i hur mÄnga anfall och uppdrag som genomfördes mot varje mÄl.

Fissurförsegling som kariesförebyggande metod

Introduktion: Karies Àr en infektionssjukdom som orsakas av bakterier frÄn den orala mikrofloran. Gropar och fÄror i de första permanenta kindtÀnderna Àr de vanligaste platserna för kariesskador. DÀrför Àr behandling och prevention av karies i dessa ytor av stor betydelse i dagens barntandvÄrd. En metod för att förhindra kariesuppkomsten Àr fissurförsegling, en applikation av plast direkt i de djupa fissurerna pÄ kindtÀndernas tuggytor. Det saknas dock tillrÀckliga vetenskapliga studier gÀllande fissurförsegling som kariesförebyggande metod och dÀrför behövs aktuell kunskap inom detta omrÄde. Syfte: Att beskriva effekten av fissurförsegling som kariesförebyggande metod.FrÄgestÀllningar: 1.

Dramapedagogik ? En motiverad metod pÄ gymnasiet? : Ett antal svensk/engelsklÀrares attityd till dramapedagogik som integrerad metod pÄ gymnasiet

Uppsatsen Àmnar undersöka hur gymnasielÀrare med Àmneskombinationen svenska/engelska ser pÄ anvÀndandet av dramapedagogik som metod i sina Àmnen. Uppsatsen bygger pÄ intervjusvar frÄn Ätta kvalitativa intervjuer gjorda med svensk/engelsklÀrare pÄ tvÄ olika gymnasieskolor i Kalmar under vÄren 2008. Resultatet visar att mÄnga lÀrare Àr positiva till dramapedagogik men att det Àr fÄ som anvÀnder det i en större utstrÀckning. SkÀlen att inte anvÀnda drama Àr enligt de intervjuade framförallt okunskap, tidsbrist samt organisatoriska svÄrigheter..

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