

22343 Uppsatser om Literature study - Sida 6 av 1490

Diabetes mellitus typ 1 i allmänvården

The aim of this Literature study has been to investigate the general nurse's knowledge of diabetes type 1 and its complications. The questions were: What does the general nurse need to know about diabetes type 1? What does the general nurse know about diabetes type 1? To answer these questions, a Literature study has been done of 8 scientific articles. The theoretical reference study on which the study has been based is Gustafsson's SAUK Model for affirmative nursing care. The result shows that the nurse lacks knowledge in the nursing care of diabetes patients and this reflects the fact that little research has been done on diabetes mellitus type 1 in recent years.

Rehabilitering med eller utan simning av korsbandsopererade hundar

This study examines what effect swimming has on the rehabilitation, compared with only resting after a cranial cruciate ligament surgery. It consists of a Literature study, an inquiry study and a visit to a rehabilitation centre. The inquiry study shows that ten weeks after a cranial cruciate ligament repair, the lameness has disappeared in a greater number of dogs among those that undergo swimming as physiotherapy compared with those that do not swim. Literature shows that swimming has a positive effect on the result after surgery. The thigh circumference increases faster, the limb function improves more and the range of motion gets larger. Dogs should therefore be recommended swimming as rehabilitation after surgery for a rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament..

Pedagogik för blogg : "när skolan blir viktig och på riktigt"

In this essay I examine if socio cultural theory is present for teachers when pupils and students are using computers in class, especially when using blogs as a tool for learning. The aim of the essay is also to examine if blogs among pupils in class can promote peer support, co-operation and reflective dialogue, and in that case in what way. The essay consists of two studies, one small interview study and one Literature study.  The interview study is made with the qualitative method phenomenographic analysis, presenting four Swedish teachers who have much experience using blogs in education. The aim of the Literature study where some national and international research studies of relevance are presented, is to broaden the perspective.The result of the interview study shows that a socio cultural theory is highly present among the teachers who already use blogs in education. In addition, those teachers experience that the blog in the classroom supports dialogue and co-operation among the pupils.  In contrast, the Literature study shows that most teachers in Sweden who made their pupils work with computers in classroom seem to let their student work alone, without guiding them and without creating co-operation or dialogue in the classroom.

A literature study and survey of sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) in southern Sweden

Sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) is a common broadleaved species throughout Europe, however often of minor interest to the forest sector. There is currently a lack of research on sycamore maple, and some of its characteristics have throughout history contributed to a negative reputation in both literature and the forest society. Since broadleaved species in general are of great importance to the forest sector in Europe and presumably of enhanced significance in the future, deepened research is needed and particularly Swedish. With a desire to hopefully increase the interest for sycamore maple, was the objective of the study to examine the current status of the sycamore stands in southern Sweden. The study was carried out both as a survey with inventory field work and as a Literature study. Parts of the latter mentioned is also presented in the introduction. The study shows that the majority of the sycamore stands in Sweden are growing well, producing fairly high qualities and volumes.

Ett utökat urval av litteratur till elever med lässvårigheter : Kan elever med lässvårigheter läsa icke lättläst barnlitteratur?

The aim of this study is to analyse how children?s literature for ages 6 ? 8 is adapted to pupils with reading difficulties. The material used for analysis in this study is six children?s books, examining some of the criteria by which a text is classified as easy-to-read. The result of the analysis shows that there is a possibility for pupils with reading difficulties to read something other than easy-to-read literature if it is carefully selected.

Religionslitteraturen och dess låntagare: en studie på två folkbibliotek

This thesis treats lending figures of literature on religion at libraries in Vårgårda and Lerum.Formulated hypotheses are: The use of literature on religion is higher at the library in Vårgårdathan at the one in Lerum; In Lerum the most literature on religion is used by highly educatedpeople; Ethnic groups and librarians have an influence on the stock.The Christian literature has other patterns than other literature regarding selection criteria,reviews and distribution. The conclusions are: The fact that there are many members ofChurch and Chapel in Vårgårda, does reflect the number of loans of literature on religion in apositive way; Education does not influence, but distance between school and library; Thelibrarians' interest and therefore knowledge regarding religious topics has an impact on theirtreatment of religious books, while ethnic groups do not effect stock and use in either Vårgårdaor Lerum..

?Jag är en av de få som blir lycklig...? - bibliotekariers attityder och förhållningssätt på fem folkbibliotek till statens distributionsstödda titlar.

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to study attitudes and standpoints among a few librarians towards literature with state supported distribution provided by the Swedish Arts Council. By qualitative interviews with librarians at five different public libraries, the thesis examines which attitudes that flourish concerning the titles, how the circular of books is treated, where the titles belong on the literature map and if the system is producing a standardisation of this literature and if the conception of quality is relevant. We also study how the librarians relate to intentions of the Swedish Art Council with the distributed titles and how they regard their availability. Our theoretical framework is based on Hans Hertel?s model of five literary circulations and Theodor W.

Människan bakom maskinen : En studie av hur subjektet "gruvarbetaren" retoriskt konstitueras i Sara Lidmans Gruva

The aim of this study is to study the construction of literary values. I have been looking at how literature awarded with sponsored literary prizes has been reviewed in four major English and American newspapers. I have been studying the reception of literature by Ian McEwan, Hilary Mantel, Colm Tóibín and Zadie Smith between 2000 and 2012. The prizes in focus are the Man Booker Prize, the Orange prize for fiction and the Costa Awards. There seems to be an increasing number of articles related to each author after they have been awarded a prize, however with little change in the content of the reviews.

Den svenska biblioteksersättningen ur författarnas perspektiv

rspective [123][pdf.gif] The aim of this thesis is to study the Swedish Public Lending Right PLR from the authors perspective. I investigate what the Swedish authors of today think about the system for distributing the money in the Authors trust Författarfonden, and in what ways they want to change it. I also try to distinguish the authors thoughts about how the scolarships from the Authors trust are distributed. What kind of authors do they think are favoured when the money is distributed and what kind of authors are treated unfairly. Finally I investigate how the money is shared out in reality by using some of the literature sociologist Johan Svedjedals theories of the distribution, and compare these facts with the authors thoughts about how the money is distributed.

Behövs en litterär kanon? : Jämförande studie baserad på sju gymnasielärares syn på kanons plats i svenskundervisningen 

English title: Is a literary canon necessary? A comparative study based on seven senior high school teachers´ different approaches towards the place of canon in the education of Swedish. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how seven senior high school teachers relate to a literary canon in Swedish while teaching literature in senior high school, identifying similarities and differences among the teachers? view and opinions about an outspoken formal literary canon and a silent, informal canon.The earlier research opens the door slightly to the American debate and gives insight about the complexity of the concept of canon. The study continues with exploring possible relations to postcolonial theory and didactics.    The study reveals that the majority of the concerns against canon are that too much centrally governed education may decrease the motivation and commitment of the teacher. In addition, the dominant canon passivizes a certain variety of literature, thus various points of views. On the other hand, views on the equalizing effect of canon on the level of education and its benefits in increased knowledge of the history of the literature are salient. .

Var är kvinnorna i litteraturhistorien? : En komparativ studie av hur kvinnliga författare framställs i två upplagor av Svenska Timmar ? litteraturen

This essay examines how female authors are described in the literary canon of two differenteditions of the Swedish education material on the history of literature: Svenska Timmar ?litteraturen. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the depiction of femaleauthors has changed from the first edition (1991) to the last edition (2012), and how thesechanges correspond with the curriculums Lgy70 and Lgy11.The study is quantitative as well as qualitative. The quantitative part of the study showsthat the percentage of female authors has increased in the 2012 edition. A greater number offemale authors are also portrayed with pictures and headings.

Synen på litteratur i 1970-talets och 1990-talets svenska kulturpolitik: en idéanalytisk ansats

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine the view of literature within Swedish governmental cultural policy. The main issue is to discover changes in attitude towards democracy, literature and library by comparing the attitudes in the governmental policy documents from the 1970s with the governmental policy documents from the 1990s. The theoretical starting point is Danish cultural policy researcher Dorte Skot-Hansens theories of the development of cultural policy in the Nordic countries. My method of analysis is a textual one, analysis of ideas and ideology, focusing on the aspect of signification of a text. The study has an effort of analysing the governmental policy in terms of idea and ideology.

för att förstå tänker jag på arabiska Arabisktalande barns möte med litteraturen i skolbiblioteket, en intervjustudie med åttaåringar och elvaåringar

The purpose of this study is to the increase knowledge and understanding of the meeting between children with Arabian as native language and a Swedish school library. The study is made as a qualitative investigation built on interviews with eight-year-olds and eleven-year-olds. Only the childrens needs and views are considered. The study is centred on twelve key issues and aims to document the childrens thoughts and views of reading as well as their reading habits and their use of the school library. Through the childrens own words their evaluation of reading and literature, their abilities to assimilate the text and their de facto use of the books can be known.

Webb 2.0-relaterad marknadsföring - Möjligheter och risker med marknadsföring i webb 2.0- relaterade webbtjänster

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how some university students, who are using the libraries extensively, use and experience the public and the university library and what they expect from the two different library types. I also compare their expectations with the different tasks and aims of the two library types. To answer this I have interviewed seven students at the department of history of literature at Göteborg University. I have also studied some literature and research related to this subject, for example user studies about students and libraries and the information behaviour of distance students.

Pojkars och flickors värderande uttryck i narrativa texter. : En studie av elevtexter i årskurs nio.

This study is based on my work as a teacher of Swedish language and literature to upper secondary school students, and my interest in developing the teaching of literature by using both new criticism theories and theories of literary perception focusing on reader response. The purpose of the study is to examine the learning process in trying to develop literary competence and to find out how to describe the competence shown by the students. My starting-point is a discussion about literary competence and the theory and model of literary competence by Örjan Torell. In examining literary competence, by how students use their constitutional competence as well as performance and literary transfer competences, Torell´s model shows the possibility and the need for both knowledge of literature and personal reception by focusing on the dialogue between author and reader.The method is qualitative and the empirics are material collected in one senior high school class in the Social Science programme during their second and third year. The material contains written reading logs, written answers to tasks and transcribed recordings of discussions of literature.The analysis shows a variety among the literary competence shown and developed by the students and points to the complexity of understanding the concept of literary competence.

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