

9029 Uppsatser om Liquid feeding system - Sida 12 av 602

Magnesiumstatus hos mjölkkor : en fältstudie

Magnesium is an essential mineral that is important for several physiologic and biochemical processes in the body. Deficiency of magnesium is mainly associated with grass tetany, but can also appear in cows during the indoor period. Since long it is known that potassium has a negative effect on the absorption of magnesium. Due to the fact that potassium fertilisation leads to a higher potassium content in forage, it is of interest to study interactions of potassium on the magnesium balance in dairy cows. There are few studies about magnesium feeding to dairy cows in Sweden and the purpose of this study was to investigate how much magnesium and from which feed-sources dairy cows in Sweden get their magnesium. Data was collected from seven farms in the northern part of Uppland and from seven farms in Skaraborg in Sweden.

Övervakning för DC-system

Examensarbete har utförts för AIAB DC Systems i Karlstad.Vår uppgift gick ut på att göra ett övervakningssystem för DC-system. Enheten skall användas för att övervaka isolerade DC-system avseende spänningsnivåer och isolation samt larma vid fel. Tidigare har man haft ett analogt system ute på marknaden men nu vill man ha ett digitalt processorbaserat system.Vi har använt oss av en 8-bitars RISC-processor. Programmeringen har gjorts i assembler med hjälp av ett utvecklings-kit och sköter logiken för övervakningen. Programmet manövreras med två tryckknappar och en display.Programmet vi har tagit fram behöver kompletteras med vissa funktioner.

Analys, design och implementering av Orbit ones dokumenthanteringssystem

This report describes the development of a system for controlling documents. The report starts with a problem description which the company wants an intranet-based solution for. The report then continues to describe the development phase for the different parts of the system which results in a complete system. The company that wanted this system is called Orbit One and is located in Ronneby, Sweden. They have had a problem with old documents circulating in different versions and in different binders. Now thanks to their new system they can access their documents easy and on demand through their intranet..

Systemutveckling med avseende på systemförvaltning

This final year project is dedicated to investigate the problem domain of system maintenance management. The purpose is to find problems in the system maintenance management of today. Whether there is any problem that can be elicitated in the requirements engineering?s phase that could help to obtain more maintenance management friendly systems and if it is not possible to obtain more maintenance management friendly, what else can be done?It has been learned that there are many problems today in the problem domain and the most great ones are the system documentation, stress and a systemknowledge lack among developers, system managers and system users.The requirements that have been found for this problem is good documentation, and use of simple solutions in the creating of the system..

IT-systemsutvärdering för konsultverksamheter Vid val av nytt system att sälja

Konsultverksamheter har idag en stor mängd system och leverantörer att välja mellan vid val av att bli återförsäljare till ett nytt system. Denna mängd av system kan vid vissa tillfällen ställa till osäkerhet i form av vilket system som passar bäst in i verksamhetens portfolio. Genom en effektiv utvärdering kan dock detta avhjälpas och det system som passar bäst för verksamhet väljas. Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ litteraturstudie där också en intervju utförts. Vidare har de teoretiska utgångspunkterna hämtats utifrån modeller såsom Standardsystem i Verksamheter och Välja och Förvalta Standardsystem. Dessa modeller ligger sedermera till grund för den modell som presenteras i uppsatsen och förenklar konsultverksamheternas problematik med att fatta ett genomarbetat val av system till sin portfolio..

Systemutveckling i praktiken : konsten att tillmötesgå den okända användarens krav

ABSTRACT System development has become more and more concentrated on development for the Web and this has resulted in larger target groups. It will most surely continue to be so considering that the Web will be the infrastructure of business and services in the future. A big target group involves that the owner of a system can earn a lot of money from the paying users, but that assumes that the system can meet user needs. If a system on the Web does not satisfy the user?s demands then they will use the competitor?s system instead because it is only a mouse-click away.

Betydelsen av skogens ålder och förekomst av lavar för renars val av vinterbetesområde :

This is a study on winter groups, ?siida?, of semi-domesticated mountain-migrating reindeers that move to lichen pastures in the lowland boreal forests during winter. The aim of the study was to determine reindeer habitat use in their winter ranges in a managed forest landscape. The reindeers use of three different types of forests was determined, 1) 100-130 year old, 2) 20-40 year old forest and 3) clear-cut areas. All sites were dominated by Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris, and had the same types of ground vegetation.

Ett ärendehanteringssystem för mobila enheter

The purpose of this project was to create a system which can handle issues, with other words an issue tracking system. The system must create issues, assign issues to a specific user and list all issues for each user. On top of that, each issue should have a log where users can log whatever they want.My part of this project was to implement a client which can fulfill this basic criteria (and a bit more if possible), and communicate with the server which has procedures to be executed by the client.This system is based on Android and has it purpose to be used by mobile devices which support Android. ?Ichnaea? as the system is called, is meant to be used by companies to have human interaction through the network..

Effekt av parasitinfektion på öringens furagering

Parasiter kan påverka sina värdar på många olika sätt. Flodpärlmusslans (Margaritifera margaritifera L.) glochidielarver lever inkapslade som parasiter på gälarna hos öring (Salmo trutta L.) i flera månader innan de blir frilevande. Genom experiment i ett strömakvarium har denna studie undersökt hypoteserna att öring med inkapslade gälparasiter tar färre byten, och simmar kortare avstånd när de födosöker än öring utan gälparasiter. Resultaten visade att infekterad öring tog signifikant färre byten/minut än oinfekterad öring både i början och i slutet av en födosöksperiod under vilken individerna konfronterades med tvåhundra poteniella byten. Vilket visar att infekterad öring har en lägre furageringshastighet är oinfekterad öring. Däremot påvisades ingen skillnad mellan öring med och utan parasiter med avseende på antal byten tagna i förhållande till avstånd från bytet.  Den lägre furageringshastigheten som påvisades hos de infekterade öringarna tyder på att infektion av flodpärlmusslans larver kan ha negativa effekter på fiskarnas tillväxt, och därmed överlevnad.

Förvaltningsaktiviteter i verksamhetskritiska IT-system

Avsikten med vårt arbete är att undersöka vilka aktiviteter som en förvaltningsorganisation utför på sina IT-system och om det finns några skillnader i dessa beroende på om organisationen förvaltar åt sig själva eller om det utförs för kunds räkning. Detta som ett led i att ge de som arbetar med, eller kommer att arbeta med, systemförvaltning en inblick i eventuella skillnader mellan förvaltning av egna system och förvaltning av en eller flera kunders system. De slutsatser vi dragit ur denna undersökning är att det inte förekommer skillnader i vilka aktiviteter som ingår i förvaltningsarbetet, däremot varierar det i vilken utsträckning man väljer att utföra dem..

Sensorer och system i mjölkkobesättningar : en litteraturstudie

The trend in milk production is similar in Sweden and across the world; the farms are getting fewer but increasingly bigger. The costs for hiring workers are increasing, which results in more cows per animal keeper. Sensors can then be a great tool for keeping track of animals which need special attention. With a reported decreasing fertility, sensors that can detect oestrus even at low levels can be especially helpful in bigger herds to pinpoint the cows that may be in oestrus. The number of farms with dairy cows that install AMS, Automatic Milking Systems, are increasing, and that also increases the need for sensors to control milk quality and composition when there is no visual control of the milk by a milker before milking starts.For the sensor data to be useful you have to have software designed to analyze and interpret the data to get relevant information that the farmer can use.

En pilotstudie av hästens beteende vid olika boxgrannar och boxdesign

SUMMARYThe Swedish laws of animal welfare emphasize the social needs of the horse but nothing is said about how to fulfill this. Though there are few studies done in this subject it can be difficult to understand if the needs are fulfilled. The purpose of this study was to learn more about the horse?s social needs in box stable and to increase other people?s knowledge and understanding of the horse behavior to increase the welfare of the stabled horse. The questions where: How does the horse choose to place itself depending on what horse is next to it? How many attempts does the horse do to take contact and nose contact with the horse next to it? How does the box design affect the horse behavior?22Eight horses were videotaped during 24 nights.

Ny konstruktionslösning och kostnadsförslag för stansverktyg

The task for this thesis is to design a tool that is used to cut-out preforms of thermoplastic adhesive and also to make an estimate of costs for the stamping tool. The tool is used in the repair process at the MCM production line. The result of gathered information has affected how the design of the stamping tool has developed. The handling of thermoplastic adhesive in the repair process is one of the factors that influenced the design. The adhesive is sensitive for exposure to moisture. Therefore an automated feeding system of the adhesive is not recommended. The users wished for an automated stamping tool.

IT-system och organisationsutveckling

This report describes work on the thesis ?IT systems and organizational development?. The work is carried out on Stocksbro Energi AB, during spring 2009. The company wanted better flow in their production but also review if the inventory management function located in Visma SPCS Administration 2000, could be used in the organization. Under the first part of this report the system were tested to ensure if the system would work together with the organization.

Vilken funktion har belöningssystemet i en organisations ekonomistyrsystem? : en jämförelse mellan två storbanker

Two of Swedens´s major banks, SEB and Handelsbanken, which appears in the same industry and have similar strategy. Both banks can achieve a similar result despite the fact that their reward system looks quite different. An issue that arises from this observation is the relative reward system to the rest of the economy control system.Our purpose of this paper is therefore to examine the reward system in the organization's financial management systems. We wonder if the reward system may be a function of economic control system, or part of the system, or perhaps made independent of the system and then gradually adapted?In our study, we choose to assume a reward system has three functions to manage, motivate and compose the employee group.

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