

2456 Uppsatser om Likets position pć bćlet - Sida 17 av 164

Modig som ett lejon och listig som en rÀv : historieskrivningen kring Monaldescos avrÀttning sett ur Machiavellis fursteteori

Queen Kristina of Sweden (1626-1689) is a person who has been widely studied during the years. She is known as the monarch who left the Swedish throne and the protestant faith in favour of the catholic Rome. Even though Kristina left her powerful position as queen of Sweden she never gave up her dignity as a sovereign.  My purpose with this study is to analyse historians and other scholars different research concerning Kristina?s notorious execution of Monaldesco in 1657.

Inkarnationens hur Kristologi och eukaristi hos Kyrillos av Alexandria och Martin Luther

In this essay, I have examined and discussed the similarities and differences between christology in the thought of Cyril of Alexandria and Martin Luther, and further, to what extent Luther may have been influenced by Cyril in his doctrines of christology and Christ?s presence in the Eucharist. By reading texts written by Cyril as well as by Luther, I have tried to describe the position of each of the theologian?s. In the next step, I compared the thoughts of Cyril and Luther, and tried to show on both similarities and differences.

Köpcentrumsteori : Fallet Galleria Duvan

The demand for shopping centers has increased in recent time and more shopping centers have been built. To become competitive shopping centers has evolved to become more than just a place for shopping. In the recent past Galleria Duvan in Karlstad has been run by foreign owners who has not been involved or renovated the shopping center. During the spring of 2011 AlbérFastigheter bought Galleria Duvan and they are now renovating and negotiating new deals with the tenants. Our problem has led us to the following question: How can a centrally located shopping center, such as Galleria Duvan, develop a strategy to strengthen their position on the market.

Lane Keeping Aid : ett förarstödjande system för bilar

Many traffic incidents are due to the driver?s lack of attention, resulting in dangerous lane departures, either sliding off theroad or into the oppose lane. These kinds of incidents often have serious outcomes, which has led to much effort being concentrated on preventing or lessening the damages when the incident is already a fact, for example by installing safety belts and air bags. These measures may be considered to be acts of so-called passive safety. Active safety on the other hand, means that the safety systems intervene before the incidents have occurred.

Standardisering av bakpanel.

HAFA Bathroom Group has given us the assignment to develop a standardized back panel for their bathroom cabinets. This cabinet is going to be applied to most of their current and future cabinet solutions. To this point, they have constructed unique suspensions-and back panels for most of their cabinet models. They have also been forced to pull wiring and assemble the cabinets differently because of factors like; position of the wall sockets, dimensions of the cabinets and their shapes.The company wants to distance themselves from their current solution, firstly because the cost of having manpower to design each individual suspension solution, secondly because they will save a lot of money when the manufacturing process requires a minimum of components to be constructed. As a result of this, the company can use their resources better to develop future products.The main idea is that the consumer isn?t required to change the suspension or back panel when they decide to buy a new cabinet.

"Det finns alltid en annan sida". Om makt och representation i Jean Rhys Sargassohavet

Uppsatsens syfte Àr att visa hur Jean Rhys i sin roman Sargassohavet ifrÄgasÀtter de narrativa strategier och diskurser som avgör vilka romanpersoner och perspektiv som fÄr komma till uttryck. Rhys gör detta bland annat genom att placera en icke-vÀsterlÀndsk kvinna, som dessutom pÄstÄs vara galen, i protagonistens position. PÄ sÄ vis legitimeras romanpersonens perspektiv och detta Àr ett sÀtt att lÄta den Andras röst fÄ komma till uttryck, frÄn det fria subjektets position.Rhys lyfter ocksÄ fram att det alltid finns fler Àn en sida av en berÀttelse. Den mÄngstÀmmighet som kÀnnetecknar romanen visar att en berÀttelse kan framföras frÄn flera olika perspektiv; genom att utrymme ges Ät flera röster försvÄras en reducerande lÀsart av romanpersonerna. Romanens polyfoni Àr ocksÄ ett sÀtt att belysa de olika positionerna i de konflikter som strukturerar romanen, exempelvis konflikten mellan det vÀsterlÀndska och det icke-vÀsterlÀndska, mellan kvinnor och mÀn och mellan rationalitet och fantasi..

Koncernchefens : RÀttsliga stÀllning och interna skadestÄndsansvar

At first glance, the group CEO's (koncernchefens) legal position looks easy. It is the CEO?s responsibility to lead and make decisions on matters which affect the entire group, all while defending the company?s best interests. However, when one looks closely at how the Companies Act (Aktiebolagslagen) regulates how a company should organize itself, as well as the options available to manage the group, one rea-lizes that simply appointing a group CEO does not necessarily make the company compatible with the Companies Act. A group CEO threatens to reduce both the Board and CEO's legal administrative districts which are not in accordance with legal and commercial principles.In order to introduce a group CEO it requires a detailed investigation of the group's legal relationships.

BlodtrycksmÀtning i sittande position ? kontroll av armstödets och ryggstödets pÄverkan pÄ blodtrycket

DÄ standarden för blodtrycksmÀtning numera gÄtt ifrÄn mÀtning i liggande lÀge till mÀtning i sittande lÀge och dÄ det arteriella blodtrycket varierar med kroppslÀge samt muskelarbete kan det vara av intresse att utvÀrdera effekter av Àndrad kroppsposition vid sittande blodtrycksmÀtning. Syftet med studien var dÀrmed att faststÀlla om resultatet av sittande blodtrycksmÀtning pÄverkas av om armstöd anvÀnds eller inte samt om anvÀndande av ryggstöd pÄverkar blodtrycksvÀrdet vid sittande mÀtning. 99 friska personer ingick i den slutgiltiga testgruppen och fick genomgÄ en undersökning dÀr fyra blodtryck mÀttes auskultatorisk med detektion av Korotkoff-ljuden (fas ett och fas fem). TvÄ blodtryck mÀttes sittandes pÄ en pall utan ryggstöd varav ett med armstöd och ett utan armstöd. TvÄ tryck mÀttes sittandes pÄ en stol med ryggstöd varav ett med armstöd och ett utan armstöd. Armen vilade pÄ en brits i hjÀrthöjd under mÀtningarna med armstöd och under mÀtningarna utan armstöd höll testpersonen sjÀlv armen i hjÀrthöjd. Det föreligger inte nÄgra signifikanta skillnader i uppmÀtt blodtryck vid mÀtning i sittande position med/utan armstöd eller med/utan ryggstöd.

KonkurrensrÀtt : Innebörden av artikel 82 EGF

The competition policy in the EU should guarantee that the competition is not distorted in the way that would prevent or create difficulties for the free mobility of goods and services between Member states. It is prohibited for companies to abuse their dominant position according to Article 82, if it affects trade. The essence of Article 82 is control of market power. The perfect competition results when supply and demand appoint the price and quantity of a product. Firms are encouraged to compete then it results in efficiency, quality products and lower prices.

Globalisering - Att möta en ny marknad

Title: Globalization ? Meeting a new market Author: Anna NubÀck Supervisor: Anders Nilsson Institution: School of Management, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Course: Master in business administration, 15 credits (FED006) Purpose: The purpose of this essay is partly to create an understanding of the decision to establish a branch in Japan and especially to look at if and how the Swedish company in this study has adjusted its corporate culture to suit the Japanese market. Method: Data is collected thru a number of semi constructed interviews. A first telephone interview was followed by an interview made face to face that was also followed up by interviews performed over telephone. E-mails have been used to clear and correct collected data. I have also studied company reports, closely related literature, articles and papers on the Internet. Conclusion: My conclusion is that the company in this study based the decision to open a branch in Japan on the demand from one big customer and the potential to grow globally.

Youtube-avtalet : Hur det nya avtalet pÄverkar de svenska majorbolagens konkurrensfördelar och maktposition

Purpose The purpose of this study is to explain what possibilities the new license between Youtube and Stim can have for Swedish artists and what impact this may have for the Swedish major record labels? competitive advantage. Based on this, the aim is also to describe how artists' position of power against major record labels may change due to the license.Method The essay is based on an inductive approach. The authors have used a qualitative research method to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon investigated. Primary sources have been collected using a variety of interviews from different parts of the Swedish music industry.Conclusion The Swedish major labels still hold a strong position today both when it comes to power balance and attractiveness.

VÀgen till toppen : En studie om kvinnliga VD:ar och deras karriÀrer

Trots att allt fler kvinnor tar plats i nÀringslivet sÄ domineras sÄvÀl nÀringslivet som de flesta chefspositioner fortfarande av mÀn. StÀndigt pÄgÄr diskussioner om vad det Àr som skapar denna sneda fördelning, samt hur kvinnor Àr i en avvikande position pÄ grund av sin minoritet och huruvida det finns hinder som gör det svÄrt för kvinnor att nÄ upp till toppen. Oavsett hur detta stÀmmer eller ej Àr det endast individuella upplevelser av kvinnor som lyckats ta sig till toppen som nÀrmast kan förklara hur verkligheten ser ut.Med detta som utgÄngspunkt Àmnar studien undersöka kvinnliga VD:ar inom det svenska nÀringslivet för att försöka ta reda pÄ, samt redogöra för, hur de upplever att olika möjligheter och eventuella hinder har spelat roll för deras respektive karriÀrer. Studien Àr av kvalitativ utformning, dÀr data samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det sammanstÀllda resultatet kommer dÀrefter att analyseras stÀllt mot valda teorier och modeller, för att slutligen diskuteras med inslag av egna reflektioner och slutsatser.Studien visar pÄ hur majoriteten av kvinnorna stött pÄ fler möjligheter Àn hinder i sin karriÀr, trots att de suttit i avvikande positioner som kvinnor i mansdominerade branscher.

Digital delaktighet i Sverige : Om att inkludera alla i framtidens samhÀlle

Almost all Swedes today have access to the Internet, if not through the home then via the library or work. Despite this, around 20% of the population stand outside the information society in that they lack in knowledge, assistive usability tools or positive attitude towards technology and its influence on society. The main factors influencing the digital divide in today's society are age, disability and education, while the main reason for staying outside seems to be disinterest.The question about digital inclusion is important as we now stand on the breaking-point between a society where the industry has had a prominent position for private as well as national economy and a digital society where access to the Internet is no longer about prestige, but where significant differences between users' knowledge levels can create a power gap. Gaps in access and use not only reflects already existing socio-economic conditions, but can also maintain and enhance these.It is crucial for the future expansion of Internet usage how today's non-users feel about becoming users. To understand what underlies the motivations not to use computers is one of the keys to get non-users to embrace becoming users.

Makten över kommunikationen : en kvalitativ studie av kommunikatörens yrkesroll

The communicator has a professional role which is relatively unspecified and hard to define. To work with communication can mean several different tasks, who also might vary between different types of organizations. The purpose with our study is to clarify the professional title communicator and its meaning. By applying a power perspective on the communicators experienced professional role in meaning to find out who has the power over the communication.     Our study is made of qualitative interviews with four professional communicators working in private organizations. We have used semi structured interviews in our study which means that we before we went through with the interviews defined themes which the interviews were built upon.

Hur rör sig huden pÄ en hÀst? : validering av metodik för rörelseanalys av halskotpelaren hos hÀst

Höghastighetsfilmning Àr en teknik som ofta anvÀnds inom rörelseforskning pÄ hÀst, sÀrskilt för att registrera ledrörelse. Reflektoriska hudmarkörer sÀtts pÄ anatomiska landmÀrken, vilka sedan filmas med höghastighetskameror. En felkÀlla med dessa mÀtningar Àr att huden förskjuts jÀmfört med underliggande skelett. Detta fenomen beskrevs första gÄngen i början av 1900-talet och har sedan dess studerats relativt omfattande framför allt för hÀstens extremiteter men Àven för ryggen. DÀremot har hudförskjutningen pÄ halsen inte studerats tidigare och det var syftet med det hÀr arbetet. Halskotorna pÄ fem hÀstar markerades med röntgentÀta hudmarkörer för att sedan röntgas i olika positioner, normal position, placerad ?i form? med vÀlvd nacke och nosen i lodrÀtt plan samt med ?nos mot karpus?.

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