

5844 Uppsatser om Life world - Sida 60 av 390

Jag tänkte gå, men livet kom emellan: om sex kvinnors val att inte delta i mammografiscreening

The aim of this study was to identify possible reasons for non-attendance related to mammographic screening. Using qualitative methods, sex women underwent a semi-structured interview on the following themes: social background, medical history, mammographic screening, invitation, and final decision.Social background was described using the "life-form theory". The concepts of illness, disease, and sickness were used in order to investigate medical conditions and their impact. The process of non-attendance was studied using a model by Zovko, balancing different needs affecting decisions and final action.According to their decision, and final action, women were defined as "participants", "passive non-attenders" or "active non-attenders". Most women belonged to the life-form "paid work" and had children.

"Någonstans måste man ju dra en gräns, ska man leva eller hålla på och jobba ihjäl sig" : Arbetsgruppens normer och balans mellan arbete och privatliv

This essay studies how advertisements in various anti-smoking campaigns can influence and persuade by using anti-logos as counter-arguments to the tobacco industry's logos. In contrast to tobacco advertising arguments such as freedom (logos), pleasure (pathos) and trademark (ethos) the anti-smoking campaigns create anti-logos arguments with various connotations such as repulsive pictures and sexual implications to influence groups of people not to start smoking or to quit smoking.Advertisement of tobacco does not exist nowadays due to legal restrictions in the western world; however several decades of myths created in the consumer consciousness still exist. Thus one can speak of a tobacco advertising ideology that exists and the various anti-smoking campaigns trying to change that ideology.The purpose of anti-smoking campaigns is to conduct a kategoria of myth that tobacco advertisement has created over the years. Anti smoking organizations do this by creating a new ideology to affect consumer?s attitude toward smoking and the tobacco myth with an anti-myth.

Att göra nya val - om nätverkets delaktighet i ungdomars väg ut ur ett missbruk

 The aim of this study was to examine how young people, who have been treated for their misuse and/or to learn to handle a parent's misuse, portrayed the network's implication in their wishes about improving their lives, to make new choices. The network included members of nuclear family, relatives, important persons at school/work and friends. The ?professional network? (therapists and social workers) also became a part in the young people's life during a period. The main issues of this study concerned differences in their experiences of the young persons´ network relationships in before, during and after completed treatment.

Att besegra de inre demonerna : en artikelserie om depressionsbehandling

Background: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer diseases among women worldwide. Breast cancer brings fear into many womens? life. It is a threat against life, but also to the psychological health, self-esteem and the female identity. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to describe newly breast cancer patient?s perception of information provided by healthcare personnel.

Är Kinas upphovsrättslag förenlig med TRIPS-avtalet?

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, China has captivated global attention due to its astonishing economic growth. This development has resulted in an enormous growth in foreign direct investments, as well as the country?s new role aseconomic super power. When joining the World Trade Organization in 2001, China agreed to adhere to the minimum requirements of the organization?s several multilateral agreements.

De medeltida djurfigurernas idévärld : med kyrkomålaren Johannes Rosenrods exemplifiering

In the medieval ruling catholic time the church walls was swarmed with programs of pictures with religious motives there the animal figures rich symbolics was significant first and foremost for the illiterate. Principally the inspiration comes from the antiquitys pagan world of fables and bestiary Christian world of symbols with the bible as the essential source. The essay describes six of the most common animal symbols who occur; dragon, the sneak in the Paradise, mouth of hell, lion, the fox as a preacher and the devil.To attain to a discussion about why just animals are used as symbols for human characteristics in the medieval church art instead for human beings as it's actually be about, I have studied bestiary and other literature about medieval churchpainting to get an understanding about the history of ideas about the thoughts of the time and about symbolics of animals, worth and how the Christianity have had an influence on the pictures.I have used Johannes Rosenrods church pictures from Tensta church in Uppland from 1437 as an exemplification but also mentioned other unknown painters who used similar animal codes and motives.It's plausible that the purpose of the animal figures was both religious and political, which was used by both the spiritual and the worldly authority so they could keep their dominance over the peasant. The figures was simple to read and remember and they made a deep impression on the people together with the sermon. The churchgoer get so to speak a sound- and image experience, a medieval reality who impress their world of ideas.When it's about the artistic formation of religious expression and characteristics it was undoubtedly a great advantage for the artists to use an animal code like a schemata.

Pensionärers motionsvanor med fokus på styrketräningens roll för dem

Introduction: Elderly people have much to gain when it comes to physical activity andresistance training. Ageing is a process that every human being has to go through. The mostimportant physical attributes changes, when it comes to handle everyday life and ailment thatusually occurs in the later stages of life. Physical activity and resistance training may help thecommon problem among the elderly, when it comes to cope with issues of pain and strenuouseveryday life that occurs under this ailment. Objective: To identify a senior citizen´sperception about physical activity and attitudes about resistance training.

Textvärldar och dialoger i förskolan : En studie om de erfarenheter barn använder sig av kring litteratur i gemensam läsning

Syftet med studien har varit att introducera den kognitiva receptionsteorin om textvärldar (Text World Theory) samt undersöka utifrån vilka textvärldar barnen på en förskola i Mellansverige interagerar med upplästa texter.Studien har genomförts på avancerad nivå inom Högskolan Dalarnas lärarprogram där huvudområdet varit pedagogiskt arbete. Detta är en kvalitativ studie i vilken två observationer samt två samtal med barngrupp med åldersintervallen tre till sex år har dokumenterats och därefter analyserats i relation till ovan nämnda teori.Av analyser framkommer att öppna frågor i större utsträckning leder till ett byggande av föreställningsvärldar och även en mer avancerad dialog med den diskurs författaren utgår från, än då givna ingångar är utgångspunkten. Studien visar även på att barnen redan tidigt har en avancerad förmåga till textrörlighet samt att de är multimodala i sitt tolkande av texter beroende på vilka textvärldar de relaterar till..

Pojkar som inte lyckas i grundskolan

The purpose of this essay was to examine pupils who leave the Swedish nine-year compulsory school system without reaching the requirements for the Swedish senior high school, and then to compare with those who reach the requirements. I used the following questions to help me reach this purpose:- Where in life are those pupils who reached the requirements for the Swedish senior high school?- Where in life are those pupils who did not reach the requirements for the Swedish senior high school?- What differences are noticeable between these two groups?The method that I used to examine these questions was to send out a questionnaire to the pupils. I also tried to make an explanation to the results with the help of Erwin Goffmanns theories.The result of this essay shows that there is not a big difference between the two groups. They both did equally well after they finished the Swedish nine-year compulsory school..

I människans tjänst? : en studie om relationen mellan människa och djuroffer i gravar från yngre järnåldern

By examine cremated remains from graves dated to late Iron Age I wanted to find out what sorts of animals were placed in the graves. But also to see if the animal sacrifices had any connection to the Old Norse religion. The osteological material that were analysed were from both cremated humans and animals and had been dated to Viking Age. The material is from burial ground 59 at Laxare, Boge parish on Gotland. In addition to the human remains, the material contains bones from horse, cattle, sheep/goat, pig, dog, cat, bear, birds and fish.

Att vårda med bakbundna händer : en litteraturstudie om vårdares erfarenheter av att vårda i en rättspsykiatrisk vårdkontext

TIA är en kraftig varningssignal för att drabbas av en allvarligare hjärt-kärlhändelse, bland annat stroke. Hjärt-kärlsjukdomar är beroende av levnadsvanor, där låg nivå av fysisk aktivitet är en viktig faktor. Bland de viktigaste behandlingsmetoderna mot hjärt-kärlsjukdomar, både primär - och sekundärpreventivt, är förändring av levnadsvanor. Rådgivning om fysisk aktivitet bör bestå av individanpassade muntliga råd i kombination med skriftlig information och uppföljning. Sjukgymnaster som träffar TIA-patienter har möjlighet att informera patienterna om fysisk aktivitet men det är inte känt i vilken omfattning detta sker.

Korrelationen mellan användares effektivitet och subjektiva uppfattning på world wide web

Inom Human- Computer Interaction är användbarhet ett mycket centraltbegrepp. Användbarhet kan i sin tur delas upp i effektivitetsmått ochsubjektiv uppfattning. Det råder idag delade meningar i forskarvärlden huruvida det existerar en korrelation mellan dessa två mått. Om denna korrelation existerar kanske vidare forskning visar att någon av de två inte utgör en nödvändig del av användbarhetsbegreppet. Om så är fallet skulle detta kunna leda till enklare och billigare design och utvärderingsprocesser.

Att leva med Multipel Skleros : En litteraturstudie om att hantera vardagen

Bakgrund: Multipel skleros [MS] är en neurologisk kronisk sjukdom som drabbar det centrala nervsystemet. Det finns olika former av sjukdomen som har skilda sjukdomsförlopp men har några gemensamma symtom såsom trötthet, balanssvårigheter, stelhet och inkontinensbesvär. I Sverige är ungefär 17,000 svenskar som har fått diagnosen MS, sjukdomen drabbar fler kvinnor än män. Syftet: Syftet med studien är att belysa hur Multipel skleros påverkar individer i det dagliga livet och hur en sjuksköterska kan hjälpa till i omvårdnaden. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudiebaserad på 11 kvalitativa vetenskapliga studier som analyserats och sammanställts till ett resultat.

Kroppsuppfattning hos kvinnor med psykiska funktionshinder

Syftet med denna studie var att belysa vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder vårdpersonal på en slutenpsykiatrisk avdelning angav vara av betydelse för patienter med emotionellt instabil personlighetsstörning (EIP). Metod För att svara på syftet i denna studie valdes metoden kvalitativ innehållsanalys av halvstrukturerade intervjuer med 6 vårdare som arbetade på slutenpsykiatriskavdelning med speciell inriktning mot vård av personer med EIP. Resultat Genom innehållsanalys av intervjuerna framkom tre teman med tillhörande subteman. Tema 1: Att hantera utåtagerande symptom, subteman: Att hantera splitting, Att hantera ångest, utspel och självskada. Tema 2: Att arbeta tillsammans för att nå omvårdnadsmål, subteman: Enhetligt förhållningssätt, Struktur i omvårdnaden.

Balkanisering och klassifikation : En komparativ studie av klassifikationen av forna Jugoslavien, beträffande språk, geografi och historia, i DDC och SAB

This master's thesis examines the possibilities of correction and change in a classification scheme, with regard to the changes that occur in the world the classification system intends to describe.Applying a comparative method and classification theory, the classification of the example of the former Yugoslavia (1918-1941, 1945-1991), its republics and successor states, and the languages, formerly known as Serbo-Croatian are examined through a comparison of the main classes and divisions of language, geography, and history, in Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), and Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek [Classification for Swedish Libraries] (SAB). Eight editions of DDC, from 1876 to 2014, are compared to seven editions of SAB, from 1921 to 2013. The editions have been selected in order to show the changes prior to, and following, the First World War, changes after the Second World War, and changes following the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1991.The examination shows that both systems have updated their editions according to the changes in former Yugoslavia over the years. DDC has well constructed facet schedules, especially Table 2 concerning geography, but fails, in some cases, to construct a logic and hierarchical structure for the republics and languages of Yugoslavia, partly due to the fixed classes and divisions that survive from the very first edition of DDC from 1876, but also as a result of the decimal notation, and its limitations, itself.SAB seeks to construct a hierarchically logic and equal scheme for the languages, areas, and states of the former Yugoslavia. Although the facets for geography and chronology aren't as developed as the ones in DDC, the overall result is that of a logically consistent and hierarchically clear classification, with short notation codes, thanks to the alphabetic mixed notation, which allows more subdivisions than the numerals and the pure notation of DDC.This study is a two years master's thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies..

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