

5844 Uppsatser om Life world - Sida 54 av 390

DET ÄR MITT LIV! DET HÄR BEHÖVER JAG - vägen ut ur missbruk ur ett brukarperspektiv

The purpose of this essay was to investigate which factors the individuals found important in the process of becoming a person with a drug-free life. The framing of the questions we had were to get the experiences, thoughts and wishes of the drug users. The survey was based on thematised qualitative interviews and focused in the personal stories of the interviewees. We interviewed four women and five men, all of which had several years of drug-abuse behind them. We found similarities and patterns and we could identify that the three most important things was the own motivation, will and that the drug-abuser had the possibility to change their social network and had the ability to find other important things in life..

Ekonomisk tillv?xt och lycka

This thesis investigates the relationship between economic growth and self-reported happiness in 45 European countries during the periods of 2011 and 2014-2022. In addition to economic growth, the effects of factors such as unemployment, health, and equality are also analyzed. Data has been collected from the World Bank and Our World in Data. To analyze these relationships, a fixed effects regression analysis and clustering are used, supplemented by tests for multicollinearity and scatter plots. The results of the study indicate that economic growth has no significant effect on happiness when our control variables are included in the analysis.

Sömn, depressionssymtom, livskvalitet och Alzheimers sjukdom

Background: Sleep-disturbances in persons with Alzheimer´s disease are prevalent. They are characterized as increased frequency and duration of awakenings, decreased slow-wave sleep, REM-sleep and increase of day-time napping. Depression and lower quality of life are associated with sleep-disturbances. Altogether a significant source of stress for caregivers and an important factor in institutionalization. Non-pharmacological treatment alternatives are rare.Method: Single-case A-B-C design, with non-concurrent multiple baselines, a pilotstudy.Aim: To explore if an educational program on sleep, sleep disturbances and behavioural change directed towards caregivers improved sleep, depression and quality of life in persons with Alzheimer´s disease living at home.

Handläggning av Rädda hjärnan patienter på Akademiska sjukhuset : Före och efter införandet av Rädda hjärnan mappen

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive neurological disease which causes a slow degeneration of the body. Living with this disease means being exposed to severe strain and every day could bring new losses. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis does not cause any harm to the intellect, the mind remains unaffected. The aim of this study was to achieve an understanding, and to shed light on the nature of positive life experiences of people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This literature study is based on detailed examination of three person's narrations taken from their autobiography and biographies.

Applikationsintegrering : en analys av metoder och teknik

Abstract In the contemporary world of information technology you find a multitude of applications and systems covering a broad spectrum of areas of need in different companies. One effect of this multitude of programs is the difficulty to make them exchange information with each other or to collaborate, since they are developed by different programming languages for different platforms, with different standards and different data formats. Our aim with this work is to describe how it is possible to tie these programs together to make them actually communicate with each other in order to exchange information, share their native methods and also to become a part of the overall business processes. In this integration task you will, among other things, find different levels of application integration such as data level, method level, application interface level and user interface level integration. Application integration also involves hardware components, called middleware, that facilitate the physical connection between applications.

Vägen ur ett alkoholmissbruk -En kvalitativ studie om sex före detta alkoholmissbrukare

The aim of this study has been to take part of six ex-alcohol addicts? narratives about their lives with starting-point in which factors that has been significant and/or determining to be able to leave a life in abuse and what change this process has implied for their identity. To achieve the purpose with this study has three questions been formulated. These are what in the person?s life have been important in the process of a life free from alcohol, what were specific and decisive that effected the decision to stop using alcohol and what is the attitude to them self and their new role as an ex-alcohol addict. Alcohol is a drug that is legal and accepted in the society and it´s hard to discover an addiction.

Påverkar social ångest, katastroftankar och sömnproblem tillsammans graden av nedstämdhet hos ungdomar över tid? En prospektiv studie.

Studier har visat att frivilligt barnlösa individer stereotypt har betraktats vara olyckliga och otillfredsställda, något som inte har fått vetenskapligt stöd. Syftet med den här tvärsnittsstudien var att undersöka om det föreligger några skillnader i livskvalitet och livstillfredsställelse mellan frivilligt barnlösa personer och föräldrar i den svenska populationen. Forskningsfrågan undersöktes med en enkät som bestod av självskattningsskalorna QOLI (Quality Of Life Inventory) och SWLS (Satisfaction With Life Scale). 130 deltagare genomförde studien varav 54 är frivilligt barnlösa individer och 76 är föräldrar. Studien visade att det inte finns några signifikanta skillnader mellan grupperna med avseende på livskvalitet och livstillfredsställelse.

Pedagogers tankar kring språkarbete i förskolan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Studier har visat att frivilligt barnlösa individer stereotypt har betraktats vara olyckliga och otillfredsställda, något som inte har fått vetenskapligt stöd. Syftet med den här tvärsnittsstudien var att undersöka om det föreligger några skillnader i livskvalitet och livstillfredsställelse mellan frivilligt barnlösa personer och föräldrar i den svenska populationen. Forskningsfrågan undersöktes med en enkät som bestod av självskattningsskalorna QOLI (Quality Of Life Inventory) och SWLS (Satisfaction With Life Scale). 130 deltagare genomförde studien varav 54 är frivilligt barnlösa individer och 76 är föräldrar. Studien visade att det inte finns några signifikanta skillnader mellan grupperna med avseende på livskvalitet och livstillfredsställelse.

Svart mot vitt, Att leva med Borderline Personlighetsstörning : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie

Background:Borderline personality disorder is a complex mental disorder that has become increasingly common in those individuals who seek care today. These individuals are often perceived as being different by society and the health care system, because of the prejudice and lack of knowledge that exists around mental illness and borderline personality disorder. Aim: Highlighting adults experiences of living with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Method: Literature study with qualitative approach. Seven articles were chosen to be read, reviewed and analyzed.

Internationalisering inom life science : Fallstudier av Uppsalaföretagen Biotage, Olink och Orexo

Life science sysselsätter i Uppsala 4500 personer varav 60% arbetar på de fyra största företagen. Branschen är forskningsintensiv och producerar bland annat läkemedel och produkter till läkemedelsbolag och akademiska institutioner. Produkterna är nischade och företagen måste ofta vara globala redan från start. Denna studie undersöker med hjälp av teorier om internationalisering tre fallföretag inom life science från Uppsala. Genom intervjuer och årsrapporter dras slutsatsen att fallföretagen främst har internationaliserat sin försäljning med olika strategier för att penetrera internationella marknader.

Upplevelser och hanteringsstrategier hos ungdomar med IBD. : en litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to describe how adolescents aged 12-18 years with inflammatory bowel disease experience their illness and what coping strategies they use to manage their illness and improve their wellbeing. The method used was a descriptive literature study, and the result of the study included 15 scientific articles. Our results showed that IBD affected the adolescent?s everyday life and social life with friends, family and activities. The adolescents also reported that they experienced a feeling of vulnerability, altered body image and that they saw themselves as different from healthy subjects.

Dikten i "den nya fredens värld" : Litteraturdebatt i tidskriften Samtid och Framtid 1944?1949

This thesis analyses the literature debate in the overlooked Swedish magazine Samtid och Framtid 1944?1949. The magazine was first published at the end of World War II on the initiative of publisher Johan Hansson. After an interesting start, the terms of the debate in the magazine were changed after a power struggle on the editorial level. Thus, the magazine never became the influential arena for literary discussions that it first had potential of becoming.

Nyttan av Web 2.0 i en CRM-kontext

Web 2.0 is a relatively new concept which has made significant progress on the Internet. More recently, corporations as well have begun to get use of the different types of applications that are assigned to the Web 2.0. Organizations are primarily interested in making use of Web 2.0 in two areas: inside the company to increase efficiency and productivity, and from the organization to the customer to improve revenue and customer satisfaction. We have chosen to take a closer look at this last area, as can be seen as a CRM context. Our interest is to investigate how such a context may change by implementing some kind of Web 2.0 technology.

Svensk Form : En studie om hur föreningen Svensk Form styrs i bakgrund av regeringens uppdrag och föreningens mål

Swedish design is known all over the world and is seen in national as well as in international arenas. There is only one design organization in Sweden that has the task to represent Swedish design in public. The organization is Swedish Form and it is the oldest design organization in the world. It has a huge influence in our society, within design and form. In the end of 1990 the association received its first government assignment, which still continues.

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