5844 Uppsatser om Life world - Sida 23 av 390
Schizofreni och Quality of Life : Vilka faktorer påverkar Quality of Life hos personer med schizofreni i öppenvården? En litteraturöversikt.
BAKGRUND: Schizofreni är en allvarlig psykiatrisk sjukdom som innebär ett stort lidande för den drabbade. Sjukdomen kan leda till symtom så som hallucinationer, förvrängd verklighetsuppfattning, apati och tillbakadragenhet. Sammantaget innebär detta att patienter med schizofreni skattar sin Quality of Life lägre än genomsnittspopulationen.SYFTE: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att belysa vilka faktorer som påverkar Quality of Life hos personer med diagnosen schizofreni och som behandlas i öppenvården.METOD: Undersökningen genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar som stämde överens med studiens syfte ingick, de granskades kvalitémässigt och genomgick en strukturerad analys.RESULTAT: De identifierade faktorer som påverkade Quality of Life hos personer med schizofreni delades in i tre huvudkategorier som var synonyma med Anontonvskys KASAMbegrepp: begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet. Som underkategorier till dessa begrepp identifierades följande underkategorier: Positiva symtom, den kognitiva förmågan, den psykosociala situationen, att ha kontroll över vardagen, fysisk hälsa, stöd från vården och livsglädje och optimism.
Janus två ansikten : En studie om kökslärarens dubbla roller
This is a field study based on participant observations and interviews, describing the cooking teacher's complex everyday life. The school's restaurant is a unique arena, freely hovering between two worlds: The school world and the restaurant reality. Here, the students are confronted with real situations and problems, similar to the ones occurring in a restaurant, still having the school's safety net beneath them. It is for real, but still not, a bit like a flight simulator.It is on that arena the cooking teacher works, combining the two roles of the teacher and the chef. Two roles built on their own traditions and values.
När verkligheten sätts ur spel : En kvalitativ studie om profesionella socialarbetares förhållningssätt till problematiskt datorspelande som ett beroende
This study examines how professional social workers relate to problematic computer and video gaming as an addiction. It is a qualitative interview study aimed to describe and analyze how professional social workers, who in some way work with problematic computer gaming, relate to the player?s problems in terms of a concept of dependency. The theoretical approach is based on social constructivist theories of discourses, normality, the definition of dependency and diagnoses. The study was conducted through five qualitative half structured definition interviews with professional social workers that work directly or comes in contact with problematic computer gaming.
Synen på de hemlösa och deras livssituation : - en kvalitativ studie
AbstractThe intention of our study is to examine how the view of homeless people and their life situation looks according to a selection of persons, which in their work get into contact with homeless people. The study is based on a qualitative method that includes interviews.The result of the study is based on interviews with eight persons working in the social services, volunteer organisations, the police and a security organisation. The majority of the persons that have been interviewed are normalising homeless people; they do not look upon them as different. At the same time they have the opinion that homeless people live a tougher life and that they have to fight more for their living than other people. The persons that we have interviewed share the view that homeless people live under a constant pressure of finding a place to sleep.
Hur l?ngt bort n?r v?rldslitteraturen? En l?romedelsanalys om representationen av sk?nlitter?ra f?rfattare som skrivit p? andra spr?k ?n svenska inom gymnasiekurserna Svenska 1 och 2
The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about the representation of fiction
authors who have written in languages other than Swedish in educational school books
within the Swedish subject. This is done in relation to the school's promotion of cultural
diversity, a globalized world and to the Swedish curriculum. The study is a combination of a
qualitative and a quantitative analysis that takes its starting point in six educational books for
the courses Swedish 1 and 2. The analysis shows that all study materials include a broad
representation of authorships from Europe and the USA. The selection of authors from other
parts of the world is, however, limited.
Skönlitteraturens kvalitativa värde : sju levnadsberättelser om skönlitteraturens betydelse för äldre ? en life history-studie
The purpose of this thesis is to form an idea about the qualitative value and meaning of reading fiction in a psychological perspective and over a lifetime. Seven women, 68-79 years old, were interviewed about their reading habits of fiction in their lifetime. The material is presented as life stories. I use an inter-nordic research project called the SKRIN project which looks upon reading habits from an individualistic and psychological perspective. I also refer to an American study which focus on reading development with roles readers take in different ages of life written by J A Appleyard.
Med kejsaren som referens : En studie om kejsarkultens påverkan på den skandinaviska aristokratins uppkomst och utveckling
During the three first centuries A.D the cult to roman emperor was practiced over the absolute majority of the known world. It was based on the idea of the deified ruler, where religion was used as a way of legitimizing a social position of an absolute few. It arrived from below but was promoted and spread from above as a way of governmental control. During the same period of time did a new aristocratic social group emerge in remote Scandinavia that eagerly sought new ways to identify themselves and their newly found social standing. With a base consisting of an economic surplus they wanted to create an acceptance for their new way of life and thus in doing so change the very foundation and core beliefs of their own society.The central theme of this study is the cultural exchange that took place between these two cultural spheres and mainly of the effect that the cult to the roman emperor had on the emergence and identification process of the Scandinavian aristocracy..
Om solidaritet och ansvarstagande i världen : en diskursanalytisk studie kring internationaliseringen av svensk försvars- och säkerhetspolitik
The world is increasingly coalescing, ecologically, economically and culturally. Many problems can no longer be solved within the own state borders and the limitation of the territorial state is obvious. Jürgen Habermas means that a world domestic politic without a world government is what this progress need. Therefore it is important that national interests become less central and the solidarity between people is given priority in international relations. The focus of this thesis is therefore a critical discourse analysis of the current position of the internationalisation of Swedish security and defence policy.
Hur arbetar idrottsledare och ledare inom närlingslivet för att nå resultat? : Et studie som tittar på begreppen coaching, ledarskap och målsättning
Background: The world of sports possesses a lot of knowledge when it comes to leadarship and coaching. Coaching as a term is relatively new to the business industry and something that is up and coming among alot of companies. Leadership and coaching are two terms that can be combined with each other both in sports and in the business industry.Objectives: This study aims to compare leadership in sports and in the business industry. The purpose is to see if they can learn from each other and how they define the term leadership.Method: Interviews were chosen as a method in this study. Six individual interviews were performed and there were three leaders from the business industry and three leaders from the world of sport participating in the study.
Cefskap och familjeliv - en kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga chefer i socialt arbete
This essay is a qualitative study whose aim is to see how to find a good balance between family life and managership. The result could give concrete proposals on how help can be designed to prospective female managers. The study is based on interviews with eight female managers. The interviews have been inspired by the narrative approach with the focus on how these women have tried to find a balance between management and family life and which obstacles they faced and the support they have had. The results of the study has shown that the support that the woman has been given by their spouse / partner has been one of the best and most important support for her to full fill her mission as being a manager as well as a mother.
Symbolers betydelse för barns läs- och skrivinlärning
AbstractThe aim of the thesis was to examine some older people's experiences of everyday life and how it is to grow old in Namibia today. Because everyday life is a broad concept, we chose to focus on some specific parts of everyday life. These are chores, family, work/education, elderly past and present and the government/society. Furthermore we chose to look at the similarities and differences between the experiences on the basis of gender, race/ethnic groups and class.We chose to use a qualitative research method and to be inspired by life stories. We used a semi-structured interview guide and interviewed six people between 70 and 89 years.
Hälsorelaterad livskvalitet efter total höftprotesoperation - en kvantitativ studie om könets och utbildningsnivåns påverkan på hälsorelaterad livskvalitet
Introduction: Sex and education level has demonstrated effects on health status.Osteoarthritis is a widespread disease that causes reduced health-related quality of life and isthe most common reason for total hip replacement. Osteoarthritis was ranked as the 11thhighest contributor to global disability as reported in the Global Burden of Disease 2010.Aim: The aim of this study was to explore how sex and education level together affectedhealth-related quality of life after total hip replacement. The aim was also to examine whatdimensions of EQ-5D that changed.Methods: The study is a prospective observational study with a quantitative approach. Dataconsisted of education level, obtained from Statistics Sweden (SCB) and health-relatedquality of life before and one year after total hip replacement from the Swedish HipArthroplasty Register (SHAR). Health-related quality of life was measured with astandardised instrument, the EQ-5D, and the study population consisted of 39,141 patients.Results: Womens? EQ-5D-value, before and one year after surgery, were lower in alleducational categories compared with men.
Filmmusik : En grund djupdykning i filmmusikens värld
The future of Christianity is something that has been, and still is, discussed all over the world. Atthe first sight it can look like this religion, that has former been so big all over Europe, isdiminishing. More and more people are leaving the church and the church-benches are very seldomfilled. In our society it is the individual that is important and the moral life is changing. But, this donot still have to be the end of Christianity, which some people believe.
"Man vill ha Likes! : En kvalitativ studie om ungdomars kunskaper och ageranden vid text- och bildpublicering på sociala medier
The purpose of this study was to investigate what knowledge 16 year old highschool students have when it comes to text- and imageposting on social media and how they act on the basis of their skills and attitudes on text and image publishing. An important aspect of this was to investigate the impact of young people 's identity in relation to text- and image posting on social media as this according to research is a big part of what motivates young people in their everyday practices (Buckingham, 2008). The essay questions was , What is young people?s experience on posting text- and image on social media? How aware are young people at the pros and cons on posting text and images on social media? What are young people's attitudes about text and image posting? And how do young people act on the basis of experience , awareness and attitude? Which role plays identity in their actions? To seek answers to my questions and achieve the aim of the thesis was conducted three semi-structured focusgroup interviews in collaboration with two high schools. The results have been reported, interpreted and analyzed by pattern-seeking. The theoretical framework used in this paper is the research and theories of primarily media researchers who have distinguished themselves in the Media and Youth research, For example, Ulla Carlsson, David Buckingham, Sonia Livingstone and Kristen Drotner.
Kan dans ge unga kvinnor livskraft, styrka och självinsikt
The first main purpose of this essay is to describe the situation of young women today here in this part of the world concerning influences from commercial media.The second purpose with this essay is to investigate if dance could be used as a tool against all these sterotyped and superficial pictures and ideals in the industy of commersial media.With some questions I also want to get closer to the answer if dancing is a way for young women to get insight knowledge. I also describe women from dance history who experienced that dance filled them up with energy but also environment where there was oppression.This essay has a gender perspective.The methods are manly based on literature studies but information is also gathered from the Internet and from one film.My results are that dance is a very constructive way to give the young woman that force which is needed when meeting media pictures everywhere. It gives her self-confidence, body awareness, joy and strength in life..