

4531 Uppsatser om Life @ Home - Sida 42 av 303

Vårdberoende, behov av omvårdnad och insatser för äldre med regelbunden vård och omsorg ? del av SNAC-Blekinge, Vårdsystemdelen

Background: The relationship between advanced age, presence of illness and impaired functioning is well known. A large proportion of the elderly population has an extensive need of care and service and therefore need help from municipal care. Aging is a transition in life and also affects the person's identity and self image, making the person particularly vulnerable and challenging everyday safety. It is therefore of importance to gain knowledge about which factors at individual and organizational level that support a person-centered nursing care for the elderly so that caring responsibilities and staffing of nursing personnel may be scheduled based on need. Aim: This study aimed at describing dependency and care needs of elderly persons living in ordinary housing, sheltered housing and nursing homes. Furthermore the study aimed at describing how the dependency was related to the staffing of non-licensed and licensed nursing staff in nursing homes. Method: A descriptive and analytical quantitative method was used in the study.

Förebyggande arbete mot depression bland äldre personer : En kvalitativ studie om hur enhetschefer för särskilda boenden ser på förebyggande arbete mot depression bland äldre personer.

Studies show that 10-15 percent of Sweden's population, 65 years or older are estimated to have depression or depression symptoms. The symptoms of depression among elderly people are less than symptoms of young people. This could cause that elderly people with depression are not always discovered. Studies show that elderly people who live in residential homes show more signs of depression than elderly people living at home. If elderly people live in a supporting environment, can it prevent that a depression developed.The prevention of depression among elderly people is a topic that is not discussed among previously research.


Bakgrund: Brytpunktssamtal är svåra samtal för alla deltagande. Bemötandet och hur beskedet ges kan bli avgörande för patient och närståendes upplevelse av livets slut. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av brytpunktssamtal i kommunal hemsjukvård. Metod: Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Sju intervjuer genomfördes med sjuksköterskor.

Vasaskolan i Gävle 1865-1899 : en studie i social tillhörighet hos läroverkets elever

The conception of exhaustion was first used in the end of 1960 and was then used in a psychological context directed towards the working life. Eventually was the conception devided into two main categories: mental and somatic symtoms. Today research of exhaustion is mainly aiming towards recovering and returning to working life.This work sets out to analyse the importance and effects of social networks such as family, friends and professional relations in helping people who suffer from exhaustion to recover. The study is based on interviews with eith people who have suffered from exhaustion but today are recovered. To my aid I have used tree different questions: What part have the social network of family and friends ment to the recovery? What part has the professional relationships with doctors, therapists and curators ment to the recovery? How have you changed your life in order to maintain balance?The interviews pointed out the importance of the social relationships as support, feedback and understanding that the process takes time.

Pedagogisk dokumentation i förskolan : Fem pedagogers syn på pedagogisk dokumentation i förskolan

The conception of exhaustion was first used in the end of 1960 and was then used in a psychological context directed towards the working life. Eventually was the conception devided into two main categories: mental and somatic symtoms. Today research of exhaustion is mainly aiming towards recovering and returning to working life.This work sets out to analyse the importance and effects of social networks such as family, friends and professional relations in helping people who suffer from exhaustion to recover. The study is based on interviews with eith people who have suffered from exhaustion but today are recovered. To my aid I have used tree different questions: What part have the social network of family and friends ment to the recovery? What part has the professional relationships with doctors, therapists and curators ment to the recovery? How have you changed your life in order to maintain balance?The interviews pointed out the importance of the social relationships as support, feedback and understanding that the process takes time.

Att vara partner till en patient med akut hjärtinfarkt

Acute myocardial infarction is a serious diagnosis. Both the patient and the loved ones experience an immediate uncertainty. To be able to emotionally support the patient´s spouse, the nurse in the coronary care unit must be prepared to also encounter the world of the spouse. The aim of this study was from a nursing perspective to illuminate how life was experienced during the first two months by the spouse of someone, who was stricken by a first time acute myocardial infarction. Interviews with six spouses were conducted.

Optimism & Känsla av Sammanhang : En Jämförelse Mellan Tjänstemän och Kollektivanställda

We set out to compare two different categories of workers: the, so called, white- and blue collar workers. The studies aim was to measure if there were any observable differences between the two in means of optimism and sense of coherence. There are two tools created for measuring optimism and sense of coherence, the Life Orientation Test ? Revised (LOT-R) measures an individual?s level of optimism and Aaron Antonovsky devised a test for measuring an individual?s level of sense of coherence (SOC). Optimism is best explained like a way to measure anticipation, how an individual expect future events to fall out.

Att bli en riktig låtsasmamma : En kvalitativ studie av hur styvföräldraskapet kan upplevas.

This is a qualitative study aiming to study stepparents? view of the relationships within the stepfamily and their thoughts about what makes it work. It is based upon three stepmothers? life stories focusing on their relationships with their stepchildren. The study is based on a symbolic interactionistic theory and explores the experiences and unique perceptions of these women in their life as stepparents.

Starkare konflikt mellan familjeliv och arbete bland män än bland kvinnor : Work-Life Balance och arbetstillfredsställelse bland högskoleanställda

Syftet med studien var att bland högskoleanställda undersöka skillnader i Work-Life Balance och arbetstillfredsställelse beroende på deltagarnas kön samt beroende på om deltagarna hade barn under 18 år eller ej. Studien syftade även till att undersöka skillnader i arbetstillfredsställelse beroende på deltagarnas ålder. I studien ingick manliga och kvinnliga högskoleanställda som arbetade minst 80 % och som undervisade och/eller forskade inom den aktuella tjänsten. Studien genomfördes som en web-enkätundersökning på två högskolor i Sverige. Totalt besvarade 125 deltagare på enkäten som utgick ifrån två olika mätinstrument; Netemeyers, Boless och McMurrians (1996) skala som användes för att mäta Work-Life Balance uppdelat på Family-Work Conflict samt Work-Family Conflict och Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) som mätte inre och yttre arbetstillfredsställelse.

Frivilliga organisationers betydelse för välfärden : En studie av projektet God Livsmiljö i Uppsala kommun

In the beginning of the nineties there was a change in how the voluntary sector was perceived, and the significance of their work became reevaluated and more acknowledged. As a result, this sector gained a new and higher interest. The changes and downsizing in the welfare state with economic crises, due to political cutback, made the politicians look fore new solutions. One solution is to encourage cooperation between the public sector and the voluntary sector in order to handle the different needs of individuals.Uppsala community and the voluntary sector are working closely together within a project called ?God Livsmiljö?.

Lågdosprotokoll vid datortomografiundersökningar av misstänkt njursten : en litteraturstudie

Type 2 diabetes is a growing disease in the population which includes that older people are a risk group. With the disease grows even cost?s. A lifestyle change is a major part of the treatment for type 2 diabetes. There are several factors that suggest positive effects on prevention among the elderly where, among other things, economic and health benefits are presented.

Livets manuskript : En studie i livsåsfrågor i populärkulturen

It?s not for nothing the time we live in is often referred to as the age of information. Children and young adults who grow up I today?s society have greater access to facts and opinions than any earlier generations. This also applies to popular culture that during the last couple of decades have taken new expressions that no one could have ever dreamed of and more time goes to the consumption of it via visits to the cinema, television and computers.

Ett kvinnligt perspektiv på work-life balance : samhälleliga förutsättningar, jämställdhet och strategier

I mitten av 1900-talet steg antalet kvinnor på arbetsmarknaden dramatiskt vilket fick tillföljd att debatten kring möjligheten till balans mellan arbete och fritid, work-life balance, tog fart på allvar.Det övergripande syftet med denna studie är att bringa en bredare förståelse kring kvinnor i förhållande till aspekter av arbete, som berör balansen mellan privatliv och yrkesliv. Intentionen är att tillföra personalområdet en djupare och bredare förståelse kringde villkor som kvinnliga arbetstagare dagligen måste förhålla sig till och därmed också arbetsgivare.Resultatet visar, utifrån kvinnornas berättelser, att samhälleliga förutsättningar för balans och integration, jämställdheten i parrelationen och dess betydelse för balans och integration samt kvinnornas egna strategier kring balans och integration är viktiga aspekter för kvinnorna i hur de balanserar och hanterar work-life balance.Det har även visat sig att förändringar i ovannämnda perspektiv av work-life balance är små mellan generationerna. I de samhälleliga förutsättningarna för balans och integration syns tydliga förändringar mellan generationerna. Politiska och organisatoriska förutsättningar har förändrats över tid. Nya hjälpmedel och möjligheter för individen har etablerats och den samhällsekonomiska situationen förändrats.

Bostadsbranschens väg in i upplevelseekonomin : Kan fastighetsmäklarens arbete omvandlas till en säljande upplevelse?

The civilization has taken a step from the industry society to a service oriented culturewhere the physical differences between different products have decreased in value for the customers. The differentiation is more about senses, esthetical symbols and design. Modern economy is more and more focused on consuming and produce dreams and lifestyles. Maybe are we ready to face a new era; the society of experiences?Can the trend that is striving towards experiences really be adapted to all markets? This question started our quest to see how the real-estate market would be able to be adapted to this new economy.

Work-life balance och verkstadschefer

En hel del tidigare forskning tyder på att ha en balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv är viktigt för att uppleva ett psykiskt välmående samt för att kunna prestera bra på arbetsplatsen. Då verkstadschefer på ett industriföretag genomgår ett stort förändringsarbete undersöktes hur fem manliga chefer upplevde sin balans mellan privatliv och arbetsliv. Delsyften med studien var att undersöka hur chefens roll i privatlivet påverkade balansen, i vilken grad stöd hemifrån påverkade balansen samt vilka konsekvenser en balans eller konflikt skulle kunna få. Studien genomfördes kvalitativt, med en semistrukturerad intervjuguide, där samtliga respondenter var påverkade av förändringsarbetet. Resultatet visade att det fanns verkstadschefer som upplevde en konflikt mellan arbetsliv och privatliv men även de som upplevde en balans.

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