

4531 Uppsatser om Life @ Home - Sida 38 av 303

Att identifiera smärta hos personer med demenssjukdom : En litteraturstudie i omvårdnad

Background: Pain can be a constant problem in many older people's daily life, associated with particular physical and social disability, depression and poor quality of life. Dementia diseases are often associated with old age. Communication difficulties are one of the consequences of the disease, which clarifies the role of nursing staff in detecting and assessing pain. Objective: The aim was to compile knowledge about how nursing staff can identify pain in people with dementia. Method: A systematic literature review, where data were collected through manual and database searches.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att ge stöd till anhöriga inom den palliativa hemsjukvården : En intervjustudie

 The purpose of this study was to investigate registered nurses experiences about giving support to relatives to patients within palliative home care. This study was descriptive with qualitative approach. The data collection was made in the form of semi structured qualitative interviews which took place in a Swedish city of medium size, in an area for palliative homecare. Six registrated nurses were interviewed which all gave informed consent. The study suffered no losses and permission from the director of the concerned department had been given prior to the start of this study.

att synas på internet - ett praktiskt företagsperspektiv

Today Internet is clogged up and packed with homepages and information from both private persons and commercial companies. This has led to a decreased availability for a company to be noticed. The most common tool for consumers to use while searching for products online is via search engines. But because of the nature of these, not all companies can have good placements. Our research question was, "How do small online-companies attract consumers to their website"? The purpose of this thesis is to identify how a company works through online-communications and how to attract consumers to their home page.

Berättande i spel : En analys av relationen mellan karaktärer,interagerbarhet och presentation i spelen Half-Life 2,Fallout 3 och Fahrenheit

Denna uppsats undersöker hur förhållandet mellan karaktären, interagerbarheten ochpresentationen påverkar möjligheterna för hur spelaren uppfattar berättelsen i spelenHalf-Life 2(Valve Corperation, 2004), Fallout 3 (Bethesda Game Studio, 2008) ochFahrenheit (Quantic Dream, 2005). Metoden för analyserna är baserat på Aarseths (2007)teorier och går ut på att jag själv spelat spelen och sedan analyserat dessa utifrån minaegna spelupplevelser. Analyserna tar även upp teorier och begrepp från andra forskare, såsom Marie-Laure Ryan, Andrew Rollings och Ernest Adams, Lee Sheldon och UlfWilhelmsson.Metoden för analyserna lyckas plocka fram flera unika berättartekniker och förhållandenfrån spelen. Bland annat den dolda storyn i Half-life 2, den ytterst interagerbara välden iFallout 3 samt de flera olika huvudkaraktärerna i Fahrenheit, och hur dessa påverkarspelarens uppfattning av berättelsen. Förhållandena är dock inte generella, utan unika förvarje spel, vilket medför att resultaten också är det, och kan därför inte ses som reglerutan mer som riktlinjer för hur en berättarteknik kan se ut..

Djurägares syn på cytostatikabehandling av hund : en enkätundersökning

Chemotherapy is one of the most important methods of treatment available today for the treatment of neoplastic diseases and gives many patients an increased quality of life and a prolonged survival time (McKnight, 2003). The object of this study was to find out more about owners? views on and experiences of chemotherapy of dogs when it comes to for example quality of life, side effects and if they would make the same decision and treats their dog again in the future. A questionnaire was in the spring of 2009 sent out to the owners of 100 dogs that had been treated with chemotherapy for neoplastic diseases at Universitetsdjursjukhuset, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) in Uppsala between 2002 and 2008. The response rate was 67 %.

Folkpartiets och Socialdemokraternas invandrarppolitik. En undersökning om partiernas invandrarpolitik sedan 1960-talet fram till 2000-talet

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

MÄNNISKA OCH KRISTEN GUSTAF WINGRENS SKAPELSETEOLOGI Analys av en accentförskjutning från juridisk teologisk metaforik till biologisk teologisk metaforik

Titel: Human being and Christian ? creationtheology of Gustaf Wingren.Analysis of an accentshift from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor.Author: Tove Pilroth.The purpose of the essay is to analyse the meaning and the consequences, in a critical and constructive way, of an accentshift of interpretation and understanding of the gospel, from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor. The purpose is presented in the frame of the creationtheology of Wingren. To be able to make the research and to answer the purpose of the essay, the following questions are essential:The human being is captive and redemption is liberation. If we are serious about that the gospel gives the human being rehabilitation, satisfaction, liberation and a life and a future with God, the essential question is which metaphor, a juridical or a biological, that speaks to the human being in the best way? What is the meaning of an accentshift from a juridical to a biological metaphor? How does the creationtheologhy of Wingren, from a biological metaphor, meets the situation of the existence for the human being, her longing for life, health and meaning? What kind of theological resources are present in the creationtheology of Wingren, in the confrontation with future theological challenges?The essay is stressing the need of pluralism in the interpretation of the gospel.

Barn till alkoholmissbrukare : en studie av barnens uppväxtvillkor och det sociala nätverkets betydelse

Our purpose with this paper was to examine what effect a parent's drinking problem can have for the children in the family. A combination of literature study and qualitative interview analysis was used. The most important research questions were: How do the parent's problems affect the child? In what ways can the social network around the child help it to develop normally despite problems in the home environment? To what extent a parent's drinking problem affects a child depends on many different factors. Based on earlier research and interview data we drew the conclusion that growing up in a family where a parent has a drinking problem has a negative effect on all children.

Livstillfredsställelse : Föränderlig på grund av exponering för negativ respektive positiv information?

Livstillfredsställelse är vår kognitiva bedömning av vårt liv. Studier har visat att affekter påverkar vår kognition, samtidigt ses livstillfredsställelse som en stabil disposition. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om vår bedömning av vår livstillfredsställelse tillfälligt förändras efter att ha exponerats för negativ respektive positiv information. Hypotesen var att vi uppskattar vår livstillfredsställelse olika högt beroende på om vi exponeras för negativ eller positiv infomation.Satisfaction With Life Scale delades ut till 50 studenter på en högskola efter exponering av negativ respektive positiv information under en föreläsning. Resultatet visade att det inte fanns någon statistiskt signifikant skillnad mellan negativ och positiv information med avseende på livstillfredsställelse.

Det lidande djuret: från ett djurvänligt svenskt folk till ett humant samhälle. En diskursanalys av föreställningar om djur i svensk djurskyddspolitik under efterkrigstiden.

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Internprissättningsproblematiken i ljuset av förslaget om hemlandsbeskattning för europeiska koncerner

Throughout this thesis three main factors have been identified that can be out of significance for transfer pricing in multinational companies if the proposal for Home State Taxation is adopted. These factors are rules for calculation of the tax base, rules for dividing costs over periods and the tax rate. The formula for sharing profits will also become a factor that can have an impact on the European companies'incentives for transfer pricing interacting with above-mentioned factors. The effects of transfer pricing aiming at reducing the total amount of the taxation burden for a group of companies will be strongly reduced in the future if the proposal is adopted. Incentives for transfer pricing will loose importance, though not disappear altogether.

Hells Angels och Fucked for Life: en analys av två gängverksamheters uppbyggnad, normer och värderingar

Syftet med denna uppsats var att söka en förståelse om varför vissa människor ansluter sig till kriminella gängverksamheter och nätverk och hur detta påverkar de enskilda individerna, grupperingen i sig samt det övriga samhället.I denna studie har jag använt mig utav två typexempel av aktiva kriminella gängverksamheter, Hells Angels och Fucked for Life. Detta för att undersöka hur dessa är uppbyggda samt studera dess normer och värderingar..

Folkhemmets småhusbyggande Bostadspolitikens och arkitekturidealens roll i utformningen av egnahemsområdet Kyrkbyn

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:6.

Förekomst av meticillinresistenta Staphylococcus spp. i djursjukhusmiljö

Chemotherapy is one of the most important methods of treatment available today for the treatment of neoplastic diseases and gives many patients an increased quality of life and a prolonged survival time (McKnight, 2003). The object of this study was to find out more about owners? views on and experiences of chemotherapy of dogs when it comes to for example quality of life, side effects and if they would make the same decision and treats their dog again in the future. A questionnaire was in the spring of 2009 sent out to the owners of 100 dogs that had been treated with chemotherapy for neoplastic diseases at Universitetsdjursjukhuset, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) in Uppsala between 2002 and 2008. The response rate was 67 %.

Barns föreställningar om de första djuren som utvecklades på jorden

No previous studies have been conducted on elementary school in Sweden about children`s thoughts about the first animals on earth. The work takes up the children`s ideas of the first animals and the difference between girls and boys knowledge. The purpose of this work was to determine if student`s views are consistent with the science know today. In the interview, five girls and five boys participated. Mankind is asking where it all began, today we know that the first life arose for 4 billion years ago and it was from the water.

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