

4531 Uppsatser om Life @ Home - Sida 25 av 303

Konst och exil : En undersökning av Shirin Neshats fotografi och videokonst i relation till exil

The Iranian artist Shirin Neshat has been living in self-imposed exile since the late 1970s, as she chose not to return to her home country following the ?79 Islamic Revolution. Through her works Neshat examines Iran before and after the revolution and follows political and civil transformations through strong photographs of women in her country of birth.  My own use of the term exile deals with the analysis of the state of exile in relation to artistic work as a globalized and underlying motivation for art and artists. The new definition of exile is analyzed in relation with the artist?s photographs and the verbal and visual statements.

Livsstil och livskvalitet året efter avslutad hjärtrehabilitering : en enkätstudie

ABSTRACTBackground: To be stricken with a cardiac infarction is among other things linked to different risk factors.  Many studies show that the participants in cardiac rehabilitation programs learn to deal with the risk factors, increase their quality of life and lessen the risk for re-infarction.Objective: To describe the lifestyle and perceived quality of life of the individuals after having participated in cardiac rehabilitation program and to see if they had maintained their results up to a year after having a cardiac infarction.Method: The 19 individuals who had participated in cardiac rehabilitation in 2010 after having had a cardiac infarction were asked to participate in the study. Everyone agreed to participate. The study was made analyzing the surveys, one a locally made, that the individuals had filled out four and eight months after cardiac infarction, and the other the generic Quality of life questionnaire EQ-5D, that the individuals had filled out two and twelve months after cardiac infarction. Result: The individuals have not changed their lifestyle after having participated in cardiac rehabilitation which can be interpreted that they have followed existing recommendations. The mean weight increased with one kilogram, no depression is shown and they stress less.

The gift of life : -experiences of the kidney donation process

Background: There are many people waiting for a kidney transplant. To get a kidney from a living donor has many advantages. The gift is about giving and receiving. The decision is characterized by life-philosophy of the donor.Aim: To highlight the experiences of the kidney donation process.Methods: A systematic literature review in which 11 articles were included, seven qualitative and four quantitative. The articles are quality and ethically reviewed, the results are analyzed according Granskär & Höglund and Polit & Beck.Results: The results were gathered under two themes: the decision-process shows the path from idea to decision and implementation-process treats the donation and confirmation of the gift.

Åtta röster om kristendomens framtid : med utgångspunkt i Österbotten

The future of Christianity is something that has been, and still is, discussed all over the world. Atthe first sight it can look like this religion, that has former been so big all over Europe, isdiminishing. More and more people are leaving the church and the church-benches are very seldomfilled. In our society it is the individual that is important and the moral life is changing. But, this donot still have to be the end of Christianity, which some people believe.

Alzheimers sjukdom : anhörigas känslor vid en förändrad livssituation

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. The individual who fall ill can be in an age between 40-65 years old. When dementia affects individuals at this age, many relatives take their responsibility for taking care of them at home for a long time.The aim of this study was to illustrate emotions relatives experienced when a close family member's suffering from Alzheimer's disease. The study was intended to show relatives emotions, and therefor four self-biographies were chosen to read. The method used to analyze was a narrative literature review.

Den traumatiserade sexualiteten : En litterär motivstudie av sexualitet i Raymond Carver's "So much water so close to home"

Denna studie erbjuder en litterär analys av gestaltandet av sexualitet i den amerikanske författaren Rymond Carvers novell "So much water so close to home". Analysen lyfter bland annat fram den obligatoriska heterosexualiteten som den teoretiseras av Adrienne Rich och hur manlig kontroll av kvinnans sexualitet inom den heterosexuella institutionen tar sig uttryck i texten.Utöver det undersöks i analysen vilka principer som kan anses ligga bakom konstrueringen av sexualitet i novellen samt hur dessa tar sig uttryck. Den aspekten av analysen tar avstamp i Judith Butlers teori om diskursivt skapade kön och genus samt den heterosexuella matrisen som utgångspunkt för all sexuell åtrå. .

Faktorer för att upprätthålla psykosocial hälsa : -en studie utifrån socialsekreterares egna upplevelser

Research on psychosocial health in social work isn't developed enough. Instead, there's much more research on psychosocial unhealth. What about social workers, the unhealth is often related to the situation at work and the work environment.The aim of this study was to "during interviews understand the factors which social workers experience as important to maintain their own psychosocial health in the life situations". With hermeneutic method the particular interest was directed on how the participants experienced and explained their psychosocial health on the basis of their life situations, and the results was analyzed with Antonovsky's (1991/2005) perspective directed on health and Sense of Coherence (SOC). In the study, we used a qualitative form of interviews which allowed our participants to answer with their own words and from how they interpreted the questions.

Chefen som normsändare : En kvalitativ studie ur chefs - och personalperspektiv

The aim of our study is to explore which norms that exists in the home care service, who is sending those norms, how are they maintained and how do they affect the interactions between staff and manager? We want to deep en our knowledge about home care service as an organization and increase our understanding for the psychosocial work environment and also the importance of leadership. We mean to read the organizational culture that exists which allows us to deal with the values that influence the behavior in the organization.The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consists of two focus group interviews, one with managers from the home care service - organization and one with staff from the same organization. T he interview with the managers consisted of five participants and the corresponding figure for the second interview with the staff was eight participants.The theoretical viewpoints have been communication - theory, organizational theory and Foucault´s th eory of power.Our result indicate that norms are something that unconsciously controls us and that we have learned that there are consequences when you step out of what is normative for the group.

Ungdomars mognad, en avgörande faktor : en kvalitativ studie inriktad på en grupp föräldrar gällande tillhandahållande av alkohol till sina barn

Our purpose was to shed light on how parents act in respect of providing alcohol to young people when they ask for a taste of home, or wish to bring alcohol to such a party. We used qualitative interviews and the results show that some of the respondents think that it may be acceptable to provide alcohol, while some do not. The results also show that the respondents think that parents are important as a model for the young. They could not purchase alcohol for the purpose of giving it to the young but only if alcohol is available at home. The reason for this behavior is the parents' assessment that the young person demonstrates a level of maturity for his age that they are presumed to be able to handle a small amount of alcohol.

Work-Life Balance : En kvantitativ studie av könsskillnader bland civilekonomstudenter

Work-Life Balance (WLB) is defined as the ability to manage both work-life and non-work life successfully. WLB can be evaluated by examining individual?s experience of Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and Family-Work Conflict (FWC), both of which can be assessed by a questionnaire developed by Netemeyer, Boles and McMurrian (1996). The aim of this study was to explore if responses to the questionnaire, the amount of time spent on studies, household chores and sick leave, were gender related or not, among civil-accountants students. The survey included 138 respondents (74 woman and 64 men).

Äldres upplevelser av kvalitet på särskilda boenden

Old people's life situation when receiving municipal help and care in theirlast period of life is sparsely investigated from their own perspective. Thepurpose of this study was focused on the thoughts of the aged people andtheir personal experiences on what quality is within the geriatric care. Inthis qualitative study, 10 elderly people aged 75-90 years wereinterviewed from 3 different nursing homes within Solna Municipality.Qualitative interviews, with the emphasis on their present life situationespecially what brought about a good life, were performed. The interviewswere analysed using qualitative content analysis. The implication of theterm ?meaningful existence? is individual and differs from person toperson.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med fibromyalgi

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder. It affects muscles and connective tissue. It's a very complex disorder that has no adequate treatment or cure. The research has progressed but there are still some questions to be answered. Quality of life for these patients is decreased and leads to suffering.

Kartläggning av fallriskfaktorer för äldre i ordinärt boende inom landstingen Västmanland och Uppsala län (underlag för intervention)

AbstractObjective: To investigate the occurrence of and the risk factors for falls and to  investigate level of fall-related self-efficacy and health-related quality of life in people living in community living, 75 years or older within Uppsala and Västmanlands county. A further aim was to identify predictive risk factors for falls. Design: A cross-section study with a descriptive, comparative and correlative design based on a questionnaire was used. Participants: The participants were recruited from Uppsala and Västmanlands county. A random selection on 525 individuals was done, from a population based sample, in the detailed municipalities.

Skolmiljön som potentiellt kompensatoriskt mikrosystem för barn som upplevt våld mot mamma

This paper aims to examine how children who have experienced violence against their mother experience their school and if the school somehow can compensate for the vulnerable situation of the children?s home situation. The data is an already collected material there interviews with abused children are done. The results presented consist of the previous research in the area where the empirical material analyzed from the developing ecological theory and based on children's different abilities to master life and then give an voice to the collected research. The results showed that if the violence in the family does not affect the child's sleep or the parents do not prioritize enough for the child to get the sleep he/she needs and that the child is not serious difficulty concentrating, it seems that children can use school to learn and enjoy this learning.

Elevernas egenplanerade lektioner i hem- och konsumentkunskap. : Arbetsuppgift för delaktighet i planering av lektionerna.

The purpose of this developmental research was to test the new way of working when the students were to take part in planning of cooking during the lessons in home and consumer studies, because the aim of the school is to teach the students to take the responsibility for their studies. The two first lessons should be used by students in the group to plan and organize their meal. During the third lesson the students must be responsible for cooking ready their meal and afterwards they must evaluate the results. The results of this new way of working was new for the students and they thought it was fun to be responsible for cooking during these lessons in home economics. The students in the groups were of wixed ability and they developed their knowledge from the levels of their ability.

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