

4531 Uppsatser om Life @ Home - Sida 19 av 303

Att drabbas av och leva med stroke : en studie av självbiografier

Stroke is a widespread disease in Sweden. Nurses play a central part for those who suffer from a stroke irrespective of where in the care chain they meet. To be able to meet the patients? need of care the nurse must understand his/her lifeworld. Each and every patient is unique and the experience of being struck by a stroke depends on personality and life situation.

Eutanasi / Dödshjälp : en litteraturstudie ur patientens synvinkel

 Background: Euthanasia means help to die. Some terminally ill patients wish for euthanasia. Purpose: Illuminating terminally ill patients' desire for voluntary euthanasia. Method: A general literature study. Seven articles were reviewed and analyzed.

Elevers uppfattningar kring sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitet och inlärning

The study presented here is about how to make the special needs user who has a profound intellectual disability and additional disabilities more involved in their implementation plan. Based on a life story interview the study aims at analyzing perceptions of procedures to enhance special needs users? influence. The method used in this study was a qualitative research approach as an overall approach in order to use a narrative method where life history is the method. The focus has been to study a part of an individual life history - a specific domain in the life of the interviewee?s working career.

Hur mår dagens skolbarn? : En studie av skolbarns hälsa inom Umeå kommun.

The purpose of this survey was to map out the health pf some of the 11 and 12 years old children in the city of Umeå, as well as to find out what factors intend to influense the children´s health. A questionnaire was distributed in four 6th grade classes whitin the municipality of Umeå. Two of the schools were located in the city while two were located in near villages. This selection was decided in order to map out diffrences in health related to the children´s home environment. 80 pupils took part of this study.

Det som håller oss vid liv : Livskvalitet inom hemtjänsten

The aim of our study is to examine experience of the quality of life for elderly people with assisted living from their own, and caretakers, perspectives. We also aim to examine how elderly people in assisted living, and caretakers, experiences that they could affect the elderly people´s quality of life. The study is based on a qualitative method and the data is collected by interviews with four recipient of care and three care takers. The result shows that there are many factors that have an importance when it comes to quality of life for the recipient of care. It has shown in the study that the recipient of care and the caretakers put emphasize in the same factors. These factors are health, the affect of assisted living, happiness, relationships and self-determination. The result has shown that the assisted living has a major importance when it comes to the quality of life for the recipient of cares..

Kökets bråkstakar : elevers förståelse för bråktal i hem- och konsumentkunskap

The aim of this study has been to investigate students? understanding of fractions when they occur in the practical subject home economics. In order to investigate this, the learning study method was used. Learning study can be understood as a method to gain deeper understanding of what is learnt by students during a lesson to increase learning outcome.The variation theory framework has been utilized to analyze the results of this study. The object of learning was chosen to be addition of fractions bigger than one half when they appear in home economics.

Hur påverkas kvinnors hälsa av psykosociala faktorer? : En kartläggning av hälsan bland tillsvidareanställda kvinnor i Sotenäs kommun

Background: Because of the high unhealthy rates among women in the com-mune a project to reduce it have begun. For this reason we have been given the mission from the commune of Sotenäs to study the character of these women's health. Objective: To study the health among permanent employed women in the commune of Sotenäs. Method: Quantitative method. The data have been collected through question-naire survey.

Omhändertagandet av små barn : En dokumentanalys av åren mellan 1931 - 1940

This is a study about children?s welfare and the Child Care Board way of working in Malmö city. We decided to make this a narrative and document analyses where the main focus have been the interactions between human beings, which means everything from the interaction between parents and child as well as the interaction between families and society.We wanted to investigate any possible alterations within the working system between 1931?1940. Our analysis showed that there hasn?t been a big change with the Swedish legislation.

Den mottagaranpassade försäkringsbroschyren : En retorisk analys av informationsmaterial om hemförsäkringen

This essay discusses how insurance companies inform policyholders regarding home insurance. What level of support do insurance companies offer policyholders in order to supply them with enough knowledge to make an informed decision? Is information regarding insurance communicated in simple terms, or is it riddled with industry specific terminology?The essays focus is important to examine from a social context; Swedish social process does not select an insurer for an individual who neglects to choose one for their home insurance. Sweden's welfare system does otherwise provide a helping hand for a lack of decision with regard to preschool and school choice..

Upplevelsen av livskvalitet hos kvinnor med fibromyalgi : - en litteraturstudie

AbstractObjective: To investigate the occurrence of and the risk factors for falls and to  investigate level of fall-related self-efficacy and health-related quality of life in people living in community living, 75 years or older within Uppsala and Västmanlands county. A further aim was to identify predictive risk factors for falls. Design: A cross-section study with a descriptive, comparative and correlative design based on a questionnaire was used. Participants: The participants were recruited from Uppsala and Västmanlands county. A random selection on 525 individuals was done, from a population based sample, in the detailed municipalities.

Förtroendekriser : en studie av svenska livförsäkringsbolag

Background: The Swedish life-insurance business has been extensively criticised lately due to broken promises to customers as well as due to scandals that some companies within the business have been involved in. The companies within the Swedish life-insurance business find themselves in a so- called crisis of confidence, something that is created in and by media. A company that finds itself in a crisis of confidence somehow have to manage the situation and crises of confidence can also result in different kinds of changes. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to explore and analyse how individual life- insurance companies manage crises of confidence. As a consequence, the aim is also to investigate in what way crises of confidence are initiators to change.

Förtroendekriser : en studie av svenska livförsäkringsbolag

Background: The Swedish life-insurance business has been extensively criticised lately due to broken promises to customers as well as due to scandals that some companies within the business have been involved in. The companies within the Swedish life-insurance business find themselves in a so- called crisis of confidence, something that is created in and by media. A company that finds itself in a crisis of confidence somehow have to manage the situation and crises of confidence can also result in different kinds of changes. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to explore and analyse how individual life- insurance companies manage crises of confidence. As a consequence, the aim is also to investigate in what way crises of confidence are initiators to change.

Religionslärares didaktiska reflektioner : om livsfrågor och populärkultur i undervisningen

This paper aims to describe how religion teachers in Swedish schools teach concerning questions about life issues and popular culture. To research the teachers' didactic approach to these issues, didactics has been defined with three educational questions: what, how and why. The essay focuses on teachers' effective implementation of teaching on life issues and popular culture, which we used a theory of offering meaningfulness describing what subject matter that may be imparted to the students. An offer of meaningfulness can be pursued and can be made visible in the context of what and how performs the teaching and also in the context where the teacher planned the teaching elements. The method that the paper has used is the interviews of four different active religious educators in Stockholm and Uppsala area.

Finansiella garantier - en möjlighet att säkerställa ett miljömässigt omhändertagande av uttjänta produkter

Extended Producer Responsibility (ERP) is a form of product take-back regulation that requires the producers to manage their products at the end of life. By internalising the products? entire life cycle costs into the market price the ultimate objective of such regulations is to reduce the environmental burden from the products. This Master´s thesis seeks to examine if the total life cycle cost of a product actually is borne by the producer, and if not, predict who will then take this cost. This is done by analysing the market for take-back activities in three different categories of products; electrical and electronic equipment, cars and wind power stations.

?Ett spöke går runt Europa- kommunismens spöke? : En studie av religionsläromedel med fokus på den marxistiska livsåskådningen mellan åren 1970 och 1991

In the late 20th century the Soviet Union collapsed and the eastern European countries were freed from the communist Russian oppression. However, during the Soviet period Marxism was a recurring life stance in the Swedish textbooks for religious education in the gymnasieskola. Today the Soviet Union has collapsed, but the Marxist philosophy has had a huge effect on both single individuals and the modern society as a whole. Nonetheless, the Marxist life stance is nowadays often being replaced by other non- religious life stances in the textbooks of religious education.Therefore, this analysis is a hermeneutic study of the presentation of the Marxist life stance in textbooks for Swedish religious education. The purpose of the paper is to investigate how these textbooks portray the Marxist life stance, and to prove that the societal context and the individual author have an immense effect in the portrayal of both religions and life stances in religious education.

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