

4531 Uppsatser om Life @ Home - Sida 17 av 303

Kvinnor och män i avlönat omsorgsarbete : Hur kön, etnicitet och sexualitet kommer till uttryck i tal och handling på ett sjukhem

The aim of this study was to describe and analyse the constructions andinterplay of gender, ethnicity and sexuality between female and male careworkersand residents in a nursing home. To explore this from a qualitativeeveryday life?s approach, material was collected through participating observations,interviews, and informal conversation with careworkers and residents.The result points out that historical patterns of gender and caring relatedto this context still matter and affect both careworkers and residents. Forexample, female careworkers talked about the concept of caring as a genuinefemale experience, while male careworkers, who were in a minority, insteadtalked about caring in more gender-neutral words. The result also indicatesthat a larger number of male careworkers not necessarily leads to a highergrade of gender equality.

Faktorer som patienter, anhöriga och sjuksköterskor anser viktiga i den palliativa vården i hemmet

Syftet med denna studie var att, utifrån litteraturen, redogöra för vilka faktorer som patienter, anhöriga och sjuksköterskor anser viktiga i den palliativa vården i hemmet. Artikelsökning på vetenskapliga artiklar gjordes i databaserna Pub Med och AcademicSearchElite. En begräns-ning gjordes på årtalen 1999 ? 2007 och olika sökordskombinationer användes utifrån sökor-den palliative care, nursing at home, caregivers, need a nurse at home, quality of life, rehabili-tation och advanced nurse. Exklusionskriterier var artiklar som inkluderade barn och AIDS-sjuka.

Pojkarna mot strömmen : en studie kring några läsintresserade pojkars läs- och biblioteksvanor

A study around some fourteen and fifteen year old boys, who are interested in reading. It is about their reading and library habits, what has created their interest and where they acquire access to literature. A certain amount deals with the habits of the boys? school-friends in this subject. The result compares with earlier made reports.

Distriktssköterskors upplevelser av palliativ hemsjukvård i en landsbygdskommun

Abstract Back ground: Home based care is a meaningful activity giving patients and their families a chance to live their lives as close to normal as possible. Advanced palliative care is today provided at home, although geography does play a role in shaping that care. A rural setting can mean that conditions for such care differ from those in urban areas.Purpose: To describe the experiences of district nurses in palliative home care settings in a rural community.Method: Semi structured interviews with seven district nurses. The interviews were recorded digitally and transcribed in a precise fashion. A method of qualitative analysis of the contents, inspired by Burnard, was used to analyze the material.Results: Palliative care places high demands on the competency and experience of district nurses.

Meningen med livet : hur 15-åringar i en stor och en liten stad i Sverige ser på livskvalitet

There are many good reasons to ponder about what it is that makes life worth living. To observe and reflect on what it is that gives a person a good quality of life is arguably the essential core of social-work. The aim of this research was to investigate how 15-year old youths interpret quality of life. The key areas that we explored in order to meet the research aims were: what did the youths interpret as a good quality of life for a 15-year old and for an adult, how did they view their own quality of life, and did they think that the regional context (i.e. if one lives in a big city or in a small town) affects how one interpret quality of life.The studywas based on interviews with four boys and four girls.

Livförsäkringsbolag: En studie av intressekonflikter mellan aktieägare och försäkringstagare

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the conflict of interest between shareholders, life insurance companies and insurers in stock life insurance companies operated on a mutual basis from an agency-theoretic perspective. Further, this thesis aims to explore from an ownership-theoretical perspective, why this conflict of interest exist. A qualitative research has been performed and the empirical data is foremost based on interviews with persons from the life insurance industry and public prints. The study concludes that the stock life insurance company operated on a mutual basis has two principals whose interests are in conflict. History has shown that stockowners? interests have been prioritized on the expense of the insurers.

?Vem knackar på min dörr? Palliativa patienters upplevelse av att bli vårdade i hemmet

Palliativ vård är en helhetsvård av patienten och dennes familj. Fler människor önskar att få dö i det egna hemmet och olika hemsjukvårdsformer har vuxit fram. Hemsjukvården är en form som har ökat och målet är att ett stort antal personer med sjukvårds- och omvårdnadsbehov ska kunna bo kvar i det egna hemmet. Det vårdvetenskapliga perspektivet beskriver att målet med vårdandet av den palliativa patienten är att förhindra eller lindra lidandet och skapa villkor för välbefinnande. Det är också viktigt att stödja patienten och dennes familj så att de upplever en så bra livskvalitet som möjligt, något som den tidigare forskningen visar.


There are many risk factors involved with a sedentary lifestyle. Deep vein thrombosis (blood clot), circulatory problems and contractures are just a selection of problems you can get by too little exercise. For people who are immobilized because of illness, it can be difficult to get enough exercise and movement to avoid similar complications. Because of most medical supplies on the market today are not optimal for use at home, I have chosen to develop a training device for the lower limbs, adapted for use in a bed, both in hospitals and at home. It is important that the devise can be used in any bed, regardless of headboards.

Kartläggning och jämförelse av träning i neonatal återupplivning på svenska sjukhus

The purpose of this study was to survey the occurrence of and obstacles to team training inneonatal life support in Swedish hospitals and, accordingly, to compare university hospitalswith other hospitals. The study included all the managers in 37 pediatric wards whoparticipated in telephone interviews with the aid of a questionnaire. The results showed that81 % of the Swedish hospitals that have a paediatric ward train the staff in neonatal lifesupport. All of the university hospitals and 74 % of the other hospitals are running training insome form. The methods of training varied and so did the occurrence of training.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/life - Den levande boken

Http : // en.wikipedia.org / wiki / Life is a book with a life of its own. It is made to raise questions about the importance of the book, and the paper book in particular. It is a design project in which a new design method is being tested and evaluated. The intention of the project is to determine whether a concept can be found and evolved from a chosen subject or not. The aim of the book project is also to investigate if the form and content of the book could be entwined, making it impossible to separate them from each other..

Barnet som medmänniska : En studie av pedagogers uppfattningar

AbstractThe background to this essay is previous experience in working in a preschool abroad. The teachers I met there did not relate to the children in the same way that I?m used to in Sweden. In my view, different expectations on the children, made them not make use of the children?s full potential to develop.The starting-point for this essay is the?life world perspective?.

Att leva med långvarig smärta : En litteraturstudie

Introduction: Pain is a subjective experience. People subjected to pain often experience a reducedquality of life. Chronic pain is pain that has been going on for at least threemonths.Problem area: People with chronic pain are subjected to unnecessary suffering and disability. Therefore it is crucial that the nursing staff takes their situation seriously.Purpose: The purpose of the study was to describe the patient's? experiences and apprehensionof living with chronic non-malignant pain, and how this affected their everydaylife.Method: Systematic analysis of 23 depicting articles.

Reglerad reproduktion - En studie över abortdiskursen i Kina och abortmotståndet i USA

This thesis is on the subject of different views on abortion. With a qualitative analysis of the family planning policy in China and interviews with four persons living in China I try to answer what abortion can mean in this context. I use the results from an earlier study of the antiabortion lobby pro-life and the last republican candidate Mitt Romney to compare how abortion is being constructed in different ways. Reproduction is in both USA and China, among other countries, a subject for regulation. Following thesis wish to explore how that is done and what consequences it brings.

Mer än ett spel : ? en kvalitativ studie om MMORPG-spelens påverkan på spelarnas liv

The phenomenona MMORPG-games ? a qualitative study on MMORPG-games effects on the players lifeThe aim of this study was to shed lights on what it is that makes some people play MMORPG-games, get a insight in how a gamers social network can look like and how the game can change the players everyday life. To acchieve this aim the authors carried out four individual interwievs with MMORPG-players. These interwieves was hermeneutic interpreted with the socialantropology networkstheory, roletheory, social identitytheory and the entirety was interpreted with the concept: ?the late modern society?.The conclusions that was found were that the games helps the players to handle their everyday life and has a condition for the players to produce relationships with other players.

Hemma är där hjärtat finns : en produkt till det resande barnet

Travelling children is the topic of my work. Children who commute between more than one home. Society is rapidly changing and so is the concept â familyâ . The nuclear family is no longer the most common one. Children are now travelling more frequently than ever.

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