

13189 Uppsatser om Level based reading - Sida 3 av 880

Att läsa eller inte läsa - det är frågan : En studie om elevers tankar kring läsning av skönlitteratur

The aim of this study is to describe how pupils in fourth grade talk about their attitude of reading fictional narratives in school and on their spare time, their motives to read and how the school promotes fictional experiences. The study is based on interviews with 18 pupils from the same class, divided in four groups. The interviews were analyzed from a literature reception theory. The result shows that some pupils are very engaged in reading fictional narratives, while others more or less, are forced in to reading, because their teacher wants them to. All the interviewed pupils would like to read exciting, interesting books, but they feel that they don?t get the right support neither from their teacher, parents nor their friends. They describes that they don?t discuss the meaning of reading or things that the reader can read between the lines.

IKT i skolan : Hur några pedagoger och barn ser på IKT i skolan utifrån Arne Tragetons modell Skriva sig till läsning

In this essay, I have examined what has been studied and presented in the theory of ICT in schools. I have based my theory on Arne Trageton?s book Att skriva sig till läsning ? IKT i förskoleklass och skola (2005) and theories on children?s reading and writing development.The purpose of this study is to determine how teachers and children experience teaching with Trageton?s ICT-based model Att skriva sig till läsning and whether the model is beneficial for children's first reading and writing.Through qualitative interviews with two pedagogues from the same school and some children from first grade, I have received answers to my two questions:How do pedagogues and children experience ICT-based teaching in the context of children's first reading and writing?How do pedagogues experience the reading and writing development in first- and second-language students when using ICT-based teaching?The results showed that both pedagogues and children were positive about the model in which the computer was used as a writing tool in learning to read and write. The teachers felt that the model was suitable for all children according to their conditions.The children saw the writing as very enjoyable. For the ICT-based teaching to work properly, the technology has great significance.

Nunnor och läsning: En kvalitativ studie av åtta nunnors utbyte av läsning samt klosterkulturens inverkan på läsningen.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how nuns regard reading. The reading of the Bible is a regular element in their everyday life. This study however, focuses mainly on the nuns? self-chosen reading beyond the reading of the Bible.

Ämnesövergripande undervisning i läsförståelse : Mellanstadielärares kompetens och undervisningsstrategier i olika ämnen

In this study, six teachers have been interviewed about their vision and teaching of reading comprehension, both for pupils who has cleared the reading code and those who have not. The aim is to illustrate if teachers in middle school spend time to exercise reading comprehension, or if this is left to the Swedish teachers. Thus only according to the subject Swedish, the students are entitled to be given the opportunity to develop reading strategies.The interviews are semi-structured based on qualitative research. The informants are three teachers of Swedish and three teachers of other subjects. Two different interview guides were used containing three questions.

?Man kan inte läsa bara för att man kan tala? : En studie om årskurs ett-elevers föreställningar om läsning och bokval

The aim of the study is to investigate what pupils in grade 1 think about reading aloud, reading alone, the selection of books, and the significance of reading. A subsidiary aimwas to examine the relation between the pupils? experiences of reading in the home andtheir ability to discuss a text they have read. A sidetrack in the study aimed to see whether the pupils? experiences of reading in the home affected their outlook on readingin general.

Läsfrämjande verksamhet för läsovana vuxna

Our aim with this Master thesis is to show how some selected actors react on the decrease in reading amongst people within the LO group the Swedish Trade Union Confederation. The methods used are interviews and literary studies. The theoretical background of our discussion is based on the theories and definitions of Bourdieu. The actors we investigate are the public libraries, some various trade unions, the adult education Organization ABF, the cultural affairs committee. We discuss from what view on their own role/obligations respective the society they act and what barriers that prevents reading, the actors consider exists within the group of adults less familiar with reading.

Läsfrämjande på gymnasieskolan ? hur samarbetar bibliotekarier och lärare?

This thesis investigates collaboration between teachers and librarians concerning reading support activities in senior high schools in Sweden. The following questions were posed: 1. How do the teachers and school librarians cooperate when it comes to promoting reading? 2. To what degree of cooperation is that? And how is the level of cooperation perceived? 3.

Bokslut? Den skönlitterära e-boken ur ett läsarperspektiv

The aim of this thesis is to accomplish a user study on how e-book users experience the electronic book, the e-book, as an instrument for reading fiction. The study is based upon qualitative interviews with twelve e-book users and a small survey carried out at the Stockholm City Library. The purpose is to identify the users' incentive for choosing the e-book as a medium for reading fiction, elucidate if and how the interface of the e-book affects the reading experience, and distinguish if there are any factors common to the users in their choice of reading e-books. How the users look upon the future of the e-book is also discussed. Among the people asked in the survey we note little if any demand for the e-book as an instrument for reading fiction.

Polyfona positioner i pendlande praktik

The purpose of this study is to contribute to our knowledge about what methods? teachers say they use in the work with pupils? early reading acquisition, and how they evaluate the pupils´ reading development. I also like to find out what educational interventions teachers believe that pupils with reading difficulties need, and how they say they work to meet the needs of these pupils. The project is based on the following questions: What methods do teachers say they use in the work with pupils early reading acquisition? What extra resources do teachers consider that pupils with reading difficulties need? How do teachers evaluate children's reading development? In order to answer my questions, I've done qualitative interviews with three teachers, at two schools, in two medium-sized municipalities.

Stöd läsutvecklingen! En studie av barns reflexioner kring sin läsning och bibliotekariers uppfattningar av barns läsning och läsutveckling

This thesis is structured as a combined empirical and literary study. The aim is to investigate how children at the age of 11-12 years reflect on their readings of fiction and how these reflections relate to the librarians' perspective of a child's reading ability and reading development. Qualitative interviews with children and librarians constitute the empirical part. Research and theories are compared to the empirical part then placed into a more extensive context. How do children at the age of 11-12 years old reflect upon their reading of fiction and how do librarians relate themselves to this age? An analysis using interviews, research and theories is used to answer these questions.

Högläsning och boksamtal : Ett pedagogiskt verktyg till språkutveckling

Purpose: Reading aloud to children and having a conversation about a book, which is read to them, has attracted much attention as important factors that influence children's language development. Language development for children is one of the most important tasks that the preschool- teachers have, and according to ?Läroplanet?, all children must have the opportunity to develop their language. The aim of this study was to examine how reading aloud, and by letting them speak about a certain book, ?boksamtal? impacts preschool-children`s ability to develop their language according to preschool- teachers.Method: I have used a qualitative method by interviewing four preschool- teachers.

Läsa är bra ? läsa rätt är bättre: Diskurser om läsning i svensk dagspress 2007-2010

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to deepen the understandingof how discourses on reading are manifested in Swedishdaily press 2007-2010. The empirical material is based on76 articles from four national newspapers. The questionsasked are: what categorizations emerge on reading; whatpossible themes can be discerned; which discourses onreading appear in newspapers and how are these defined;and what consequences may the discourses have?The study examines how reading is described and how perceptionsand images of reading emerge and the factors affectingthis, through critical Discourse Analyse according toErnesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe.

Diskursanalys av elevers reflektioner om samtidskonst i finsk bildkonstundervisning.

In school today pupils come in contact with all kinds of reading books. Education of Swedish reading development sometimes contain reading books organized at different levels of difficulty, with different amount of text. The purpose of the different difficulty levels is to give the less skilled readers an easier book and stronger readers a more difficult book. The purpose with this study is to find out if the book which is classified as more difficult, in reality is the most difficult and if the book which is considered to be easier really is. To find answers to these questions I will examine previous researcher?s theories on difficulty levels in reading books.

Vad står det där, Fröken? : Läs- och Skrivinlärning, samt svårigheter som kan uppstå.

AbstractI have chosen to make a study of the learning of reading and writing, as well as other learning difficulties that may occur, in this research.My choice of subject is based on the realizations I made during my time as a student teacher; that each teacher has his/her own way of teaching reading and writing. Sometimes, however, learning difficulties occur, and this insight caught my attention. It made me think about the underlaying reasons and how we, as teachers, can bring attention to these difficulties. With these questions in mind, I recorded my observations based on a series of interviews and literary studies in an attempt to answer my questions. The resulting research emphasizes how important the actions from the teachers are, as well the importance of having variety in your lesson plan.

Högläsningens betydelse för barnens språkutveckling

The main thing we wanted to find out with this thesis was, can reading aloud help the natural language development. We also wanted to know how libraries in Sweden work with reading aloud and if children with reading and writing problems are being helped by being read to. We also wanted to find out what authoritarians on literature think a good reading-aloud novel should contain. To find this out we decided to do a literature study, we have taken part of a number of authoritarian opinions on this matter and we also studied some theories on this subject. We also decided to do a couple of interviews to exemplify how regular libraries work with reading aloud.

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