1644 Uppsatser om Legal security - Sida 9 av 110
En undersökning i datasäkerhet för hemanvändare : Är det nödvändigt att använda brandvägg?
The emphasize of this study is to evaluate security issues for home users having a personal computer connected to the Internet. It focus on the usage of advantages and disadvantages when using a firewall while connected to the Internet. The hypothesis is that it gives a better protection to install and use a firewall compared not to do so, due to security flaws in the operating system. The prediction was tested on a home user's personal computer. The testwork was divided into two major tests, each of them performed with, respectively without, a firewall.
Somaliska pirater - ett mycket litet problem: En undersökning av Sveriges arbete gällande frågan om somaliska pirater under 2009-2010.
During 2009-2010 Sweden participated in an international military operation whose intention, according to the Swedish news media, was to fight Somali pirates. The purpose of this thesis is to study various decisions and documents behind the Swedish efforts, both military and foreign aid, regarding the matter of Somali pirates during the years 2009-2010 and analyze the results using an interpretation of the security-development-nexus-theory. The method used is text analysis based on the hermeneutic idea of understanding and interpretation.The thesis studies the international resolutions and national decisions that lead to the military operations in the Gulf of Aden and also the international strategies and national approaches regarding Sweden's assistance in the development of Somalia. The theoretical section contains an interpretation of the vast security-development-nexus-theory. The concepts of security and development are first presented separately and then collectively in terms of military security, societal security, economic security, regime security and human security.
"The Machine Made Me Do It!" : An Exploration of Ascribing Agency and Responsibility to Decision Support Systems
Are agency and responsibility solely ascribable to humans? The advent of artificial intelligence (AI), including the development of so-called ?affective computing,? appears to be chipping away at the traditional building blocks of moral agency and responsibility. Spurred by the realization that fully autonomous, self-aware, even rational and emotionally-intelligent computer systems may emerge in the future, professionals in engineering and computer science have historically been the most vocal to warn of the ways in which such systems may alter our understanding of computer ethics. Despite the increasing attention of many philosophers and ethicists to the development of AI, there continues to exist a fair amount of conceptual muddiness on the conditions for assigning agency and responsibility to such systems, from both an ethical and a legal perspective. Moral and legal philosophies may overlap to a high degree, but are neither interchangeable nor identical.
Smarta Kort : En del av en intelligent IT-lösning i hälso- och sjukvården?
Background: IT-security is included in the concept of information security, which considers all the security of handling information within an organisation. Good IT-security is about finding the right level of measurement, however, it is hard to implemement new IT-solutions in an organisation, particularly within the health care field, where sensitive information are handled daily. Lately the Swedish government, together with county- and city council, understand the importance of IT and health care. Carelink, an organisation of interest, is working actively for the presumption of benefit by using IT within the health care field. During spring 2006 the Swedish government introduced a national IT-strategy.
IT-säkerhet i små organisationer
IT- och informationssäkerhet är ett ständigt aktuellt ämnesområde. ITsäkerhetsarbetei små organisationer framstår som ett underforskat område. Föratt göra en kartläggning av hur arbete med risk, hot och säkerhet kan se ut i småorganisationer har vi genomfört en explorativ intervjustudie med representanterför små organisationer om deras arbete med IT- och informationssäkerhet. Vihar dessutom genomfört intervjuer med experter på området för att få ettbredare perspektiv. Tolkningen och analysen av intervjusvaren har utförtsgenom att först tolka svaren utifrån Security Controls och därefter analyserasvaren utifrån fem temaområden som vi funnit i materialet.
Det personliga betalningsansvaret i 25:18 ABL : Tidpunkten för en förpliktelses uppkomst i leveransavtal
Currently there is a tendency in the EU to adjust the minimum-capital requirement. In France and Germany the requirement for private limited liabilities has been totally abolished, whilst other countries have chosen to reduce their requirement. The Swedish law concerning the minimum-capital requirement is from 1st of April 2010 being lowered to 50 000 SEK. In common law jurisdictions such as United Kingdom and USA a minimum-capital requirement does not exist. The european main argument to keep such a requirement is that it accomplishes a creditor protection.
Rätt till skadestånd enligt upphandlingsreglera : utformning av beviskraven för ett rättssäkert och ekonomiskt effektivt upphandlingsförfarande
Rules for damages that are effective are important to create Legal security and a public procurement that fulfil economic effectivity. Those rules are effectivly created for example when the demand of evidence is possible for the damaged supplier to fulfil. Yet the rules cannot be too low without leading to an uncertain procurement for the public purchaser. Thus one have to balance the interests of a public purchaser against the interests of a damaged supplier. This balance leads to a public procurement involving rules of damages where the public purchaser cannot escape duty of damages just because the demand of evidence is too hard to fulfil..
Finns kvinnor i säkerhetspolitik? : En undersökning av den svenska säkerhetiseringsprocessen avseende svenskt deltagande i den militära insatsen Minusma i Mali utifrån ett feministiskt perspektiv
Scientists argue that gender affects foreign policy and security policy, that ideas of gender are inconstant and that there is a lack of feminist perspectives in International Relations. The changes seen in the global security context may have challenged the way politicians and scientists understand war and its impacts, and led to increased gender awareness.Using securitization theory and feminist international relations theory, the aim is to examine how women and men are being spoken of in the Swedish foreign policy discourse regarding participation in the UN-led stabilization mission Minusma in Mali. By applying a feminist perspective on the securitization process, the intention is to increase the knowledge of whether there is gender awareness in this context.The result shows that there is limited gender awareness. There is minor consideration for the conflict?s different implications on the situation for women and men.
Människan och lärarprofessionen : En livsberättelse
The aim of this essay is to get a deeper understanding of a teachers' profession and to get knowledge of how earlier experiences can influence you as a teacher. I have interviewed a female teacher, Pia to get this understanding. As a tool to get the teacher's whole story I used the life story method. In her profession she is influenced by her own importance of security as a child.Her own needs of security has given her an deeper understanding for pupils like herself during the childhood; insecure and afraid. Her understanding for all kinds of behavior among the children has increased by her own experiences.The story shows that Pia is frustrated by the fact that she can't control her own working time.
Adoption : En komparativrättslig studie om lagstiftning, myndigheternas arbete i adoptionsprocesser samt säkerställandet av barnets rättigheter i Sverige och Norge
This essay discusses in a comparative way the Swedish and Norwegian legal system, mainly laws that contain adoption regulations. It also compares the administrative work that the government in both countries practices in relation to the individual person. In this essay, focus lies on the legal rights of the child in the adoption process and how well the government and its service meet the requirements from abroad.This essay has shown that the government has many rules and regulations that regulate their work and that all the sub processes are designed to ensure the child?s best in the adoption in both Sweden and Norway. Despite some differences in the investigation process, the work is very much alike.
Koncern som tillväxtinkubator för småföretag : ? En fallstudie i ett shared service centers möjligheter attstödja entreprenöriella småföretag
???Information Technology is an essential part of the society today, not least in large ???organisations dealing with sensitive information. An example of such an organisation is the Swedish Armed Forces which indeed is in the need of ways to ensure information security in their Information Technology systems. The means which is used is an authorisation and accreditation process.All Information Technology systems go through a life cycle which includes realisation, usage, development and liquidation. In the Swedish Armed Forces the lifecycle is an authorisation process.
Ersättning vid tvångsförvärv av mark ? En typfallsstudie av ersättningen i två olika ersättningssystem
Each year approximately 2,000 new detailed development plans are accepted in Sweden. When an area is covered by a new detailed development plan, it is often necessary that land has to be acquired to adjust the property units to the new plan. The owner conditions of the property units can usually be adjusted through negotiations between the seller and the buyer. But in some situations, when no agreements can be reached, it is possible to use coercive measures to purchase the land. Compulsory purchases are only permitted when certain legal criteria?s are met.
Ränteavdrag i företagssektorn : - Skatteverkets förslag till förändring
In Sweden the main principle is that interest expenses are deductable. The rules of limitations on interest deduction are exemptions to this main principle. The provisions, which came into force on the first of January 2009, have been inserted into Chapter 24 secs. 10 a ? e Swedish Income Tax Act (ITA).
Veto: En motivanalys av FN:s säkerhetsråds fem permanenta medlemmars agerande i konflikten i Syrien.
Aim: The aim of this study is to analyse the possible motives behind the actions of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council in relation to the conflict in Syria. The background of this aim is the Arab Spring and the protests and violence that have followed the uprising. While, in Libya, the UN Security Council adopted resolutions that allowed sanctions against the Libyan government, no such resolutions have been adopted yet in Syria.Theory: The principal theory of the analysis is Stephen D. Krasner´s theory on sovereignty.Method: I have researched various resolutions and statements done in the Security Council, together with official statements from the actors, through Hadenius´ motive analysis methodology and Gilje & Grimen and Ödmans theories on hermeneutics.Conclusion: The conclusion of the analysis is that there, in the case of Syria and Libya, are two different parties in the Security Council. One that stands for sovereignty and one that stands for intervention.
Utvärdering av Near Field Communication och Certified Wireless USB: Säkerhet vid utveckling av applikationer
Today?s society is one where technological advances are made daily, which
increases the need to stop and assess the risks against users? integrity when
integrating new technology in contemporary systems all the greater. We have
taken two technologies, Near Field Communication and Certified Wireless USB,
whose envisioned area of use is to be integrated into mobile phones, and
evaluated what security threats are revealed for the respective technologies.
The threats against security have been identified through research of the
standards and existing reports for each technology. Practical experiments have
not been conducted on account of us not having access to any equipment to run
such trials.