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Electrical track system : Utveckling av ett nytt system, innefattande elektrisk golvlist och uttag, som medger flytt av de traditionellt fasta vägguttagen

This degree project concludes the Innovation and Design Engineering programme at Karlstad University. The project was carried out by David Brocker, Erik Hallberg and Andreas Hertzman during the spring of 2006 and corresponded to 15 weeks of work per student. Assigner was Martin Larsson at Arexor and instructor at Karlstad University was Monica Jakobsson.Arexor has a patent to a construction of an electrical skirting board with moveable wall sockets, called Electrical Track System. The lowest parts of the interior walls along the floor are today almost always covered by a conventional skirting board. Arexors patented product replaces that with the possibility to move and increase the number of wall sockets by choice along an electrical skirting board.

Marketing and Branding a Nation : tillämpningen av ambassader som plattform för att stärka Sverige som varumärke

Problem: The authors have, during the process of development of this thesis, tried to create an understanding of how a number of organizations, all working with different approaches around the ?brand Sweden?, perceive the efficiency and benefits of using extended concept around embassies as a tool in their strategic work. The embassies in question have an evolved concept in the sense that they don not only hold a traditional political and legal role. The problem facing us authors was the issue whether theses embassies are efficient arenas to coordinate the forces and resources of the organizations concerned, in the mission to enhance the visibility and awareness of Sweden abroad.Purpose: The purpose is to describe the strategic work with marketing Sweden to be able to look in to whether the evolved concept behind the embassies in question are used as a tool in within the work of the organizations. We wish to research this to be able to evaluate if this arena is perceived as efficient for the organizations concerned.Method: In order to get a background to which one establish and communicate a nations brand the authors have studied literature within the subject.

Matavfall från livsmedelsbutiker : - En analys av den kommunala hanteringen i Sverige samt en detaljstudie av förhållandena i Umeå kommun

Food waste from grocery stores - An analysis of municipal management inSweden and a detailed study of the situation in Umeå municipalityThe objective of this thesis was to analyze the municipal management of food waste fromgrocery stores in Sweden in general and in Umeå municipality in particular. Furthermore theobjective was to account for the different waste treatment methods that can be used and toevaluate them from an environmental perspective. In order to analyze the municipalmanagement a survey was sent to all of the municipalities/municipal waste companies inSweden. A general comparison of treatment methods was carried out on the basis of ascientific review and a system analysis was performed in order to compare three differenttreatment alternatives for the food waste generated in grocery stores in Umeå. The surveyshowed that the legal definition of food waste from grocery stores is unclear and variesbetween municipalities.

Paralellhandel - Hur ett dominerande företags leveransvägran skall bedömas

Att upprätthålla en effektiv konkurrens är något som EG-rätten syftar till. Genom artikel 82 i EG-fördraget förhindras dominerande företag att via ensidiga förfaranden utestänga konkurrenter eller begränsa konkurrensen. Det finns flera sätt, för ett dominerande företag, att påverka konkurrensen negativt och därmed göra sig skyldigt till missbruk enligt artikel 82. Ett förfarande som under vissa omständigheter kan anses som missbruk är att leveransvägra för att stoppa eller begränsa parallellimporten. I denna uppsats diskuteras och analyseras det om under vilka förutsättningar en leveransvägran kan anses som ett missbruk av en dominerande ställning.

The Instant Generation : - hur ser ungdomars attityder till fildelning ut?

Abstract:Title: Engelska (Svenska)Number of pages: 40 (47 including appendix)Author: Carl StrandTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall 2005University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The purpose of this essay is to analyze how young people, in the ages 18 to 25, relate to the subject of file sharing, and what their attitudes to this phenomenon are. I aim to describe how they use file sharing, their knowledge about it, how their usage have changed due to the new copyright law, what their stands are on the question of resource control and management on the Internet, and what they think of the future of file sharing.Material/Method: The method being used is a qualitative focus group interview model, used to investigate how young people look at the subject of file sharing. The results of the interviews is then applied to a theoretical framework based on thoughts of Denis McQuail, Lawrence Lessig concerning creativity, copyright, resource management and file sharing on the InternetMain Results: My conclusion is that the widespread file sharing habits of young people is not only caused by the temptation of getting free stuff, but of the lack of commercial and legal alternatives. Youths are willing to pay for media if the distribution is superior to the illegal file sharing alternative. They are a generation of young people that has grown up in a society where the tendency in many fields has been to make everything faster and more effective.

Gruvrätten vid Stora Kopparberget 1641-1682 : en undersökning över rannsakade brott och utdömda straff

The purpose of this essay is to examine and explain how the Swedish mining court of Stora Kopparberget (the Great Copper Mountain) implemented its judicial legislation between 1641-1682. Questions are asked about which counts of indictments the court tried, which sentences they handed out, in what quantities and how these results looks in comparison with other contemporary courts. The index cards of the court judicial protocols are the primary source of information. The methods are those of quantity- and comparative analysis.The results show that theft of copper ore was the most common crime ransacked by the court. Other common crimes were (in order): sin of omission, transgression of work directions, fights, slander and disdain, trade of stolen ore, failing appearance in court etc.Fines were by far the most common sentence followed by shorter imprisonments, gauntlets, loss of right to mine possession, twig beating, loss of work, penal servitude, banishment, ?wooden horse riding? and finally military transcription.

Turordningsreglerna : En studie avturordningsreglerna vid en verksamhetsövergång i Karlstad

Metso Paper in Karlstad is acquiring Kvaerner Pulping and Kvaerner Kamfab, also located in Karlstad. Following this acquisition, there are going to be changes in the organizational structure and some employees might even loose their jobs. There are guidelines from the European Union how to handle situations like this, the purpose of these are to protect the employees. There are also Swedish laws that regulate the protection of the employees when a company is acquired, who is going to keep their job and who is to be made redundant.The transaction between the companies is large why they need an approval from the European Union. The European Union has certain demands for the approval.

Vems landskap ska förändras för att öka den biologiska mångfalden? : En studie av skillnaderna i odlingslandskapets konnektivitet med avseende på två skyddsvärda arter med olika preferenser

Organisms relevant for nature conservation dont follow administrative borders. Because of this there is a need for a landscape perspective within conservation and planning, and a need for the species of interest to have legal protection. Network analysis adapted for ecological purposes has grown to become a powerful tool for studying and communicating the relationships between species dispersion and access to habitat. In this study the following question is posed: How is the Osmoderma eremita and the Pernis apivorus dispersal possibilities in the small scale cultivated landscape of Borås affected by exploitation in respect to a) dispersal ability, b) habitat quality, c) position of habitat patches in a network? The analysis were based on municipal and regional nature conservation data, which in due to confidentiality is not accounted for in the report by maps, coordinates, etc.

Att ta det allvarliga på allvar. Kunskap och uppfattningar hos sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagning angående papperslösas tillgång och rätt till vård.

Syftet var att belysa kunskap och uppfattningar hos sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagning angående papperslösas tillgång och rätt till vård. Papperslösa är en benämning på personer som lever i ett land utan legal status. I Sverige finns ingen lag som direkt nämner papperslösa men tillsammans med turister ges de enlig Hälso- och sjukvårdslagen rätt till omedelbar vård. På Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset och i vissa andra landsting finns det riktlinjer som behandlar hur man ska bemöta papperslösa. Det ligger en etisk konflikt i det faktum att sjuksköterskornas etiska värdegrund och de mänskliga rättigheterna står i konflikt med lagstiftningen.

Flexibiliteten på arbetsmarknaden : Ett genuint utbyte mellan bemanningsbranschen och dess anställda?

The flexibility of the labour market is considered as an instrument for increasing economic growth.Therefore has the use of flexible employment, also called atypical employment, increased. The atypical employment is characterized by insecurity in comparison with a traditional permanent full- time employment. One of the most common atypical employments is the manning employment, which is insecure whether it is permanent or not. The insecurity in the industry is based on insecure income, unpredictable working hours and poor psychosocial work environment.In order to encourage a continued increase of flexibility in the labour market while the need for security for staffing employees would be satisfied was Directive 2008:104 adopted. A certain amount of security has been achieved.

Generationsskifte : Särskilt om gåva och blandade fång

All small- and medium-sized family owned enterprises need to sooner or later undergo a change of ownership. When the elder generation is approaching their retirement they have to make a choice; either hand over the business to the younger generation or sell it to an outsider. The succession of the family owned business can create a life long dilemma for the entrepreneur. From the view of taxation there are, according to current legislation, no reasons to plan the succession to the younger generation. If no preparation has been done, the optional law system concerning inheritance will divide the property left.

Hackerör på Sydsvenska höglandet : vad skiljer röjningsröseområden från celtic fields, stensträngsområden och bandparcellområden?

From the pre-Roman and Roman Iron Age, a number of different fossil agrarian landscapes can be found in southern Sweden - clearance cairn areas, celtic fields, stone-wall complexes and geometrically laid-out strip fields. With two different comparative analyses, this paper tries to explain some of the differences between clearance cairn systems and the other fossil field systemsThe shape of the early Iron Age agrarian landscape varies between different provinces of southern Sweden. At Gotland, celtic field systems were laid-out before 500 BC. In Småland at the same time, areas with clearance cairns were created. How can the difference be explained? The different physical appearance of clearance cairn areas and celtic fields can be explained by the different ways to handle the ard in till and in sandy soil.

Ekonomiskt bistånd : Ett geografiskt lotteri?

Denna studie syftar till att granska variationer i bedömningar och beslut om ekonomiskt bistånd utifrån vilken betydelse den enskilda organisationens riktlinjer har för dessa. Utifrån syftet, och med stöd av tidigare forskning på området, valdes vinjettstudien som metod. Ett identiskt typfall, gällande en fiktiv ansökan om ekonomiskt bistånd, skickades ut till samtliga kommuner i Västra Götalands län, med undantag för Göteborgs kommun. Vinjetten riktades till socialsekreterare som i sin vardag arbetar med handläggning av ekonomiskt bistånd och totalt erhölls svar från 16 olika kommuner. Resultatet påvisar stora skillnader i både bedömningar och beslut mellan de olika kommunerna vilket verifierar de tidigare studier som gjorts.

Begreppet med fäste i gråzonen : Korruptionsdefinitionen i Hufvudstadsbladets nyhetsrapportering

In this study, my intention has been to examine how the ambiguous concept of corruption is constructed by the press. Emphasizing the media?s representations of the socially constructed and context-specific concept, this work adopts a critical perspective on discourse, together with an approach of conceptual history. Finland has for many years been appointed as one of the least corrupt countries in the world, signing several international conventions against corruption since the 1990s, which in turn has led to an increase in discussion regarding the phenomenon. By conducting a multi-method study, my aim has been to analyse the possible changes in the definition of ?corruption? in the Finnish newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet during the period 2000-2013.

Utvärdering av produktionsledarens användning av Holmen Skogs datorbaserade stödsystem vid operativ planering av avverkning

The forestry companies? operational planning process is these days dependent on reliable, efficient and user-friendly computer-based support systems. This study is an evaluation of Holmen Skog's current computer-based systems. The aim of this study is to: ? investigate the work pattern of the production managers when using the information system to plan the harvesting operation; ? investigate the efficiency and user friendliness of the information system with the different work patterns and to find the strengths, weaknesses and bottlenecks in the current system; ? find out if the type of object, the volume, the area of the harvesting object affects the time and work pattern; ? examine how this type of study is met by the employees and what factors that is critical to avoid feelings of intrusion. The conclusions of the study were: ? there is a large variation between the work patterns of the production managers and the time spend to perform the operational planning; ? the mainframe computer system used by Holmen Skog is clear, has short response times, is robust and conveys relevant information; ? the computer systems are however divided in many subsystems.

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