

970 Uppsatser om Legal graffiti walls - Sida 5 av 65

Revisorers legitimitet och skadeståndsansvar

In September 2008, a proposition to limit auditors? liability for statutory audit was launched by a Swedish Government official report. Auditors? legal liability in this respect has been joint and unlimited for more than 60 years in Sweden. By using a qualitative literature study method, this paper aims at discovering how the proposed change in legal liability affects the legitimacy of auditors in Sweden.

All-In: En fallstudie om Betssons spelbutik och dess påverkan på den svenska spelmarknaden.

The company Betsson opened its first physical gambling shop in Sweden in May 2008, thereby defying the Swedish government?s legal gambling monopoly. The legal case that has resulted due to the violation of the Swedish gambling law has attracted immense attention from mass media, thus generating vast amounts of publicity for the company. This paper aims to evaluate and describe the company?s decision to open the store, as well as to examine the relationship between market driving practices and market driven practices.

Maktdelning : och konstitutionellt rättighetsskydd

The topic of this master thesis in legal science is state law and constitutional law, or more specific judicalization, with the division of power and thus increased individual legal rights in various forms. Sweden has traditionally had a weak constitutional protection for the individual?s legal rights. The public power has been concentrated to the government and the courts have only played a marginal role. Since the implementation of the European convention of legal rights and with the ever-increasing importance of the legal system of the European Union, the Swedish legal system gone through changes of historical dimensions.This master thesis is based on the legal dogmatic method where laws, preparatory work, case law and doctrines have been systemized.

Utvärdering av befintliga passivhus : En byggnadsfysikalisk bedömning och mätningar om temperatur, och fukt analys på ytterväggarna

Energy price are on the way up to a high level that will not diminish in the future make us to focus more on the sustainable development for a better solution of residential houses. Passive house or low energy housing are one of the solution to make residential more environment friendly, in same time it´s a financial security using less energy, and saving money. The last 10 years in Germany and all around Europe the concept of passive house been developed, and people aim to know more about these concept that leading the market more attractive for passive houses. A passive house is a well designed building highly insulated and air tight with mechanical ventilated system for the whole building envelope that minimizes the use of energy for heating [1].The housing company Mimer has chosen to invest in low energy consumption in every new housing project.  These future plan projects are decided to use less than 75 kwh per square meter annually in purchased energy [2].This thesis is about new constructed passive houses, and focuses on the evaluations of the temperature, and moisture condition for attic, external walls and joist.

Rättssäkerhet inom skatteprocessen

In todays society the legal rights of the individual are a highly debated subject. Among other things there have been a debate going on in Dagens industri where the participants have discussed the National Tax Board, courts of law and law and order. The legal rights of the individual have been described as threatened and uncertain due to deficiencies in the tax assessment.There are difficulties defining the concept of law and order due to the fact that there is no generally acknowledged explanation. The concept of law and order originates from the citizens ability to predict the consequences of their actions provided that the authorities actions are regulated according to current legislation and will therefore protect the citizens from possible abuse of power that can exist within a state governed by the law.The purpose of this paper is to analyse law and order within the tax assessment through a method that experiments with real and imagined situations with the main purpose of interpreting current legislation. The paper collects essential legislation, preparatory work together with established practice and supplements the method with information from articles, dissertations and the National Tax Authority?s documented directions within the tax assessment.Through juridical argumentation concerning areas, such as legal rights essential to the citizens and the tax assessment, the paper results in aspects essential to the individual involved in tax dispute.

The digital dark age? Bevarande av elektroniskt material i Sverige

The first law in Sweden containing an act of legal deposit is from 1661. Since then the printing-houses are supposed to deliver all printed material to the Royal Library and other recipient libraries. Today, more and more information is solely published electronically. This material is not yet included in the law of legal deposit. In a similar way as our printed cultural heritage is saved for posterity our electronic cultural heritage has to be saved.

Koncernchefens : Rättsliga ställning och interna skadeståndsansvar

At first glance, the group CEO's (koncernchefens) legal position looks easy. It is the CEO?s responsibility to lead and make decisions on matters which affect the entire group, all while defending the company?s best interests. However, when one looks closely at how the Companies Act (Aktiebolagslagen) regulates how a company should organize itself, as well as the options available to manage the group, one rea-lizes that simply appointing a group CEO does not necessarily make the company compatible with the Companies Act. A group CEO threatens to reduce both the Board and CEO's legal administrative districts which are not in accordance with legal and commercial principles.In order to introduce a group CEO it requires a detailed investigation of the group's legal relationships.

JÄMTGÅRDEN Dokumentation med fokus på interiörens limfärgsdekor

This bachelor thesis summarises the history of ?Jämtgården? based on literature research andempirical documentation. Jämtgården is a typical 1800th century duplex timber buildingoriginating from the province of Jämtland. However, it was moved to Västernorrlandslänsmuseum in Härnösand in the year of 1918. During the 1920's the museum decided tofocus on the region of Västernorrland and therefore Jämtgården was somewhat left behind.The building's interior walls are decorated with distemper paintings but the current conditionis poor.The aim of this thesis is primarily to compile knowledge about the building and its interiordecorations as well as finding out whether primary distemper paintings, from the periodbefore the relocation, remain on the walls.

Elektroniska konossement - ?r Sverige med p? b?ten? En studie av m?jligheterna till inf?rande av elektroniska konossement i Sverige

This paper aims to analyze the legal functions and characteristics of bills of lading in their basic form to examine the legal framework for the adoption of electronic bills of lading under Swedish law. With a comparative analysis against English law, particular attention is given to the 'document of title' function. This has been claimed to pose challenges in the transition to electronic bills of lading. While Swedish law presents potential parallels, critical aspects like negotiability and indirect possession require resolution. It analyzes international regulations such as the Rotterdam Rules and Model Law, addressing challenges and potential solutions for digitalization.

Tvångsvård på grund av problematiskt datorspelande : En rättsvetenskaplig studie av annat socialt nedbrytande beteende i 3 § LVU

This paper has focused on specific aspects of the law concerning the 3rd paragraph of The Care of Young Persons Act (1990:52), LVU. The purpose of this study was to examine the prerequisite other social destructive behaviour in four cases where youths has been under compulsory institutional care because of their computer gaming. The study was composed on a legal dogmatic method and a legal sociologist perspective. The legal dogmatic method implies to examine the law and its elaboration, the legal sociologist perspective focus on the consequences and causes of the court of law. The study shows that problematic computer gaming is an increasing problem in society and that other social destructive behaviour is a wide prerequisite that need new amendment in order to ensure citizens certainty..

Obehörig vinst

Unjustified enrichment is used as legal basis when a part claims compensation. Unjustified enrichment can be illustrated as: (A) made a profit on someone else?s loss (B) and if the profit is"unjustified"and has"no legal basis"it shall be returned, which then make it possible for B to claim compensation from A referring to the profit. B has in this case lost something that he owns. To be able to claim A for compensation must the loss of B also be a benefit for A.

Välfärd & Rättvisa: socialsekreterarens roll i arbetet med yttrande för unga lagöverträdare

In the last couple of years changes in the legal systems treatment of young offenders has given the social worker more legal responsibility. In view of this, our purpose with this study was to examine how social workers and prosecutors apprehend the role of the social worker during the legal process. The study was delimited to look into the handling of young offenders between the ages of 15 and 18 years old. The questions we intended to look at were: How do the social workers reason when trying to see the need of a child within a legal context; Do prosecutors and social workers experience that they have different approaches when looking at young offenders, as a consequence of their different professions; What is the opinion among social workers considering the duty of the social services to administrate community service for young offenders; How do the social workers argue when determining whether or not a young offender has a "special need for care". These questions were answered through empirical studies where six social workers and two prosecutors were interviewed.

Rebeller eller offer? : Sociala konstruktioner av graffitimålares identiteter

9. SammanfattningIdag finns det människor som tycker att graffiti är en konstform som ungdomar använder föratt få utlopp för sin kreativa förmåga, och andra människor som menar att graffiti bara handlarom vandalism. Graffitin kostar samhället stora summor pengar genom sanering av detolagliga klottrandet. Det sker arbete från flera olika håll med att finna effektiva åtgärder föratt få bort eller minska klottret. Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att försöka se hur graffitimålarnasjälva konstruerar sin verklighet, hur de skapar mening med sitt målande och hur de självaställer sig till det olagliga och lagliga målandet.

Biotopskydd av stenmurar : Skäl för dispens

Stone walls in agricultural land are incorporated in the general protection of biotopes. They are protected because they provide a habitat for endangered species. Therefore it is illegal to carry out proceedings in an area that is included in the protection of biotopes. In order to do that, exemption is needed which can only be granted if there are special reasons. The essay stipulates what these special reasons are.In an exemption errand the interest for nature conservation must be weighed against a public or a private interest.

Vad förvaltningen bör sträva efter : -riksdagspartiernas uppfattningar om de värden som förknippas med förvaltningen

The values politicians relate with public administration are likely to affect the way that they want the public administration to be organised. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine which values Swedish parliamentary parties relate with public administration and more particularly how they emphasise these values.The study is conducted as an analysis of theoretically relevant bills that the government party and the parliamentary parties have introduced to the Riksdag, and reports and statements of opinion from the parliamentary committees. The documents are from the Riksdag´s sessions from 2000/01 to 2005/06. After examining the documents the conclusion can be drawn that the value that is most emphasised during the period is legal security. This might mean that legal security will have more influence on the decisions taken about the organisation of Swedish public administration..

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