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När gymkultur blir problematisk : En kvalitativ studie om ohälsosamt träningsbeteende

Gyms are populated by more and more people and there is an increased interest in wellness and health. However, there is a downside to the culture that people choose to step into. Exercise can go too far and take unhealthy directions. The purpose of this study is to examine how norms are created in the gym culture and how unhealthy behaviour is reproduced inside the walls of the gym. We have also done research about how a local gym identifies and handles deviant behaviour such as the use of doping and eating disorders.

En plats - En identitet

We live in a society where we are not bound to one place. We are encouraged to be mobile and constantly moving between different locations. The life in a convent is a contrast to this; nuns live at a specific place they are bounded to by vows and can not leave. The sisters in the convent of St. Birgitta, Pax Mariae have promised to stay at the same place and live by the rules of the convent.

Primärenergianvändning av passivhus i Sverige : Med fokus på Kvarteret Trettondagen

The building sector accounted for around a fourth of the total energy usage in Sweden in year 2010 (Energimyndigheten, 2012). Therefore it has become very interesting to achieve a lower energy usage in residential buildings. One way to achieve that is to build so called passive houses. By being very well insulated and have low leakage through the walls, they can reduce the energy usage for heating with a substantial amount. The first passive house was built during the 90?s in Germany; and in Sweden the first passive house was built in Gothenburg 2001.

"Arbeta som god man" - "Work as an administrator"

This study illustrates the task of the administrator where the main focus lies on getting understanding for the administrator?s work, showing how this is performed. The method I have used in the performance of the research is the qualitative method. This study was carried through by means of interviews. Theoretical starting points are exchange theories, friendship theories and part theories.

Fornborgar : en studie med fokus på Hallands fornborgar

This essay concerns the hill forts in Halland. The hill forts in Halland haven?t been archaeologically examined and they haven?t been studied as well as hill forts in other parts of Sweden. The focus of this essay is to determine the use of the hill forts in Halland.  Comparative studies will be made between Halland?s hill forts and the hill forts of Bohuslän and the hill forts of the Eastern part of Sweden.The results of the research have yielded that the hill forts in Halland strongly reminiscent of the hill forts in Bohuslän when it comes to the positioning in the landscape, as well as the general appearance of the hill forts.

Upphovsrätt och mönsterrätt för industriell design inom EU : hur ett icke-harmoniserat område utnyttjas i kommersiella syften

A group of companies that only recently has caught the attention of Swedish designers, enterprises and media are the so -called "furniture pirates". In Sweden it?s mainly two companies that have ended up in the spotlight. The online stores Ikon M and Designers Revolt are two companies which currently sell replicas of famous Swedish and foreign designers. Although the designs sold are copyright protected in Sweden, and most other European countries, the right holders can only stand by and watch as more or less exact copies are sold for a fraction of the price of the originals.The business model - to exploit the EU?s free movement of goods and the UK's short term of copyright protection in matter of mass-produced art (industrial design) - has proven successful for the companies that practice it.

Om jämkning av utfyllande lagregler : En analys av skälen bakom Högsta domstolens breda tolkning av 36 § avtalslagen i NJA 2011 s. 67

A group of companies that only recently has caught the attention of Swedish designers, enterprises and media are the so -called "furniture pirates". In Sweden it?s mainly two companies that have ended up in the spotlight. The online stores Ikon M and Designers Revolt are two companies which currently sell replicas of famous Swedish and foreign designers. Although the designs sold are copyright protected in Sweden, and most other European countries, the right holders can only stand by and watch as more or less exact copies are sold for a fraction of the price of the originals.The business model - to exploit the EU?s free movement of goods and the UK's short term of copyright protection in matter of mass-produced art (industrial design) - has proven successful for the companies that practice it.

En utredning av Rom I-förordningens artikel 4.1(h)

Article 4.1(h) in the Rome I regulation establishes which law that will be applicable on contracts concerning financial instruments concluded in multilateral systems. The main problem is that most contracts concluded within these systems have standard clauses which contain a clause on the applicable law. If this is the case, Article 3.1 in the Rome I Regulation is applicable instead. This problem makes it difficult to find a need for article 4.1(h) if it will only be applicable in exceptional cases. However, the legal position on this matter is still unclear since the Rome I Regulation has just been put into force.

Lojalitetsplikt och yttrandefrihet i sociala medier

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the employees´ duty of loyalty to their employer when making statements on social media networks and if this opposes the employees´ right to freedom of speech. Another purpose of this thesis is to investigate freedom of speech from an EU juridical point of view. Also a discussion concerning gender issues on this subject takes place is presented in the thesis. The questions to answer the purpose of this thesis are the following: Where is the line drawn for what an employee can publish on a social media network without breaching their duty of loyalty towards their employer?, and How does an employee´s freedom of speech relate to these types of statements on a social media network? The method used for this thesis is the classical legal method.The legal inquiry shows that duty of loyalty is a hidden clause in all employment contracts, and it must be respected by the employee.

Ungdomstjänst : En kvalitativ studie av en kommuns utformning av ungdomstjänst

This study, which was conducted in Sweden, was based on four qualitative semi-structured interviews. The aim of this study was to create an understanding of how a municipality designs the sanction for youth offenders called ?youth service? based on the law that establishes the existence of such a sentence. We interviewed social workers that work at the department of youth service in the municipality of Gothenburg, who exclusively deal with youth offenders? sentenced to youth service as their job assignment.

"Det ska vara från ens egna känslor och inte från någon annans" : Elevers uppfattningar om eget skapande

Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att undersöka hur elever definierar ?eget skapande?, vilket är en term som används i läroplanen för de obligatoriska skolformerna och i kursplanen i bild. Jag har också undersökt om elever på högstadiet håller på med något eget skapande på fritiden och om de tycker att det finns tillräckligt med tid för eget skapande på bilden i skolan.Studien består dels av en enkätundersökning där 84 elever på högstadiet har svarat och dels av intervjuer med fyra av eleverna. Resultatet visar att dessa elever har olika uppfattning om vad som är eget skapande. En stor del av eleverna har använt sig av ordet ?själv? i sina definitioner, antingen i bemärkelsen att man arbetar själv under bildskapandet eller i den mening att man själv kommer på vad som ska skapas.

Kärlek 2010 :   En studie i Veckorevyns representationer av kvinnor, män och relationer

Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att undersöka hur elever definierar ?eget skapande?, vilket är en term som används i läroplanen för de obligatoriska skolformerna och i kursplanen i bild. Jag har också undersökt om elever på högstadiet håller på med något eget skapande på fritiden och om de tycker att det finns tillräckligt med tid för eget skapande på bilden i skolan.Studien består dels av en enkätundersökning där 84 elever på högstadiet har svarat och dels av intervjuer med fyra av eleverna. Resultatet visar att dessa elever har olika uppfattning om vad som är eget skapande. En stor del av eleverna har använt sig av ordet ?själv? i sina definitioner, antingen i bemärkelsen att man arbetar själv under bildskapandet eller i den mening att man själv kommer på vad som ska skapas.

Vegetation och ljudmiljö

Landscape architecture is a visual profession, but other senses also affect our interpretation of a place. Sounds can give us a lot of information about an environment, and they are often perceived as positive. Despite this, research about outdoor sounds most often focus on the reduction of unwanted sounds ? noise ? but the absence of noise does not result in a good soundscape. To accomplish this, sounds we appreciate are needed.

Symbolisk dekoration : En studie av Järnspiralen som symbol under yngre järnålder.

When the Iron spirals investigated in this paper saw the light again no one looked at them as nothing more than decoration. It was first during the 2011 excavation in Old Uppsala that the symbolism of the items no longer could be ignored. The spirals of Old Uppsala lay along the walls of the great hall, which stood upon one of the human constructed plateaus in the area. The hall had been burned down and then cleared of all lumber. Then the iron spirals had been placed in the positions and then everything was sealed with a layer of clay.A study of the artifact began with the purpose to contextualize and interpret the iron spiral.

Ekonomisk utvärdering av betonggjutformar

This report will try to evaluate the use of rented concrete casting moulds, which are used to build walls and system of joists. The evaluation is only examining the economical aspects.The cost of using concrete casting moulds is a big part of the total production expenses. Therefore it is important that the calculated price not exceeds the final costs of the casting moulds. The calculated price is the price used in the process of making an offer.The evaluation consists of a comparison of the calculated price and the final costs for three building projects. It also evaluates the exploitation of the concrete casting moulds for each project.The report is made by Sven Gynne and Anders Alexandersson at School of Engineering, Jonkoping University, in cooperation with PEAB Jonkoping.

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