

970 Uppsatser om Legal graffiti walls - Sida 22 av 65

Effekter av transport och buller på grisars aktivitet samt aggressiva interaktioner i väntan på slakt :

During pre-slaughter handling of pigs the animals are often subjected to methods that induces stress and are a threat to the wellbeing of the animals, such as mixing of groups, loud noise and transportation. A new law will be implemented in 2006 in Sweden that prohibits mechanical noise exceeding 65 dB in abattoirs. The purpose of the research presented in this paper was to examine the effects of noise and transportation on pig behaviour. The activity and aggressiveness of the pigs were examined with behavioural studies during transportation and during three different noise levels: 55, 75 and 95 dB. Before the noise treatments took place the groups were mixed and half of them were transported for approximately 2 hours. In the study 432 pigs were used.

En studie av Uppsala stads värmeö

The urban heat island is an area restricted to a city center where the temperatureis higher than its surrounding environment. The greatest temperature difference isfound at night when the weather is calm and the sky is clear of clouds. There are twomajor causes behind this phenomena and the first one is the use of energy forheating of houses. The heat leaks through the walls of the buildings and warms upthe surrounding mass of air. The second one is the use of building material whichstore the suns radiation on daytime and releases the heat during night.

Värdering vid tvångsinlösen efter icke-kontanta bud

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the legal practice of valuation in arbitration board proceedings concerning freeze-outs after non-cash take-over bids. We find that the most important method for valuing the shares offered in exchange for the shares of a target company is to take the volume-weighted average of the quoted prices of the shares offered in exchange during the acceptance period of the take-over bid. This thesis is a complement to previous studies by Peter Jennergren (1996) and by Andrea Lundqvist and Victor Ludvigsson (2007) of how the Balken case (a freeze-out case that was eventually decided by the Supreme Court of Sweden, in 1996) has affected the legal practice of valuation in freeze-out arbitration board proceedings. We have undertaken an empirical study of 48 freeze-outs between 1985 and 2006 where shares in the bidding companies were offered in exchange for shares in the target companies.

Tystnadens väggar. Oviljan att erkänna och diskutera sexuella övergrepp på män i USA:s fängelser

In 2008 USA was the one country that had the most people behind bars, both in numbers andpercentage, 2,3 million people. Of all the male convicts that were being held in custody aroundthe country's different detention facilities, thousands of them were being exposed to sexualabuse, such as rape. This essay will try to understand why there hasn?t been a bigger public outcryin the American community concerning this. It does so by studying the view of rape as a crime ofgender, by examining religion in USA and the Christian view on homosexuality, looking into thepublics thoughts on prisons and the penalty's purpose plus studying theory's of the publics viewon the prisoner.

Framtagning av typgodkända formkonstruktioner : Med inriktning mot traditionell väggform

This diploma work was conducted in collaboration with the Swedish civil engineeringconstruction company Skanska Construction in Stockholm. Their interest is todevelop a number of type approved form constructions which can be used during theconstruction of concrete walls. Skanska focuses on improving safety on their projectsand both supervisors and workers have a need for approved form constructions inthe current situation.The study is focused on safety and the purpose is to facilitate the preparation beforethe form work can begin. By studying the literature of the subject and conductinterviews with employees at Skanska Construction, the understanding of the issueand knowledge will be increased.Literature studies, interviews together with production and design have been thebasis for a successful study. The work has resulted in three types of approved formconstructions to Skanska Construction and the drawings can be used of employees atthe company.

Obehörig vinst -- en möjlighet eller onödighet?

SummaryUnjustified enrichment is an obvious part of the jurisprudence in the majority of countries in Europe. But not in the Nordic countries, and certainly not in Sweden. This depiction of the Swedish posture is based mostly on Hellner?s thesis from 1950. A lot has happened since then, not to mention Sweden?s entry in to the EU.


Rooted in Industrial Ecology (IE) theory, this report evaluates how urban agricultural concepts and techniques, can contribute to improved ecological sustainability within the inner city boundaries of Stockholm. An overarching literary study as well as an interview was carried out, resulting in a qualitative analysis followed by suggestions for practical implementations. A substantial convergence was found between the eco-restructuring objectives of IE and the principal motives for urban agriculture. Consequently, eco-restructuring objectives are found in varying degrees in the presented urban agricultural techniques. Industrial symbioses, permaculture and combinations of urban agricultural techniques are tools which are capable of corresponding adequately to the diversity of urban settings.

Veingeskolan F - Undersökning av inomhusmiljön samt en konstruktionsmässig utvärdering

Title: Veingeskolan F - Investigation of the indoor environment and a structural analysisMethod: Complete analysis of structural drawings to determine if the school have been constructed correctly. In my teorethical studies of the drawings I must seek out points that may have been damaged from moisture, this contains a full survey of the foundation, walls and ceiling. To strenghten the data collected from the drawings I must visit the school and do field investigations to find out if the school has any problems with the indoor environment.Analysis: I determined that we had some damages on specific places, these damages was caused by leaking roofs, a carpet that was tarnished by strong sunlight in connection with some type of glue and also the ventilation that may have been drawing malodorous air from a shaft in the foundation.Conclusion: I was able to see that the decision to demolish the school was quite drastic, if the county would have done continuous fixups on the construcion when the employes had complained maybe the action to the tear the school down would have been unnecessary. The lack of communication between the two parts lead up to the decision to demolish and build a complete new school..

LANDSHÖVDINGSÄMBETET : - ett svårreglerat ämbete

AbstractAccording to 3 § in the Equal Opportunities Act should employer fulfil their commitment to their employees and work targeted for the equality in working life. In the report we account for 3?11 §§ Equal Opportunities Act, in purpose to show employer obligations to work actively work for equality between the sexes. This is the main focus of the article and the answer to one of our issue of law. We have also written about how equality work and how the Equal Opportunities Act has grown up, how it work in today?s society and the thoughts about the future.The growth of equality work, the Equal Opportunities Act and a short history are partially written from European law, the Swedish government official reports and in government bills.

Brottsförebyggande arbete i Karlskrona Kommun

Theft without break-ins has increased significantly in the last year of swimming, sports and leisure facilities in Karlskrona, more precisely 60%. Vandalism in the shape of graffiti is another common crime. The solutions are divided into social and situational crime prevention. Social crime prevention engage in actions that are based on social causes of crime rather than the opposite situational crime prevention, which instead assumes that discourage with the help of technical solutions and has as primary objective to hinder accessibility for example theft friendly goods. The main purpose of this work is to come up with solutions to prevent these crimes, while also being cost-effective and realistic to implement.

Målinriktat jämställdhetsarbete : Forshaga kommun

AbstractAccording to 3 § in the Equal Opportunities Act should employer fulfil their commitment to their employees and work targeted for the equality in working life. In the report we account for 3?11 §§ Equal Opportunities Act, in purpose to show employer obligations to work actively work for equality between the sexes. This is the main focus of the article and the answer to one of our issue of law. We have also written about how equality work and how the Equal Opportunities Act has grown up, how it work in today?s society and the thoughts about the future.The growth of equality work, the Equal Opportunities Act and a short history are partially written from European law, the Swedish government official reports and in government bills.

Klotter, färg som rinner mellan stolarna?

Lagen om unga lagöverträdare syftar till att ungdomar som begår brott skall hållas borta ifrån kriminalvården för att kunna ges en andra chans i samhället och för att belysa eventuella problem som kan finnas i ungdomens hemmiljö så att ungdomar inte hamnar i ett mönster med allt grövre kriminalitet. Klottrarproblematiken är inget som bara dyker upp, utan det byggs upp under en lång tid. Oftast börjas det i väldigt tidig ålder som oskyldigt busstreck som enligt vår hypotes inte tas på allvar av vare sig föräldrar, skola, polis eller socialtjänst. Risken att bli dömd för skadegörelse kopplat till klotter är försvinnande liten. I Stockholm län finns det idag omkring 200 storklottrare vilket innebär att de klottrar dagligen och har klottret som största intresse.

Passivhus ? lönsamhet och komfort

In this essay, we have compared a conventional house to a passive house. The housesshared the same local conditions; they have the same living area and the same layout. Thedifferences between the houses were the different construction solutions for the roof, theouter walls, the floor and the heating system. Both the houses qualify the standards fromBBR and the passive house also lives up to FEBY?s special conditions.The purpose with the essay was to examine if it really is profitable to build small hoses aspassive houses.

Revisiting the Role of Code of Conduct in Compliance with CSR Demands in the Supply Chain Management of Electronics Business

The purpose of this study is to understand how codes of conduct function within the context of supply chain of electronic industry. This is a qualitative research and a case study is the research approach. Conclusions are that the codes of conducts could be perceived differently within different contexts. Therefore, cultural and legal issues should be considered while formulating, implementing codes of conduct or assessing the compliance..

Bilder av konflikternas Sydafrika : Två svenska lokaltidningars rapporteringar om Sowetoupproret i Sydafrika 1976

In the year of 2006 I moved to South Africa for a year, a land that has fascinated me because of its history. During the time of my stay I became very surprised how strongly apartheid permeates the community where the white South Africans today are building walls around themselves. Through media we get surrounded with pictures that media creates and to find information regarding what?s happening in the world this is, most often, the primary source. Therefore I believe it?s interesting to explore how two different local newspapers from the county of Kalmar, with two different ideologies, present pictures of the same event, namely the revolt of Soweto in 1976 and how these two newspapers relates to racial policies.

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