

970 Uppsatser om Legal graffiti walls - Sida 14 av 65

BARNETS BERÄTTELSE I RÄTTSPROCESSEN : berättelsens struktur och värdering

Children who are exposed to crime are a delicate issue. The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze children's narratives in the juridical process. Our primary questions focused on how adults could help children to express their experiences and what kind of elements imposed the narrative. How is the narrative structured? How does the court evaluate children's testimonies? What increases the credibility of a child's testimony? Our theoretical standpoints are derived from: the narrative perspective, theory of communication, and theory of evaluation.

The Legal Significance of Sustainable Development in EC Law

In June 2006 the Council of the European Union agreed on the review of the EU sustainable development strategy. This renewed strategy voices a commitment to sustainable development that includes a diverse list of safeguarded interests. Sustainability is to be attained in the spheres of democracy, solidarity, the rule of law, gender equality and at the same time it should promote a dynamic economy. Given this multifunctional application of sustainable development, curiosity may soon give rise to questions such as; What is the legal significance of the concept? Is it to be considered a general principle of Community law? And can it be used as an instrument in adjudication and legal reasoning? Anyone who looks deeper into the concept of sustainable development is soon to find a labyrinthine complex of ideas, expressions and opinions.

Säkerhetsklassificering av dammar : En kartläggning av system i Sverige, Norge, Finland, Schweiz, Kanada och USA

In a comparing survey this thesis investigatesclassification systems for dams in Sweden, Norway,Finland, Switzerland, Canada and USA. Theinvestigation is aiming at an understanding of howpotential consequences of a dam failure are takeninto account when classifying dams. Furthermore,the significance of the classification, regarding therequirements on the dam owner and surveillanceauthorities concerning dam safety is considered andreviewed. The thesis is pointing out similarities anddifferences in the line of dam safety.The survey of dam safety is firstly based upon legalrequirements in the different countries andsecondly on guidelines regarding dam safety. Damowners generally are ultimately responsible for thesafety of their dam, and often have their ownroutines regarding how this safety is to be achieved.In this thesis, however, the legal requirements aremainly focused upon.The investigation has resulted in an outlining ofeight areas, where the classification systems in thevarious countries have been compared.

Rättssäkerhet och anstånd med betalning av skatt : En analys av 17 kap. 2 § p. 2-3 Skattebetalningslagen ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv

The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether legal rights are upheld when wording and applying the postponement of payment of tax regulations of chapter 17 section 2 p. 2-3 of the payment of Tax Act. We also investigate how the wording of the regulations relate to the requirement of legal security.It has been questioned if the regulations concerning postponement of payment of tax are compatible with the requirement of legal security. Of course does not a taxpayer want to pay tax that he or she consider incorrect, and that has not been under trial by an impartial authority. If the request for postponement of payment of tax is rejected, the consequences for the taxpayer can lead to huge financial losses.

Röster som inte hörs : En juridisk studie om hur barnperspektivet redovisas i LVU-domar

The child perspective is a complex area primarily because of its many ways of interpretation but also because children are considered to be less competent than adults. Our hypothesis was that adults in court-proceedings make decisions in the child?s place. The aim of this study was to investigate the judicial meaning of the child perspective in ?Socialtjänstlagen? (SoL) and ?lag om särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga? (LVU).

UNIDROIT Principles, PECL och DCFR i svensk rättspraxis

International Contract Law presently offers three sets of principles: the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (the UNIDROIT Principles), the Principles of European Contract Law (the PECL) and the Draft Common Frame of Reference (the DCFR). These sets of principles contain general principles which are intended to serve as model rules. The three sets of principles have been published, but they have not been adopted. The UNIDROIT Principles and the PECL are not meant to be adopted either. There are different opinions as to whether the sets of principles can be considered to be a source of legal status at all.The sets of principles have been referred to in Swedish law.

Redesign of an existing apartment block in Kv Preussen to passive house

Passive houses are a relatively new concept in Sweden and by that it is meant a house without a traditional heating system. The most acknowledged passive house project is the terrace houses in Lindås, Gothenburg, which we have used as a reference. This project concerns a square apartment block. So far, no square apartment block has been built as a passive house in Sweden.The common opinion in the construction industry is that it is not economical to build extremely energy efficient houses. With Peab as commissioner our task was to investigate if that is true, if regarding the construction of a multi storey house as a passive houseMidroc, now owned by Peab, constructed in the block of Preussen in Jönköping during 2004-2005 four houses, with 132 apartments distributed on seven floors.

Energiförbrukning för putsade, odränerade träregelväggar i fuktigt respektive torrt tillstånd

In recent years, moisture damages have been noticed in rendered, undrained stud walls. The design is built on the principle one-stage tightening which means that there is no air gap in the construction. The damages have occurred when water has permeated through the rendering in leaking connections and fittings for windows, doors, canopies, balconies, terraces and awnings. Behind the plaster carrier, which consists of either polystyrene or rigid mineral wool, plasterboard has often been used as a wind protection barrier. In many cases the wind protection barrier and the underlying wooden studs have been exposed to mould and in some cases even rot.


The term ?good marketing practice? in the 4 § 1 section Swedish marketing law (Marknadsföringslagen 1995:450) has a wide meaning. Besides 5-13 d §§ and 17 §, the term also covers other non legal rules. The essay intends to define the legal meaning of the term as well as examine how it is experienced of laymen in the area. According to 1 § Swedish Marketing law aims to protect business men and consumers from unjustified marketing.

Barnavårdsutredningar i tid eller otid?

The aim of the study was to investigate social workers and managers experiences of ending child welfare investigations within the statutory period of four months. We also investigated their experience of investigation time is used in practice. To get answers for our purpose, we conducted a qualitative study. We strategic selected three social workers and four managers to our interviews.The results showed that both social workers and managers have experience with child welfare investigations that are not completed within the statutory time. A township that departed had no experience.

Epaminondas : Strateg och stadsgrundare

There is an old saying, that after Epaminondas nothing was ever the same again. In this thesis I will focus on three questions: "Epaminondas the man." Who was he? "Epaminondas the general." How did he change the technique of warfare that made it possible to beat the Spartans? "Epaminondas, founder of cities and wall-builder." How did he build the walls around the cities he initiated, that made them resist enemy attacks for many years to come?While seeking the answers to yhese questions I will make a contextual analysis to get the historical background to all the phenomina involved..

Avkastning av insiderhandel : Ett mått på andelen privat information i förhållande till publik information

Every day a large numbers of transactions occur by people with different backgrounds. Insiders? are a part of them and are considered to have an insight in companies that is not accessible to outsiders. This affects the market conditions for the participants when trading stocks, where individual participants regularly have the possibility to earn abnormal returns at the expense of others. Although Sweden, Germany and the United States continually keep developing the insider trading regulation, research shows that insiders? still have the ability to earn abnormal returns.

Lagen om pliktexemplar av elektroniska dokument : En analys av diskussionen kring ett lagförslag

This Master?s thesis examines the discussions about the new Swedish legal deposit legislation for electronicdocuments, related to Jürgen Habermas? theories around the public sphere.In 2009, a draft of the law proposal was sent out to various authorities and organizations who were asked tocontribute their views on this matter. This study looks at who has responded of those asked, and what commonviews are apparent within these responses. The responses from two different categories are focused on ?universities and other authorities, examining if any similarities or differences can be noticed in the arguments inthe different categories? responses to the proposed law change.This information has been first analyzed through content analysis, providing an overview to the respondentsof the draft, and the different views which have arisen.

Arboga Mekaniska Verkstad : Förslag på saneringsåtgärder gällande gjuteriet och plåtverkstaden

The industrialization in Sweden has increased the large number of areas that have been contaminated with various types of pollution. One of those sites are the property Höjen 3:24 in Arboga where ?Arboga Mekaniska Verkstad? once been. The property wants to increase the use of the old former foundry building with the adjacent ?plate-workshop? and believe there are two options for the building: That the building either should be used as a warehouse/concert hall, or rebuilt into a cultural center. An environmental evaluation has shown that the levels of heavy metals are over the Swedish environmental protection agency guidelines of less sensitive land.

Hotet från de kriminella MC-gängen - en normativ studie av värdekonflikten mellan den personliga integriteten och statens säkerhet

The aim of this essay is to illustrate a fundamental question; what is a democracy allowed to do to protect itself from enemies? I´ve chosen to analyze the conflict between the two values; individual integrity and state´s security. The individual integrity refers to every person's right to have a protected sphere, and the stat´s security refers to its right to protect itself, and these two positions are often time incompatible. This conflict of value is shown in a normative analysis, where depending on which perspective or normative logic is seen as primate, it gives different conclusions to what a democracy should do to defend itself.To demonstrate how severe the threats are against the society, I choose to examine a specific part of the organized crime, the outlaw motorcycle gangs. They have a special position in affecting the legal system because they have an explicit aim to influence the judicial system with scaremongering and threats.

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