

1579 Uppsatser om Least-Connection Scheduling - Sida 8 av 106

Kommunikation och planering på byggarbetsplatsen

Det finns stora besparingsmöjligheter i byggbranschen genom effektivare kommunikation och planering. Examensarbetet har genomförts på tre av Q-gruppens byggarbetsplatser i Stockholmsområdet. En ombyggnation/ nyproduktion av lägenheter och lokaler i Saltsjöbaden, en nyproduktion av lägenheter och förskola på Södermalm samt en ombyggnation av lokaler i Folksamhuset på Södermalm. Kvalitativa intervjuer, deltagande observationer och en omarbetning av en befintlig Gantt tidplan till en LoB (Line of Balance) tidplan visar hur situationen med kommunikation och planering i byggbranschen upplevs av platsledning och yrkesarbetare samt hur det kan förbättras.Examensarbetet omfattar två delar där kommunikation mellan platsledning och yrkesarbetare på byggarbetsplatsen är den ena och användning av LoB planering är den andra.Examensarbetet visar att de som arbetar i produktionen gärna ser en kombination av planeringsmetoderna Gantt och LoB. Samtliga intervjuade är överens om att en väl fungerande kommunikation och planering är väsentligt för att projekt ska fortlöpa smidigt.

Elevers motivation för att delta i ämnet idrott och hälsa. En intervjuundersökning bland gymnasieelever med särskilda behov på IV-program

The purpose of this thesis is to explore pupils' motivation for participating in Physical Education. The thesis also investigates the definitions of sport and health and to what extent pupils make any connection between the school subject physical education and their own physical and health status. A semi-structured interview was carried out with thirteen upper secondary school pupils with special needs on the Individual Programme. The interviews were recorded digitally and then analyzed. The results show that there is no unified definition of the school subject among the pupils.

Individanpassningens ytterligheter : Några betygsmässigt hög- respektive lågpresterande gymnasieelevers åsikter kring engelskundervisningens utformning.

In today?s society there is a discussion regarding students? level of knowledge and personalisation. The classrooms consist of heterogenic groups of students with different learning needs and levels of knowledge. The purpose of the present study is to find out how the students who participated perceive the teaching of English as an additional language with regards to personalisation, and how they believe differentiation can help develop and deepen their learning. This study has been conducted using a qualitative method with interviews as the core, complemented by observations. The results have been analysed and interpreted hermeneutically. The results show that those students who have a positive attitude to English education, irrespective of their grade, are those who see the benefit of knowing English outside the classroom, and thereby create a connection between reality and studying English.

Representation = legala mutor? : Gränsen mellan representation enligt 16 kap. 2 § IL och mutor eller andra otillbörliga belöningar enligt 9 kap. 10 § IL

Companies use different forms of representation to promote business negotiations. The regulations for the right to deduction for the cost of representation are stated in Chapter 16 section 2 of the Swedish Income Tax Act (IL). According to the law there must be an im-mediate connection between the expenditure and the business practice and the claimed de-duction must be reasonable. The Swedish tax authority publishes general recommendations regarding representation which are used as guidelines for the tax payer to follow. The gen-eral provision about tax deduction can be found in Chapter 16 section 1 of the Swedish In-come Tax Act (IL), stating that expenses to acquire or retain income shall be deductible.

Design av mikrovågsövergångar

In this Master thesis, microwave connections between circuit boards are constructed. The primary frequency band is the X-band (8-12 GHz). The purpose of the connections is to enable a more simple and cheaper way of mounting the circuit boards inside a container. The connections have been designed and evaluated, using different computer programs. A few prototypes have been built and measured.

Frekvens och spanningsskalning i en inbyggd mikroprocessor; for att mojliggora implementationen av schemalaggning med stod for dynamisk frekvens- och spanningsreglering for energihantering.

Minimizing power consumption is a critical part of many embedded design projects. Thechallenge is to limit the power consumption of the system and at the same time providesatisfactory service to the user. With regards to microprocessors, the main way of limiting powerconsumption during program execution is to adjust the frequency and the voltage at which theprocessor operates.To enable the implementation of real-time scheduling with support for dynamic voltage andfrequency scaling, an exhaustive study of the Freescale i.MX31 embedded microprocessor isperformed. Specifically, the power consumption relationship to all relevant frequency andvoltage settings is investigated. In addition, to enable frequency and voltage scaling in a real-timeenvironment, a complete timing analysis of proposed voltage and frequency scaling methods isperformed and their suitability for use in real-time systems is evaluated.To integrate voltage and frequency scaling capability into OSE RTOS, a software module hasbeen developed for this operating system.

Tsunamikatastrofen : En studie av hur den svenska regeringen och de centrala förvaltningsmyndigheterna agerade i samband med flodvågskatastrofen i Sydostasien

It has now passed a few months since the events in Soth East Asia during Christmas 2004. The purpose of our essay is to analyze factors that may influence the Government?s managment of catastrophes.In connection with the Tsunami disaster in South east Asia, the Swedish contingency system was the center of attraction. The criticism against the Government have not eluded many people. Not to mention the fact that the Government didn?t act rapidly and appropriately.

Kvalitet och jämställdhet : En undersökning av kvalitetsbegreppets definition och dess relation till jämställdhet mellan könen inom bildkonsten

Quality is a vague concept, it seems to be about a ?gut feeling? but is used as if it were a concrete property. This paper examines the defenition of the concept of quality, the relation between quality and gender equality and also what the representation between the genders in exhibitions, purchases and donations looks like in this day. As method for this paper text analysis, with searchlight on the two parameters of quality and equality, have been used on documents that provide a historical and a cultural policy perspective. The main part of the paper is an analysis of the visual arts on Värmlands museum, Kristinehamns konstmuseum and Rackstadmuseet.In the discussion of the paper, chapter 5, the result of the research is presented.

En vindkraftparks inverkan på Gävle Energis elnät

The effects from a planned wind farm on the grid utility Gävle Energis electrical grid have been studied. The wind farm is planned to be built in the forest 15 km north of Gävle and will have 23 turbines with rated power from 2 to 2.5 MW, resulting in a total installed power between 46 MW and 57.5 MW. The grid connection will be made at 70 kV. The aim of the analysis was to determine what effects the wind farm would have on the power grid in the form of electrical disturbances (flicker etc.), need for new investment and raised operational cost. To allow the connection of the wind farm technical solutions (new lines, power stations and grid reinforcements) have been constructed.

Dark Side of Wonderland : en kort 2D-animation med syfte att väcka intresse för en online serietidning

My objective for this project was to create a short but thrilling 2D-animation intended as promotion for an online comic book. The purpose of the project was to learn more about animation and graphics, to further my artistic skills and to learn how to work in Adobe After Effects. I also wanted to learn more about scheduling, project methods and how to handle stress. During the ten weeks of the project I have created the story, the storyboard, the character design, the backgrounds and the animation. The voice over was recorded with the help of a fellow student who also made the music and the sound effects.

Samband mellan utdelning och vinst per aktie : En studie gjord över en tidsperiod med både hög- och lågkonjunktur på Stockholmsbörsen

This is a study to see the relationship between earnings per share and dividends during a period of both boom and depression. The study will focus on companies listed on Stockholm stock exchange and see if they follow theories from the past and if the dividend is smooth over times with a fluctuant economy. To see this we had this problem:Is it a relationship between earnings per share and dividend during a fluctuant economy, also if there is a difference between the different Caps on Stockholm stock exchange?We studied 163 stocks of the 293 listed stock on Stockholm stock exchange during a period of 8 years. The study is focused on the time period between year 2005 and year 2012.

En studie ur lärarens perspektiv kring lässvaga elever i samband med textuppgifter i matematik

The purpose of this study was to, from the teacher's point of view; discover pupils with reading difficulties in connection with text assignments in mathematics, the teacher's support for these students, if difficulties coincide and whether it's the mathematics teacher's responsibility to make sure pupils with reading difficulties develop their reading ability. The study is based on a qualitative method and five semistructured interviews with mathematics teachers and one language support teacher.The result shows there is a strong connection between the pupils' reading ability and their ability to manage text assignments in mathematics. A weak reading ability affects the pupil in a negative way when solving text assignments in mathematics due to wrong reading technique if the teacher is absent. It is not unusual that reading difficulties and mathematics difficulties coincide. The teacher's most important role in the learning process is to teach the pupils understanding about the reading technique in different ways and to give the pupils opportunity to get spoken texts.

Landsortsdeckare - den nya hembygdslitteraturen? : Analys av tre deckarserier från Sandhamn, Kiruna och Öland

During the last years the number of Swedish detective stories which take place in the province outside the big cities has increased enormously. In this study I have analysed the novels by the three authors Viveca Sten, Åsa Larsson and Johan Theorin to investigate the connection between the milieu and the story and in what way it is involved in the crime riddle.They all keep to the formula of the classical detective story but represent different variations within this formula. In spite of the differences in their stories the basic pattern is the same. As their protagonists the authors are emotionally connected to the place in the novels. This connection it strengthen by the authors themselves as well as the publishing companies when introducing them on the market.

En arbetsplats i världklass

AimThe purpose of this study is to, from a perspective of a PE teacher, look at how teachers of physical education in elementary school designs and assesses the teaching of swimming. The issues underlying the study are as follows:Which elements are included in the swimming education and how do teachers work with these operations?What does the PE teachers classify as swimming ability and what do teachers experience as obstacles for the students development of swimming ability?How do the PE teachers interpret the knowledge requirement in Lgr 11?MethodThe study is based on six interviews of qualitative nature, with PE teachers from various municipalities in the region of Mälardalen.ResultsThe result yielded by the study is that the swimming classes can take different forms depending on whom the teacher is. Common to all the teachers in the study is that they teach emergency management and lifesaving. When it later comes to teaching how to swim and practice, the teachers who teach in the younger age groups work more concentrated and continuously with swimming, while the teachers who work with the older age groups just checks whether students can swim or not.

Betalningssätt via webben : En studie om konsumenters ansedda kunskap angående olika betalningssätt via webben och deras säkerhet

The e-commerce in Sweden has increased each year for the past several years, but still just over half of all the consumers feels worry about payment security. This could be the reason why over half of the consumers just shopped about one time on the Internet during the whole year of 2009. Another reason could be that the many consumers have a lack of trust to the different payment methods that are available during payment on the Internet, because they might don't possess enough knowledge regarding the payment methods and their security. If the consumers were to gain more knowledge about the payment methods and their security, it may lead to that the they would feel more comfortable when shopping online, and do it more frequently. It is this that will be investigated in this paper.The purpose of the paper  is to research if consumers believed knowledge concerning the different payment methods available on the web and their security influence the consumers trust in the payment methods.

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