

1579 Uppsatser om Least-Connection Scheduling - Sida 6 av 106

Bokbussen kommer och går ? men består? En undersökning av hur bokbussverksamhet skildrats i Biblioteksbladet 1945-2006

The aim of this master?s thesis is to investigate a possible connection between the development of mobile library services in Sweden and the development of cultural policy during 1945-2006. Our main question is: is there a connection between the development of the mobile library services in Sweden, as described in Biblioteksbladet, and the development of cultural policy as portrayed by Anders Frenander and Dorte Skot-Hansen? In order to answer this question, we formulated two secondary questions: - How are the mobile library services described in Biblioteksbladet between 1945 and 2006? - Are there any similarities or dissimilarities between the development of the mobile library services and the development cultural policy as described in our theoretical models? If so, in what way? Our study covers the entire time period since the start of the mobile library services in Sweden in the late 1940s. The final year for our investigation is 2006.

"När vi väljer, så ska det vara för vår sons skull" : En kvalitativ studie om hur föräldrar till barn och ungdomar med funktionshinder gör sina val av insatser enligt LSS

The purpose of this essay is to study how parents of children with disabilities young people make their choice of support and service LSS. The study takes its lead from questions designed to determine which interventions parents use for their children. What parents think about today's choice and if satisfactory, or if they have other wishes. It is also about how parents experience the freedom of choice and participation in the selection of interventions. Furthermore how the parent discuss the topic of choice from childhood and parental perspective.

Avdrag för FoU : Innebär tillägget verksamheten i övrigt en faktisk utvidgning av avdragsrätten för FoU i förhållande till den tidigare lydelsen av IL 16 kap 9 §?

In recent years, the possibility to deduct expenses for research and development (R&D) has been interpreted narrowly. As a response, the Income Tax Act chapter 16, section 9 (the R&D-rule) was amended to increase the possibility to deduct R&D of more general character. The purpose of this thesis is to determine the meaning of the R&D-rule to be able to decide if the amendment is an extension of the deductibility and whether this amendment can be considered adequate.According to the R&D-rule, the recipient of the grant needs to conduct R&D activity and there needs to be a sufficient connection between the R&D activity and the company to be allowed deduction. The difficulty in applying the R&D-rule is mainly when the research is conducted outside the company and the aim of the research is not to solve the company?s specific problem.The connection between the R&D-activity and the company needs to be reasonable. This means that only R&D-activity that falls completely outside the company?s activities should be excluded from deductibility.

Ämnesövergripande arbete i matematik och textilslöjd : Ett praktiskt försök i skolår 6

The aim of this thesis is to try to make the mathematics content of textile handicraft visible. This is done through an attempt at integrated studies in the two subjects with 6th grade students.The main question is: In what way may integrated studies in mathematics and textile handicraft lead to making the mathematics content of textile handicraft visible to the students? This question has been divided into three sub-questions: 1. What knowledge do students have on the order of the millimeter, centimeter, decimeter and meter units of length?, 2.

Ekonomin i syrning av spannmål till mjölkkor :

In this dissertation I have tried to figure out if it possible to make any money on acid grain to feed cows through a case study. The method is a case study combined with a documentary research. At present the farm sell all grain in connection with harvest and buy it back continuously in the neighbourhood, I have compared that with an alternative where I invest in a construction for to store acid grain on the current farm. I have delimit me to only have a look on acid grain because I think that is one of the cheapest way too store grain in smaller aplenty. Before beginning with acid grain is it important to be versed in how everything works and the risk to keep on with acid grain. One disadvantage is that the acid grain is not possible to store more than 12 months with out acid it once again. It is also easy to get mould in the pasture if it is not acid enough.

En undersökning av ITs nytta för transportorganisationer

Målet med studien har varit att ta reda på hur man med hjälp av IT kan stödja enimplementering av IT-baserad planering inom transportbranschen, mer specifikt ruttplaneringsamt se vad som krävs för att reducera den stora mängd komplexitet som omger den. I fleraartiklar från Computer Sweden diskuteras det att man med hjälp av IT-stöd kan minskakostnaderna, öka inkomsterna och arbeta på ett mer klimatsmart sätt. För att få kunskap omområdet har Gayialis och Tatsiopoulos artikel Design of an IT-driven decision and supportsystem for vehicle routing and scheduling använts som kunskapskälla och som ett anpassatteoretiskt ramverk efter vår studie. Vidare har litteraturstudier utförts inom logistikområdet.För att bygga upp en empiri har en kvalitativ intervju genomförts samt en undersökning avbranschanpassade IT-lösningar. Resultatet av datainsamlingen blev en punktlista på komplexaparametrar som måste hanteras av den undersökta transportorganisationen för att uppnåeffektiviseringsvinster med hjälp av IT-baserad transportplanering.

Lgy11: en kontrollerande läroplan. Samtal med fyra gymnasielärare

The autumn of 2011, saw a new curriculum being put to use in Swedish schools, a curriculum whose purpose was to supply the Swedish schools with a larger national equivalence. This new curriculum was meant to counter the strong variations in grading that the ministry of education felt was a result of the Lpo94, the curriculum previous to lgy11's introduction.With the introduction of the new curriculum there followed some changes to the objectives and emphasis on content prepared by teachers in the subject of religious studies. As a result this also affected the teachers planning and execution of the course and its content. From the perspective of a teacher-to-be I hold a great interest concerning how lgy11 affected the religious teachers planning of their lessons and teachings. This essay is written with the hope of being able to determine how some of the now active teachers perceive that they have been affected by the curriculum in its structure of teaching and planning and the content of material.

Arbetstidsdirektivets implementering i svensk lag : En studie om byråkratisk drift

The aim of this master-thesis is to investigate the emergence of bureaucratic drift in connection with implementation of EU-legislation in Sweden. To narrow it down I have chosen to look at the Swedish implementation of the Working Time Directive, directive 93/104/EG. To be able to fulfil the purpose of this master-thesis I have used two research questions; [1] How did Sweden implement the Working Time Directive into Swedish law? and [2] Why did Sweden omit to correct implement the Working Time Directive? To be able to understand and explain the situation I have used the principal-agent perspective as a theoretical framework. An analysis of motives has been used as analytical method.The results from the analysis show that Sweden, in order to keep the contractual model used on the labour market, which is a part of the well known Swedish model, shirked while implementing the directive and implemented as to be able to fulfil its own agenda.

Den avgörande uppfattningen : En kvalitativ studie av konsumenters uppfattningar av åtta svenska modeföretag

Title: The decisive opinion - A qualitative study of consumers opinions of eight Swedish fashion companies.Seminar date: 2008-01-14Course: Candidate thesis media and communication, 15 ECTS,Authors: Micela Danielsson, Frida ÅhsAdvisor: Larsåke LarssonFive keywords: Profile, Image, Brand, Fashion and AdvertisingPurpose: The purpose with this study is to evaluate and discuss the connection between profile and the companies? image in the eye of the consumer.Methodology: A qualitative method has been used in the paper, focusgruops interview with respondents from Örebro.Theoretical perspectives: The overall theory of the paper is describing fashion theory. profile, identity and image and advertising.Empirical foundation: Consumers from Örebro have made a contribution to the basis of our empirical study.Conclusions: The results show that fashion and clothes play a big part for the consumers and they ascribe it the part as a way to show their identity, image and express them selves. For none of the companies profile and image did not have a full connection, but a lot of times there were parts of the profile and image that had a connection. The questioned states that they get their opinions from merchandise, stores, store employees and different kinds of advertising.

Suveränitet kontra humanitär intervention i Libyen 2011

For one month during the beginning of 2011, the world followed the violent events in Libya. During this time the United Nations was faced with a complex question, could they handle the ongoing violence and find a solution to the killings or would the hostile situation go on. We now know what happened, but not why. It is this question that this essay aims to answer. This essay covers the discussion of sovereignty on the one hand and humanitarian intervention on the other and responsibility to protect in between.

Internet : och den tibetanska diasporan

Uppsatsen handlar om hur tibetaner använder sig av Internet i strävan efter en nationell identitet och i kampen för ett fritt Tibet. Med information från fyra tibetaner analyseras olika webbplatser kopplade till den tibetanska diasporan för att se om denna koppling finns. Med hjälp av tidigare diaspora forskning och Benedict Andersons tankar om en föreställd gemenskap görs en analys av kopplingen mellan diasporan, Internet och en föreställd gemenskap. Abstracts: This essay discuss how Tibetans use Internet in their effort to maintain a national identity and their struggle for a free Tibet. With information from four Tibetans, Internet sites connected to the Diaspora is analyzed to see if this connection exists.

Mode och varumärke i modeföretag - Dess eventuella samband och yttringar

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga hur ett tänkbart samband mellan mode och varumärke kan se ut i modeföretag. Metod: En kvalitativ studie med ett abduktivt angreppssätt. Slutsatser: Sambandet mellan mode och marknadsföring i modeföretag är mycket starkt, även om branschen i sig, historiskt sett inte agerat som om så vore fallet. Centrala faktorer för modeföretagen med ett starkt samband i just dessa två begrepp är bl.a.: ? Överexponeringsproblematiken, det faktum att varumärken kan förbrukas.

Hur ofta hälsar du på din granne? : En kvantitativ studie av integration som förklaringskraft beträffande befolkningssammansättning och radikala högerpopulistiska åsikter

A logical cause of migration is of course immigrants which is a topic always creating discussions. When arriving in a new country a process of integration with the goal to adapt to the environment is started. This study will explore the need for integration and seeks to examine the connection between population composition and radical right opinions.To fulfill the aim, a multivariate regression analysis is done on aggregated level in Sweden with statistics concerning the year of 2010. The relation between ethnic composition and voters support for the Swedish radical right party Sverigedemokraterna is studied as well as integration as an explanatory intermediate factor operationalized through unemployment, financial assistance and trust.The results of the study indicate a positive connection between immigrants from EU/EFTA and the voter support for Sverigedemokraterna. A negative relation is identified between trust and the voter support for Sverigedemokraterna.

Om man är fri, är man då lycklig? : En studie av begreppen frihet och lycka i Thomas Hobbes politiska filosofi

With a background in the 17th century?s English political events, but also the ideological scene of that time, the purpose of this essay is to analyze two concepts, freedom and happiness, in Thomas Hobbes?s political writings. Hobbes is well known for his political works, mostly for Leviathan, where his thoughts about government and religion are exposed. But what does he say about freedom? And what about happiness? The study shows that Hobbes?s political thought is quite original from this aspect too.

Utveckling och utvärdering av gränssnitt : En gränssnittsprototyp för design av t-shirtar

This thesis project is based on a business idea where users can design their own t-shirt online. The project shows the first step in the development process where a prototype for a user interface is created and evaluated.The purpose of this thesis project is to answer the following question:How does one develop a user interface for t-shirt design with consideration to interaction design theories?In order to answer this question the design process began with scheduling the work at hand. The first step was to build a conceptual model based on specifications made prior to this project. This conceptual model became the foundation for the physical design.A high fidelity prototype was created using Macromedia Flash and Actionscript 2.0.

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