

1579 Uppsatser om Least-Connection Scheduling - Sida 22 av 106

Breastfeeding and caries. Is there a connection between breastfeeding longer than one year and caries before the age of six years?

Studien syftet är att undersöka om barn som har ammats längre än ett år har ökad risk för karies före sex års ålder. Metoden är en systematisk litteraturstudie där databaserna Cinahl, Cocharane och PubMed har sökts. Resultatet baserades på fyra kohortstudier och tio tvärsnittsstudier. Resultatet av dessa fjorton studier kan indelas i två riktningar, studier som visar att amning längre än ett år ökar kariesrisken och studier som indikerar att amning inte ökar risken för karies. Slutsatser: Utifrån resultatet av artiklarna får det anses att det vetenskapliga underlaget är otillräckligt för att hävda att amning ökar risken för kariesutveckling..

Har antalet naturvärdesträd i Sverige förändrats mellan 1999-2009?

Forestry and forest products are vital components of the Swedish economy but the forest is also important for recreation, hunting, out-door life and conserving biodiversity. The Swedish Forest Act has two equally important objectives, production and environmental protection. Polytax is the Swedish Forest Agency´s inventory programme which monitors progress toward the two objectives in connection with regeneration fellings. It includes data on environmental protection measures taken in connection with regeneration fellings. 30 § of the Swedish Forestry Act and related regulations specify the demands for conserva-tion of nature.

FN och terrorism : En studie av världssamfundets policy sedan kalla krigets slut

The United Nations has a responsibility to combat acts of international terrorism, as they constitute a threat to international peace and security. In spite of this, there exists no generally accepted definition of the phenomenom within the UN. By examining resolutions on terrorism, this thesis aims to evaluate the UN?s policy on terrorism since the end of the cold war until 2003. The results show that the UN?s attitude towards terrorism eversince the end of the cold war has been condemning, but that the the events of September 11th 2001 has contributed to an even more firm approach to the problem.

Solceller för flerbostadshus : En teknisk rapport för HFAB

This examination paper is about the potential for Solar cells on apartment blocks. The technology with using solar cells for manufacturing electricity, has been on the market for a while, but recently the new installations of solar cells has increased. Solar cells are suited for placements on buildings but are expensive to obtain. The municipal real-estate company is interested in solar cells but wants to know more before they invest in the technology. This report contains an account of the solar cell and a guide to how a connection to the grid is accomplished.

Vad får jag egentligen skriva om min arbetsgivare på facebook och andra sociala medier? : Yttrandefrihet möter Lojalitetsplikt

In today's society the borders between work and leisure blurs out more and more, and just as we might bring our work home, we might as well take our leisure to work with the help of so called smartphones with constant connection to social networks such as facebook and twitter. But what happens when the small talk around the coffee machine in the workplace gets out in public spaces? Instead of complaining to my closest colleague when my boss is acting like a fool or when my workload sky rocketed, I might now instead update my status on facebook with my complaint. But what am I actually allowed to write about my employer? And has the employer any possibility to act legally in respond to what I write?For the younger generation, who more or less is grown up with these social networks, I think this demarcation can be difficult to draw and understand.In this essay I deal with the issue of whether a principle of law, such as the duty of loyalty might collide with my constitutional right to use freedom of speech against my employer..

"När man väl sätter sig [in] i en bok så kan man ju bli fast och sen kan det bli jävligt intressant." : Om elever och lärares inställning till motivation och litteraturläsning på engelska i gymnasieskolan.

This study intends to discuss what might motivate Swedish upper secondary students to read literature in English. The study was performed through interviews with both teachers and students, as well as questionnaire studies with both students and teachers. The students give different interpretations of what the definition of motivation is, ranging from definitions of extrinsic motivation to signs of their definitions leaning toward intrinsic motivation. The conclusion is that although the English language itself is not a barrier for students? reading motivation, the majority of them are not motivated to read.

To be or not to be : en kritisk studie av vår teaterkanon,och dess eventuella påverkan bland kvinnliga dramatiker idag

Our theatre tradition has a long history where men have written most of the plays. If we want that the theatre should be a place, which should be built as much around womens experience as mens experiences, how can we relate to the canon? This is a study based on questions around our theatre tradition. Three women dramatists have been asked questions like: What do you think about the classics? About the women roles? Do the classics inspire you, in your writing? Is there a difference in being a female dramatist than being a male dramatist? Femi-nist theatre- theories have been used to guide us through the canon.

Ungdomar med mobiltelefoner i klassrummet - vad gör de?

AbstractPurpose/Aim: To describe in-classroom use of mobile phones amongst teenagers.Material/Method: The data was collected through as use of focus groups and field studies.Main results: The main findings confirm the findings of other studies on teens and mobile phones. Teens use their mobile phones for much more than just sending text messages and making calls, there are many different types of localized usages. There is also a strong emotional connection between the device, its content and the user.Keywords: mobile phone, teens, classroom, focus groups, observation, field studies, mobility..

Kan en standard för miljökommunikation förbättra miljöprestanda? : Ett examensarbete i samarbete med NQA Nordic AB

Mankind has always been communicating, it is almost impossible to not communicate. The communication tree has grown a new branch, the environmental communication branch, and an ISO standard, the ISO 14 063 Environmental communication- guidelines and examples was issued October 2006. The purpose of this thesis is commissioned by the managing director of NQA Nordic AB in order to examine and analyse how organisations communicate environmental issues today, and how big the need for ISO 14 063 actually is, and further more if there are needs and wishes to make ISO 14 063 a certifiable standard. The main conclusion is that the there is a need for the standard, but it is difficult to say in which form since the knowledge about the standard is far to low among the organisations examined in this thesis. Clarity and transparency as ISO 14 063 promotes are important ingredients in organisations? environmental work, so sure a standard for environmental communication can help improve environmental performance, for example through opening up for two-way communication and from that on take part of the stakeholders? opinions.This study is based on a literature study and a questionnaire survey where 70 organisations (in this case authorities, corporations and non-governmental organisations) randomly chosen from the seven criteria, which ISO 14 001 defines as the environment: land, water, air, flora, fauna, natural resources and man and his collaboration with those.

Tillämplig lag för arv och testamente

AbstractSweden applies two different private international statutes to establish which country´s domestic law that is applicable in a certain situation regarding succession and will with connection to two or more states. The first private international law is the one used in relations between Sweden and the other Nordic states. The other private international law is the one used between Sweden and all other states than the Nordic ones. A proposal for a Regulation that regulate jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and authentic instruments in matters of succession and the creation of a European Certificate of Succession has been prepared by the Commission and was published in October 2009. This regulation will, if it enters into force, modify the situation in Sweden for applicable law on a situation regarding succession and will.

Kyrkorestaurering ? problematiken kring kulturhistoriska värden

This thesis handles the problems regarding different value aspects which are applied during restoration and renovation of churches. The curator?s aspects along with the interests regarding change that exists today, is often integrated and is therefore affecting the final results. The thesis aims to discuss the different perspectives and to look at the different values the room possesses. Furthermore, the historical aspects are discussed along with possible strategies to increase a positive outcome of restorations and how to integrate churches to the modern standards in terms of use and allowing them to be a part of a living cultural heritage.Church buildings have historically speaking always had a significant meaning to people, independent of religious belief.

Utlägg för annans räkning : Ersättning för utlägg vid representation inom svenska verksamheter

Background: According to us, obtaining reimbursement of expenses in connection with a representation is a ?forgotten? process, and we therefore find it interesting to look further into. In some cases we have not claimed for compensation since we consider the process as too complicated or that we lost the original receipt. Ernst & Young (2009) say in their research that within the financial management area, Swedish operations loses billions of Swedish crowns due to bad routines. Okada and Hoch (2004) mention that if time were not considered as a resource, time would not be a hinder.

Visstidsdirektivets implementering i svensk rätt : Har korrekt implementering skett?

The essays main intent is to examine whether there has been a proper implementation of the Council?s directive 1999/70/EG into Swedish law regarding the requirement for measures to prevent the abuse of successive fixed-term employment contracts. To achieve this purpose there is a need for an examination of current law. The essay also has some secondary purposes. One of these secondary purposes is the question of whether the implementation of the Council?s directive 1999/70/EG has lead to a reduction of the workers employment protection, which is closely connected to my main question and the violation case.

Albys skärvor : Lipid- och morfologisk analys av tidigneolitisk keramik från Öland

In this essay, Neolithic potsherds from Alby, Öland has been examined. The purpose was to investigate the connection between the lipid residues and the vessel shapes and ornament. To solve the attempt lipid and morphological analyses were executed. The lipid analysis revealed traces of different food residues and the morphological method showed various shapes and decors. The result indicates that the Alby ceramics has been used for cooking/storage of different fish and meat dishes, as well as vegetables and that the vegetables doesn?t derive of cereals..

Starka varumärken : strategiska konkurrensmedel och utvidgning?

The purpose with this essay was to examine and bring a deeper comprehension about brands as a phenomenon. We also wanted to study if strong brands could develop in to strategic competition means and by that expand their market range. To do this we used a qualitative method. We started by gathering a theoretical basis. This gave us a platform, which helped us learn more about the subject, brands.

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