

3374 Uppsatser om Learning processes - Sida 29 av 225

E-learning inom franchise : Ett verktyg för utbildning och erfarenhetsutbyte

Utbildning och erfarenhetsutbyte inom franchise är ett lagstadgat krav och nyckelfaktorer för en fungerande och framgångsrik franchiseverksamhet. Franchisegivare försöker därför ständigt förbättra utbildningen och erfarenhetsutbytet och frågan är om e-learning kan vara ett lämpligt verktyg för detta. Denna uppsats syfte är att undersöka möjligheten att komplettera utbildningen av franchisetagare och erfarenhetsutbytet mellan franchisegivare och franchisetagare med e-learning. Vidare att presentera en rekommendation för den mest lämpliga e-learningplattformen. För att uppfylla syftet valde vi att kartlägga hur utbildningen och erfarenhetsutbytet går till idag och vilken kunskap som förmedlas, intresset för att komplettera dessa aktiviteter med e-learning samt vilken e-learningplattform som är lämplig för detta.

Informationssystemutveckling : skillnader mellan traditionella informationssystem och e-learningapplikationer

I dagens informationssamhälle har fokuseringen på livslångt lärande och kontinuerlig kompetensutveckling blivit en viktig fråga. E-learning kan vara en teknik som får en avgörande roll för både individers och organisationers utveckling framöver. E-learning kan definieras som ett koncept för att distribuera utbildning och lärande via Internet eller ett lokalt nätverk. En e-learningapplikation kan ses som en relativt ny typ av informationssystem vars syfte är att öka användarens kunskaper inom ett aktuellt område. Denna rapport undersöker huruvida det finns någon skillnad mellan att utveckla ett traditionellt informationssystem och en webbaserad e-learningapplikation.

Sommarhögskolans verksamhet : Ur ett learning-by-doing och elevperspektiv

This paper is written to take a close look at teaching methods used at the Summer Academy (SHS), which is held at Södertörns Högskola in Stockholm. SHS is a subdivision of the institution of teaching education, which annually, during summertime, offers an eight-day program for pupils between 13-15 years of age, from different schools located in socio-economically disadvantaged suburbs of Stockholm. The intention of SHS is to give the participating pupils an insight into higher education, especially that of university. The purpose of the activities, such as field trips, guided tours and corporate visits, is to make pupils aware of their own responsibility for their educational situation through different methods of knowledge transfer, to diversify the means of the education, and to bring awareness to the array of possibilities which they have access to within the Swedish system of tertiary education.The study is based on six deep-interviews, three with pupils and three with student mentors. Together with 131 surveys from the course given during the summer of 2014, and theories of John Dewey on ?Learning-by-doing?, the results show that pupils participation in SHS give them a better understanding for, and knowledge about their own educational responsibility.Another question this paper seeks to address is how significantly the SHS program is changing the pupil?s experience of education in general and their view upon higher education specifically.

Preparera prepositioner - Sång och musik som didaktiskt hjälpmedel för prepositionskunskap i spanska

Abstract A central problem in all language teaching is to teach the correct use of prepositions. There are grammar rules, but also a lot of exceptions and idiomatic expressions that often have to be learnt by examples or by heart. A trick for learning might be to use a mnemonic method with songs and music to memorize a correct use of prepositions. The purpose of this study is to test a language teaching didactic exercise for knowledge of preposition in Spanish with songs and music. Grammatical aspects, rules and exceptions when studying prepositions in Spanish are presented.

Elevers lärande i grupparbeten : en kvalitativ studie av en grupp elevers tankar kring lärande i grupparbeten

The purpose of this study is to investigate how a group of students experience their learning when working in groups, and determine if they prefer to work individually or in groups. This study will also investigate what the students believe that they learn when working in groups. The study is based on these two questions:How and what do students perceive that they learn from working in groups?Do the students in my study prefer to work in groups or individually?The method I have used to retrieve information has been to interview four different students. The interviews were individual; I did so to get a deeper view of how students perceive their own learning in groups.

Identitet, förståelse och den existentiella dimensionen : - en studie om hur religionens roll framställs i styrdokumenten för gymnasiets religionskunskapsämne

Today Sweden is both a secular and multi-religious country, of which Christianity historically has been a dominant player. Both processes of individualization and migration have contributed to a changed religious character as the current Swedish social situation represents. An interesting question to consider is how the Swedish school system has been able to adapt to the changed religious climate. This study examines the policy documents for religious education produced for upper secondary school, to see how the role of religion in the processes of individualization and migration, and the changes that these processes have brought the role of religion in today?s society as a whole, are described within them.

Pedagogiska miljöer : En undersökning om hur miljön påverkar inlärningen

Many of the schools premises are neglected and the physical environment has not been prioritised. Instead the focus is set on scientific learning methods and pedagogic. The need for an environmental shift has not got an essential place in the governing documents for schools, although the focus on school premises should be suited to the purpose of the activity and for the pupils needs. Today the interest and the need of research within the physical environment is evermore increasing. The Swedish Work Environment Authority, present in their activityplan for 2006, that the schools premises and equipment is not adjusting to today?s activity and it is in bad condition that can lead to work-related injuries.The purpose of this essay is to bring to light a different pedagogic train of thought around the surrounding environments importance, for students learning and to compare these with our study of a selection of classrooms and what the teachers to these classrooms consider about the environments importance.

Är sociala medier mest ett hinder? Ungas lärande i sociala medier

A large part of the daily life today means being active online and to take part in the interactions that occur there. The accessibility which social media brings, means that you can reach and be reached in several ways and there are many different ways in which information can be disseminated. Social media supports the learning process. The aim of this study is to examine how upper secondary schools students' use of social media and how it can be used as a tool for informal learning. Our study is based on the socio-cultural perspective where interaction and social cohesion is a big part.

The allotment plot : osäkrande som designstrategi

During the spring semester of 2009 I have participated in what was to become the project The Allotment Plot; a collaboration between the Swedish University of Agriculture and the Wanås Foundation. As one of six students in landscape architecture I have experienced a group based learning process with the point of departure in the designing of an organic and experimental kitchen garden at Wanås, a sculpture park for contemporary art. The project came out as neither us nor any other of the people engaged could have guessed. What was meant to be a garden turned out to become an entire cultivation movement. As students, we have gained a lot of experience through praxis; experience that will be valuable for our future profession. The project has also opened up the possibility to question and reflect upon what our profession and education could or should be about. This thesis focuses on the role of communication and the production of communicative tools in design processes and landscape architectural practice. It discusses how communication may be used in an exploratory and ?un-securing? way, and how this may dislocate the professional role, especially in situations where the design action, as in the case of this study, demands a high degree of transdisciplinarity and collaboration. .

Framtidens driftcentral : En analys av den framtida driften av ett svenskt elna?t

Active work to increase the efficiency of energy use is taking place in Sweden and throughout all of Europe. Electricity is an important part in our society?s energy system which means that the electrical grid operators and associated therewith has a central role in this work. Monitoring and controlling the electrical grids are managed from the distribution system operator?s DC, dispatch center.The aim of this report is to examine how the operations in a typical DC on the Swedish electricity distribution network will look like in five to ten years.

Den pedagogiska innemiljön i öppna förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om fem pedagogers tankar kring den pedagogiska innemiljön i öppna förskolan

The purpose of this study was to examine some teachers thought about the educational indoor environment in free preschool. With free preschool this study means a Swedish specially adapted to parents/adults and their children and for a typical type of children who are 0-5 years old. Questions to the study were:? How do some teachers in free preschool perceive that they are adapting the preschool indoors environment to children and learning?? How do some teachers in free preschool perceive that they are adapting the preschool indoors environment to children and learning to attract children to the pedagogical environment?In this study I used qualitative methods and interviewed five teachers and preschool indoor environment is observed. I applied the socio cultural perspective to my study.

IT-stöd för riskhantering : En studie av risk och kvalitetsarbete vid ZERT AB

This paper presents a project and literature overview about how risk management and quality sometimes goes hand in hand and sometimes in two different directions. Meaning that the risk management can affect product or process quality differently depending on what risks an organisation chooses to control.The purpose with this paper is to get a deeper understanding about how risk and quality works together with IT-support and therefore we have been actively participating in a project with a risk management company called Zert. A literature study and a qualitative interview study have also been undertaken to see what the customers and the other researchers have written, to be able to make proper conclusions on the subject.To easily work together and get the information that was needed, four methods where used. Besides the qualitative interview and literature study the think-out-loud, card sorting and a variation on the extreme programming method where used to help visualize and improve communication both with Zert, the costumers and among ourselves.Zert is a risk management company that helps other organisations to control their different types of risks that they might be taking, by offering a system where the risk management process is held and providing consulting services by helping within the processes. Both Zert and their customers see the communication, knowledge and teamwork as something important as well as the quality within the work, processes and the end result.

Lärares syn på hur den fysiska klassrumsmiljön påverkar elevernas lärande

My main purpose for this paper was to find out what the four teachers I interviewed thought about the design of their classroom and how they linked that to pedagogy, pupils learning and policy documents. I also wanted to find out if classroom design were something they discuss and reflects on in the college.My questions for this study were: What do some teachers who work in the early ages in the school think about the classroom design? Do these teachers link the classroom design to policy documents or pedagogy? Do these teachers consider classroom design to be something that should be discussed in the same way as other factors (for example teaching aids, resources etc.) within the college?My method was to make qualitative interviews with four teachers, analyze their answers and link them to my main theories and research in the area of the study. My main theories were multimodal communication, which means that there are several systems of signs in communication, which all have an essential function for the meaning of the communicated. It also means that learning happens both individually and socially and that school is a social construction, and that the system of opportunities and boundaries in which it takes form is mediated within our multimodal systems.

Speciallärare eller specialpedagog? En studie om speciallärares/specialpedagogers syn på sin utbildning och yrkesroll inom särskolan

In 1990 the education training program for teachers working with children with special needs was changed. One major difference in the new program compared with the former one is that the specialized teacher is now mainly supposed to supervise teachers instead of teaching pupils who have learning difficulties. The aim of this qualitative interview study has been to find out what the specialized teachers think about there education, and how this could influence children with cognitive disabilities in special schools. I have interviewed six teachers who specialized in teaching pupils with cognitive disabilities. Three of them where educated prior to 1990 and the others were educated after 1990.

Förskolans lekmiljö : En studie om hur pedagoger tänker om lekmiljöernas betydelse för barns utveckling och lärande

The purpose of my study is to describe how educators think about the play environment, the nature and its importance for the children's development and learning in preschool. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four active educators. The results of the study show that the teachers regarded the children's interests to a great extent when the different play environments were structured. They are also based on different themes that they have seen that the children were interested in, such as the fire station, hair salon or shop and café. Educators designing not only these play areas for different types of play for the children, but the different environments also have a learning purpose. The outdoor environment however attracts greater interest from children, to where they have more space to move freely in and outdoors, there are no limits to the children.

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