

3450 Uppsatser om Learning organizations - Sida 66 av 230

10-13-åringars önskebibliotek - Vad kan det lokala biblioteket göra för sina tweens?

The aim of this study is to investigate the needs and wishes of 10-13- year old children, so called tweens, when it comes to their local library. What kind of library do the children want? How does the mission and different functions for the children's library of today correspond to the needs of the children? Children of this certain age have been interviewed in focus groups where they have had freedom to ?create? their own library and discuss what they consider important in a library. Skot- Hansen, Rasmussen & Jochumsen's model (2011) with four important spaces for a library - performative space, learning space, inspiration space and meeting space has been part of analyzing the result. These four different areas for the library have been divided into threefunctions: a place for being, a place for learning and a place for creating.The result of the thesis shows, among others, that even though many of the aims of the libraries and the results of research correspond to the ideas and needs of the children, one of the most important functions for the children is the library as a place to relax, a quiet room, where they can dive into their books and other media, which has not been discussed in the research I have taken part of.

Sen så kommer den och förklarar vid bänken; alltså bara för mig : Om elevers upplevelser av stöd och hjälp i matematik

The study's purpose is to describe students' experiences of help and support in mathematics. To investigate this, I adopted the questions: What does it mean, according to the students, to get "help and support in mathematics?" Are there differences in the description of help and support depending on the age of the students? What different kinds of help and support do students feel that they get from their math teachers? What different kinds of help and support would they like to have? The study is based on a qualitative method, group interviews, with three groups of students, one from each stage of primary school in one municipality in Sweden. The students were at the time of the interview in grade 3, 5 and 8. The interviews were analysed from a sociocultural perspective. The results show that what the students primarily consider as the meaning of help and support it is to get individual support from their teacher.

Det politiska i det privata : En implementeringsstudie av jämställdhetsprojekt 

The study deals with the causes of unjustified differences in pay between women and men in the banking sector. The purpose of this paper has been to examine how a gender project implemented in the private banking organizations from a gender-and implementation perspective. The aim of the project examined is to even unjustified differences in pay between men and women in the banking and finance sector. The main issues are: ? How has the project been implemented and what are the real and perceived results? ? How can the opportunities and barriers to successful implementation course with emphasis on gender? The method used is a qualitative study, where the empirical material consisted of focus group interviews.

Barns tolkning av en modell för vattnets kretslopp : -förståelse och tillämpning

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to find out how pupils give expression of a water cycle model and if the model causes any misunderstanding. Two problems constitute the starting point for this investigation. The first question is: how do the pupils explain the water cycle with the help of the jar model (can of glass). The other question is: can the children see any similarities between the can of glass and our earth. Qualitative semi structured interviews with seven pupils in the ages of 8-9 have been used to show the pupils? own thoughts and how they express them.

Laborativt material som konkretiseringsverktyg : Lärares kunskaper om och erfarenheter av laborativt material som arbetssätt

The purpose of this study is to find out teachers view on manipulatives as a way to concretize a certain mathematical content and to highlight knowledge and experiences within the range of using manipulatives to concretize. By answering the questions below different approaches a teacher may have towards the manipulatives and how that may impact on student?s learning will also be discussed in comparison to mainly traditional and socially constructive theories of learning.What is the teachers view on manipulatives as a way to concretize?What purpose do they have when using manipulatives?According to the teachers, what does it mean to concretize a certain mathematical content?According to the teachers, what connection is there between manipulatives and concretizing?Through interviews and observations conclusions can be made that the teachers are in general positive towards using manipulatives as a way to concretize a certain mathematical content although the definition of what a manipulative is differ somewhat between the teachers. The teachers working with manipulatives do it in a well thought out fashion but more research is needed to furthermore define the purpose of using manipulatives. Few countries spend so much time concretizing and working with manipulatives as Sweden do, but still Sweden score below the OECD-average on the mathematical PISA-tests.

Närmiljön som lärandemiljö- Utomhusundervisning i teori och praktik

Detta är en studie gjord på en I Ur och Skurskola där vi har kollat på pedagogikens brister och fördelar kopplat till filosofen John Dewey och teoretikern Roger Säljö..

Det ligger nog i deras arbete att vara problemlösare : En kvalitativ fallstudie om HR-funktionens image och identitet ur ett intraorganisatoriskt perspektiv

Introduction: HR departments have been developed to take care of the organizations most important resource: the human being. HR as a function has however faced criticism claiming that the function does not entail any value to organizations. The rest of the organization often have a hard time understanding what HR?s daily work means and thereof not having a clear image of the function?s purpose or the function?s role in the organization Aim: The purpose of this study is to describe the relationship between the organization's view of the HR department (image) and the HR department's image of themselves (identity) in order to create a greater understanding of how the HR function successfully can be a well-functioning resource in an organization's overall business. Methodology: The study was conducted in the form of a case study. We have approached the issues by taking different perspective into account, which includes HR, managers and employees.

Att skada sig med sex : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas syn på och arbete med unga som har ett destruktivt sexuellt beteende

The aim of this study is to shed light on the phenomenon of destructive sexual behavior among youth from the perspective of professionals working at nonprofit organizations. To examine this, we used a qualitative method; we interviewed professionals working at nonprofit organizations. To analyze our results we used gender theory and empowerment theory. Our main results are that the professionals view this behavior as deliberate self-harm, such as cutting, as they do it to achieve relief from anxiety. Also, the professionals think that gender norms affect young people with destructive sexual behavior in that it imposes guilt and shame, which inflicts their already low self-esteem and makes them feel inferior.

Digital kompetens : Äldreomsorgspersonals upplevelser av en digitaliserad arbetsplats

This study highlights the importance of computer technology and its impact on elder care staff's skills development in the public sector. The government presents the digital agenda within which information and communication technology today is considered to have a potential for sustainability, growth and development. According to the EU Commission, there are several important elements that should be improved to digitize the workplace. Among these are digital literacy, collaboration between agencies and increased investments in research, education and innovation. New technology can be understood in different ways by individuals, some see the computer as something positive and exciting, while others may find it hard to see the opportunities for learning and development.

VFU- en väg in i arbetslivet? : En kvalitativ studie som behandlar arbetsgivares värderingar av erfarenheter från verksamhetsförlagd utbildning.

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the employability of newly graduated social workers is affected by the Supervised Practical Work Experience performed during the educational program. Four main questions were developed in order to establish an educated and concise theory: Does the newly graduated social worker?s choice of a specific Supervised Practical Work Experience affect their employability? Does the structure of the Supervised Practical Work Experience affect newly graduated social worker?s employability? What specific skills do employers within social work consider important for their organization? Is there a difference in how the representatives of various organizations within social work answer the aforementioned questions? The study was conducted through six qualitative semi-structured interviews. The people being interviewed work either as employers or recruiters in organizations from different areas within social work. Theories concerning organization and symbolic interactions were used during the analysis of the results.

En kritisk diskursanalys av genusnormer i dagstidningar gällande offer för sexuellt våld i konfliktområden

Sexuellt våld i konfliktområden är en företeelse som drabbar såväl kvinnor som män. Med utgångspunkt i nongovernmental organizations informationsmaterial avseende sexuellt våld i konfliktområden kan dock fås bilden av att endast kvinnor drabbas av detta våld. Forskning visar att av 4076 nongovernmental organizations som arbetar med att hjälpa offer för sexuellt eller politiskt våld i konfliktområden är det endast 3 % som på något sätt nämner män som offer för detta sexuella våld och då i regel alldeles kort. Det pågår alltså en omfattande diskriminering mot män som utsätts för sexuellt våld i konfliktområden.Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur rapporteringen i svenska dagstidningar genusnormativt förhåller sig vid framställandet av offer för sexuellt våld och huruvida sexuellt våld mot män i konfliktområden är tabubelagt i desamma.Denna undersökning genomförs genom en genusteoretisk kritisk diskursanalys. Uppsatsens analytiska ram är den kritiska diskursanalysen.De teoretiska utgångspunkterna i denna uppsats är diskursanalys och Norman Faircloughs tredimensionella modell.Resultatet visar på en diskrepans i rapporteringen om offer för sexuellt våld i konfliktområden.

En strategisk planeringsmodell: Att införa medborgarkontor i ett folkbibliotek med hjälp av strategisk planering

This Masters thesis is concerned with the complex planning process of setting up a citizen bureau in a public library. The aim is to find out how citizen bureaux are designed and to suggest a simplified model of strategic planning. The planning process is studied from a business perspective in the library context, and this perspective is also used to study citizen bureaux and their written plans elsewhere. A combination of qualitative methods are used: observations, focus group discussions and interviews. Observations in the public library showed a great need for an environmental analysis as well as structure to the planning process.

Vad är en hållbar produkt? - En studie med svenska klädföretag och organisationer

Miljö och hållbarhet är något som kommit att uppmärksammas allt mer sedan startskottet på 70-talet i samband med ökat fokus från regeringshåll och grundande av miljöorganisationer. I takt med konsumenters ökade medvetenhet har kraven höjts på svenska klädföretag och deras arbete med hållbar utveckling och hållbara produkter. Problematiken ligger i att svenska klädföretag utför sitt arbete på olika sätt och därav finns olika tolkningar av hur en hållbar produkt är framställd och vad denna ska innehålla. Det är även svårt för kunder att få ett grepp av en hållbar produkt, då de inte finns någon konkret definition.Den övergripande problemformuleringen i arbetet har berört hur olika svenska klädföretag och miljöorganisationer definierar en hållbar produkt. I uppsatsen presenteras olika definitioner av hållbar utveckling och den lagstiftning som ligger till grund för de produkter som produceras och säljs på den svenska marknaden.

Hur man genom kreativt arbetssätt kan gynna barn med läs- och skrivsvårigheter.

Abstract People who have problems with the written language will face serious difficulties in todays society. Our social structur is based on the criterium that every individual has to be able to read and write, and for this reason it is important that pupils with learning difficulties receive help. The purpose of my investigation is to examine how children with reading- and writing difficulties can benefit throught creative methods. Children with reading- and writing difficulties are in need of these creative methods that exist today. Amongst all of our public healht issues, dyslexia is one of the biggest problem we have today and children are therefor in need of these creative methods. Through  qualitative interviews with two educationalists there has been established thad the creative way of working benefits children in many ways if it is preformed correctly.

Ta rast! : En sociokulturell studie om rastverksamhet

The purpose of this study is to highlight play and learning in the lower school ages in organized and non-organized break actives. The premise is that the break is a part of the schoolday and that the school has responsibility to live up to the goals and guidelines of the curriculum even in recess. Leisuretime-pedagogy and the professional competence the pedagogs possess about games and the social relations of children are also in focus in this study. The study is a qualitative study where the empirical material consists of observations in a schoolyard environment during one week and interviews with children. The material has then been interpreted and analyzed using Lev S.

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