

3450 Uppsatser om Learning organizations - Sida 56 av 230

Express yourself : Implementerar skolan de nationella styrdokumentens kunskapskrav på elevens verbala språkutveckling?

The purpose of this study is to explore specific pedagogical activities that benefit the student's verbal language development and to learn more about how our schools use teaching methods to achieve the ambitions in the governing documents in Sweden. The aim is finding the correlation between theory, research, governing documents and the educational work in our schools. This study contains an empirical survey in intention to see how teachers, pupils and school administrators experience school activities, to see if those activities are formed with the intention for pupils to reach the learning goals according to the governing documents.The aim of this study has been achieved by relating empirical data with theories and previous research on conversation analysis. Goffman's and Norrby's research on the importance of dialogue and previous research on dialogicity studied by Dysthe, Vygotsky and Bakhtin are presented. Those are related to empirical data and show that most teachers realize the importance of integrating dialogues in daily activities and in different learning contexts.

Manliga förebilder inom socialt arbete : föreställningar, praktik och organisation

Among those who graduate from the various schools of Social work in Sweden are a great majority women. At the same time men are sought after in the work field.  But not just to level up the equality between the sexes, but also to fill a gender specific niche to counter up a need for male role models. But a closer look at this need and the types of functions set to cater for it shows that male role models as a concept vary between contexts. In this study we examine the concepts and the practices of male role models in three different settings: a municipal social care center offering young boys male bonding activities; a non-profit organization warding young people from drug abuse and criminal behavior; and last, a long term residential home for young boys between the ages 13 and 19. Our research shows that the concept of the male role model vary between the organizations and less so within.

Trångt om saligheten - En studie av intresseorganisationers arbete med politisk påverkan i det post-korporativa Sverige

The relationship between the government and organised interest in Sweden has changed. Formally considered as a good example of a corporatist state the country during the last 15 years or so experienced a more pluralistic system. This thesis is a qualitative study which discusses how interest groups seek to influence decision makers and policy thru lobbying and public opinion. It also examines how interest groups work with advertising and public relations in a changed climate of mass media. The main method of gathering material has been done thru interviews of representatives of different interest groups.The results of the study paint a picture where the interviewed organizations experience a vast competition in communication and information.

Learning Management Systems - Vilka användbarhetsfaktorer, funktioner och designförslag bör beaktas vid val av lärplattform?

Dagens utveckling inom distansutbildning har lett till att det blir allt viktigare att välja en lärplattform som är anpassat till företagets eller organisationens verksamhet. Nya effektiva utbildningsmetoder som komplement till den traditionella utbildningen möjliggörs av den nya tekniken där e-learning har en framträdande roll. E-learning gör att lärandet inte längre är beroende av ett fysiskt klassrum och en specifik tidpunkt utan utbildningen blir mer flexibel, interaktiv samt fokuserar mer på själva på lärandet.Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att kartlägga hur ett LMS bör vara utformat vad det gäller design, funktion och användbarhetsfaktorer för att underlätta val av lärplattform (LMS). Studien har visat att det designmässigt är lämpligt att följa vedertagna författares riktlinjer ? oavsett om det gäller LMS eller design av en funktion i ett LMS.

?Bibliotekariers reflektioner kring sina behov av utbildning om besökare med funktionsnedsättningar ? Att som bibliotekarie utvecklas genom utbildning och skapa ett mer tillgängligt bibliotek??

Our main reason for this master thesis is to find out how librarians get knowledge and understanding about people with disabilities in order to make the library more accessible. Our aim is to study the so-called 4 x 4 education which is an education about accessibility to and within cultural institutions and find out if a specific education is helpful to librarians in this matter. We also discuss what librarians themselves find desirable in an education of this type. Socio-cultural perspective is our choice as background theory. The socio-cultural perspective states that learning depends on social activity and social interaction.

Socialt och emotionellt lärande i grundskolan - hinder och möjligheter vid implementering

Social and emotional learning is getting more and more common to work with in Swedish schools today. That has made it more actual to do studies of how you best can implement a method in health prevention and promotion in schools and how you do for to keep the work sustainable. There are some American studies that describe implementation of methods in schools and a few studies that describe implementation of methods for social and emotional learning in schools. It is important to see implementation as a process and not as an individual event. The process never end but continues as a cycle in three phases; readiness phase, planning phase and implementation phase.The aim of this study was to describe teachers and principals experiences of obstacles and possibilities at implementation of an evidence based program for social an emotional learning in compulsory school as a part of the schools health promotion activities.

Hur bidrar Ipad till samspel i förskolan?

This is qualitative study of, four teacher´s views on the use of iPad in teaching and learning. In addition, I will examine the disadvantages and advantages of iPad use as a teaching tool in preschools.My questions are:What is the practical use of tablets in preschools today?Are preschool teachers using the tablet as a teaching tool? If so, how?Is the use of tablets in preschools contributing to children´s social interaction, as well as between children and teachers` social interaction?The purpose of this study was to find out how the four teachers uses the iPad as a teaching tool in the interaction between children in preschool. I have chosen to use Vygotsky?s and John Dewey´s theories.

En studie om lärares arbete vid övergångar : Hur arbetet som bedrivs i arbetslaget återspeglas på individ, grupp och organisation

 This thesis is based upon the assumption that in Swedish school today it is a wide gap regarding the information flow when pupils are switching school. This was one of the reasons Skolverket published a report clearly stating that this is the case. The purpose of this thesis is to examine and describe how teachers are working in a teacher team at transitions to see and understand what their work may mean individually, in a group and to the school as an organisation. The questions at issue is to see how the teachers cooperate during transitions and how they notice students in need of extra support and students level of knowledge during transitions. The two last questions at issue is first to see how teachers approach parent?s expectations on the school and the teachers, secondly it is to examine what implications their work will have on the school.

Kärlekens många ansikten. Ett lärstilsprojekt vid en kommunal gymnasieskola, baserat på Dunn & Dunns Learning Style Model.

Syfte och frågeformuleringarUppsatsens syfte är att undersöka om Dunn & Dunns Learning Style Model kan vara en metod som är skolutvecklande samt om modellen möjliggör att elever motiveras och engageras i sina gymnasiestudier.Frågor:- Ger arbete utifrån Dunn & Dunns Learning Style Model möjlighet till skolutveckling?- Hur uppfattar eleverna lärstilsarbete, utifrån Dunn & Dunns Learning Style Model?- Skapar modellen inlärningsmöjligheter, engagemang, förståelse och motivation?MetodUndersökningen är kvalitativ, där datainsamlingsmetoden består av öppna frågor i en enkät. Nittio elever besvarade enkäten. Genom systematiskt urval plockades därefter trettio enkäter ut och bildade den undersökningsgrupp som uppsatsens resultatdel bygger på. I resultatet behandlas och grupperas de åsikter som eleverna gett uttryck för.ResultatResultatet av elevenkäten visar att arbete utifrån Dunn & Dunns lärstilsmetod är en möjlig väg för skolutveckling.

Att förstå medborgardialoger från olika perspektiv

The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the problems caused by students that characterize themselves as highly sensitive. The issue of high sensitivity and other categorizations are fiercely debated in the research. This empirical study was conducted in light of literature about high sensitivity, pedagogies, and interview methods. The students answered questions about what makes them categorize themselves and how they believe that the categorization affects their learning and social development. They also responded to questions about what they consider appropriate measures to improve their situation.

Situationsanpassat ledarskap - en studie om vad i situationen som påverkar ledarskapets utformning :  

The purpose of this study has been to examine what it is in the situation that affects which leadership that is applied on the members of the organization. Our questions that we have explored were; What is it in the situation that influences the leadership applied on an individual or staff group? What similarities and differences have emerged by Hersey and Blanchards situational leadership model?Further, we used qualitative semi-structured interviews at the interview procedures with three managers and three employees. Hersey and Blanchards situational leadership model and Goffmans theory in the book "The presentation of self in everyday life" have been used as a foundation and inspiration in this study.We have found that circumstances like the size of the staff group along with the organizations financials and the resources affect the leadership behavior and how well it is matched with the employees. The function of the leaders position in the context, and the purpose of the situation influences how the leadership is formed.

Bakgrundsbrusets effekt på kognitiv prestation samt skapandet av falska minnen : Om bullrets inverkan i öppna kontorsmiljöer

This study aimed to explore how 31 collage students' cognitive performance and their ability to create false memories were affected by the exposure of an extraneous background noise. The studies main hypotheses were based on previous research on how extraneous noise affect the cognitive ability and the creation of false memories: 1) that an extraneous background noise increases the ability to create false memories, 2) that an extraneous background noise impairs the learning of cognitive information, 3) that an extraneous background noise contributes to an increased representation of fictional words, 4) that an extraneous background noise impedes the ability to understand speech . The results showed a tendency in which false memories increased in the condition without background noise, a result which goes in the opposite direction of the hypothesis. Furthermore, the result supported the hypothesis that the extraneous background noise impairs the learning of cognitive information. The results also showed that there was no effect between the conditions regarding the representation of fictional information.

Förebyggande förbättringsarbete med Design for Six Sigma

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is a further development of the Six Sigma draft to carry through preventing quality measures in developing and designing of new products and processes. With increasing demands on enterprises development processes to be more safety and faster the need of DFSS arise as a product, process and service development concept in the organisations. Design for Six Sigma aims to improve and structure the development process of an organisation and consider the application of the innovation problem solving. The concept aims to leave the structure of the traditional Six Sigma concept and instead, from an innovative perspective, search for new solutions to existing problems. The concept constitute of a toolbox with a lot of quality tools that are divided into phases in a development model.

Vad påverkar handlingsutrymmet? : En kvalitativ studie av ekonomihandläggares reflektioner kring sitt handlingsutrymme

AbstractSocial welfare workers employed in the same county base their assessments on the same laws, routines and guidelines, yet it seems that they sometimes come to different decisions. It's the discretion that enables the social workers to make individualized decisions adapted to each clients unique situation.The purpose of this paper is to examine social welfare workers reflections on discretion and what influences their discretion in the professional role.Six qualitative interviews were conducted with social welfare workers in three communitys i the middle of Sweden.The main result shows that it is primarily four factors that affect the social welfare workers discretion in the professional role :External factors such as other organizations change of regulations and cooperation with other organizations.Organizational factors such as routines, rules and guidelines .Professional factors such as the opportunity to use experience and professionalknowledge to determine which measure works in different situations.Individual factors like the workers ability for initiative and the clients individualcircumstances. Social welfare workers feel that they have a relatively wide discretion in their profession. They believe they have the ability to make individual evaluations of each client, however they also believe that their discretion often is limited by lack of time.Key words: social welfare workers, clients, discretion, assessments. .

Design av fönsterinfästning i väggar med tjock värmeisolering : För god funktion med avseende på fukt, värmeisolering och estetik

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is a further development of the Six Sigma draft to carry through preventing quality measures in developing and designing of new products and processes. With increasing demands on enterprises development processes to be more safety and faster the need of DFSS arise as a product, process and service development concept in the organisations. Design for Six Sigma aims to improve and structure the development process of an organisation and consider the application of the innovation problem solving. The concept aims to leave the structure of the traditional Six Sigma concept and instead, from an innovative perspective, search for new solutions to existing problems. The concept constitute of a toolbox with a lot of quality tools that are divided into phases in a development model.

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