

3450 Uppsatser om Learning organizations - Sida 28 av 230

Barns lärande och meningsskapande i den fria leken : En intervjustudie om fem pedagogers syn på den fria leken och den fria lekens lärande och utveckling

The purpose of this thesis is to study five pedagogue?s view of the free play and their view of the importance of the free play for children´s learning and development. I have chosen to use a qualitative research method in the form of interviews with five pedagogue´s from a preschool. The main research questions asked were:What have the pedagogues of view on the free play? How important believe the pedagogue that the free play is for children?s learning and development? What has emerged in the study is that educators have a positive view of the free play. They believed that the free play is important for children´s skills.

The Value of Digital Information DIV-index, A Corporate Asset

Companies have in the past decades changed fromtraditional manufacturing organizations into serviceorganizations. For these service organizationsinformation and competence have become animportant resource. The traditional view oninformation is that an employee use and search forinformation to reduce uncertainty for their decisionmaking. Even though information is strategicallyimportant for organizations, information is not valuedin any way. Hence, this thesis aims to valueinformation in terms of the utility it brings to theorganization.The conclusion is that four factors are important whenvaluing information in terms of utility.

Riksantikvarieämbetet - Identifieringen av balanserat styrkort i en offentlig verksamhet: Hur kan processen vid skapandet av Riksantikvarieämbetets balanserade styrkort påverka dess vidare användning som styrmodell?

The Swedish National Heritage Board (RAÄ) is the agency of the Swedish government responsible for heritage and historic environment issues. During the last couple of years the agency has implemented a new management control system, the balanced scorecard, originally developed for profit driven organizations. Organizations within the public sector have other objectives than profit seeking organizations, and there have been difficulties in applying the balanced scorecard model in the public sector. Therefore we find it interesting to examine the reasons behind these difficulties and believe that some answers can be found in the identification process of the balanced scorecard. Therefore we aim to perform a case study of RAÄ and explain how the identification process of the components of their balanced scorecard can affect further usage of the model as a management control tool.

Fackförbunden och livslångt lärande : Kritisk analys av livslångt lärande ur ett fackligt perspektiv

Lifelong learning (LLL), a concept dating back to the 1920s, is much used both by the OECD, UNESCO and the EU. But while intergovernmental think-tanks and supranational organisations often use the term in a positive sense, many (not least scholars) are critical of the term. The critique either deals with the lack of a universal definition, that the implicit responsibility for LLL has shifted onto the individual, or that the meaning of the term has shifted from a humanistic one linked to the personal development and a better society to a neoliberal one that involves growth, competition, globalisation and human capital theory. This study is based on interviews with nine trade union representatives on their understandings of lifelong learning. The results showed that while LLL was positively viewed by most, there was virtually no communication vis-à-vis members on the topic, most trade unions have no policy regarding LLL, and responses from representatives were sometimes self-conflicting..

Mindfulness - framtidens ledarskapsverktyg eller dagens managementfluga? En studie om mindfulness påverkan på chefers ledarskap

Today's society is characterized by constant changes. In order to adapt to the development, organizations must continuously come up with innovations and invest in new projects. As a result, the responsibility of organizations' leaders has increased. Parallel with this development, more and more firms incorporate mindfulness in the organizations, and many managers choose to practice mindfulness themselves. This case study is based on interviews with business leaders that have completed a course in mindfulness.

Intensiv beteendeterapi för förskolebarn med autism : En studie om pedagogers erfarenheter av att arbeta med intensiv beteendeterapi i förskolan

This study investigates educators? experience of Intensive Behavioral Therapy (IBT) for preschool children diagnosed with autism. The aim is to examine, from the educators? perspective, how useful this method has been, what difference it made for the children with autism that took part in this training and also how the educators? have been able to organize and implement the method. The study is based on 6 semi-structured interviews and 29 surveys.

Pedagogisk dokumentation : reflektionens betydelse

The degree project aims to gain a deeper understanding of how pedagogues are working with pedagogical documentation, as well as the significance of reflection in the educational work with children.The survey was implemented on two Reggio Emilia-inspired preschools and is based on a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with open questions, where six pedagogues shared how they view the pedagogical documentation.The study is seen from an epistemological perspective. The results show that pedagogues place great emphasis on reflection as a tool for a visibility of children´s learning and development. Pedagogues respond to children´s questions with a question at issue to challenge the children to develop their own hypotheses for problem solving.Keywords, pedagogical documentation, reflection, learning process..

IT-relaterade problem på arbetsplatser : En studie om äldre arbetstagares krav, kontroll och sociala stöd i IT-relaterade arbetsuppgifter

According to science internal communication is a complicated, yet very important, issue of organizations today. An organization with a successful internal communication shows better results both economically and in terms of coworker satisfaction. The two main theories on communication are sensemaking and transmission. After a century with a transmissionary point of view, researchers stress the importance of sensemaking internal communication.Main question of this thesis is ?Which of the two main theories is the most useful when anchoring important messages in large organizations??According to the results of this study, conducted by interviews, neither one is more useful than the other.

Cause Related Marketing : En studie i hur företag praktiskt arbetar med CRM

Cause-Related Marketing (CRM) is not a completely new phenomenon, yet an idea whose time has truly come. To have commercial organizations cooperate with charity organizations for mutual profit is a "win-win-win" situation. The company gets added value to its brand, the charity organization gets to collect more money that it otherwise wouldn't and the customer gains a feeling that he or she has contributed to the society.The purpose of this thesis is to study how a company, in practice, works with CRM marketing. How do they choose which charity organization to work with,what type of product is most appropriate to market with CRM and how is the CRM campaign designed? A theoretical model is then formed to answer these questions, after a thorough research of relevant theory on the subject.

Lekens magi! : Synen på lekens betydelse för lärandeprocesser bland pedagoger på en Reggio Emilia- respektive Montessoriförskola

This study deals with play and the importance of meaning of play in the learning process. The aim is to look in to and analyze four preschool teacher´s beliefs and views about the importance of play for children´s learning and development. The study looks at two different preschools, one based on Reggio Emilia- and the other on Montessori- pedagogy, and the aim is to compare the different views and ways of working that the preschool educators have.The theoretical basis for this study is both rooted in a socio-cultural and constructivist perspective, and deals with the relationships between theoretical concepts mean as play, learning, way of working and pedagogy.The study is based on qualitative research methods that consist of interviews and participant observations. The person?s participants in the study consisted of four active preschool educators, who work in two different preschools.The results of the investigation show that the educators have similar views on the importance of play for the children´s learning process, and this also applies to their way of working.

Barns språkutveckling : Arbete med språkutveckling hos barn

The students participating in my development work will work with a process book for handicraft studies. In the beginning of their studies, the students need practical knowledge about the development of the profession itself, but they also need to be challenged and learn how to solve problems on their own which will help them gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.    I focus on open questions to create a process with the students. This process is created when working with Solution-Focused-Education. Through ?assessment for learning? we can help the students to improve their self-assessment and understanding of the learning process.

E-learning : en form för kompetensutveckling?

Titel: E-learning - en form för kompetensutveckling? Författare: Emely Andersson Helena Någård Handledare: Anders Nilsson Institution:Institutionen för Ekonomi och Management Blekinge Tekniska Högskolan Kurs: Magisterarbete i företagsekonomi, EFE 610 Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga de faktorer som ligger till grund vid valet av e-learning som kompetensutvecklingsform samt vilka olika verktyg av e-learning som finns. Metod: Insamlingen av data har skett genom både personliga intervjuer och e-mail intervjuer med företag som använder någon form av e-learning i sin verksamhet. Vi har också varit i kontakt med sakkunniga som har erfarenhet av e-learning för att få ett bredare perspektiv på området. Slutsats: Slutsatsen vi har dragit är att det beror på flera olika faktorer om e-learning passar in i företaget och varje företag måste utvärdera dessa faktorer.

Karriärplanering via e-learning, "K-modellen" : en empirisk studie

Organisationer med dess ledare intresserar sig i allt större utsträckning för att ha anställda som har en balans i sin arbets- och livssituation. Ett sätt att hjälpa och stötta individen med att hitta harmoni mellan arbete och fritid är att erbjuda så kallad karriärplanering. Det traditionella sättet att jobba med karriärplanering, det vill säga individen ansikte mot ansikte med en samtalspartner, är inget nytt, men alltsedan senare delen av 1990-talet är det också möjligt att via e-learning genomföra karriärplanering. Att utifrån e-learning inhämta kunskap, kräver stor självdisciplin och prioritering av individen, och det finns både för- och nackdelar.Syftet med undersökningen var att beskriva upplevelsen av karriärplanering via e-learning, "K-modellen", utifrån ett individperspektiv. Upplevelsen fokuserar på funktionalitet i termer av upplevde återkoppling och användbarhet i termer av användarvänlighet.

Med nya ögon mot stormen : Krisberedskap, ansvar och lärande ur ett medborgarperspektiv.

The aim of this essay is, due to a noted lack of earlier research together with an even more accentuated responsibility regarding the matter in question, to study the citizens? preparedness for crisis. Starting out from a number of questions regarding the citizens? responsibility andlearning from the hurricanes Gudrun and Per, the discussion concerns the terminology ofcrisis together with the question of responsibility and learning from experience.In conclusion, the source material consisting of nine interviews shows that preparedness for crisis for the affected citizen above all is related to the personal measures to create a working situation in a state of crisis. Hence, to a great extent, the citizens show consciousnessof their own responsibility.

Studenters uppfattningar om stödet från högskolebiblioteken vid studieformen Problembaserat lärande i distansstudier

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how students who study with Problem-based learning PBL in a distance learning course perceive the support from the university library. I first went into adult education, PBL and distance studies, one at a time, and then took a look at the combination of problem-based learning in distance studies. During the investigation, I conducted five interviews using a phenomenographic method to understand how the students perceived the support they received from the university library. The university library gives a lot of support but what I noticed while I was writing was that it is difficult to reach the students with the information regarding the help that is available to them. I give some example on how to develop the support and find that the students have a wide range of different needs for support from the library depending on their individual situation, social context, academic ability, location and course of study.

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