

3450 Uppsatser om Learning organizations - Sida 20 av 230

De åtta grundpelarna för motivation : En vidareutveckling av ett ramverk för implementering av gamification i pedagogiska applikationer

How to motivate yourself to learn has always been an area of interest, gamification has become a way of capturing and enhancing ones motivation. But how should the learning applications be designded to maximize the users motivation? This paper adresses wether Yu-Kai Chous framework Octalysis, is applicable on learning applications. The study is conducted by using a modified set of heuristics that are applied to the evaluated applications to gather data that is then used to evaluate the framework. The paper concludes that the framework can be used to evaluate learning applications but it should be modified to improve the results.

Inlärning och öppet-fält aktivitet hos förskolebarn

The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of learning on open-field activity among pre-school children varying from 3 to 5 years old. Altogether 25 children, 13 girls and 12 boys, entered the test from three different preschools in Dalarna. Six of these children represented the control group. The children were asked to learn 2 tasks, 1 visual memory task and 1 spatial constructing-kit task. Before, between and after the tasks, the children were allowed to move freely in the open field.

Måltiden som lärandesituation i förskolan : en kvalitativ studie om pedagogers syn på barns övergripande och hälsofrämjande lärande i förskolan genom den pedagogiska måltiden

The purpose of my study has been to find out how four preschool teachers at four different preschools looks at the pedagogical meal from a health and overall learning perspective. I also want to examine how, through the pedagogical meal the preschool teacher works to promote children´s learning and give them an understanding of need to safeguard their health. To achieve my aim I set the following questions;What are the different types of learning preschool teachers believe that children can acquire the basis of the pedagogic meal?How do preschool teachers describe their work from the pedagogical meal to benefit children´s overall learning?How do preschool teachers describe their work at the pedagogical meal for the children to gain an understanding of their health?The study is based on a qualitative method with interviews and observations, triangulation. The theoretical approach to this study is based on the socio-cultural perspective to learning and development.

Kommunikationens betydelse vid implementeringsprocesser

Discussions started on how to handle liquidity problems crises in credit institutions and investment with the financial in 2008 as a research background. This led to the establishment of a new legislation regarding the current managing of liquidity risks which involves major changes in organizations. The changes will address the problems on how a successful implementation work could be completed and what is required of the organizations. Good communication is essential in order to have a successful changing process when everything an organization undergoes requires clear and ongoing communication.The purpose of this paper was to examine if Organization X application communications to the same extent as a deployment model shows. Organization X was the company we chose to investigate as they are one of many banks that are facing the upcoming change.Communication Concepts such as understanding, dialogue, discussion, open mindness, transparency and participation, have been key words during our work.

Regional frihandel med miljöhänsyn? En studie av regionala frihandelsavtals förhållningssätt till konflikten med miljön

The relationship between free trade and the environment is often considered conflicting and the debates surrounding it are infected. My thesis deal with this conflict and how environmental concerns are integrated in three regional free trade agreements, North American Free Trade Agreement, The common market of the southern cone (MERCOSUR) and Southern African Development Community (SADC). I point out how the organizations differ from each other in this respect and I present a possible explanation to why they differ. The explanation is founded on the theory of the environmental Kuznets curve and that environmental concerns will depend on which level of development the member states in the organizations have. To judge and rank the organizations I have composed a model based on a pre-existing description of the trade and environment conflict.

Överlevt trafficking i Nepal: vad händer sedan? : En studie om det rehabiliterande sociala arbetet

Human trafficking is one of the biggest social problems in Nepal with over 12.000 Nepali women and children being trafficked over the border to India every year. Despite the scale and the severe consequences of trafficking in the Nepalese society, very little is known about efforts to rehabilitate survivors of human trafficking. The purpose of this study was to illustrate the rehabilitation methods and interventions in Nepal. It is based on the results from five interviews with three different nongovernmental organizations in Nepal. The result from this study shows that counseling is the main intervention for rehabilitation of the mental health of victims of trafficking.

Titta! Jag gjorde typ guld! : En studie om formandet av identitetskänslan i estetiska lärprocesser i förskolan

The aim of this study is to obtain a deep knowledge about identity creation of preschool child-ren at the age of four to sex with creative pictures and its aesthetic learning processes with childrens perspective as a starting-point. The issues that I have used in this study are how childrens identity creation relates to the aesthetic learning processes in the preschool enviro-ment, how children experience the figuration of their own identity related to other individuals and the enviroment by taking different positions in aesthetic learning processes and how childrens identity creation becomes visible in preschool.In order to explore preschool childrens identity creation in aesthetic learning processes the qualitative research-oriented approach has been implemented with unstructured observations and the informal interview as the methods for data acquiring.This studys theoretical points are sociocultural perspective and symbolic interactionism. Both these theoretical perspectives emphasize the significance of communication, taking different perspectives and learning in an interaction between an individual and enviroment within given sociocultural frames of referens which results in an individuals identity development.Results from the study show that childrens painting is more than an occupation with a picture as a product. Childrens painting is rather a playfull aesthetic expression form and a relation-oriented, dynamic learning process which is related to the enriching of individual self, the consciousness and the creation of meaning within preschools frames of reference.My expectation is that my study will contribute to didactic discussions about childrens iden-tity creation while using aesthetic expression forms..

Hemlösa katter i Göteborg med omnejd

Today there are over 100 000 stray cats in Sweden and of these 10 000 are found in Gothenburg. There are several instances that try to reduce the number of stray cats. The problem for stray cats is primarily the suffering they may face in hunger, cold, predators, diseases, parasites, accidents, etc. The cats receive no veterinary care and may die from a simple infection that easily can be cured with antibiotics. Stray cats also can spread diseases to domestic cats, be a sanitary problem and compete with other small predators on prey. Authorities working with stray cats are the Country Administrative Board and the police authority.

"Språket är grunden till allt" : En fallstudie om förutsättningar för svenskspråklig utveckling hos minoritetsbarn

In this report, a case study of conditions for Swedish language development in children of immigrant origin is presented, and its results explored. The boundaries of the case study are defined as preschool pedagogues? facilitation of Swedish language development through co-learning, in children of immigrant origin in an ethnically segregated urban area. Concepts central to the report include dialogue, second language learning and perspectives on language difficulties. For the theoretical background of the report, a basic sociocultural theorem is used, which links language as well as other areas of development to verbal interaction in a social context.

Marknadsföring av en god sak : Marknadsföringens karaktär inom insamlingsbranschen

This study will focus on the fund raising market and what characteristics that can be found in marketing in this market. The donations to fund raising organizations has increased lately and therefore we found it interesting to study how their marketing has developed over time and what risks that can be found. When talking about marketing in fund raising organizations it?s difficult to not include the donors. Therefore have we also studied what value creates for the donors and how the organizations work to gain their trust.

Kommunikation och lek i träningsskolan : Lärares syn på lek som pedagogisk metod i undervisningen för elever med diagnosen autismspektrumtillstånd.

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to investigate teachers? views on play as a method for developing pupil?s communication and interaction in schools for children with severe learning disabilities. I am interested in pupils with autism spectrum disorder and their opportunities for social interaction with peers in playful activities. I focus on the subject communication and the parts about speech, conversation and interaction. My study is based on a qualitative study.

Effekterna av att signalera hög annonskostnad för ett välgörenhetsföretag - ett undantag från tidigare forskning om signalteori

In today's fast-paced, intense and complex media environment, it is hard for non-profit charity organizations to reach out and get their messages heard.In this study we examine whether the theories of advertising signaling also applies for charities. Past studies of the signaling theories indicates that higher perceived advertising expense leads to more positive effects on purchase behavior and brand perceptions. However, we believe that this does not apply for a charity organization. We argue that since charitable organizations have a fundamentally different mission than commercial companies, they will need different ways to signal quality and credibility, and therefore the common signal-theories will not hold for these organizations.To test our hypotheses, we conducted two surveys where the respondents saw one of five versions of the same ad for a well-known Swedish charity organization, or one of two ads for a commercial corporation. The ads had been manipulated to simulate different levels of perceived cost.Our results shows that perceived ad cost only affects attitude towards the ad if a charity was the sender, whereas perceived ad cost affects intentions, attitudes and credibility if a commercial corporation was the sender.

Problemlösning i matematik : ett lärandeobjekt för learning study

Syfte:Målet med undersökningen var att få kunskap om hur undervisningen kan stärka elevens förmåga att tillämpa problemlösning i matematik. Målet är att finna de kritiska aspekterna av att tillämpa problemlösning.I undervisningssituationen fann jag det intressant att se vilka förändringar som gjorde skillnad för elevens lärande.Teori/Metod:Undersökningen är en learning study som utförs i en åk 8. Datamaterialet baseras på samtal, intervjuer, observationer och tester. Detta material ligger som grund då jag med hjälp av variationsteorin använder denna teori som analysredskap.Resultat:Resultatet visar eleverna saknade strategier och metoder för att utföraproblemlösningsuppgifter. Vid cykel 1 visade testresultatet att eleverna förbättrade sin förmåga att arbeta med problemlösningsuppgifter då de deltagit i lektioner som bearbetade det valda lärandeobjektet.

Synen på det egna ledarskapet : En jämförelse mellan ledare inom skola och vård

AbstractThis essay contains a comparison between principals and supervisors within the Health-care and is focused on their view regarding their own leadership. It contains a comparison between their respective models for leadership and how to evolve as a leader within these two organizations.The study is carried out as in dept interviews with four principals and four supervisors.The results show that the principals have a sufficient education and a broad network, but they need the opportunity to a personal development within their leadership. On the other hand, within the Health-care, the supervisors stand on a good base of education where focus lies on the personal development within the leadership. However, they need more opportunities to build up their networks.The conclusion that can be drawn is that these two organisations would gain on learning from each other, in order to establish as good conditions as possible to improve the leaderships within their own organization..

Formativ bedömning på lågstadiet : En kvalitativ jämförelsestudie om synen på och användningen av formativ bedömning hos svenska och sydafrikanska lågstadielärare

This study is about assessment, in particular formative assessment also called assessment for learning. The purpose of this study is to investigate Swedish and South African primary school teachers? views and ideas about this didactic tool. The motives for this investigation are based on the fact that correct used formative assessment supports pupils? learning process and the fact that there are few researches made about this subject in Sweden.

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