

899 Uppsatser om Learn - Sida 10 av 60

Ingen kan allt, men alla kan något : Hur åtta elever ser på matematikundervisningen.

In this paper you can read about students? opinion of teaching in mathematics. The study is done with eight students that were interviewed. The study is based on 16 questions about mathematic teaching. The questions covered student participation, how teachers should be, if they think mathematics is important, which approach to take in lessons and how student best Learn.

Genrepedagogik inom SVA-undervisningen : En fenomenografisk undersökning om hur fyra svenska som andraspråkslärare upplever genrepedagogiken

I den här uppsatsen undersöks fyra svenska som andraspråkslärares upplevelser av den australiska genrepedagogiken, vilken har nått stor framgång och spridits på skolor runt om i världen. Pedagogiken baseras på förvissningen att alla elever, i synnerhet andraspråkselever, behöver explicit undervisning för att utveckla sina läs- och skrivförmågor samt för att kunna tillägna sig kunskaperna inom de olika skolämnena.Mot bakgrund av genrepedagogikens spridning i Sverige, är mitt syfte att få kunskap om hur fyra verksamma svenska som andraspråkslärare upplever den australiska genrepedagogiken.Metoden som ligger till grund för min undersökning är fenomenografin och materialet utgörs av fyra ljudinspelade intervjuer, som sedan transkriberats.Resultaten visar att samtliga informanter är nöjda med metoden. Fördelarna är att genrepedagogiken lett till snabba resultat, tydliga måluppfyllelser såsom förbättrade grammatik- och skrivkunskaper, minskat klyftan mellan elever med olika bakgrund och bidragit till ett kollaborativt lärande. Det visade sig också att informanterna inte upplever några nackdelar med metoden, men däremot stött på några svårigheter. Samtliga upplevde att den stora skillnaden mellan deras tidigare arbetssätt och genrepedagogiken är att det tidigare arbetssättet var implicit till skillnad från genrepedagogiken som är explicit, vilket bidragit till att syftet med undervisningen blivit tydligare för både eleverna och lärarna.

Memoreringstekniker utifrån en pianists perspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to discuss different memory techniques used by pianists so I can feel secure while performing during concerts. How do pianists Learn to memorise music? According to me, are certain memorisation techniques more effective than others? Do pianists use different methods depending on repertoire? To find my answers, I have studied two other pianists? outcomes on the subject as well as applied my chosen memorising techniques on five pieces from different epochs. These techniques include visualising my fingers when they play on the keyboard, listening to the pieces many times, practicing short specific parts one hand at a time, singing the melody while playing the accompaniment, studying the scores without playing, as well as analysing the harmonic sequences..

Färdigheter och utvecklingsmöjligheter i ämnet musik : En kvalitativ studie av hur lärare och elever upplever möjligheten att nå högre mål i ämnet musik.

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether students? previous musical knowledge affected the rating achieved in the subject of music. My empirical material consists of interviews with three professional music teachers in local secondary schools. Two of the three teachers felt that they were not able to devote time for the students who had previous musical knowledge. Students from all schools said that teachers addressed more to help those students who found it more difficult to Learn.

Försvaret i skolan : En studie om total- och civilförsvarundervisning i skolan under 70-talets kallakrigsår.

The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the preparation of total and civil defense education in schools in the 1970s to gain insight into how the school looked and pondered the complicated world that existed outside the school's doors. By using the concepts of welfare state, welfare and civil defense culture, I have studied relevant materials to get answers to questions treating the total and civil education in schools after Lgr69, the way the state sees the subject and if it is possible to detect a civil defense culture in schools and if so, how it will be expressed.     The results show that the state emphasized education as incredibly important because knowledge of how to act in a crisis or war could be extremely crucial for the individuals and their survival. The education was so important that it got a role as a main factor in Lgr69. But even if the education was important the teachers had huge problems with the schedule and many teachers couldn´t educate all facts because they didn´t have enough time.

Hur vårdbiträde anställda i en poolgrupp uppfattar sin arbetssituation

This is a qualitative study with the aim to find out how caregivers in a resourcegroup experince their work situation. We wanted to know how they where treated by the ordinary staff and what strains and possibilities they can encounter in their daily work. We used semistructured interviews to answer our questions.We found out that the ordinary staff of caregivers always treated the resourcegroup like one of them. A strain that the resourcegroup experienced was the shortage of time which sometimes resulted in that they felt stressful. The resourcegroup work on different floors each day, giving them a chance to see and Learn new things.

"Olikheter berikar" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie kring rektorers syn på integrationsarbete av nyanlända elever med utländskt ursprung.

In this essay, I make a queer feminist analysis of Mats Strandberg?s and Sara Bergmark Elfgren?s teenage novel ?Cirkeln?, which is about six teenage girls who Learn that they are witches with a mission to save the world from demons. Using Judith Butler's theories, I examine the norms of sex/gender, ethnicity, class and sexuality found in the text and how these standards are created. I also analyze whether, and if so how, these standards may change when the magical elements enter the text.I also discuss the fact that older Gothic novels with magical elements often have been regarded as queer through history. .

"Tidningar är som tveeggade svärd" : En jämförelse hur den indiska tidningen The Hindu skrev om ämnet hiv/aids och hiv-positiva personer under 16 dagar år 2005 och 16 dagar år 2007.

We wanted to know how the subject HIV/AIDS was handled in the Indian newspaper The Hindu, which is written in English, during a period of 16 days (30 October-14 November) in 2005 compared to the corresponding period during 2007. Because we liked to study what kind of differences there were in the reporting between these two years. In addition we also wanted to Learn how people living with HIV and AIDS are represented in pictures and text. To find out this was the purpose with this investigation.The study is made from the theory of stigma, semiotics and from a professional model of the normative theory. The articles about HIV/AIDS were quantitatively analyzed with help of a schedule of codes and we performed a qualitative analysis on several articles, four from 2005 and four from 2007.

Implementation av en 3D applikation i Macromedia's Director
för Pan Vision Studio

This 3d navigation application is a part of a project that helps the user to Learn and find the right position on a map with many exercises, the user has a compass nearby that he/she can use to find the position that requires to get the right answer on that particular exercise. Macromedia's Director is used for the creating of the program, where Lingo has a importent part as the script language for the scenes in Director. A 3D scene is build up with codes in Lingo, a few 3d models and serveral overlays are created and displayed on the screen. Different kind of textures from pict files are is representing the overlays and put on the 3D models. That give the user a more pleasant experience when going through the exercises that helpes the user when he/she is going to navigate on a boat at sea..

Geometri : Varierad undervisning i kreativ anda

The purpose of this study is to observe which method that is used when it comes to teaching geometry. The study aims to take a closer look at four different ways of teaching: illustrations, using practical objects, brainstorming and verbal communication. The method used to get the results is observation. With the result, we can deduce primarily that the educators make use of the four didactic methods to varying degrees. There are similarities between most of the teachers but also differences between them.

Filosofi och litteratur : en studie av förhållandet mellan filosofisk litteratur och skönlitteratur och dess betydelse för kunskapsutveckling ur ett didaktiskt perspektiv.

What is the relation between literature and philosophy and what can we Learn from it? Is there something about the novel and its language, fiction and narrative that separates it from philosophical litterature? In what way is knowledge about this useful to us, and is it possible to use fiction for the understanding of philosophy?This study makes an attempt to shed some light on the by no means obviuos distinction between philosophy and literature. The aim is to understand what, if in fact there is something that separates philosophy from literature, there is about the distinction that makes it possible for us to separate the ideas in literature from philosophical ideas, and in what way we can use the novel, or fiction in its widest meaning, to understand philosophy. When teaching philosophy you´re often required to make the abstract tangible. But if there´s a misconception about the distinction in what makes philosophical literature philosophical, then maybe there is something to Learn from literature, or, at least, something about the fiction and its aesthetics, that makes it easier for us to relate to and understand, for example, the theories that are debated in moral philosophy.There are some philosophers who have used the form of fiction to make their thoughts on philosophical questions understandable.

Lätt och rätt, så blir kunden mätt - Kanalval och kontaktytor i kundresan för dagligvaruköp

The use of digital devices are widely spread among us. Children have an iPad in their hands before they Learn how to talk and we bet you look at your smartphone more times a day then you would like to admit? Interaction through these devices have become so natural in our daily life that we get confused when a retailer does not offer a website or an app. The habit of searching for information in the most accessible channel and buying in the one that offers the benefit of convenience, and of course, saves you money and time, is a common way of shopping these days. This is referred to as multi-channel shopping.

Djurhållning och hälsoproblem i svenska mjölkgetbesättningar : sett ur djurägarperspektiv

Very little is known about the health situation amongs Swedish dairy goats. The population of Swedish dairy goats can only be estimated, and that number is somewhere .

?Hur ska jag kunna lära mig det här när jag inte förstår?? : Hur elever erfar lust och olust i skolmatematiken

The aim of the study is to examine factors influencing students? feelings of pleasure or pain associated with school mathematics. Own experience of students? frustration about mathematics and concern about students not reaching desired goals is the driving force in this study. It contributes with knowledge from the students' perspective.

Internetanvändning och dess påverkan i våra liv : Hur man kan förbättra sin användarupplevelse

The usage of internet is growing significantly every year in today?s society and whether you like or not, the internet has an influence in your life. It is therefore important to find out how people are affected by its use. We have through our study interviewed a number of people that uses internet on a day to day basis, who have agreed to live without internet access for a period of time. We started out by interviewing these people about their internet usage and what it means to them, then proceeded with their non-internet access period.

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