

2568 Uppsatser om Launch Plan - Sida 56 av 172

Budgetering inom lammproduktion : en jämförelse mellan lammproducenter och Agriwisesstandardkalkyl

For a company to get the best possible profitability, requires financial planning. Budgeting isa common tool in financial planning. For operating lamb producers, a planning program suchas Agriwise is a good tool. Individual lamb producers may change certain standard figureswithin the planning program to better correspond with reality of the individual cases. In thisway, lamb producers may plan according to which revenues and costs they may expect thenext period.

Datorstöd i Geoteknik

Detta examensarbete är utfört för att få kunskap om hur man kan använda datorbaserade verktyg för att rita upp och analysera data som erhållits i samband med en geoteknisk fältundersökning. Geotekniken syftar till att få förståelse om hur olika jordarter är uppbyggda och hur jorden reagerar då den utsätts för belastningar. Dessa kunskaper är nödvändiga för att utforma grundläggningen för en byggnad.Det datorbaserade verktyg som har använts i denna rapport är programmet Novapoint GeoSuite som är ett vanligt förekommande program inom byggindustrin i Sverige. Programmet används bland annat till att ta fram plan- och sektionsritningar, samt att utföra beräkningar av släntstabilitet och sättningar för byggnader.I rapporten redovisas ett fiktivt exempel på grundläggning av en färjeterminal på ön Blixholmen i Norrköping. Exemplet syftar till att visa hur man arbetar fram geotekniska resultat med hjälp av programmet Novapoint GeoSuite.Det undersökta datorprogrammet är mycket detaljerat och ger realistiska resultat vid jämförelse med manuella beräkningar.

Fred och säkerhet? : En studie om det Svenska Försvaret utifrån tre perspektiv, Bonsdorff, Andrén och Clausewitz

Following an increase in hostile foreign activity. The discussion regarding Sweden?s defense force´s ability to perform its task has come to a new heading. With the end of the cold war as a major revolution in matters of international security, a major overhaul has taken place to transform the static total defense plan of the nation to a less rigid operational system.Following an analysis of the budgets total amount from the governments of 2002 until 2015 it is clear that while the amount of resources has never directly been lowered, it has shrunk in relation to the countries total GDP. The possible futures for the defense of Sweden bring three possibilities forward in correlation three unique perspectives on military and political policy.Out of the three possibilities the focus on military strength as a political resource seems to be garnering the most support with the latest incursions made my foreign submersibles and the ever growing presence of 5th generation of warfare.

Ungas meningsskapande litteraturläsning : En analys av fyra läromedel för gymnasieskolans litteraturundervisning

Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån nyare forskning om ungas meningsskapande läsning synliggöra hur läromedel för gymnasieskolans svenska B-kurs gör för att skapa ett intresse hos elever för skönlitteratur. På ett övergripande plan bidrar studien till den forskning som rör ungas intresse och engagemang för skönlitteratur och läsning. Fyra läromedel för gymnasieskolans litteraturundervisning har valts ut och undersökts kvalitativt med hjälp av analysfrågor konstruerade utifrån nyare forskning om ungas meningsskapande läsning. Frågorna handlar om texturval och frågeuppgifter i läroböckerna. Resultaten visar att texturvalet ofta följer ett traditionellt upplägg med kronologiska epokstudier.

Nyttan av Web 2.0 i en CRM-kontext

Web 2.0 is a relatively new concept which has made significant progress on the Internet. More recently, corporations as well have begun to get use of the different types of applications that are assigned to the Web 2.0. Organizations are primarily interested in making use of Web 2.0 in two areas: inside the company to increase efficiency and productivity, and from the organization to the customer to improve revenue and customer satisfaction. We have chosen to take a closer look at this last area, as can be seen as a CRM context. Our interest is to investigate how such a context may change by implementing some kind of Web 2.0 technology.

Varumärkets utveckling till strategisk resurs : varumärkesarbete i svenska statliga bolag

Today, Sweden has about forty companies owned by the government. These are active on markets with variable competition. Some have been given special areas of responsibility that in a practical notion make them monopolists. The period when most public companies where formed (and with that the following subjection to competition) during the nineties and early 2000's, forced the formerly protected businesses to act on the terms of the open market. Parallel to this development the brand has for the last twenty years evolved into something great strategic importance for the business, including the business-to-businesses (B2B).

Fyra lärares uppfattningar och tankar om kristen tro i arbetet i en mångkulturell skola

Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka fyra lärares uppfattningar och tankar om kristen tro i arbetet på en mångkulturell skola. I arbetet ingår intervjuer med fyra kristna lärare och deras perspektiv över att vara religiös i ett månkulturellt samhälle. Arbetet innehåller också en lexikon definition och litteraturgenomgång om religion, kultur, samhälle och religion i skolans historia. I arbetet framkom det att tro bland annat inte är något man talar högt om utan något privat men samtidigt inget man förnekar. Acceptans för andra religioner och deras högtider fanns men förståelsen för dessa var svår.


This thesis has been performed at the system development company Verendus System AB, together with the home care company Basic Care Unit (BCU).The thesis has consisted of developing a web based informationsystem for BCU in which they can administrate their business. At the time of writing this thesis, BCU was using a windows-application to administrate their activities, which was both costly aswell as resulting in an unnecessary burden. The aim the thesis has thus been to create a platform-independent information system that simplifies and streamlines BCUs work by being user-friendly aswell as imposing some simplifying features.The students has been developing the system by the help of a work method they themselves developed. The method consisted of working in several iterations that each had several milestones. The method resulted in the students knowing easily when each iteration was finished or not.The thesis resulted in a working platform independent prototype.

"Offer eller förövare?" : En kvalitativ forskningsstudie om socialtjänstens handlingsutrymme i ärenden med hedersrelaterat våld med fokus på pojkar 

The honour-related violence and opression got more attention in the years 1999 and 2002, when two young women were murdered in the name of honour in Sweden. Honour-related violence is associated with a so called honour culture, which for many symbolize the oppression of a women. It is a fact that not only girls and women are victims of this culture but also many young men and boys are exposed. The aim of this study is to illustrate how individual social workers handle cases where boys and young men are exposed to violence and oppression on the basis of the theory of discretion. In this study a qualitative research strategy has been used which involves the implementation of semi-structured interviews in the collection of empirical data.

De tre vise männen - En fallstudie av Kinas övergångsperiod

When Deng Xiaoping introduced his reform program, he began China's transition from a plan economy to a socialist market economy. Liberal theorists often argue that there is an automatic link between ?free market? and ?democracy?, however this link is not evident in China. This contradiction constitutes the problem area of this thesis.With a theoretical framework containing ?totalitarism? and ?Tang Tsous culturalist approach? I have analysed the leadership of CCP (China's Communist Party) and its strategies to maintain the Chinese political system.

Utveckling av grafiskt pekskärmsgränssnitt

Syftet med detta examensarbete är i första hand att utröna vad som händer med interaktionsspråket mellan operatör och och maskin då ett gränssnitts aktiva yta förminskas. På ett övergripande plan kan syftet utryckas i termer av vad som händer med användarens varseblivning och förståelse av gränssnittet då detta krymper.Det konkreta syftet med detta arbete är att utröna om det går att ersätta ett nuvarande foliegränssnitt (42 x 42 cm) med en pekskärm (10 x 7,5 cm) som har en aktiv gränssnittsyta som svarar mot c:a 10 % av foligränssnittets.Utvecklingen av pekskärmsgränssnittet har gjorts i samarbete med Tetra Pak i Lund. Pekskärmsgränssnittet, som skall ersätta foliegränssnittet, hör till en förpackningsmaskin som emballerar dryckesförpackningar i kartonger. Guidelines av Ben Shneiderman (1992) har legat till grund för gränssnittsutformningen.Utvärdering av det nya pekskärms- och det gamla foliegränssnittet har genomförts med ICS-metoden (Interacting Cognitive Subsystems) och fokus har varit på vad som händer då gränssnittet krymps. En jämförelse mellan gammalt och nytt gränssnitt ligger till grund för att peka på kognitiva förändringar som det nya gränssnittet kan tänkas medföra.Det teoretiska syftet med detta arbete är att utvärdera ICS-metoden i sig, samt att jämföra denna med Shneidermans guidelines..

En undersökning av projicerat ljus i inomhusmiljö

BackgroundToday a common approach to solve a complicated problem is to assemble a temporary workforce in order to solve the problem by working together within a project. One of the difficulties with working in projects is to maintain the planned budget. Working hours and costs are often exceeded. Many companies presume that any certain project will succeed, a presumption that leads companies not to anticipate risks involved in a project. In companies today there is seldom time for evaluation or moderation of a project, in order to have time for evaluation there is a great need for an adequate planning of the project.IntentThe intention with this study is to create a model for planning, budgeting and evaluation of projects within consultancy companies.MethodWith the help of interviews and discussions within the group Hamnar och Byggkonstruktioner at Sweco has evidence to present a proposal on planning, budgeting and monitoring been developed.ResultsA model has been developed to ease for consultancy companies to plan, budget, monitor and evaluate projects.

Film i undervisningen ? i egen rätt eller bara komplement? : En kvalitativ studie av tre lärares syn på spelfilm iundervisningen

The aim of this paper is to examine which attitudes and experiences teachers have around the wide text concept, which is found in the course plan for the Swedish subject, and to find out which function films have in their teaching. The starting point of the paper?s theoretical part is the Swedish subject?s course plans and current research concerning the wide text concept and film in teaching. In order to achieve the formulated aim, qualitative interviews have been performed with three Swedish teachers active in the later years of compulsory-school.The result shows that there are divided opinions of the actual meaning of the concept. However the three teachers agree that film has something to enrich the teaching of the Swedish language and they are for most part positive to using film in their teaching.

En kvalitativ studie om kreditbedömning i banker : revisionens betydelse i processen

Today all private corporations are obligated by statutory audit. The government of Sweden appointed an investigation to conclude if the audit should be statutory or not. The investigator presented on the third of April 2008 a report (SOU 2008:32) that suggests abolishment of the statutory audit for approximately 97 % of all private corporations in Sweden. This will result in certain effects on the banks credit rating because of the fact that the banks trust the audited accounts to have been audited by an independent audit.The most important in the banks credit rating are: personal judgement, business concept, business plan and repayment ability. The banks also use the private corporations audited accounts in its credit rating.We conducted a case study by interviewing four bank officials in different banks in Skövde and Tibro.

Intranät och dokumenthantering vid ett mindre till medelstort företag En fallstudie

The aim of this masters thesis is to learn how an organization has solved its information management via intranet and document management. The purpose is to identify what different types of information are made available via an intranet, how this information is structured and what functions the intranet includes. Conventions, directions and advice about intranets and document management were studied, with the purpose to compare whether the systems of the company correlate with these. Other issues considered in the thesis, are how the employees of the organization use the intranet and how the document management is organized. To get an understanding of these questions the structure and functions of the intranet were studied empirically and a questionnaire on what the employees need and use, concerning the intranet, was sent out to 130 employees.

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