604 Uppsatser om Latin-American liberation theology - Sida 15 av 41
Hela Sveriges folkkyrka : En idéanalys av Sverigedemokraternas syn på kristendomen i Sverige och Svenska kyrkan
The aim of this study is to describe ideas put forward by Sweden Democrats (Swedish: Sverigedemokraterna) about Christianity in Sweden and the Church of Sweden as a Folk Church, a church for a whole people, and how the political party uses Christianity as a part of constructing a Swedish identity. The investigation is based on official documents, newspaper articles, statements and political motions which are analysed using a form of text analysis called idea analysis. The theoretical frame of the investigation is founded on Claire Mitchell?s theory about religious content in ethnic identities and Einar Billing?s and Johan Alfred Eklund?s thoughts about what makes the Church of Sweden a Folk Church.The investigation shows, among other things, that the Sweden Democrats? view of the Church of Sweden is similar to the thoughts of Eklund but they differ in their lack of references to theology. The investigation also shows that Christianity serves as an important marker for the Sweden Democrats in creating a Swedish identity. .
Lamm blir lejon : den moraliska uppfostran i amerikansk äventyrsfilm
Denna uppsats rör den moral som presenteras för oss i amerikanska äventyrsfilmer. Tre filmer, King Arthur, Robin Hood och Gladiator, presenteras och analyseras. Hjältens handlingar är i fokus men även antagonisten och andra bikaraktärers handlingar är av vikt. Detta ställs mot den traditionella pliktetiken då vi får se om hjältens handlingar är förenliga eller strider mot den. En diskussion följer också kring filmernas upplägg och vad lockelsen med denna typ av film egentligen är..
Mer är bättre än mindre - En fyrdimensionell undersökning om kampanjmaterials påverkan på butiksmiljön
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of using more promotion material to enhance the in-store communication of sales promotion. In the retail industry today the research regarding the benefits from using various in-store promotion materials is limited, thus this study was carried out to bring clarity to this subject. The study is carried out in two pharmacies and the design of the study was to add more promotion materials to one store, while keeping the other store in its normal condition and then let the stores change conditions after one week e.g. latin-square design. The data collection of this study consists of four different methods: sales data, a questionnaire with 182 customers, an observation study of 300 consumers and an eye-tracking experiment with 41 participants.
Hasan di Tiros dagbok - Den narrativa konstruktionen av en fiendebild
Hasan di Tiro och organisationen Acheh Sumatra National Liberation Front (ASNLF) har varit den drivande kraften i kampen för ett självständigt Acheh, som sedan 1949 varit en del av Indonesien. Deras främsta argument är att när den forna nederländska kolonin upplöstes överläts Acheh till den konstruerade nationen Indonesien, ett land utan några som helst historiska eller kulturella band med Acheh. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utföra en narrativanalys på den dagbok Hasan di Tiro skrev 1976-79 mitt under den pågående frihetskampen. Vi analyserar vilka kognitiva och ideologiska uppfattningar som ligger till grund för konstruktionen av en achehnesisk fiendebild, samt hur di Tiro refererar till Indonesien som "den Andre" i sin narrativa diskurs. Vår analys visar att fiendebilden om Indonesien bygger på en stark förankring i Achehs historiska uppfattning från kolonialtiden, samt på ett resonemang där fienden avhumaniseras och sätts i en underlägsen position i kontrast till den egna identiteten..
Dekonstruktion är en dygd. En studie av moralpraktiker hos Thomas av Aquino i ljuset av Derrida
This study departs in a critique issued against the ethics of deconstruction that it does not provide good enough advice for how to turn its ehtics into "real life"-actions. Taking up the concept of moral practices as found in e.g. Alisdain MacIntyre, Stanley Hauerwas, James K.A. Smith, and Roland Spjuth, this study turns to medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas as a potential resource. Combining the teachings in Aquinas' Summa Thologica with a look into his life as a Domninican, a list of moral practices is put forth and analyzed in conjunction with Derrida's ethics.
Barnbokens roll i förskolan : litteratursyn och litteraturpedagogiskt arbete
The purpose of this master-thesis in library and information studies is to investigate how different views on children´s literature show up in pedagogical work in preschool. The aim is also to study methods used in the pedagogical work with literature. Are there any connections between views and methods? Is any view predominant or are they used in combination? The question at issue is: "Are there any connections between different views on childrens literature and pedagogical methods in preschool, and if so, how do they show?" The framework of theory is based on epistemological concepts viewing children´s literature by John Hultberg. In "Om humaniora, litteratur och tradition" he sorts out three strategies: the pragmatic, the traditional, and the emancipating.
Värvningsförbud av anställda och konkurrensbegränsande samarbeten
This thesis focuses on employers? use of non-?solicitation of employees in commercial contracts within the union?s internal market and how this can result in restrictive practices in violation of European law. Using legal method, legal economic considerations, and guidance from modern American legal development in antitrust law, this thesis is aiming to investigate how this kind of anticompetitive cooperation in the European labor market should be assessed. The result seems to be that despite a distinct and pronounced restrictive approach to the application of EU competition rules in the labor market, there are strong incentives and not any legal impediment to apply Article 101 TFEU on no cold call agreements between employers. .
Det mörka hörnet? Ett förslag till en relativistisk postmodernism
abstractThe aim of this essay is to try to convince the reader that relativism and postmodernism (the latter implying the former, but not the other way around) can be reasonable methods for the social sciences, rather than the irresponsible play of ?extremes? theories of this kind sometimes are made out to be.The intention is to do this by way of the later Wittgenstein, the philosophy of whom is the foundation for what is termed relativism and postmodernism in this essay (definitions of a kind that are here claimed to be missing from the discourse of the social sciences). The essay also contains an empirical presentation/analysis, displaying the Wittgensteinian theory through an aspect of the American Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and -60s..
Två-Och flerspråkighet som "språkpolicy" i förskolan
The purpose of the essay was to investigate the way four different educators, at a pre-school with a bilingual profile, work towards strengthening the children?s bilingualism as well as their identity. The research questions concern which guidelines are being used, the educators perceptions concerning children?s bi- and multilingualism and in what way they believe that their pre-school distinguishes itself from others.Qualitative individual interviews and observations were conducted and the empirical data was analyzed using a theoretical framework, constructed of theories concerning language development, ethnicity and identity.The result presented in the study shows that the pre-school not only follows the national curriculum but also their own guideline. The guideline states that there should be both Spanish- and Swedish speaking personnel and that they are ?responsible? for the education in their own language.
ELEVINFLYTANDE ? Verklighet eller fiktion? - En studie om elevdemokrati
This paper examines the amount of influence that upper secondary school pupils of the Swedish voluntary school system. The curriculum clearly states that democratic values are to be instilled with the pupils at an early age, and that the pupils are to have a degree of democratic influence over their tutelage. This paper is based upon a survey, which involves one hundred and fourteen pupils at the Malmö Latin gymnasium. The hypothesis argues that upper secondary school pupils in Sweden have very little knowledge in this area and it contradicts much of the previous research done in this field. The pupils´ ages vary from fifteen to eighteen years of age.The survey shows that the pupils of this school have little or no knowledge of their democratic rights within the school boundaries.
Bells helvete. En konstruktivistisk analys av helvetesbilden i Rob Bells 'Love Wins'
This paper is an analysis of the hell theme in Rob Bell's book Love Wins. A Book About Heaven, Hell and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived. Using a constructivist text analysis the essay examines how Bell creates a theology around the image of hell that he advocates. The study aims to analyze and explain how Bell constructs the meaning he advocates in the concept of hell. This includes an analysis of the passages in the book that discusses what the term hell refers to and the passages that deal with properties of hell.
Ut ur hedersförtryck : En studie baserad på sju självbiografier skrivna av kvinnor som levt under hedersförtryck.
The aim of this study is to understand which strategies helped women escape honourbased violence, by reading the autobiographies of seven women. Honourbased violence is a relatively new problem in Sweden, but it has existed for a long time. According to FN (2012) 5000 women are murdered every year in the name of honour. Honourbased violence is about maintaining the honour of the family. Womens sexuality is connected to men´s honour, and because of that they are not allowed to express it.
Spelglädje och struktur : En studie av gitarrundervisning i Sverige och USA.
This study examines the similarities and differences between four guitar teachers in Sweden and the U.S. The aim of the study is to examine how teachers motivate their pedagogical standpoints and to analyze how they experience the frame factors that limit their teaching. Data were collected through interviews with two Swedish teachers and two American teachers. The result shows that the teachers, despite their seemingly different contexts, actually have a lot of common strategies and approaches. Most significant is the tendency to let the students decide some of the content of the lessons.
Militant nationalism efter den 11/9 En fallstudie över den baskiska nationalistiska befrielserörelsen
In this thesis I discuss and analyse the use of violence of Basque radical nationalists after the 11th of September 2001 and the bombing of Madrid the 11th of March 2004. The field study is performed in the Basque country with interviews both on the French and Spanish side of the border with representatives from the Basque Nationalist Liberation Movement (BNLM).After the 11th of September the Spanish government continued its struggle against the countries own terror - ETA. But as the research will show the new political context after the 11/9 made it possible for the state to intensify the labelling of groups from the BNLM as terrorist organisations and thereby putting its members and leaders in prison for terrorism. My research shows that this social change may lead to a mobilisation of activists inside ETA, which in turn might create a continuity of the group's use of violence. The scenario is though challenged by an other setting in which the political situation after the 11/9 have made use of violence by militant groups like ETA illegitimate and irrational as a consequence of the mental trauma among the people of the western world.
Varför stannar en kvinna hos en man som slår? : Forskning kring mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer
This study has a qualitative approach and deals with difficult issues that arise in connection to male violence against women in close relations. The purpose of this study is to bring clarity to why women stay in violent relationships. I have been studying two leading theories, one called the Normalization Process of Violence represented by Eva Lundgren (sociology and theology). The other leading theory is the Neutralization of Violence represented by Margareta Hydén (fil dr and leg psycho therapeut).I have also studied the fight between these two theories for the leading position in the research on male violence against women. Eva Lundgren presents her theory through a structural perspective.