

345 Uppsatser om Laser Cutting - Sida 5 av 23

Rehabiliteringsmetoder för häst och hund :

Today, many veterinary hospitals offer rehabilitation as a service. We think that this is an interesting subject and therefore we want to find out what rehabilitation methods that are available in Sweden for dogs and horses. We want to give animal nurses and other persons who have animals as an occupation an survey that shortly describes how the methods are performed, what physical effect they have in the body and to give examples in what conditions they are used. To find out what rehabilitation methods that are available we sent out two different questionnaires, one to hospitals/clinics for small animals and one to hospitals/clinics for horses and other companies that works with rehabilitation of horses. The information about the methods described in our project we have found in literature and on the Internet.

Outsourcing av UAS-data : Informationshantering av data insamlad viaUAS

This reports purpose is to give a general view on how to handle information collectedthrough photogrammetry and laser scanning with the help of UAS. The report ismade in collaboration with WSP Group and will briefly describe howphotogrammetry and laser scanning, also known as Lidar, works and how those areused in the construction business today. Then the focus will be on how gathered datais handled today, how outsourcing of data should be approached and if there are anyconsequences if data is handled in the wrong way. Interviews have been made with allparts in the UAS business. That includes authorities as Transporstyrelsen,Försvarsmakten.

Skogsmarksgödsling : en ekonomisk analys av olika gödslingsstrategier för ett skogsinnehav i norra Sverige

The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic effects of different fertilization programs both on stand- and forest-level. The study is applied on an objective sample of inventory data for a forest area in Kalix in northern Sweden. The forest area belongs to the forest company Sveaskog. The study includes different economic models and will be used as a support when the company decides how to invest and how much to invest in fertilization. The study investigates the economy of five different fertilization policies. For each program the rate of interest invested in fertilization and the cost for the extra produced volume has been calculated.

Restspänningar i arc-förångade (Ti(1-x)Al(x))N ytskikt

This report is the written documentation of a project work carried out at the Division of Engineering Materials at Luleå University of Technology in cooperation with Seco Tools AB. The project deals with the analysis of residual stresses in Ti-Al-N thin film grown on WC/Co cutting inserts. The composition of Al varied from 0% up to 75%. Increasing the Al content in the Ti(1-x)Alx N compound improves the compressive residual stresses even after annealing of the material. The experiments have been performed in a high temperature x-ray diffractometer (HTXRD) where the interplanar atomic spacing was determined in-situ and subsequent converted into stresses.

En litteraturstudie om refraktiv kirurgi med fördjupning inom LASIK (Laser In Situ Keratomileusis)

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att göra en kort redovisning av de vanligaste tekniker (LASIK, LASEK, PRK och RLE) som finns inom refraktiv kirurgi med en fördjupning inom LASIK (laser in situ keratomileusis). Studiens syfte är att ta reda på hur LASIK operationen går till, vilka som är lämpade kandidater och vilka de vanligaste riskerna som finns.Bakgrund: Keratorefraktiv kirurgi har utvecklats enormt under de senaste årtionden. De initiala försöken att korrigera sfärocylindriska refraktiva fel med corneal kirurgi och första generationen excimer laser kirurgi var effektiva för korrigering av lägre refraktiva fel. Utvecklingen av mer komplex laserteknologi har gett mer noggranna och förutsägbara resultat. Detta har gjort att indikationer för den refraktiva kirurgin har expanderat.

Digitizing the Parthenon using 3D Scanning : Managing Huge Datasets

Digitizing objects and environments from real world has become an important part of creating realistic computer graphics. Through the use of structured lighting and laser time-of-flight measurements the capturing of geometric models is now a common process. The result are visualizations where viewers gain new possibilities for both visual and intellectual experiences. This thesis presents the reconstruction of the Parthenon temple and its environment in Athens, Greece by using a 3D laser-scanning technique. In order to reconstruct a realistic model using 3D scanning techniques there are various phases in which the acquired datasets have to be processed.

Inventering av röjningsobjekt från helikopter :

In time with HolmenSkog district Egenskog Norrköping´s decreasing mountain of cleaning, the office started to look around for new alternative cleaning strategies to lower the costs connected with cleaning. One option was to make the inventory strategy more effective and after a phonecall with the head of the district, Jonnie Friberg, the planning started to try inventory in pictures taken from a helicopter. The pictures was at last taken from a digtal camera and the vegetationheight was mesured with a laser. The gear was supplied from Kallax Flyg AB, Luleå. In the trial 15 stands was selected depended on age and different mixtures between pine (Pinus sylvestris), spruce (Picea abies) and birch (Betula pubescense and Betula pendula).

Förslag till ombyggnation av klipp- och bockningsmaskin

This thesis work has been performed on request by SWT (Scandinavia WeldTech AB). SWT manufactures, develop and sell ready to assemble building systems for concrete rafter beam applications. The beams in this system consist of a u-beam that is welded to a flange. To be able to fill the beams with concrete there is holes in the beams top end. The holes are made in a ?punching machine?.  These holes are cut out and the remaining steel piece is bent down in the u-beam.

Relikta landskap i Lommaryds socken ? identifiering av bandparceller med hjälp av laserdata.

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Landskapsvårdens hantverk15 hp, [2014]. (På omslaget felaktigt 2013).

Just In Time : Effektivisering av materialflöden med hjälp av principer från Inventory Management och Production Management

AbstractManagement is a field that started getting attention in the beginning of the 20th century by Frederick Taylor. His publication is called the Principles of Scientific Management and is based on the principles of using scientific methods to find the best way of conducting each operation within a production facility. Many of Taylor?s principles may appear obsolete today but the matter of an effective material flow is still highly current. Efficiency is the relationship between the input into an operation and its result.

Segmentering och klassificering av LiDAR-data

With numerous applications in both military and civilian life, the demand for accurate 3D models of real world environments increases rapidly. Using an airborne laser scanner for the raw data acquisition and robust methods for data processing, the researchers at the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) in Linköping hope to fully automate the modeling process.The work of this thesis has mainly been focused on three areas: ground estimation, image segmentation and classification. Procedures have in each of these areas been developed, leading to a new algorithm for ground estimation, a number of segmentation methods as well as a full comparison of various decision values for an object based classification. The ground estimation algorithm developed has yielded good results compared to the method based on active contours previously elaborated at FOI. The computational effort needed by the new method has been greatly reduced compared to the former, as performance, particularly in urban areas, has been improved.

Hänsyn till mark och vatten vid slutavverkning : en fältstudie på känsliga marker

The purpose of this study is to investigate if there is enough consideration taken to sensitive forest areas close to water or wetlands during clear cutting assignments, and to estimate the extent of damage made by forestry machines used at that time. A field and literature study is used to show how to improve and prevent the damage made in the wake of the machines. This study is made for Sydved, and shall culminate in a policy to prevent ground damage during their clear cutting assignments. The areas which were part of the field studies were clearcuttings on fine grained soil close to water and wetlands. The purpose was to find out if the water had been affected, what had been done to prevent ground damages and what more could have been done. The results of the field studies show that more work needs to be done to reach up to expectations. More information about the assignment area, better planning of sensitive regions, and strengthening of the main haul roads with brush are some of the improvements that can be done. There is also a need for more exact guidelines, follow-ups and education for everyone involved to have the same goals and understanding to prevent ground damage..

Hylshantering samt flödesanalys

Trioplanex International AB is a part of the group Trioplast Industrier AB, which produces packaging materials for the film and hygiene industry. The group is active throughout Europe, where most of the production is located in Sweden, with head office in Smålandsstenar. Operations in Landskrona consist of Trioplanex International AB and Trioplast Landskrona.Semi-finished articles consisting of paper cores, so called bobbins, give rise to a high amount of core waste in any form of core cutting. The objective of the report is to map out all core waste and illustrate the material flow with regard to present layout and equipment.In the beginning of the project an analysis of the current process was carried out with focus on the cutting equipment. A case study in the form of an improvement work took place in order to reduce the causes which had the biggest impact on existing machinery.Improvement proposals were discussed by the author together with supervisor, assigner and other parties involved.

Bakteriell produktion i humösa istäckta sjöar i norra Sverige

The main purposes of this study were to 1) quantify bacterial production in winter during ice conditions, and 2) to compare these production measures with values measured from summer and open water conditions in three humic lakes situated in northern Sweden. Another purpose of this study was to 3) examine whether clear-cutting significantly affected bacterial production or water chemistry in two lakes situated in catchments were a large part of the forest had been removed through logging compared to an undisturbed reference lake. In winter (March/April 2014), the bacterial production ranged from 0, 7 - 2, 2 µgC/L/day and in the summer of 2013 the production values was 4 ? 10 times higher. The main reason for lower bacterial production in winter was ascribed to lower water temperatures as well as to older and more recalcitrant DOC, as there were no significant differences in total dissolved nitrogen or DOC concentration or -quality, that could explain a lower production compared to summer.

Underliv och överordning ? En diskursanalys om motståndsaktivisternas tal om kvinnlig könsstympning/omskärelse i Tanzania

The aim of this study is to analyze the discourses of activists who work against female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in Tanzania. The study focus on the discourses that arise during interviews about FGM/C with five activists. To examine this we asked the following questions: What discourses are presented in the interviews? How do these discourses interact together ? are there any discourse conflicts? How do the activists talk about FGM/C in comparison to our western view? The study is based on discourse theory. We also use feminism and postcolonialism as theories in our analyze.

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