

6494 Uppsatser om Large technical systems (LTS) - Sida 61 av 433

Uppvärmning av mjölkgård med ved, flis eller havre :

The background for my thesis is the fact that with rising electricity and oil prices it becomes interesting to calculate on alternative heating systems. I have chosen to calculate upon my parents? farm, which today heats the dwelling house with wood. This is very time-consuming work, time which could be spent on other work. The main objective for this study is to compare three different heating systems to decide how they differ considering effort and cost. The result from the calculations was that grain-heating system demanded the least amount of work, but the total cost was a little higher compared to chips heating. Chips heating required half as much work as today?s wood heating and had a little lower total costs compared with the corn heating. Which system to choose largely depends on how the own work is valued.

Funktionaliteten i skogsmaskiners GIS-system

Holmen Skog is currently using a GPS-program called TraktInfo, originally developed within the company. They are now planning to switch to a new GPSprogram or allowing the contractors to buy other programs available from the logging equipment manufacturers. To be able to offer this flexibility, Holmen Skog needs to obtain information about the features offered by the different manufacturers in their specific programs, and also when the manufacturers are planning to start selling programs adapted to the new standard called StanFord2010. According to the study, the manufacturers are hesitant to StanFord2010 and there has also been a lack of clear signals from the customers and clients about what kind of different new features to include in the programs. The feature most frequently used by forest machine operators today is the option to keep record of the harvester?s path by creating a ?log plot?. This feature was not used to its full potential however, since only one out of eight of the forwarders included in the study had computers that were compatible with the harvester?s computer.

Testverktyg för ett automatiserat system

Most often when developing a new system there is a need get a functioning testtool up and running. Including time, cost and resources the solution isn?t always obvious, developing your own or buy one ?of the shelf?. The purpose of this thesis is to study how a general testtool for executing functional tests should be designed to be reusable, be based on recognized knowledge and be able to fast and simple be customized for different types of systems. Key functions from the litterature is presented and used in the design of a testtool prototype.

Gode mäns syn på levnadsförhållanden för personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar : - En kvalitativ studie

The main purpose of this study was to examine if, and how, persons with psychological impairments have worse living conditions than the population average. The papers intention was to investigate and describe these conditions and to analyze them based on theories of stigma, and systems theory. This paper was composed on a qualitative study in which god men have been interviewed, in addition to accomplish the purpose. This study has highlighted the four individual areas of economy, employment, housing conditions and social relations. Results have shown that people with mental disabilities tend to live in worse living conditions than the population average.

Elektroniskt publicerad litteratur: Beskrivningen av dess för- och nackdelar i svensk bibliotekspress 2000-2004.

During the changes of time, the stipulations for the existence of books and libraries also change. With technical advances come new possibilities, and the option to publish literature electronically is one of them. The purpose of this Master's thesis is to answer the question how the advantages and disadvantages of electronically published literature is described and constructed. To further deepen the analysis these questions were asked: What aims are the electronically published literature said to achieve? Why are the electronically published literature said to achieve these aims? And who are favoured/disfavoured by electronically published literature? The analyzed publications are four Swedish library related publications: Biblioteksbladet, Dik-forum, Ikoner and Nya Ciceron.

Systemarkitektur för presentation av geografiskinformation- Utredning av Informationssystem och produkter

Banverket Trafik has a responsibility to make sure that the companies who traffic the Swedish railroad have the correct information about the status of the railroad. One of Banverket Trafiks information systems (Opera) presents the train?s actual position on a map and provides the user with physical information about the trains. Due to increasing demands on the information systems, Banverket Trafik needs to update the present system architecture in order to manage the increasing demands on map graphics and map functions. This paper analysis the information system Opera on the basis of theory and support of methods and discuss problems and demands for Opera.

Hur bör unga hundar av storvuxna raser utfodras?

The dog is unique in the way that the adult weight can vary 100 folds between the different breeds. Despite this, most of the breeds reach adult size before two years of age. For the large-breed dogs this means a very rapid growth when some of them can have a weight gain of up to 150 times their birth weight. The most rapid growth occurs when the puppies are between three to six months old and that kind of rapid growth during such a short period of time makes these large-breed puppies very sensitive to deficits and excesses of energy, nutrients and minerals. Some examples can be excess of energy, excess or deficit of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus or deficits of protein. The rapid growth can also make the large-breed puppies predisposed to some diseases affecting the skeletal and joints.

Ekobyn, ett framtida koncept

Jönköping's municipality requested a diploma work witch would present the experiences, as arisen during the existence of the echo village Smeden.To recive information for the background, literature at the university library were searched at the database "Libris" with words like "echo village" and "ecological living".Data was retrieved from 28 questionnaires that were sent out to the inhabitants of the echo village Smeden. The questionnaires contained questions about experiences, opinions, ideas and thoughts about living in this echo village. The results were analyzed and presented by diagrams and tables and showed that the inhabitants where most unsatisfied with the sewer and the system of the toilet. In the opposite the inhabitants experienced that the remaining systems were in satisfactory and the majority of the inhabitants were very pleased with their living conditions.Conclusions of this study are that an echo village would be a suitable alternative to an ordinary living and that ecological living would be something that would work well even in the future. An important thing to remember is that the systems of the households must be easy for the inhabitants to maintain otherwise the environmental thinking would be in risk of failure if some don?t have the energy to manage this properly..

Manöverkrigets förutsättning : En kvalitativ studie om förhållandet mellan praktik och teori

The term maneuver warfare is frequently used in western defense doctrines and theoreticaltextbooks. The ambition of the Swedish armed forces is to attempt maneuver warfare in allappropriate situations. Theories and doctrines indicate the importance of decentralized command and control systems. Mission command (Auftragstaktik) is one such system and should be applied to all situations of the Swedish Armed Forces. There are theoretical and doctrinal bases for warfare and command, but in practice, what are the preconditions for this? Previous research addresses many theoretical questions but there are flaws in existing studies investigating practical realities.The purpose of this study has been to reach a deeper understanding of armed forces ability to maneuver warfare by analyzing conformity of command and leadership perspectives in practice.This is an interview-based qualitative case study in which respondent´s statements were analyzed and interpreted in relation to a theoretical framework.

Projektering av ett småhus med fördjupning i uppvärmningssystem

This report aims to examine the design of a passive house. The design addresses the selection ofmaterial, sizing and selection of both building services systems and building technical features suchas load-bearing framework and moisture control. Interior layout is designed for a family of twoadults and one child.A big part of the report is devoted to an in-depth comparison of three different wall constructions ofpassive house standard. The structures that have been compared are a lightweight timber structure, aheavier concrete structure and a sandwich wall of the brand Weber Leca. The report covers variousaspects such as air flow, wall thickness, the risks associated with the construction, U-value, thermalbridges, power consumption, price, and assembly costs.

Lekkultur i förskoleklassen ur ett genus perspektiv : En observationstudie om flickor och pojkars lek

Purpose: The aim of this paper is to investigate whether there are differences between big cities and small cities in adventure tourism. The cities that are studied are Stockholm and Visby.Methodology: The study is based on a qualitative method. We have done interviews and observation. We also used books and internet when collecting information.        Conclusions: The study has shown that differences exist between large and small cities. People seek out the opposite, whether you're from a big city or small town.

Passivhus : En jämförelse mellan olika byggnadstekniska lösningar för ytterväggar

This report aims to examine the design of a passive house. The design addresses the selection ofmaterial, sizing and selection of both building services systems and building technical features suchas load-bearing framework and moisture control. Interior layout is designed for a family of twoadults and one child.A big part of the report is devoted to an in-depth comparison of three different wall constructions ofpassive house standard. The structures that have been compared are a lightweight timber structure, aheavier concrete structure and a sandwich wall of the brand Weber Leca. The report covers variousaspects such as air flow, wall thickness, the risks associated with the construction, U-value, thermalbridges, power consumption, price, and assembly costs.

Identifiering av merva?rden i EPC-projekt

In this report a study is carried out with the aim to identify added values of EPC projects implemented in schools in order to increase the interest of EPC projects on the market. The report examines how the planned maintenance, supervision, maintenance and corrective maintenance is affected, how insurance premiums and terms are affected, the indoor environment and how the tasks of the operating staff is changing. A literature study of energy savings, energy use in schools, maintenance and insurance as well as how energy efficiency improvements are related to the Swedish environmental objectives has been made. Visits were carried out in Ludvika, interviews were also carried out with operation technicians and local strategists in Ludvika as well as employees of insurance companies.Schools often have neglected maintenance and problems with ventilation and indoor environment. Schools also have a large energy saving potential due to their low utilization, mainly because they are empty parts of the year.

Det balanserade styrkortets påverkan på ett kommunalt fastighetsbolag : - En studie av Karlstads Bostads AB

I den här rapporten undersöks med utgångspunkt från empiriska data om momentumstrategier har genererat en överavkastning på Stockholmbörsens Large Cap-lista mellan februari 2000 och februari 2010. Vi undersöker även för vilka tidshorisonter som effekten är starkast, samt vilken påverkan transaktionskostnader och riskjustering har på överavkastningen. Resultatet visar på en statistiskt säkerställd överavkastning för sex (6) av de totalt sexton (16) momentumstrategier som ingått i studien. Dessutom visade alla övriga momentumstrategier en icke statistiskt säkerställd överavkastning. Effekten ter sig starkast för urvalsperioder samt investeringsperioder på 3-6 månader, vilket är inom det intervall på 3-12 månader som Jagadeesh och Titman (1993) fann i sin studie.

Fem-studie av rörelser i planet mellan bakaxelbrygga ADA1100 och centralväxelhuslock R780

This thesis has been performed at Scania CV AB Technical Centre in Södertälje and its aim hasbeen to study the causes and effects of deformations in the interface between the rear axlehousing ADA1100 and the central gear house R780 during operation. Design changes that wouldincrease the sealing capability of the studied interface are also suggested. Finite element (FE)and CAD software have been the primary tools in this study.Finite element (FE) simulations are used in the industry to predict and develop engineeringdesigns. The main motive for FE simulations has traditionally been to identify weak spots in thedesign, regarding high tensions and large deformations.The FE model is an aggregation of submodels and interface models that represents the rear axlehousing, suspension, central gear, central gear housing, wheels, bolts and weldings, and theirinteractions. The submodels have different material properties and they are connected withcontact interface models.Boundary conditions are defined on the bushings in front of the rear axle and on the air bellowsbehind the rear axle.

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